#thelonious jagger


TJ is charming, competitive, image-conscious and assertive. TJ puts up a tough front but at his core he’s a good person.

At his best, TJ becomes much nicer and kinder as the series progresses, largely due to Cyrus’ influence. TJ also becomes more open and helpful, as we see when he borrows the golf cart to help Buffy. 

At his worst, TJ can be mean and competitive, especially at the beginning of his interactions with Buffy. TJ also finds it hard to open up to some people and is easily embarrassed. 

When we first meet TJ, he is a bit rough around the edges and a bit of a bully. However, after he meets Cyrus and realises they have a lot in common and that they understand each other, he becomes softened. For example, after seeing how scared Cyrus is about the gun, TJ decides to do the right thing and tell the police about it. 

TJ and Buffy often clash as they both have a tendency to want to be the best. This is especially evident when they are on the basketball team together as TJ is threatened by Buffy’s skills and doesn’t want her to be better than him. However, after seeing how close Buffy and Cyrus are, he starts to be nicer to Buffy and even apologises to her. He also helps encourage her to start a girls’ basketball team.


TJ is also very image-conscious and worried about what people think about him, which we see when he gets upset about Buffy telling him about his learning disability. TJ doesn’t want to tell his teacher or anyone else because he doesn’t want to be seen as dumb. Cyrus helps encourage TJ to tell his teacher and become more open about his struggles.

TJ shows his wing 2 as he is more people-oriented and charming than a 3w4. 

Tri-type:3w2 - 8w7 - 7w6

Some quotes to describe TJ’s motivations

“You’re right about me not having a moral code. You’re right about me needing help with my learning… issues.”

“Surprise. I did the right thing.”

“Classic TJ. Anything good I gotta ruin it.”

TJ: “You know what else you are?”
Cyrus: “What?”
TJ:“The only person I can talk to like this.”
