#the warden

My new year’s resolution is to be less of a perfectionist and just draw more, even if the end result

My new year’s resolution is to be less of a perfectionist and just draw more, even if the end result isn’t polished, so have a Surana I finished in a single day (a first for me in forever).

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Dear Alistair,my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turnsDear Alistair,my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turnsDear Alistair,my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turns

Dear Alistair,

my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turns out killing darkspawn is a lot less fun without the old crew around. I didn’t realize at the time just how close I grew to some of you and, well, I miss you terribly. I didn’t tell you this in person and I fear I won’t have the chance to do so anytime soon but I wanted you to know you have been like a brother to me and I consider you family.

I’m sending over a few items I feel belong to you. Duncan’s weapons, Cailan’s armor, and Maric’s sword have all been included. I admit I’m unsure how you feel about the latter two but I don’t think it’s my place to keep them.

I hope to see you soon, little brother.



P.S.: Zevran sends his regards.

P.P.S.: Have you heard from Morrigan? She’d laugh at me for this but I’m worried about her and the child. I know you tried searching but No, I shouldn’t pry. Just know that you can turn to me for help if you need it.

Step aside Goldanna, Surana is here to take over sister duties.

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makuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifimakuta5200: I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specifi


I know I’m the only person in the entire world who actually cares about this one specific character, but liking obscure villains is my specialty and I’m still on an anti-S2 mood so here’s this image set of this demon I’ve nicknamed the Warden.

I love this guy more than a sane person should - he’s in the amazing opening reveal of the series but then just disappears until the end. He has a significant moment in the manga that I’m sure makes him hated by fans, but to me, it elevates him into a full-blown villain worthy of recognition, despite his limited appearance. 

Lewis may have been a more interesting antagonist, but the Warden is so irredeemably vicious, frightening, and unwavering in his horrid beliefs that I can’t help but like him. A good villain, done dirty in the show. 

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mango-parfait:“I will never understand you. And you will never understand me.”Hi yes I still think a


“I will never understand you. And you will never understand me.”

Hi yes I still think about Morrigan a lot. 

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Veela and Eryn SuranaMy warden and @dierosenrot ‘s warden who you can meet on this amazing fic rosie

Veela and Eryn Surana

My warden and @dierosenrot ‘s warden who you can meet on this amazing fic rosie is writing (double wardens AU!!) here and on AO3

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Wardens AU - My warden Veela and @dierosenrot​‘s warden Eryn, in a world they are both heroes of Fer

Wardens AU - 

My warden Veela and @dierosenrot​‘s warden Eryn, in a world they are both heroes of Ferelden and have just finished off the archdemon. 

Credits to @senshistock​ for the lovely reference picture found here

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Some DAO drawings.

I liked that helmet soo much in the game!

My Warden, Cecil Cousland and Alistair Theirin from Dragon Age: Origins. :)


Okay everyone, let’s look at things the Warden has done:

-Killed thousands of darkspawn.

-slayed a dragon

-fought off assassins

-killed a cult

-killed a large fraction of Antivan crows. 

-slaughtered their way through the Deep roads.

-Possibly defeated Loghain in single combat. 

-Possibly busted their way out of jail. Twice depending on Origin. 

-Possibly killed an Archdemon.

In short, the Warden probably has a death toll of hundreds as a rookie warden. Only imagine how badass the Warden is now, 10 years later. They probably couldn’t be in DA:I cus Nightmare would just give up at the sight of them.


-Don’t fuck with the Warden.


No but imagine in the next Dragon Age game. Everything’s gone to hell. Another Blight’s happening. The Grey Wardens are in Civil War. The elves and lower class of Orlais begin their own French Revolution. Solas has destroyed the Veil and the Elven Gods and a ton of demons are invading Thedas. Skyhold is surrounded and desperately in need of reinforcements. And then, just when all hope seems lost, you hear it:

“Can I get you a ladder, so you can get off my back?”


one of my favorite zevran headcanons is that he breaks into vigil’s keep every time he visits just so he can tell the warden where the defenses need bolstering. 

my Surana, at @persephonechiara​‘s Rhiannon Cousland, at all times: Alathaia loves her gorgeous wife

my Surana, at @persephonechiara​‘s Rhiannon Cousland, at all times:

Alathaia loves her gorgeous wife, and she’ll fight anyone who tries to mess with her

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