#the smut is so good too



Title:trying to get it right


Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto.


Word count:5,213.

A/N:this might be my last entry. maybe even the last writing thing i post on tumblr. idek. enjoy.

It had been six days since he’d come home from another lengthy mission; six days, and at long last, he and Sakura finally had some time alone for themselves.

It wasn’t to say that he hadn’t loved spending time with his daughter in the past few days, or that he hadn’t enjoyed listening to her talk about what he’d missed and what was new, or that he hadn’t appreciated his best friend’s unannounced visits—he had. But it had been three long months since he’d last held his wife, three long months since he’d really felt her warmth, three long months since they’d had a moment to talk just the two of them—and Sasuke found that he had missed her all too terribly.

“Hmm,” he heard his wife hum as he closed the bedroom door, feeling her thin arms slowly snaking around his waist. It made his mouth curl just so.

“Finally alone,” she murmured, snuggling him closely. She pressed her cheek to his shoulder blade, and smiled. “I really missed you, Sasuke-kun.”

His eyes softened at that. Although he already knew she had, it still felt nice to hear her say it.

Turning in the hold of her embrace, Sasuke gave a hum of his own and pulled her in close, running his hand through her hair. He allowed his eyes to slip shut when his wife only hugged him tighter, sighing and pressing his lips to her forehead. Gods how he’d missed holding her like this.

“I’m sorry we haven’t had time to ourselves lately,” Sakura whispered a few beats later, tucking her face into his neck. Her arms squeezed around him strongly again. “I know I’ve been working nights a lot, but they’re kinda understaffed at the hospital these days. I think some bug might be going around.”

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