#the world is quiet here



It is my sad duty to inform you that you have just stumbled upon my newly created, miserable little blog where I plan to write and record my various existential and philosophical ramblings about the A Series of Unfortunate Events book and Netflix series as well as the rest of the VFD/Lemony Snicket universe. 

My name is Freddy and I have had the miserable task of being a fan of ASOUE for more than ten years now ever since I read the series first at the tender, naive age of seven. With the creation of the Netflix series, and what seems to be a revamp of the ASOUE fandom, I have taken it upon myself to force my words and ramblings upon you in blog form.

I’m currently a college student studying both English Literature and Philosophy (or as I prefer to truncate it: Poverty) so depending on how many people are willing to tolerate what I have to say, I may also include some genuine philosophical analysis here as well.

I advise you to leave, look away, or otherwise ignore this sad, lonely collection of drabble by a sad, lonely man, but if you choose to say, don’t say you were not warned.
