#the witchlands


I find it really funny that magic door people like her is the entire thing. That’s all Ryber ever told Cam and that’s all Vivia knows. Just. Magic doors. And people like her.

Just. Vivia catching Vaness before she throws herself into the water.

Vaness: the stars are beautiful tonight

Stix: you know who else is beautiful?

Vaness and Stix, at the same time: Vivia

If Habim is (and he is) the other Firewitch Paladin then Iseult is just the daughter of not one but two Exalted Ones

Merik: Stix’s eyes are blue, right?

Vivia: they’re brown, with hints of light brown when the light hits just right

Merik: right. and when was the last time she smiled?

Vivia: last night at 2:03 AM

Merik: and when is my birthday?


Merik: when is my birthday, sister?

Ryber: Do you have a self-care routine?

Stix: “Keep going bitch” said to myself in different accents.

The Rook King: In a sense, none of the exalted ones have ever ‘escaped’ because society is just another, larger cage. Fuck yeah that sounds so smart. But yeah like five to six feral immortal warriors are currently loose

I also feel like Evrane is the kind of person to say

electronic mail

Instead of e-mail unironically

If we find out Eron’s relationship with the Sighwitch Sisters comes from Laia’s previous relationship with them I will die.

That one flashback in Witchshadow where we find out Baile, Bastien and Rhian were killed like inches away from each other…. fuck this one lady and her family in particular

Sightwitch really does start off like

PoV: you’re Kullen Ikray

Would just like to point out, that, technically, Stix still remains undefeated. The voices and Kahina both were matches for her, but we can at least call it a draw in both cases

Hearing voices in your head? Just say no. Old Ones literally can’t speak to you without your consent.

Stix: My assistance will be an act of beneviolence.

Vivia: …Don’t you mean benevolence?


The Fury: Slash gamemode creative.

Aeduan: Dude, this isn’t Min-

The Fury: *starts levitating*

“Saria refuses to pick a side”

Saria: is fucking six

How mad is Vaness going to be when she finds out that well-chosen isn’t the correct term and that her own well, is, in fact, a bitch

Something very cursed about proper and poised Merik being familiar with a tavern that hosts brawls on fridays

Vivia: Do you ever drink so much coffee that you feel kinda dizzy, then the world is moving in slow motion, and then you’re drifting through space and time

Vaness:-and then you can see everything and nothing while being lost in the void?

Vivia: yes!


My best guesses for Midne because I refuse to admit Esme is probably her:

  • That Northman from Bloodwitch
  • Carill Ikray

That’s it

No I won’t shut up about vivia vaness and stix isn’t it so funny that her love interests are the shortest and tallest women in the series

Merik: if you don’t even care about me, what would happen if I died?

Vivia: …you’d have a funeral?

Merik: and what would you do?

Vivia: I would go to the funeral?

If we don’t get a The Breakdown-type confession from the Rook King what even is the point. I want the bird man to be more than a little fucked up

Leopold: Do you think there really is a god?

Iseult: well, someone is out to get me

It irritates me so much that Empress Vaness rhymes

True Tale of The Twelve Paladins is such a nice name for a book though. So alliterate. So many Ts. So intriguing. It just sounds so good.

drawingllamas:my attempt at drawing Iseult from Truthwitch by Susan Dennard (please don’t @ me about


my attempt at drawing Iseult from Truthwitchby Susan Dennard (please don’t @ me about the what she’s wearing sgrfsdf)

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