#the shredder


Scottie Ray’s Shredder voice is so iconic, man. Legit the voice I hear in my head even when I read the comics.

Risetober Day 9 - Shredder



Ch'rell supremacy post

COLORCODED RANT (unedited) 1

Can he and his sis both speak as much English and they can speak Korean?

His sis can only speak Korean and is homeschooled because of that, while Casey can speak both but usually talk English more, because well he’s in New York. At home tho they exclusively speak Korean

Or were they like, almost forbidden to learn by their mom because she’s a huge bitch asdvdv and once she was gone they got to learn a lot more from their dad?

yeah. She left when Hye-Jin was a teeny tiny baby so she never held any power over her, and since her brother and father only spoke Korean at home, she only learned Korean.
Casey tho was punished whenever he spoke Korean in front of his mom, even if he learned it from his dad speaking on the phone when working or other mundane things. Once she was out of the picture he was finally able to speak Korean freely and by speaking it more, learning more.

What does Casey think of his mom? You told me the story mostly from the dad’s point of view so I’m curious dhfbf

She’s a huge bitch but she’s still his mom and he misses her sometimes, but still doesn’t want to see her He misses the few nice moments he had with her, but he knew that if he went back he’d only get the bad

Mikey: “SpIKeY for Raph. rOUnD for Leo. TecHy REcTaNgLy for Donnie. sQUigGLy noNSEnsE for me. :)”

Mikey just went “imma do a character analysis real quick, do you mind?” While taking notes and doodling on a notebook

Raph : “yeah I mind”
Mikey, silently : so spike for you

Mikey, pointing at Donnie: “you give me rectangle vibes”
Donnie: “what the fuck does that even mean”

Donnie coming out of his lab for the first time in days and that’s the first thing he hears

Mikey, very seriously:  "You can’t rush art, Donnie. This is very important research I’m doing right now.“
Donnie: "okay????”
Donnie: “Anyone know what’s going with Mikey?”
Raph: “No idea, he told me something about character analysis?? And then he said ‘yes. Spikes and mountains. Perfect.’ and then left.”
Leo: “He said I was 'happy round cloud shaped’, I have no idea what that means but I’m taking it as a compliment.

also ! Casey’s main embroidery shape is bones, because Mikey came over to test and Casey went. No. Bones. Make bones.
Mikey : "but-”
Casey : “B O N E S”

Okay so Leo role is leader, Raph would be the tank, Mikey would be the sneaky one (he’s the best at it surprisingly becaude he learned he could freak his brothers out more efficiently) so like a spy-ish role, and Donnie is the healer/support when not in battle.
April is the “air support” like a sniper, and Casey is the guy that can punch good

Okay so so as I said before, April is Canadian, and she can speak both English and French fluently.
She lives alone with her dad and their family dog (beloved by Raph whenever they’re able to visit). Her mom still lives in Canada and she goes to see her during holidays, since they’re divorced (but on good terms. Rip he took the dog AND the kid in the divorce)
Her dad knows about the turtles and is chill with it, because he DOESN’T KNOW they’re danger magnets.
He has been aware of the turtles and Splinter since April was around 5, and sometimes comes by to visit Splinter (which is a good friend of his)

zdgvehf Raph is the kind of person who just stays with the pets during family reunions dfhdbfhj
Raph: sees a doggo
Raph: “I will not leave your side ever.”

Does April’s dad know the turtles she hangs out with are ninjas (I’m guessing yes since he seems to know Splinter well)? That doesn’t really inspire 'safe’ xD (if you learn how to fight, usually that means you feel like you’re in some kind of danger xD)
He does ! Splinter doesn’t know they’re hiding the danger magnet fact, so he was honest, he said they started it because he practiced it and they were interested. Literally the truth.

“than just saying Donnie is the medic just because he’s smart (ah yes, once again, scientists know every skill, even medicine for some reason).”

Okay so I know it wasn’t a direct attack (even though I took -40 emotional damage) BUT ! I’ve thought about it before going : Donnie healer
Okay so first of all he’s not great
Like he mixes up elbows and knees. But since he’s still the best (apart from Splinter) he patches them up until they can get to Splinter.
I gave him the medic role with the support role because even though NOW he likes ninjaing, it’s still not his main thing, like Mikey. He’s not as invested as the others in the ninja activity and his main skills lies elsewhere coughengineering and strategycough.
He does his best as healer, he’s still learning with Splinter (who is not hospital level but he is pretty good. Which mean that if one of the bois get a REALLY BAD injury, they’re in the shit because no one can heal them) (modifié)
I made it so Mikey and Donnie were more interested in other fields (even if Mikey IS more invested than Don) because of the capacity gap in 2012 I never understood. So the fact they start late is 1 of the reason, and also the fact they are less invested than Leo and Raph (who are DEDICATED, and REALLY GOOD AT IT)
Also I have new infos about Colorcoded :
-Donnie is turtle hyperlax, which means he can pop in his shell and pop any limbs from any hole (which freaks his brothers out) FIY : this is 100% not a real thing, do not try this on your turtle at home
-Donnie, April and Casey are VERY close and besties. I can’t have Capritello but I want incredible bond and friendship
-Sara Navidad fight with 2 frying pans that can get electrified. It looks cooler than it sounds

Also do you remember mikey’s role is being sneaky ? Okay so he’s really good at it however problem : he’s a terrible spy because he’s bad at gathering informatio’s

Informations being given :
Mikey, bored to death, not listening

Mikey: “I remained unseen :)”
Donnie: “ok but what did you see there?”
Mikey: “I found a cool bug at some point”

Leo : So, Mike what did you learn ?
Mikey : :0
Leo :

Mikey, in his head : so I WAS standing above the foot clan for 20 minutes for a reason
Donnie: “you were supposed to tale a picture of the foot clan’s headquarters, do you at least have that?”
Mikey: “Nope! But wanna these cool pictures of pigeons I took while I was there?”

