#the spirit molecule

<<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian <<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian <<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian <<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian <<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian <<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian <<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian <<<LightBrary Activation Session>>> These images brought to u by The LightBrarian

<<<LightBrary Activation Session>>>

These images brought to u by The LightBrarian aka Pineal Armstrong the first Man to smoke DMT on the Moon!!! ;)

Terrence Mckenna Rest in Pineal world hehe

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Dennis McKenna “The Universe Coming Awake to Itself”

“…it’s the sentient universe in a process of waking up to itself, and we’re part of that process. We’re something that had to be developed so it could have self reflection, at least in this very small part of the cosmos. I mean, I don’t know…”
