#the society becca


Things I Need In Season 2

-The death of Campbell Eliot… tragic

-Allie back in power

-Allie apologizing to Lexie for what the guard did cause we all know that was too far

-Lexie apologizing to Allie for everything that happened with the coup

-More Fugitive

-Happy Elle

-Happy Harry

-Sam telling Grizz the truth about Eden’s father

-Finding out who Eden’s father is (my money’s on Jason)

-A Grizzam love scene since every straight couple got one smh

-More citizens of New Ham learning ASL to communicate with Sam

-The fact that Campbell’s a literal psychopath not being completely ignored wtf

-Cassandra, idc how

-More memes

-Jack Mulhern following me back

-Proof that Dewey was guilty… cause it still seems sus to me

-Perhaps a rise in power for Helena (take that however you will)

-More Clark cause he’s fuckin’ hilarious

-Eden being babysat by Grizz and Sam how cute

-Becca and Kelly being GAY

-An explanation on Charlie and the last scene of S1

-More pie… jk… unless?

-More gay

-More POC

-Me in the cast