Donnie : “surprisingly i want the picture of the foot clan headquarters like I asked”
Leo : “you should focus more Mikey, however I would love to see these pigeons :)”

Leo: scolding Mikey but also slightly encouraging him in the process dhfbdffd

Leo is VERY supportive in any given situation. Which also means he does have some trouble having authority
Leo, very gently : “Mikey, do you think you could focus a little bit more next time if possible ?”
Mikey : “yeah i’ll try :)”
Raph : “no you’ll succeed because I ain’t doing it so you better get that brain focused got it ?”
Mikey : “yeah yeah yep mhmmm okay you know what ? I’m gonna go right now, yes.”
Raph : has the authority but not the skill
Leo : has the skill but not the authority

Mikey: “I saw a cool painting in one of the foot’s hideouts so I sneaked in for an hour with a notebook to draw it.”
Leo: “that was incredibly dangerous of you and very unnecessary.”
Leo: “Can I see the drawing tho?”

Jumping back but i find it really funny that Donnie is horrible at being a medic but since he IS the medic it does mean that the others are worse

Mikey, who cut his hand slightly while cooking: “ow :(”

Donnie: “did you try to treat a cut with ICE????”
Raph: “In hindsight, it may not have been very smart”

Mikey: “my hand is cold now :(”

Alternate ending :

Mikey’s hand being infected, him passed out on the floor :
Donnie : “YA THINK ???”

Raph : “So now what ?”
Leo, pulling a chainsaw : “well obviously-”
Donnie : “N o”

Leo or Mikey get hurt but they’re Raph and Donnie aren’t there so they only have one braincell to figure out what to do xDD
the disaster
the chaos

Donnie and Raph comes back to see Leo and Mikey wrapped in bandages and band-aids with 3 first aid kits open with medical tools on the floor scattered everywhere, there’s a fire in the corner of the room for some reason: “WHAT THE SHELL HAPPENED HERE?”
Mikey: “Leo hurt his leg and we tried to fix it :(”
Leo: “I think it kinda worked”
Donnie: “What”

“no he got cut a little there”

Imagine the cut is the 1 (one) part of the body that wasn’t bandaged
They failed

Leo: “He wanted to feel included”

Donnie the little bro somehow the most responsible : the return
Meanwhile, Raph taking pictures, sending them to Casey and April and laughing with them through text

Raph can’t socialize

Leo: Can’t lie for shit
Donnie: Is terrible at first aid even if it’s one of his roles in the team
Raph: Can’t socialize
Mikey: Cant’ focus (adhd go brrrr)

Raph socialization skills extand to first meeting villains. He’s awkward and tries to « make a good first impression » which prevents him from fighting good. After around a week of getting to know the villain he then beat them up properly and turns back to Raph.


Alright so as said before, Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi are extremely similar, the main difference being the ambition.

Both Yoshi and Saki were in the same clan and grew up together, like brothers. They were much closer and friendlier than most version, not really rivals, and if so, only playfully. They got along great and became ninjas together.
Saki inherited the clan in the end, and changed it’s name to the Foot Clan (i have yet to determine why). Yoshi was by his side, his right hand man, and they fully trusted eachother.

However, Saki got ambitious. He wanted to extand the clan’s help to other cities, to other countries. Yoshi was much more traditional and insisted their help should remain in Kyoto.
They disagreed and fought over it, openly in front of the clan, because nothing is hidden.
Part of the clan were with Saki, part with Yoshi. The clan split, and then was born the Hamato clan. They remained in Kyoto, helping people with the Foot (rivalry being there this time).

The Foot Clan extanded to other major japanese city, such as Tokyo and Osaka. Yoshi was young and impulsive, and was boiling because of Saki’s decision, and attacked the Foot Clan in Kyoto.

War ensued, and deads were counted. Realizing what he had done, Yoshi withdrawed from the war, and, ashamed, exiled himself.
He travelled the world with the burden of what he had done heavy on his shoulders. He aged and learned, becoming a wise man. During his passage in New York, he was drawn to a pet store with a giant paper claiming it was closing and every animal not adopted would be sent to animal control (essentially killed). There weren’t much animals left, and the deadline was far. Yoshi past in front of it and continued his way.
A few days later, curious and worried, he passed again, a day before the deadline, and all the animals were gone, except for four tiny baby turtles.
Yoshi went in, and the employee, desesperate, explained one of their female turtle gave birth to them as she was sold, and the family refused to take the baby with them.

She refused to let them die but couldn’t take them, and begged Yoshi to take them, for free. He looked into these tiny innocent creatures eyes, and he accepted.

He left with his turtles, unsure of what he had done, how it would impact his travels and his life. Maybe he could give them away ? Take care of them until then ? Yes, that sounded good.

He went back to his hotel, but was refused because of the no pets policy. He would not abandon them so he gathered his things and left.
Yoshi wandered around the city as night fell, looking for a place to rest and keep the turtles safe.

It was late, everything was closed and rain was starting. Yoshi went to hide in an alley and decided to spend the night here. Unknown to him, but things were happening this very night, and as they did, a canister fell on him and the sleeping turtles.

The excrutiating pain awoke him screaming, as his molecules were being torn apart and put together again in different shape.
He blacked out, unable to support the pain.

When he woke up, he felt different. Simply getting up was a challenge, and he couldn’t stand upright, his back messed up. He had a tail and giant ears, whiskers and fur. A rat, it’s what he had become.

Horror and fear downed on him, as he contemplated his new body. What had happen ? How could this be ? Many questions left unanswered.
Yoshi was broke out of his terrified trance by tiny hands tapping his leg.

He looked and there was a baby, but quite a peculiar one. Green from head to toes, a hard shell protecting it’s back and front, and big innocent eyes looking up to him, slight worry shining in them.

Yoshi was confused and scared, but he didn’t try to flee or get away. Whatever this was, it was young, pure and kind. He hesitated then patted it’s head, and in doing so looked around.
3 other green babies were fumbling around near him, and the realization hit. The horror he felt for himself shifted to be for them, remembering the pain he went through and feeling his heart ache thinking they went through thz same thing
He brought thzm closer to him, impulsively protecting them, hugging them close to him and away from the rain.

