#the whole lot is worn off by bed in theory


Any tips for bruxism with ADHD meds? I have ordered a night guard which looks awful but I’ll have to for now, I know it’s not good to keep grinding your teeth long term, but I finally had a medication regime that was working noticeably well for me for the first time in about 8 years

Has anyone managed to keep taking them and not wear a night guard? Because I have a feeling I’m gonna hate that for multiple reasons including sensory. It’s not just gonna go away because I realise now I’ve been doing this a while and I’ve been on the meds a while. The meds can chill my mind out a lot but at the end of the day a stimulant does what it does to your body and can still tense some parts. Add my regular stress/anxiety to that and I cannot freaking un-tense.

If you read this far then I’ll take the opportunity to turn this into one of those posts that reminds you to relax your jaw and shoulders.
