#the tatami galaxy


theor - away

#lo-fi music    #lo-fi hip hop    #lo fi beats    #lo fi aesthetic    #lofibeats    #lofihiphop    #lofiaesthetic    #aesthetic    #the tatami galaxy    #anime gif    #youtube    #atmospheredz    #subscribe    #chill music    #chilll edits    #flowers    


I’m not sure how this movie fits into the tatami galaxy canon, but, it’s good so who cares

The night is short is definitely an odd film in terms of tatami galaxy canon but you can actually see cameos of the tatami characters in the background which I think is cool,

Slightly nervous about the new tatami galaxy show coming out, not just because of the prospect it could either just not capture the right energy of the original because of the different people behind it now/could be straight up bad… BUT I’m mostly worried about the prospect of it getting a little too popular if it’s on Disney+. I may be frustrated about the deserted wasteland that the fandom is atm but I wouldn’t want it to get so popular that it gets hard to handle. That’s just my conundrum.

I know at least if memory serves that Ozu had like a larger goal at the end and wasn’t being mischievous for the sake of being mischievous but 99% of the shit he did really didn’t go anywhere and I prefer the idea he was just doing it for shits and giggles because he liked annoying people. the story trying to give him a moral twist ending and stuff… he’s a prick and I love him for it

Ah yes, anime joker

I wanna draw some more tatami galaxy stuff but it’s really hard being in a fandom when there’s barely anyone else in it you feel?

Enough said

do you think Watashis VA could rap if prompted, he goes absolutely insane voicing watashi you can barely hear him breath between sentences

Idk if I’ll finish this but it looks funky

Why is he built like that

It’s so weird when I see fan made content of characters in the show referring to the protagonist as “watashi” it makes him feel like he’s that SCP where his name cant be spoken and can only be referred to in first person, eg: Ozu saying “Watashi went to the store” would be “I went to the store”

Here’s one I forgot to post lol


forever convinced that watashi from tatami galaxy is a huge dumbass, not for the obvious 5000 reasons, but cause he never got with ozu in any of the loops. how not fun do you have to be to not get with an ominous twinky vegetable shaped dogboy with funny looking bangs who fires rocket fireworks at heterosexuals, ruining their evening and denouncing their lifestyle

I’ve drawn ozu as a dog boy once and I haven’t posted it here

If I am being fully critical I will say somethings I don’t like about the franchise:

I do NOT like the pervert tropes in them, with Watashi and senpai it feels more grounded with a sense of more like moral panic but the full on “perverts” (including Hanuki to an extent in Tatami galaxy) are just nasty dude I never found them funny at all. I know it’s a common trope in anime but no, never was a fan of it aye.

The thing with Don underwear and the director where they forced a romance between Don and the red haired chick randomly for dramatic affect with Don and the director just grinded my gears man. There wasn’t any romantic development between any characters and Don because of the nature of him as a character in the film.

A smaller nitpick but I don’t know how I felt about the dictator Jogasaki thing and other dictator esk themes in the franchise either, I felt there could’ve been a better way to portray things like that.

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head :0

I like being the only Mfer who posts in this tag consistently for a long period of time, I’m ND and my brain cursed me with a mostly obscure media/one that many people don’t attach themselves to like I did-