A giggle made him jump, and he released them to see 4 bright faces, a wide smile splattered on. Yoshi could feel his hardened lonely heart melt, and he hugged them again, promising to protect those precious smile.

They had to get out of the street, where freaks were never welcome. The roofs were too exposed, and abandonned building too dangerous to raise kids.
Yoshi remembered his time in Paris and their incredible catacomb, and wondered if New york got the same.

He put two of the kids in his bag, safely secured, one attached on his torso and the last one in his free arm.
He slid into a sewer door unseen, his training, even if old, still effective.

The smell rattled his sensitive nose, but he kept going, hoping to find an opening to a more comfortable place.

Yoshi walked for long, the kids asleep against him, soothed to sleep by his regular sleep, the smell seemingly not bothering them. The longer he walked the desesperate he became. It seemed to have been forever since the last sewer door leading outside.

The tunnels were gigantic and endless, how could there be a place able to host them ?
Suddenly he saw a hole in the wall. Not very wide, and clearly not meant to be there, crumbled over time and lack of maintenance.
Yoshi climbed in and was surprised to see the giant space behind it. There were rooms, old and unsanitary, corridors and even a kitchen and showers, even if they seemed to be as old as earth itself. Yoshi supposed they must have been the living quarters of the people that built the sewers. Poor people, without homes, given this job and this place to live probably with 40 others. A curse to them and a blessing to him.
It looked awful, but it was something. A beginning. A place to rebuild, to make home.

For him, and for them. For his brand new sons.

Yoshi’s life is basically :
-Good childhood !
-Good clan !
-Bad, leave clan
-Good, love new clan !
-Bad, start war
-Bad, leave forever
-Bad, guilt for years
-Good, learn to live anyway
-Bad, spiralling back into guilt
-Good, found turtles
-Good, made family
-Good, changed for the better
-Good, is being the best dad I can be
-Good, happy :)


Oroku Saki was raised alongside his not blood brother Hamato Yoshi, in the [redacted] clan. Hamato Yoshi was his best friend and occasionally playful rival and they grew up together.
They were stuck together like glue, training, eating, heck showering together (platonically because friendship is good. Great bond can and does mean great friendship)

When the former master died, he appointed Saki as new master, because he saw great potential and an ambition that would lead the clan far.

Once he was master, Saki changed the clan’s name to the Foot clan (I think I’m starting to see why). In the first years, he led the foot as the former master did, learning how to be good at the basics before starting to get ambitious.

Yoshi had always precious advice in the realm of work, and even more precious moments were shared privately (still platonic).
Saki trusted him with his life and very heavy secrets, and so did Yoshi.

Saki was proud of the work they did with the Foot, and how many people they were helping. One day he shared with Yoshi his wish to start helping more cities and more people.

Yoshi immediatly violently refused, offended to see Saki would even think about breaking the tradition. He said that Kyoto was the clan’s territory, and it was how it had always been. Doing anything different would disrespect their ancestors.
Saki reminded him that he was chosen to lead BECAUSE he wanted things to change, and the former master wanted that. Yoshi refused to hear it and stormed out.

Saki, hurt to see his brother and right arm react that way, acted behind his back, starting to spread the Foot to Tokyo and helping there. He thought if he had concrete proof to show, and how much good they were doing there, Yoshi would change his mind.
But Yoshi found out before Saki could present it to him the way he wanted and lost his mind. He stormed into Saki’s home, furious, and declares that a treachrous brother was no longer his and left, taking part of the foot clan with him to create the Hamato clan.

Saki was devastated for a while, having lost his brother in his ambition. He let things roll without him intervening much, causing worry to rise in the clan.
One courageous Foot rose up and suggested to their master to go see their progress in Tokyo by himself.

Like a shadow of himself, tired and broken, Saki agreed.
When he got there, he saw all the good the Foot had done. They had helped so many people, bringing th supplies and water, protection when needed. He saw children running around, stomach full and smile on their faces. He saw mothers and fathers not worrying over tonight’s dinner. He saw the good that wouldn’t have happened without to Foot and his confidence and happiness and motivation camme back.

He led the Foot again, extanding to more cities, soon having at least part of the Foot all over Japan.

Yoshi heard of this and grew mad. He came to the Foot, stood in front of Saki and declared a war. Saki refused, not wanting to hurt people, trying to resonate with Yoshi. He asked him to be reasonable, to think of the consequencies- But Yoshi didn’t listen, and left angry, claiming that whether he like it or not, the war will be fought

And it did happen. It cost the Foot hundreds of life, both ninjas and civilians.
Yoshi’s craze had to end, and Saki went to see him by himself. No protection, no army. Just him and Yoshi. And a blade.
Saki won the dual, and finally knocked some sense into his former brother. He showed him the deaths and destruction that was nothing but number to Yoshi until then. He showed him the horror of what he had done, and asked him to stop.

When Yoshi left that day, it was the last time Saki ever saw him.
After the dual, he went to look for him in the Hamato Clan but he was nowhere to be found. A new master had been chosen, and they didn’t know either. Saki was worried, scared his friend would hurt himself or hurt other. He knew he felt guilt, and he was there to relieve it, to talk to him, convince him to join him again, to heal what he had caused.

Saki searched, for years, but never found him. He found traces of him, little clues left all over the world, that he held on like a treasure.

Meanwhile, he still led the Foot, not letting his grief crush him like the first time. The Foot had extanded outside of Japan, to new countries but only those that were willing to.
And one day the Foot set their first base in New York.
Saki just had a baby daughter, but sadly the mother had died during birthing, and it was just him and little Karai.

Japan reminded him too much of hurtful memories, both with his love and his brother. New York was far from Japan and they had trouble settling in, so Saki decided to go live there with Karai.

Of course this constant extension of the Foot is going to become more like an invasion once Karai takes over
But Saki never saw it this way

also does Karai know the whole story of the foot clan, like what happened between Saki and Yoshi, and the war and all that?
would that mean she agreed more with Yoshi’s actions more than her dad’s?

that could make really cool scenes once she sees what Yoshi has become, like how she’d think he has changed for the worse by choosing kindness over power (since he exiled himself even though he could have technically fought back if he hadn’t been horrified by the deaths he had caused)

In Karai’s arc, there’s also this bit that parallels Raph, where pre-baxter Karai and Raph had the same questions about the no kill policy to their fathers.

