#love that for her



Now I’m thinking about “Nile was going to let you off with an apology” and “Just give her some time.”

Nile is not used to immortality yet. She knows how precious time is. Even more so, she’s someone that lost a parent at a young age. She’s probably even more aware of how valuable every single day is. She’s used to thinking you should make the most of your days because you never know when it could be your last. This is why she’s more forgiving, because she knows that time spent holding a grudge is just wasted time, and mortal people are not supposed to go around wasting time.

I’m thinking no, don’t “give her some time.” I hope she never forgets how precious time is, even if immortal, I hope she stays compassionate and forgiving and I hope she can remind that to the others.

k-eke: Be careful princess 


Be careful princess 

Post link

If Habim is (and he is) the other Firewitch Paladin then Iseult is just the daughter of not one but two Exalted Ones

Kaito: Hey, the gas station has knives in pink, purple, and blue!
Maki, confused: Alright? Are you getting one?
Kaito: Nah, just telling you because you’re bi and like knives! :D

OHHHhhhh right,,, the Poison—the poison for Kuzco—Kuzco’s poisson….. the poison chosen speciallytokillKuzco:Kuzco’s Poison

gem talks about her time as a med lab technician and working in a hospital during the pandemic

stream: “Hermitcraft Stream weekend! Come chill!” by geminitay. time stamp roughly 33:00


Think I might have to do some retconning in Love and Music AU. I’ve been trying to figure out how Draal/Nomura would happen in that universe, but I realized I made things complicated by having Draal be a member of Aargh’s band. That makes him wayolder than Nomura, which doesn’t seem to vibe with how they’re presented in canon. Sooooo…

I’m now thinking she either meets him at school (I don’t think I’ve mentioned Nomura’s backstory on here yet, so the TLDR is that she applied for and won a full ride scholarship to Julliard’s vocal arts program courtesy of Janus Records) or she meets him…around? Somehow?

Maybe he’s part of Janus’ security detail, and they meet at an event? Maybe they meet through mutual friends in college? Is he even inthe music industry or, to keep with the idea of him trying to follow in his dad’s footsteps/earn his respect, does he do something super boring?

I don’t know. I’m stumped on this one honestly.

I kind of like the idea of him working security? Would be a fun callback to Draal basically acting as Jim’s bodyguard in canon.

And I guess that means… Rule 3 needs another third member? D:



Btw did y’all know Toks Olagundoye, the voice of Mel Medarda, also voices Nanafue in Steven Universe? I would’ve never know had I not found out accidentally lol.


keke: Space Ranger chic Y'all ready to head to space with me on Friday, June 17th?!!!





Florence and the Machine at last night’s Spotify event in Brooklyn. As Florence began to sing Sky Full of Song a literal storm began to hit, she never faltered and embraced the storm.

Watching this was an ethereal experience

this queen literally summoned a storm during her performance when will your fave ever control the weather with such accuracy

Florence Welch is just one of those people that /are/ magic like if homegirl pulled up to an interview saying she met with faeries when she was a child and they’re what inspired her to pursue music i would NEVER second guess I’d just assume that they gifted her with a talent for magic because she gave them a breadcrumb or smth


Lynda Carter going off for Pride ️‍️‍⚧️ Month and I’m here for it!

Happy Pride! So excited to celebrate with all my LGBTQA+ friends and fans Art by Paulina Ganucheau for DC ComicsALT
screen cap. Lynda Carter replying to Amber Hefner on Twitter who said "Wonder Woman IS NOT A SUPERHERO FOR GAYS!" Lynda Carter says "You are right. She's a superhero foe bisexuals."ALT
screen cap of image of Lynda Carter in a dark dress with fists up ready to fight. the caption says "Love seeing all the love from LGBTQ+ fans today! Now here's one I call the "ready to fight your homophobic relatives" pose. Just kidding. (Or am I?) Haha! "ALT
Tweet from Lynda Cart that says "I didn't write Wonder Woman, but if you want to argue that she is somehow not a queer or trans icon, then you're not paying attention. Every time someone comes up to me and says that WW helped them while they were closeted, it reminds me how special the role is."ALT


lan xichen being tricked into stabbing jin guangyao through the chest with his sword

shen qingqiu being forced to stab luo binghe to push him into the endless abyss

hua cheng telling xie lian he’s not allowed to even joke about being stabbed a hundred times because that’s the thing that hurts his feelings


I also have thoughts about the fact that Lilith is a 40-something year-old woman who crashed and burned hard in her demanding career and is now living back at home with her parents and figuring herself out and working a very low-level position in a field she loves and everyone important in her life sees this as a good and healthy change and is happy for her. More of that in stories please.
