#fuck this country




I have made a meme to explain how Millennials aren’t destroying industries, the industries are destroying us:

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

I want to say I am delighted at everyone saying “this is the worst graph mathematically but I get your point and approve”.

I pay a shitton in taxes and live paycheck to paycheck, but my household makes just enough (y’know, before taxes) that it doesn’t qualify for any government assistance. Would love to actually get to use the aid that I’m paying for

I’m in my early 20s.

I want to be traveling the world before I have kids, a mortgage and other responsibilities tying me down.

I want to be trying new things before I work full time; drumming, sports, new languages.

I want to be learning who I am. Trying new styles. Making mistakes, because now is the time to do it.

I want to make memories and take pictures of me before I get old and wrinkly and grey.

But I can’t. Because the place I live is not safe for me, and if I go outside it may mean I’m never well enough again to do any of that. So I wait. I’ve waited for two years now and I see no end in sight. I wait and I wait and I wait.

My world is so small.