Like if someone comes to you with the intent to kill, you should respond with the intent to kill, it’s only fair.

Only that Karai evolved towards the “yeah it’s only fair” post-baxter
Whether Raph evolved towards the “what the fuck was I thinking”

So like when they meet they both see the other as “the wrong path”

Raph is like “god I could have become Shredder”
Karai is like “I could have become a weakling”

Also I want to make clear that I gave this bit to RAPH not because hoho angry = murder but because I 100% did NOT want to give it to Leo, Donnie and Raph were the most underdeveloped and giving the “murder ?” Bit to the healer of the team seemed off

Also ! Yeah before I forget lol : post-baxter Karai is absolutely fucking unhinged

Also Ima call pre-baxter Karai just Karai and post-baxter Shredder

Mikey : wow something is incredibly disturbing about you
Shredder : :D ! I’m deeply traumatized :D !!!

Also i want colorcoded!Shredder to be written exactly like any other shredders, and not changed or downplayed because it’s Karai
Like can you imagine
The same prestance and pose and threatning aura than 2012 or Rise but it’s a 16 year old girl

Random person: “who the heck is that guy?”
Shredder in full armor, helmet an all, ready to fuckin murder: “I AM NO MAN YOU BASTARD, YOU SHALL PERSISH FOR YOU INSOLENCE-”

Okay so you when Casey starts hanging out more often with thz turtles, he talks about the LGBTQ+ and more precisely about the pronous and genders.

It ESPECIALLY interests Mikey who gets very excited and starts asking everyone their pronouns whenever they see them for the first time that day

Okay so they see Shredder again and Mikey is yelling during the whole fight : “WHAT ARE YOUR PRONOUNS”
Karai never answers.

When they discuss it afterwards, it goes like :
Raph : “I can’t believe he would attack-”
Mikey : “They”
Raph : “what”
Mikey : “when you don’t know someone’s pronouns you use they/them”
Raph, teeth grinding : “fine. I can’t believe THEY attacked us-”

Cue to the turtles saying they to refer to Karai

Also she deadass doesn’t answer because she doesn’t care

They learn it’s she/her through a goon that goes like “You’ll never beat Master Shredder ! She’s s-”
Mikey : “Oh so it’s She/her ? :D”
Goon : “uh… yeah?”
Raph, knocking him out : “well that’s settled”

Mikey, for day 20 : “Good morning brothers ! What are your pronouns ?”
Leo, usually supportive : “Mikey if I hear this question one more time I’m throwing you out on a road in front of a truck”


Oroku Karai was born a bit before the turtles got turned, making her juuuuust a little bit older. As in the day of THEIR 16th she’s like 16/2.

Her birth killed her mother in the process, causing her father, Oroku Saki, to leave Japan and go live in New York, where she will be raised.
Saki is all for new things and changes, but he still doesn’t want his daughter to lose her root, so her education will still be japanese style.

Their house will be japanese, with japanese rules, they’d eat japanese (occasionally not, when opting for take outs), speak japanese… You see the idea.

Even thought Karai LOVES her dad, she barely sees him because of his Master of the Foot job, even if he does spend all his free time with her, whenever he can. She’s usually being taken care of by a japanese nanny (saki was deadset on the japanese education), which she loves, but still misses her dad.

Whenever their together (usually in evenings and mornings), he taught her about good and kindness, about respecting the others and treating them the way we’d want to be treated.

As Karai grew, and Saki became older, and more importantly as the Foot settlement in New York was better, Saki had a lot more free time to give his daughter. He spent his days with her, playing with her and hanging out. When he saw she had taken interest in his training, he suggested joining him, and taught her his clan’s ninjaing

She loved the training sessions, it felt the closest she ever had been to her dad. She loved the synced moves and the battle 1vs1. It was so much fun and it was just her and her dad.

As she grew older again, she began to question the clan’s values. Why refrain from killing when someone comes to kill you ? It’s only fair to do the same. Why help those in need all the time ? Shouldn’t they be able to help themselves ? And shouldn’t the clan provide help for those in it first ?
Saki brushed her concerns off, talking about a once very close friends, that was haunted by similar questions and went against the Foot, causing death and destruction all around.
The path he chose was dark and terrible for many, including the Foot and his own clan.
Responding killing attempt by another killing attempt would only mean not being better than them, deciding you can choose who lives or dies, regardless to how precious life truly is.

It settled her questions, understanding what her father was saying, and she never asked again.

The year she turned 16, her ninja training was complete and she integrated the Foot as the master’s right arm. He refused to send her to missions yet, claiming they were too dangerous.

Karai was offended, having defeated in training most of his elite ninjas, feeling more than ready to tackle the real conditions of a mission.
Despite her pleas, Saki refused, and determined to prove him wrong, she went anyway on a stealth mission, meant to see what Stockman Entreprise was up to

But as Karai would learn, training and on the terrain combat was extremely different, and she quickly found herself  overwhelmed by mousers. Despite the other Foots best attempts, they had no choice but to leave her there, in the hand of non other than Baxter Stockman.

Despite his genius, he had no idea who she was, only knowing a bunch of people similar to her were spying on him. And he didn’t like that. He wanted to make this envy pass, by taking her as an example.

He tortured her for 3 days (let’s not go into graphic details), days during which Saki was constantly storming the lab, not giving Stockman a break once.
Tired of it, Stockman released Karai with a warning to never cross his path again.

Saki and the Foot were relieved to have their chunin back, but terrified of the state she was in. In merely 3 days, he destroyed her completely.

That very same night, the turtles were allowed out for the first time and Casey Jones decided to rob a bank.
It took Karai a month to physically recover, and even then her face had grown sharper, her eyes duller and lifeless, her body dry and tensed at all time.

