#elle tomkins


Do you ever just… *looks into middle distance* think about the society and… *sniffs* get obsessed with it *wipes tear away* only to realise season two hasn’t even been confirmed yet !!! *flips table* because I do.

it’s missing elle tomkins hours. but then again. do we ever stop?

The Society Aesthetic Board: Elle Tomkins

The Society Aesthetic Board: Elle Tomkins

Post link

Things I Need In Season 2

-The death of Campbell Eliot… tragic

-Allie back in power

-Allie apologizing to Lexie for what the guard did cause we all know that was too far

-Lexie apologizing to Allie for everything that happened with the coup

-More Fugitive

-Happy Elle

-Happy Harry

-Sam telling Grizz the truth about Eden’s father

-Finding out who Eden’s father is (my money’s on Jason)

-A Grizzam love scene since every straight couple got one smh

-More citizens of New Ham learning ASL to communicate with Sam

-The fact that Campbell’s a literal psychopath not being completely ignored wtf

-Cassandra, idc how

-More memes

-Jack Mulhern following me back

-Proof that Dewey was guilty… cause it still seems sus to me

-Perhaps a rise in power for Helena (take that however you will)

-More Clark cause he’s fuckin’ hilarious

-Eden being babysat by Grizz and Sam how cute

-Becca and Kelly being GAY

-An explanation on Charlie and the last scene of S1

-More pie… jk… unless?

-More gay

-More POC

-Me in the cast

How many fucks the society gives

This is my count for how many times the word “fuck” is said in the first season.

No one asked but here it is.

Episode 1: 49 (most due to the snake bite scene)

Episode 2: 17

Episode 3: 22

Episode 4: 32

Episode 5: 63 (the raid scene. That’s all)

Episode 6: 34

Episode 7: 12

Episode 8: 11

Episode 9: 32

Episode: 10: 27

Got slow at the end but that’s when it got really political. Tell me if my count is off, I am human I can miss things. Tell me if you want another one for season 2.
