#the runaway


Yesterday I managed to kill the final boss of Darkest Dungeon 2 during the livestream and I’m still running on the adrenaline from that! So I sketched this little Runaway, that turned out to be the MVP of the whole journey

A Spanish short film by Victor Carrey.

One of the best I’ve seen for a while.

#la huida    #the runaway    #victor carrey    #short film    #spanish    


The Runaway - 11

Summary: Nesta Archeron has earned herself banishment from Velaris and a one-way ticket to Illyria, courtesy of her little sister. Tired of having her agency stripped away, Nesta decides the time has come to strike out on her own and runs from the Night Court without a backwards glance.

Cassian has bided his time with Nesta on his High Lady’s behalf. When he realizes that Nesta had set off without him, Cassian decides to take matters into his own hands. He is going to bring Nesta home. He’ll just have to find her first.

For readers 18+


Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8 |Chapter 9|Chapter 10



His very own personal fucking hellhole

The Autumn Court

Cassian woke up wanting to die.

It felt like someone had taken an axe to his head; the sharp, pulsing pain was so acute that it sent him collapsing back into bed the moment he tried to rise.  Nausea quickly accompanied the ache, rolling through his body the second his head hit the mattress.  It took every scrap of self-control to not vomit all over himself, and he wasn’t entirely sure he’d conquer that particular battle yet.  The acidic contents of his stomach still sloshed around, threatening to spew out of him like a bolt from the blue.   

He rolled onto his side, dragging the pillow over his head in a pathetic attempt to block out the sunlight.  His mouth was dry.  His too-thick tongue was sticking to the roof of his mouth.   Water.  A sip of water should help.  

Cassian blindly reached out towards the side table, grasping around in search of a glass of water, anything to rinse out his cottonmouth.  His hand landed onto an empty bottle of whiskey - the very same bottle that started it all - and a wave of nausea came crashing back.  He moaned pathetically, the sound muffled by the pillow and barely audible over the throbbing in his head.     

I really need to get it together, he thought feebly. 

Then made absolutely no effort to move.

Keep reading

“It’s just Cassian,” said Cassian, “and I’m not one for pretty flowers.  Although truth be told, your daughter-in-law did help me appreciate the more understated benefits that a garden can possess.”

That was the moment we started to like each other.  Eris had realized, all those years ago.  That was the moment we became friends.  

But sometimes Nesta would reach out and clasp his hand, squeezing it in a show of solidarity.  

It was around that time Eris realized his feelings for his wife had grown beyond simple friendship.  

We still have a little more time  together.”

What I’ve been trying to explain, Prince of Bastards, is even though Nesta may become distracted by the occasional flight of fancy, she always returns home to Autumn.” 

OMG THIS WAS AMAZING. THANK YOU. like y'all know I’m a massive nessian shipper but man does ErisxNesta make me feel THINGS I live it. I just love them so so much. Ugh is it wrong that I’m dreading Nesta and Cassian getting together???? This was just perfect. The courtly passive aggressive taunts. The bat boys taunting Cassian. ERIS and Eris falling in love and not just lust and omg he doesn’t know Nesta and CAS and mates and my poor boy is going to be HuRT omg. This is exactly what I needed after acosf
