

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• As humans we are more willing to go through extreme situations and endure pain if there’s a reward at the end. Why do we people workout and spend hours at the gym? Because one, the euphoric feeling you get after a good workout and two, you’re hoping your body seems more attractive after a couple months of work. Why do people run a 5k? It’s a good feeling seeing dozens of people cheering you when you’re crossing the finish line, maybe you want to set a personal record, and most of the time they enjoy getting that medal and hanging it up on their wall. Regardless of what actual reward there is, we are more willing to put ourselves through these situations so long as there’s something we get in return. This is all very prevalent in BDSM as well. When you’re doing a scene, your submissive will be more willing and eager to endure her spankings or being flogged if she knows at the end she gets some pleasure/reward. Not only do I believe it’s important to reward your submissive but I think it’s vital to the power exchange relationship. Personally I try to incorporate the pleasure in the middle of an impact session. Regardless of how your scene is laid out, always try to set a goal for your submissive during the scene, and discuss about incentives to help her endure the pain. BUT remember that safety is still your priority, have safe words in place and make sure you pay attention to their body language and verbal responses.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• I made a meme


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• I love when people try to cite the number of relationships they’ve been in to credit themselves. It doesn’t matter how many power exchange relationships you’ve been in, if you never actually did what is required of you. In order to be a submissive you have to submit, that is what constitutes a submissive.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• Daddy just wants his pizza slut! New merch!


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

•Reputations are built by how we chose to act around certain people. Character is who you are no matter whose around. Be careful with Dominants and submissives who seem perfect. Being a good Dominant or submissive requires you to understand that you are flawed and knowing that will allow for humility and the ability to adapt and grow in your relationships.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

•Im climbing back to the surface… right to where I belong…


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• don’t limit yourself.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• Am I who you’ve been searching for?


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• You have my heart and I have yours… so tell me, do you love me?


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• consistency is key, my fellow Dominants.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• live and die young, leave a beautiful carcass.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• It was fate that brought you to me.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• As a Dominant it is up to you to make sure you don’t give your submissive any reason to take back control. Even though you will fall short at moments, it’s how you redeem yourself that will either make her comfortable with you keeping control or not.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• Your favorite succubus


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• There is love burning inside you.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• Daddy wants the perfect pet.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• There are many types of collars within the bdsm communities. Wether the collar is recognized or not will depend on your community.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• Merry Christmas


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• Hope everyone is having a good Christmas Eve! ☃️


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• There are many types of collars within the bdsm communities. Wether the collar is recognized or not will depend on your community.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• I make unforgettable nights happen.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• There are many types of collars within the bdsm communities. Wether the collar is recognized or not will depend on your community


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• She just wants Daddy


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• As with any relationship, trust is built over time. But, if you never allow your Dominant to make important decisions or always find a reason to keep control from your Dominant, then maybe you do not want to submit.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel

✔️Daily dose of BDSM

• let’s start the morning properly, get on your knees princess.


✔️ Chek Out: the-daddy-dom.com


✔️Instagram: @the.daddy.dom.apparel
