


make a move on your high school crush by swearing at him using the only word you know in his language


Things I would have liked to see from season 1 of The Society

More of a build up between Grizz and Sam.


I said it.

I would have liked to see more than what, 5 or 6 scenes of content between the two. I would have liked to see more of a build up, just more in general I suppose.

Hopefully in season two we get more Sam and Grizz content because holy shit I need it

The Society Aesthetic Board: Grizz Visser

The Society Aesthetic Board: Grizz Visser

Post link

Littl bit of self promoting…

Wanted to let yall know that I have an art account on tumblr, @macektches where I post drawings and uh art. Mostly South Park stuff, rn but I want to warm up to the society fandom again by drawing the characters that people suggest, so go, give me some suggestions and I will, in fact, draw them ;)

Some examples of my current style, thanks for reading


Jack Mulhern (Grizz) ponytails appreciation.

cr. thesociety (ofc instagram)

He’s baby I said what I said

and that’s on grizz’s tiny man high ponytail while he pouts on the football field

Okay, I’ve seen some posts saying people ship Grizz with female characters (like, ‘I think Grizz and Sam are cute but imagine him with —‘) and I’m just here to say that we will not be erasing the explicity stated sexual orientations/identities of Grizz and Sam. The characters say they’re gay. So much of LGBTQ+ representation on TV has to be inferred because writers and networks are too big of cowards to make openly queer characters, so in this rare case that we have TWO openly gay leading characters in a series we absolutely are not gonna start saying they’re bi or straight. Not today, Satan.

Things I Need In Season 2

-The death of Campbell Eliot… tragic

-Allie back in power

-Allie apologizing to Lexie for what the guard did cause we all know that was too far

-Lexie apologizing to Allie for everything that happened with the coup

-More Fugitive

-Happy Elle

-Happy Harry

-Sam telling Grizz the truth about Eden’s father

-Finding out who Eden’s father is (my money’s on Jason)

-A Grizzam love scene since every straight couple got one smh

-More citizens of New Ham learning ASL to communicate with Sam

-The fact that Campbell’s a literal psychopath not being completely ignored wtf

-Cassandra, idc how

-More memes

-Jack Mulhern following me back

-Proof that Dewey was guilty… cause it still seems sus to me

-Perhaps a rise in power for Helena (take that however you will)

-More Clark cause he’s fuckin’ hilarious

-Eden being babysat by Grizz and Sam how cute

-Becca and Kelly being GAY

-An explanation on Charlie and the last scene of S1

-More pie… jk… unless?

-More gay

-More POC

-Me in the cast




S2 is confirmed we gotta start placing bets on who is Becca’s baby daddy NOW sjdjjddj

Good theories I’ve heard:



-Campbell and Sam’s DAD

-An X adult (maybe teacher even)

Anyways shdhdhdhdhd I can’t wait for people’s reactions to Grizzam and Becca’s reactions to it

I think the interesting theory is Luke just because it would give Helena a good slap in the face.

BUT ALSO in season 1 we saw how upset Grizz was that Sam had got Becca pregnant, which I get. Sam did say that Grizz had slept with other women though. What if he wasn’t just upset about Sam, what if he saw that Becca had trusted his boyfriend to raise his baby more than him?

Ahdjdk listen honestly truly if Grizz is the father I’ll go myself to Netflix’s office and cancel the show on my own sndjjd


Ugh I LOVE Grizz and Sam’s drama because it’s the complete opposite of what you’d expect. Sam isn’t a jock, isn’t the conventional idea of a hot guy people lust over (and yet here Grizz and I are,) and is deaf but he’s still the one who is, from Grizz’s perspective, out of reach and attracting multiple people. Like you’d expect Grizz to be a “fuckboy,” but not Sam. It’s so sad, but so interesting to see the dynamic switched this way.

Are there any insiders to The Society season two?? I know it’s supposed to air in 2020 but I haven’t personally heard anything about release dates or even filming days. Any inside information would be great!

Everyone, please rewatch The Society today to show your support of this show! The idea is for everyone to binge the show while posting about it with hashtags like #thesocietyrewatch and #savethesociety 

Even if you are very busy, you can always put the show on in the background of your homework or whatever it is you have to do. Every view counts! Let’s get this show trending!!!

How to Save The Society!!! (or any other show)

1. Use your voice! Don’t be afraid to take to any and all social media platforms to save this show. Netflix is very present on sites such as twitter or instagram, so definitely go there!!! Together, we can be thousands of voices constantly reminding them of what we want.

2. I know this may be hard, but do not watch or support any other Netflix shows for the moment. If we use other streaming services for the time being, their viewer numbers will drop! This especially counts for new shows they’re trying to promote. Don’t forget to use step 1 to remind them of why their numbers are going down :)

3. Sign this petition http://chng.it/hhzNTTSdpG and this one http://chng.it/cNQFv7BQpZ and any others like it!

4. Constantly like and draw attention to any posts pertaining to the show! Keep up the positive buzz for the show in addition to our angry yelling. 

5. Get #savethesociety trending everywhere!!!