Saki spent all his time with her, desesperatly trying to cheer her up, to help her in this, until the day Karai asked him to kill Baxter Stockman.
Saki, heart aching, refused, saying revenge wouldn’t do anyone any good.

Karai was furious, hearing that her father didn’t love her enough, that she was useless and weak and she had to recover by herself.
3 months later, Baxter Stockman was dead, and his lab destroyed.
No one understood what had happened, including the Foot.

What no one knew, was that when Karai pierced the man with her blade, when she felt the blood drench her clothes and face, she felt good. For the first time in months she felt great, the voices in her head had shut, and pure bliss had recovered every part of her body.
And then and there, she knew her father lied. Revenge felt great. And it did her a lot of good. The only reason he didn’t was because he was weak and selfish. Killing made her strong. She could feel it.

Back at the Foot, hiding her crime despite the rush still being there, she finally saw all the flaws, the weakness in the clan. A pathetic, weak clan that did nothing else but help the undeserving.
It had to change.

She invited her father to the docks for a little talk, and announced her crime to him, pride overflowing her. Horror is all that appeared on his face, as he said :
“The Foot doesn’t kill, Karai.”
“It does now”
Saki barely registered what happened when the blood started flowing from his wound, his daughter’s blades deep in his chest, bursting his heart.
He looked up to her one last time, caressing her face and whispering a heart broken “i’m sorry” before letting his last breath go
She left his body there, and returned to the Foot, victorious. She told the Foot that Oroku Saki lived as a weakling and died as one. She said he never deserved the title of master but she did. She was their new master, she was now Master Shredder.

Part of the Foot was shocked, and tried to leave to join the Hamatos, to keep healing and helping like they used to but they were promptly killed.
Fear began to rule and every Foot soldier fell in line, fearing the wrath of Shredder
Meanwhile, the turtles had found the body of Oroku Saki and brought it to their father, who cried all the tears of his body seeing his brother like this. He buried him properly, in a special room in their home, grieving, pain in his chest.

other splinters : distant masters, mysterious and inspire respect
Colorcoded!splinter : heheehohoohooiohohoo ima prank my sons

Yoshi : see see on the LEFT -my left, not yours- here, yes ? okay, so there it’s my BLOOD children, okay ? :) and THERE -my right- it’s my not-really-adopted-but-kinda children :)

well the story starts when the turtles get out (or even before), and he’s technically still there for another 3 months after that

do the turtles ever even meet Saki ?

he’s also there when he gets murdered bhfuirehgeuir he gets his own wittle woom in the sewers
they meet his corpse

but they knew who he was !

ohh that’s a good point, was Splinter honest about his own story?

splinter hadn’t really talked about him, until they came back from patrol and talked about that weird organization called the Foot
Splinter was not honest about his war crimes. He’s ashamed of it and refuses to talk about it. He just says he’s done bad stuff in the past.

Splinter knew the foot clan was there all along?

he didn’t
he only knew when the turtles mentionned it

cause you said Karai and Saki went to new york around the same time the turtles got mutated so that would mean that they all lived in the same city for years (a big city tho, I’ll give them that) and never noticed each other were there xD??

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo they went to new york some time after Yoshi and the turtles got mutated. It took Saki some time to get ready to go and also even THINK of leaving japan.
Yoshi mostly stayed underground and whenever he was out on “errands” he didn’t really pay attention to much besides “food. must go home quickly I’ve left 4 toddlers alone oh god what if they accidentally hurt themselves ? what if they accidentally died it’s all my fault I should be there I’ve gotta go home go home come on”

well, Karai was still raised in new york, so they spent a lot of time there xD
but yea i can understand why he wouldn’t have noticed dfhdf

yeah but it’s not like she was wandering into the sewers with her dad for funsies
Karai and Saki got to see a lot of new york
Yoshi ? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Okay so big brain moment but do you remember when I told you the only reason Donnie wasn’t leader was because he was the youngest ?

So consider that Donnie’s reaction to being told this is to go : “then TELL THEM i’m the oldest”
And Splinter goes mmmmh “okay”
They go up to them and Yoshi puts on the best acting mask and goes : “well my sons I have news : it seems I was wrong about how old you all were”
Leo : “why are we actually a year older ?”
Mikey : “if we are i want a birthday right now”
Splinter : “no, not really. What happened was that i miscalculated how old your brother Donatello trully was”
The brothers, looking at eachothers : “okay…?”
Splinter : “it happens that Donatello is actually all of you’s older brother”
Ensue shock and D:< SAY WHAT

And like the entire ep would be just Donnie messing with them and getting payback from all the teasing, with 1 argument “but i’m the OLDER BROTHER. And that makes me RIGHT ! at least that’s what you’d ALWAYS TELL ME, HM ?”

but then Splinter is okay with making Donnie the oldest xD?

He just goes “hehehhohoho that’s funny”
Also it’s just temporary for the duration of the ep

Like in the end of the ep he’d pass by and see Donnie messing with his bro and innocently enter and go “ahhh I see the lie is going well :)”
Donnie : “D: DAD”
the others ):< : “what lie”
Splinter : “well he’s not your older brother, of course”
He then leaves while they run after donnie to make him pay

Donnie: “DAD YOU RATTED ME OUT >:,(”
Splinter: “I am a rat, it’s fitting for me to do so”

It looks super cool!! Also I noticed the symbol of the foot clan looks a bit different? Is that intentional?
Also does that mean the whole foot clan’s color scheme is green and not red as is usually is?

yeah :D mostly the change of color, not really the shape (i just got lazy for the shape but it’s the same as classic foot clan fhezfhezor)
The red was symbol of Saki (colorcoded white with red accent) so when Karai took over, she changed to green

It’s kinda funny because green, compared to red, is a very non-aggressive color in most representations zbdbf so when Karai takes over it’s like 'bwoop, all nice green now :)!’ even though it’s actually a bad sign here ejdbffj

a long time member of the Foot that saw Karai grow : “oh neat, karai is taking over :D ! Sorry for your loss tho, sweetie”
Karai, who is very much not the same person : “what did you call me”

imagine that member was the nanny that took care of her when she was a tiny baby
(of course the member died)

ohh that’s a good point, was Splinter honest about his own story?

