#andi mack enneagram


Bex is spontaneous, funny, rebellious and kind. Bex has always seemed to want to do new things and explore the world.

At her best, Bex becomes more serious and tries her best to be a good mother to Andi.

At her worst, Bex can avoid her problems and often jokes about serious things, which annoys both Celia and Andi.  

It’s implied throughout the series that Bex was a pretty rebellious teenager due to her strict upbringing with Celia. This led to Bex often sneaking out and trying new experiences. It also strained her relationship with Celia and it never really recovered until Bex came back and started to settle down in Shadyside. 

Bex has also always wanted to fix her relationship with her mother and even says on one occasion that she lives for the day her mother says she’s proud of her. After a while, Celia and Bex do fix their relationship with Celia becoming less strict and serious and Bex become more settled down, showing their positive impact on each other.

Bex never really wants to hurt anyone’s feelings as she doesn’t like to feel bad, nor does she want anyone else to feel bad. We see this on many different occasions. Firstly, she finds it difficult to discipline Andi as she wants to be her friend. Additionally, when Cyrus gives her his script, she hates it but pretends to like it because she doesn’t want to be mean. 


Bex is also very sentimental and has a lot of regrets, however, she also tries to live in the moment. She has a ‘memory box’ which she likes to have for herself, but eventually lets Andi see it and it becomes their memory box. Bex also prefers to be spontaneous which we can see when she is reluctant about planning the wedding, but still decides to surprise Bowie when she sets up a wedding.

Bex shows her wing 8 as she is more practical and assertive than a 7w6.

Tri-type:7w8 - 9w1 - 4w3

Some quotes to describe Bex’s motivations

“You probably hate me. You probably should hate me. But I’ll always love you, and I always have. And you have that whether you want it or not.”

“I’m just not sure how many life-altering blows she can handle. “Hi, I’m your mom”, followed by “Your dad doesn’t even know you exist.”

“It’s what dads do. It’s their job to embarrass their daughters.”

Celia:“Oh Bex, I wish you’d just grow up already.”
Bex:“I have! This is it! I am here. And I’m raising my daughter. I have a job, that I like, that I’m actually good at. Believe me, I live for the day you tell me you’re proud of me. But it’s not gonna be today, is it?”


Bowie is calm, jovial, laidback and funny. Bowie is a very calming force in both Andie and Bex’s lives.

At his best, Bowie becomes more involved in Andie’s life and expresses his feelings to Bex when he proposes to her. 

At his worst, Bowie can have a tendency to let things happen to him and not take the lead when he maybe should. 

Bowie doesn’t really express his anger or opinion very often, which can be a characteristic of 9s. One example is when Bex says she doesn’t want to get married and Bowie just goes along with it, despite wanting to marry her. Bowie also lets Bex take the lead on a lot of things in their relationship, even choosing to take her name because it makes Andie and Bex happy. 

Bowie likes to live in the present and doesn’t hold too many regrets. When he finds out about Andie, he isn’t even that upset about Bex lying to him. Instead, Bowie wants to make the most of his time with Andie and becomes fully committed to being her father. Bowie even decides to leave his band to stay in Shadyside with Andie and Bex. 


Bowie also becomes very attached to Andie and Bex and wants to settle down with them. Bowie also goes with the flow Bowie tries very hard with Andie and wants to show her that he is there for her, which he does with his video of her (set to the bestsong ever…). He also wants to show his commitment by proposing to Bex because he wants them to be a family.

Bowie shows his wing 1 as he is more quiet and calm than a 9w8. 

Tri-type:9w1 - 7w6 - 2w3

Some quotes to describe Bowie’s motivations

“Mack! That is whack! Whack-adactyl, yo! I mean double-whacker with cheese!”

“I spent a long time in my life wondering, was I ever gonna leave my mark on the world. Now I know… I am. I’ve only known her for two days, but I honestly can’t remember my life without her.”

“Yesterday, I was just Bowie. Today, I’m Bowie, with child.“


TJ is charming, competitive, image-conscious and assertive. TJ puts up a tough front but at his core he’s a good person.

At his best, TJ becomes much nicer and kinder as the series progresses, largely due to Cyrus’ influence. TJ also becomes more open and helpful, as we see when he borrows the golf cart to help Buffy. 

At his worst, TJ can be mean and competitive, especially at the beginning of his interactions with Buffy. TJ also finds it hard to open up to some people and is easily embarrassed. 

When we first meet TJ, he is a bit rough around the edges and a bit of a bully. However, after he meets Cyrus and realises they have a lot in common and that they understand each other, he becomes softened. For example, after seeing how scared Cyrus is about the gun, TJ decides to do the right thing and tell the police about it. 

TJ and Buffy often clash as they both have a tendency to want to be the best. This is especially evident when they are on the basketball team together as TJ is threatened by Buffy’s skills and doesn’t want her to be better than him. However, after seeing how close Buffy and Cyrus are, he starts to be nicer to Buffy and even apologises to her. He also helps encourage her to start a girls’ basketball team.


TJ is also very image-conscious and worried about what people think about him, which we see when he gets upset about Buffy telling him about his learning disability. TJ doesn’t want to tell his teacher or anyone else because he doesn’t want to be seen as dumb. Cyrus helps encourage TJ to tell his teacher and become more open about his struggles.

