#the witch speaks


It’s 2022 and you’re still telling ppl to go kill themselves?

Life Advice:

  • If someone tells you to stop eating a fruit or vegetable because it’s not healthy, 9/10 times they’re wrong and you should bite them
  • If you experience a lot of fatigue you might want to get labs drawn just make sure you’re not deficient on anything
  • Get a library card. Seriously, you won’t regret it
  • Wash your face. Try to do it nightly if you can. Twice a day is ideal. Don’t forget to moisturize after each time—use facial moisturizer, not body lotion.
  • Vinegar and baking soda are REALLY GOOD CLEANERS and are eco friendly
  • Brush your teeth. Please for the love of everything, brush your teeth. That shit’s so expensive to repair.
  • Go outside. Go stand in the sun for ten minutes. Go for a fifteen minute walk. Break into a run if you feel so inclined. Turn on some music or a podcast or audio book if you so please. Etc
  • Speaking of audio books, don’t get Audible. Don’t give your money to Jeff Bezos. Put that library card to good use and see if your local library has an app for audio books.
  • Keep a journal. Get a fancy journal if you want, because that shit can be so fun to write in. Try to make writing in it a habit. Even if it’s just a sentence or two like “I ate bread today, life is good.”
  • Water is important, but make sure you’re getting your electrolytes, too. Sports drinks can provide this to an extent. For potassium, try consuming bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados, leafy greens, etc
  • Invest in a hobby. Even if you aren’t “good” at it. Humans were meant to make art and dance and sing etc. Besides, you get better with time.
  • Be fuckin nice to ppl idk

Federal Tax Budget Breakdown (in 2021, contains data from 2020 fiscal year)

Dept of Treasury (IRS, US mint, debt collection agencies, etc): 24%

Dept of Health: 22%

SSA: 17%

Dept of Defense (Military): 11%

NASA: <1%

I pay a shitton in taxes and live paycheck to paycheck, but my household makes just enough (y’know, before taxes) that it doesn’t qualify for any government assistance. Would love to actually get to use the aid that I’m paying for


I love using firefox I love blocking trackers I love not sharing my personal information I love not sharing my location I love not getting personalized ads I love using a vpn I love going incognito

Obsessed with this washington post article on how to stop facebook and instagram from tracking you

I love using firefox I love blocking trackers I love not sharing my personal information I love not sharing my location I love not getting personalized ads I love using a vpn I love going incognito

I think NASA should let there be disabled astronauts

We need tumblr polls to be a thing. How else can I get the general public to vote on whether they want a spicy or sweet Thorbruce pride pic

I am thinking about thorbruce

Make sure to leave out some milk and cookies for bisexual king Thor this Pride season

The ocean flag is nice