Splinter was not honest about his war crimes. He’s ashamed of it and refuses to talk about it. He just says he’s done bad stuff in the past.

although I guess in the story there’s no way he’s not gonna get confronted about it and it’ll probably be the cause of arguments in the turtle family
like oof they won’t take this well

Unrelated but you know how I said I was starting to see why Saki changed the name of the clan when he took over ? Like how the clan had another name before the Foot clan
alright so in the clan’s tradition, whenever a new master take over, they must rename it so it is like a fresh start, with no one knowing that name. Saki chose “Foot clan” because of a silly game he and Yoshi used to play as kids. Karai kept the name because she shits on tradition and also to her it means putting her foot on her enemies’ faces.

Aight so I don’t know about them clans yet but : Baxter Stockman is the one to have spread mutagene all over the world. That’s how scientist in the philipines, France or other places got their hands on it

The clan has the habit of celebrating as holidays the days where the clan changes master and gains a new name. They add up overtime, so if there has been 30 masters, there is 30 holidays.
The Foot’s holiday is on August 8, and the Hamato’s on December 2.
The clan’s main job is to help and protect those in needs. They use their ressources to get and give food, build homes and give healthcare, all for free. They are not mercenaries and can’t be hired to hurt people. They can cooperate with other organizations to help people (if they’re trying to help neurodivergent people but don’t know how to, they can’t cooperate with an organization specialized in that.)
The clan is a big family, and they all know eachothers. They have a main building where the members without homes or in need to shelter can come to rest/eat/live. During holidays or special times, it’s usually packed with people eating, talking, all in a joyous mood. Training happens outside, sometimes inside if the weather is really bad (a little rain or wind isn’t considered really bad. If they get wet they are handed dry clothes once training is over so they don’t get sick).
Individuality is encouraged, as well as the hive mind. The masters believed these two ideas can and should co-exist
Murder is prohibited, and every member is taught why very soon in their training. It’s mostly about the individual that is killed, the refusal that anyone should decide who should live or die, and the idea that every person is their own tiny world, and killing someone is like destroying a world, no matter how fucked up.
Hurting is not adviced unless absolutely necessary, especially grave wounds. When protecting, the clan must fend off the aggressor peacefully and with as little damage as possible on the person. If not given any choice, opt more for defense than offense. (modifié)
The clan mustn’t be good at one thing, whether it be fighting or helping. The clan has many individuals with many different skills they should all be using to their full potential.
So the clan has builders ninjas, artists ninjas, scientists ninjas… All with ninja training and developping their own competence. They all aim at helping people with their different skills
Hurting/attacking a member is like attacking the clan and is seen as a declaration of war. War is a path that should only be taken as last possibility, but always be ready for. If a member is attacked/kidnapped, the clan must do anything to rescue them while still avoiding an all out war that would result in more bad than good.
Asserting dominance over another group is stupid and futile and shouldn’t be the aim of the clan, unless the group is threatning the security of the clan’s city.
Even then, war must be the last possible option.

Women and children are prohibited from entering the clan, as are “abnormal” people. It is to protect them since they cannot protect themselves and are weaker than regular men.
The weapons should stay traditional and learn to master these instead of turning to easier tools, which would weaken the clan and make it lazy.
White and black people are prohibited from entering the clan and only be helped if they directly ask to be. They are different and the clan might not understand their needs.

When Saki took over, Saki changed and added some new rules to the clan :
The clan should try to have at least one person able to speak a different language, so that the clan is able to communicate with anyone
Women, “abnormal” people, and anyone else is welcome to join the Foot and leave as they wish.
The weapons can and should evolve over time, as should the clan. If they do not, they will become obsolete and old.
The master can organize and make weddings, inbetween any members or member and outsider
The members are PAID for their work. Until then they weren’t.

So when Yoshi left, unlike Saki he didn’t change anything (ah yes, traditions  ) i like the idea that there’s conflict about all his old conservative ideasvdbdvdvdvd
Like the members of the Hamato clan are from the Foot and they LIKED THOSE CHANGES. And while they agree completely changing the clan’s code sucks, these little changes were good. Since Yoshi was the worst little shit, he told them to fuck off ahdvbzvd

Much much later when Yoshi became Splinter and he had a good life, although he understood respecting traditions at all costs was a BAD idea, he still wanted to respect them.

Cue April asking to be part of the clan and Yoshi going ):< but u a woman. Woman weak.
April probably going D:< EXCUSE ME. Probably conflict and confrontation and in the end Splinter finally understand why Saki changed these points and why some of his hamato ninjas left and how much of a jerk he was being and he regrets and does his best to repent.

And of course he makes April part of the Hamato clan :)

Yoshi 30 years ago : Tradition ™️. If Tradition says something, then Tradition is right.
He ISN’T technically racist nor sexist, he just follows the old recipe without thinking

no no I think I know what you’re gonna say dgsvdvd, I get that he’s technically not racist and sexist, I was exaggerating xDD, but like, in being so caught up in respecting tradition and not allowing certain people to join the clan, he kinda is in a way??

ahh yes, going from what you’ve been taught your entire life without questioning it and then getting a huge slap in the face once you start actually thinking about it

Leo, slapping his dad’s head : equality good
Yoshi : but-
Leo : no but

I like the idea that the bois don’t think like him because they just listened to the good things he said and the bullshit they were like : that’s bullshit.
And also April’s influence helped a lot :)

Like imagine hanging out with they girl friend and later splinter goes : girls are weaker
And they go : holdup

the turtles, Casey and April, @Splinter: “we about to make u unlearn all the shit you been taught”

And like, YEAH, he sucks on that side, but on the other side, he’s a really present and affectionate father, unlike most of his versions

He tries and want to do better : he will :)

“what, the master of the foot clan is a GIRL ?! My sons what have you been doing, losing against a girl ):<”
April, teeth grinding : “why don’t you come with us next patrol”
After the patrol :
Splinter : “jesus fucking christ”
Everyone else : “yeah”

Karai do be as skilled as literally every other Shredders so she’s straight up terrifying

Some good for Splinty :
He’s a really good dad and pays a lot of attention to his sons. Now I’ve been saying that a lot without developing so :
For example, he always busted his ass when they were small to make good food although he never learned how to do it before (he’s not really interested in good food). He learned to cook and make tasty and good things for them as they grew, trying his best to expand their tastebuds while still staying pretty Japanese since well he is.

