#adhd things




if you want me to consume a new media you MUST catch me at the exact moment when the stars are aligned and the air pressure is equal to the current degree of the sun’s peak against the horizon and all the cosmic energies are perfectly unified (aka my old interest is fading out) or i will nod and say “im adding that to my list!” Knowing theres no chance i will check it out

“unless its a book!” “unless you tell me it has gay people in it!” “this but only for live action shows” “theres a good chance i’ll get to it eventually” no wrong this post is not for you this post is ONLY for bitches who could have a treasured friend recommend them something that sounds grown in a lab to be your personal catnip and, with no choice in the matter, immediately know it will never be the right time to watch/read/listen to it

what-even-is-thiss:@thatsthat24 as an individual with ADD let me tell you that you just described a


@thatsthat24 as an individual with ADD let me tell you that you just described a good chunk of my life very accurately.

Post link

I’m really bad about getting off topic when discussing something or after being asked a question. It’s not as though I change the topic completely at a whim, but rather whatever is being talked about relates to something else and my ADHD sends me down a rabbit hole. I’m really bad about getting off topic when discussing something or after being asked a question. It’s not as though I change the topic completely at a whim, but rather whatever is being talked about relates to something else and my ADHD sends me down a rabbit hole

Happy New Years! 2020 may have been a hard year, but it was a big year for me in terms of being diagnosed and finding the wonderful ADHD community. I felt so lost after my initial diagnosis, but I was so lucky to find people who understand and have been such great supports.

Thank you all for being a part of this and for sharing your experiences, cheering me on, and being a part of this community.

This is a very personal comic, even though it’s not very long and doesn’t have many details. There were many opportunities in my life where my ADHD should have been caught, but I felt like I had been failed several times by the same professionals I had sought help from. It all boiled down to the fact they thought they knew me better than I knew me and therefore what I had to say was not deemed important enough to listen to.

It wasn’t until I started seeing my current therapist that I was actually allowed to speak for myself. At first it seemed to only confirm my Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but the more I talked, the more she began to realize that there was something else going on. One day she politely asked me to stop for a moment and point blank asked me “Bri, have you ever heard of Inattentive ADHD?” I had not.

And it was then I began my true journey.

Another example of how “out of sight, out of mind” affects me. Unless it’s something I’m REALLY looking forward to, I often forget it’s even supposed to be arriving if it takes longer than a week or so.

I’ve noticed I get pretty bold when it comes to talking about things I can do, but when I need to deliver…oops.

my earphone fell off my desk and i cannot find it for the life of me. but the thing is my carpet is red. and so is my earphone. i’m never gonna find it am i

me being awake at 2am: wow it’s such a good time to be productive!! i feel so motivated!! girl that is the adhd talking. go to bed

Nothing like when you have 1000+ hobbies and can’t focus on finishing 1 task. ADHD sometimes can be a double edged sword, in my case both sides are my multiple skills and languages vs my inability to finish tasks because they’re not as appealing as they could be. What about you?


The ADHD ability to write thousands of words for different assignments right at the deadline and still get good marks is unmatched

I once wrote an entire essay of 1k words in the class it was supposed to be turned in on. My classmates all struggled to get to 500 words in two weeks. They gasped at me. I’ve never been this proud of myself tbh



idk which person with adhd needs to hear this today but you do NOT need that extra shot of coffee. it will break you

this one will fix me

and if this one won’t then the next one will


its so shiddy when u have to convince yourself to do your hobbies. like, its fun, you like it, why cant you just do it. do it. do it. but what if…. mindless media consumption instead….

Me, an adhd riddled gremlin, when someone is giving me multi-step verbal instructions: 