As they grew, he spent a lot of time with them and encouraged their activities, never forcing them to do anything they wouldn’t like (beside chores). If they really didn’t feel like doing chores (to a heavy degree and not just complaining), they would watch a movie or play a bit and then do the chores all together as a family activity.

He never closed his bedroom door in case any of them wanted to sleep with him, because of nightmares or simply because they wanted to. Mikey and Donnie did it more than the others, since Leo and Raph were the Older Brothers ™️ and were embarassed.

When they were younger, he’d often take time to read them a story before bed.

When he was a kid, Raph was scared of the dark, but didn’t want to admit it. He’d often have meltdowns in the middle of the night and Splinter couldn’t figure out why. He payed more attention to his behavior before bed and finally noticed his tendency to avoid dark rooms, even for just a second. He innocently suggested putting on lights in the corridor during the night, pretexting that he kept bumping into furnitures (he didn’t), and the kids agreed (because they did bump into furnitures).

Since they couldn’t exactly go to school, Splinter took care of their education, teaching them all he knew and more, going to websites and learning more to teach his sons.

They couldn’t get out much for obvious reasons, but soon enough the bois wanted to see more so Splinter would often sneak them out to go to an abandonned spot he saw during his “grocery shopping”. They’d picnic there in the night, and the bois would play on the roof happily.

As they grew older and discovered pizza, they didn’t want to tell Splinter because they felt like it would be disrespecting his cooking, but Splinter noticed their excitement about it and decided to learn how to make them. There were. Incidents the first times he did so (secrets, of course). But overtime learned to make a basic pizza he innocently presented to his sons (bonus april that had come by). They were absolutely delighted, and Splinter kept making them from time to time (but not ALL the time, because that’s not a good diet)

As April came by more often, and his sons were growing older, he got worried about the Romance™️ and decided it was time for the Talk. He never was really secretive about it before and it wasn’t a tabou in the family so they already had a vague idea of what it was, and weren’t embarassed much about it. He taught them about respecting the partner, and consent… They DID grow uncomfortable when he mentionned their anatomy and the difference with human anatomy and showed pictures.

When they would messed up or do bad he wouldn’t YELL at them or anything, he’d just sit with them and explain why it’s bad, the consequencies and why they shouldn’t do it again and what they should do if they did want to do it again.

He’d respect their privacy, always and at all times, even when he’s worried and he’s missing a bit of information to help, he would never go through their rooms or anything. He would always knock before entering, and never go through their private belongings.

He has a shit ton of pictures of them in his room
He always tells them how proud he is of them
He hangs out with them all the time unless they don’t want to

splinter : how are you my son you’re so tall
Donnie, messing with him : what ? i can’t hear you’re too far down

Mikey: “how’s the weather up here? ”
Donnie: “>:(”

if he isn’t, it could be a good occasion for a side story with him or soemthing
Casey isn’t present when Yoshi mourns Saki’s death. He’s doing smth else.

imagine mikey tired of drawing a specific member of his family and he just appears in their room at night with a knife : “it’s for character development. My character development”

Donnie: “MIKEY WHY?”

Mikey : “you’re the youngest no one will see you’re gone”

Mikey: “Donnie is so hard to draw”
Leo: “Well, it’s a family drawing you’re doing, isn’t it? Would be weird if you didn’t draw one of us”
Mikey: “lol what if Donnie died, then I wouldn’t have to draw him haha, just kidding…. unless”
Donnie, sweating: “what”

Mikey : “What if. Donnie wasn’t part of the family anymore”
Donnie : “what”
Mikey : “If we kick him out, I don’t have to draw him in the family pictures anymore, right ?”
Donnie : “Is nobody going to say anything”
Mikey : “Like he’s a reject. We reject him from the family. No one wants to see him anymore.”
Donnie : “I feel incredibly loved right now.”

Mikey: “I’ll give you twenty bucks it you exile yourself from our family”
Donnie, hearing this without any context: “ I’m sorry what”

Mikey: “I can’t pay you more because I need some money for pizza”

mikey really went : “mmmmh how much is donnie worth”
mikey : “mmmh how much money do i have”

Raph, who has context: “wow Mikey, Donnie isn’t worth this little!”
Donnie: …
Raph: “At least add ten bucks to that”
Donnie: D:<

Splinter: “My sons, a life should never be quantified with money as if it were a mere possession”
Donnie: :)
Splinter, with a smirk: “but if we were to quantify it-”
Donnie: “DAD NO-”

imagine him going, really dry : “i already know i’m not worth anything, you don’t have to remind me every five seconds”
and then they go “hahaha- wait what”

Donnie, much later: “do you guys really think I’m worth this little :’(?”
Everyone, immediately: oh shit what

Mikey: “I will draw you 100 times please don’t think that about yourself ”

imagine, an ep where it starts like that, and Donnie doesn’t voice his hurt, but we can see he got hurt, and then later in the ep, he’s like taking hostage or smth and the bois are offered a huge amount of money to give him up and they’re like “are you fucking kidding me i’m not selling my baby brother what the hell is wrong with you” and then after the rescue donnie is like
“so… i’m worth more than that price ?”
and they’re like 0.0 “WELL YEA ????”

“Donnie my brother we love you of course we’re not selling you what the fuck”
“but you said- ):”
“we were messing with you oh my god donatello did you take it seriously”

Leo : “Donnie. Donnie I need you to look at me dead in the eyes. Did you think we really thought you were worth 20 bucks”
Donnie :
Leo : “Holy shit. Guys. Guys we need a Donnie appreciation day like right now”

Donnie has Self Esteem issues

Has Splinter explained everything to his sons by this point?
Or dies he explain after Saki dies?

no by this point they brought back the dude they recognised as the Oroku Saki their dad sometimes talk about, and he just cried

How did they recognize him?

he has a picture of the two of them young in his room

they found his body on the docks and went “oh shit”

Was he already dead when they found him or was there a chance he could survive?
No he was very much dead

he died pretty fast, karai is good at stabbin’

they knew it was that one guy their dad really really liked and they kinda went “well. we can’t just. leave him here.”

Well yeah but what where they gonna do after that xD? Burry him in the sewers? Pretty sure that’s not an option jejffb
Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to call their dad and have him rejoin them ?

oh they had no fucking clue. to be fair, it’s basically the first ever corpse they ever encountered, and it was that one guy they heard about their entire childhood
kinda shocking

it would make more sense yeah. however remember their literal first encounter with casey ? The bois are not great under pressure (at first)

“fuck. what do we do”

oh yeah btw at that point they already KNEW Saki was around in New York, since they saw the Foot clan (good), and talked about it to their dad

they don’t now who killed him at first

From what you said before, Karai didn’t seem be hide at all that she killed him, right?

she straight up told the foot clan

So they probably learn it soon enough zjdbd

Seeing Saki dead was a huge shock for Yoshi.

Yoshi never knew Karai, right?

noooooo she was born long long long after he left
she was born like 6 months before the turtles mutation

okay so there would be this recurring background character named steve, and he would always be making comments during a scene (when they turtles are in public) where it’s like “OMG imagine if [insert here an extremely detailed and graphic moment in tmnt 2012] would it be fucked up or what”
And there would always be at least one person with him that would say “shut the fuck up steve”
and then in universe, there would be on social medias the start of the hashtage : #steve needs therapy

that character would exist for the sole purpose of paying tribute to 2012 while also pointing out how fucked up it was
also instead of going to therapy he makes a comic about the turtles

so there’s this #steve needs therapy but they don’t know Steve IS a therapist, and he IS Casey’s therapist and he still made those comments and a comic

turns out Steve is perfectly fine and healthy in his head he just digs fucked up shit

Steve: “It’s just how I cope with stuff”

APRIL can be SUPER INTENSE when she’s passionate about something (i’m talking rise!casey level of intense), and because of that she doesn’t have any friends besides the turtles until Casey comes around.

She was bullied when she was young because of that, and since then she is VERY against bullying when it comes to her friends (or not actually but with her friends more). When it’s about her she kinda regress back and goes into a ball and doesn’t do or say anything (haha trauma go brr).

So if her friends are bullied (in the traditional way like Casey or by super villains like the turtles) she can go mental and try to DECK whoever bullied

Like imagine Shredder messing with them. Do you see how that can be a problem.

Like you know how some villains sometimes are totally capable to killing/finishing the hero and instead they kinda play with them ? April considers that irrespect and bullying and she hates it. Like the idea that “they’re not a threat enough for me to end them” or that they’re simply not taken seriously.

April is a stress cleaner ! So whenever she has a big exam coming up, the turtles ALWAYS invites her to “relax” and she ends up cleaning the whole lair. Splinter disapproves of using her like this, but on the other hand, she does seem more relaxed (BECAUSE SHE’S BONE TIRED) and the lair is shiny after she passes through.

METALHEAD ! My boi, my man, my bot.

Metalhead, or Meets for short, is mute ! They communicates through sign language. However since none of the turtle family knows sign language and that it would be kinda useless since most of them have 4 fingers (including Meets), Metalhead invented a sign language proper to their 4 fingers thing. Everyone is currently learning it but Raph is way more advanced (donnie second, mikey third and leo last) because turns out he and Meets get along REALLY WELL.

Metalhead is interested with science, of course, it created them after all and they thinks science, looks science, I mean you get it. He’s also interested in it because he simply thinks it is interesting. He likes the idea of being able to Explain everything, even the weirdest things. However even if they do like science, they like gossip as well, as it’s the science of the relationship between people, and also it’s really fun and stupid and they love it.

Raph found in Meets the perfect gossip partner ESPECIALLY since they have abilities, such as seeing through walls and enhanced hearing. But to get the gossip, he needs to be able to understand what Meets is saying. So he’s extremely motivated to learn sign langage

I will probably do mistakes because I suck at this (i still don’t know why) but Metalhead is they/them. I might misgender them like an asshole and i’m sorry ):

Like I said, Meets invented a sign language, and he likes and dislikes some things. Turns out Metalhead is a self-learning AI, and if Donnie was super proud of it at first, he quickly grew worried and scared of the consequencies (cough cough movies) and decided to shut him down. Much to everyone’s surprise, Metalhead isn’t really kin on dying, so he fought back and escaped. At that point Donnie believes he created a powerful super-villain and he’s full on having a panic meltdown.

His brothers and friends reassures him and help him go looking for it. They all have a lot of trouble finding it, until they realize it’s with the Mutanimals, hiding.

They took it in thinking it was a really fucked up mutant. The turtle family bust in, explains the situation and the mutanimals are like “… I don’t know mate they seem pretty cool. Have you tried talking to them before going on a rampage ?”

Donnie is confused (cough cough movies) and looks at Metalhead and they look DOWNRIGHT TERRIFIED. And then the turtle family looks at eachother and go : :0 oh. Ohhhhh we were huge assholes there for a hot minute.

Anyway they’re adopted now

Metalhead looks like a tiny metallic version of the turtles. They’re around Splinter size, don’t have no mouth but super expressive eyes. Their colorcode is pink

And purple tinted metal because donnie made him avsvavsb

They DO have the sewer shell because UwU. They might have an upgrade with smth similar to apocalypse!donnie’s ears, but not sure. Depends if the turtles understand their emotions only based on eyes or not
I need to design them but yevahdcjavds meets:)
They have their own room also. They share it with Shelldon. (Shelldon is a big fan of Meets)

When I said “science” in the broad way it was intentional, because they’re interested in all the fields. They learn engineering with Don and then go search more informations on more fields elsewhere. They quickly becomes more skilled and knowledgeable than Donnie because of their robot brain that can stock info