TJ shows his wing 2 as he is more people-oriented and charming than a 3w4. 

Tri-type:3w2 - 8w7 - 7w6

Some quotes to describe TJ’s motivations

“You’re right about me not having a moral code. You’re right about me needing help with my learning… issues.”

“Surprise. I did the right thing.”

“Classic TJ. Anything good I gotta ruin it.”

TJ: “You know what else you are?”
Cyrus: “What?”
TJ:“The only person I can talk to like this.”


Jonah is kind, reserved, calm and laid-back. Jonah never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings and often goes along with what other people want.

At his best, Jonah gains more of a identity and starts doing things that he likes, rather than what he thinks people want him to.

At his worst, Jonah can sometimes omit the truth and pretend things aren’t problems. For example, when he is hanging out with 

Jonah is not very good at expressing his feelings which can be a problem for 9s. This is a problem in his relationship with Andi, as Andi doesn’t know where they stand and he doesn’t really explain his view. However, he tries to be understanding and once he realises this, he tries a grand gesture by writing her a song. 

Jonah is also very scared of being different and being embarrassed which we see on many different occasions. For example, when he starts having his panic attacks, he is ashamed and doesn’t want any of his friends to look at him differently. Jonah also gets really upset at Andi when he falls at the virtual reality place and she laughs at him. However, in that instance, he doesn’t directly say anything and pretends like he is not angry/upset, which is something unhealthy 9s can do. 


Jonah is a very nice, accepting and happy person. Initially, Cyrus, Andi and Buffy all think he would be hard to approach, but after knowing him they realise that he is nice to almost everyone. In particular, Cyrus often comments on how Jonah is very different than he expected. 

Jonah has a wing 1 as he is much more reserved and quiet than a 9w8. 

Tri-type:9w1 - 7w6 - 2w3

Some quotes to describe Jonah’s motivations

“I don’t like labels”

“Cool! I haven’t had s’more in a while, so I guess I’ve been having s’less”

Buffy: “You know what you never say anymore? Docious magocious.”
Jonah: “I feel like I kind of grew out of it”
Buffy:“That’s too bad. I liked it.”
Jonah: “Really? You always made fun of it.”
Buffy: “That’s why I liked it.”


Buffy is competitive, ambitious, protective and determined. Buffy always strives to be the best in all that she does (especially basketball), but is also always there for her friends.

At her best, Buffy realises that being the best isn’t everything and becomes less competitive in some of her relationships.

At her worst, Buffy can be a bit rash and can jump to conclusions, as we see when she assumes Marty stole her shoes and decides to get revenge by soaking his shoes.

Buffy is really protective of her friends and often stands up for them, as we see in her friendships with Cyrus and Andi. Buffy is also very trustworthy which we can see when she vows to not tell Cyrus’ secret. She also ends up breaking up with Walker because she doesn’t like the way it is impacting her friendship with Andi.  

Buffy always tries pushes herself to do her best, as we see when she wants to join the boys’ basketball team. Buffy is accepted onto the team, but is virtually ignored by her teammates (in large part due to TJ being threatened). Instead, Buffy decides to make her own girls’ team because she’s a trailblazer. Initially, Buffy is disappointed because she thinks her team is bad, but as the season progresses, Buffy realises it’s more important to have a team bond and becomes a very good coach, leading to them winning their first match. 


Buffy has always felt like she has had to be strong and confident because her mother was deployed. As a result, Buffy doesn’t like to be vulnerable as we see when she doesn’t want to say goodbye to Andi and Cyrus. She also doesn’t want her last memories with them to be negative. Luckily, Buffy is able to stay friends with them and is better equipped to move on when Andi says she’s leaving.

Buffy shows her wing 4 as she is more achievement-oriented and reserved than a 3w2. 

Tri-type:3w4 - 1w2 - 6w5

Some quotes to describe Buffy’s motivations

“I am a real Buffy, and I prefer not to being compared to a fictional vampire slayer on a television show from the last century.”

“I have to be strong because that’s what I promise my mom every time she gets deployed.”

“Vampires aren’t the only thing this Buffy is slaying.”

Marty: “Do I know you?”
Buffy: “I think you would know if you knew me.”
Marty: “What have you done that’s so great that I would know you?”
Buffy: “What haven’t I done?”
Marty: “I’m gonna say… you haven’t eaten a live frog.”
Buffy: “Have you?”
Buffy: “Why would you eat a live frog?”
Marty: “He mouthed off.”
Buffy: “You never ate a live frog.”
Marty:“Of course not! You’re just making this conversation very difficult.”
Buffy:“I’m just here for the cheese puffs.”

Buffy: “How do you feel about doing some spy work?”
Cyrus: “You kidding? I already got the trench coat and fedora hanging in my closet.”
Buffy:“We just need your camera with the big lens.”
Cyrus: “I love this! I feel like we’re in one of those old detective movies. Let’s get to work.”


Cyrus is loyal, caring, nervous and helpful. Cyrus is always there for his friends when they need him. 

At his best, Cyrus becomes more confident and assertive, due in large part to his relationship with TJ. Cyrus also becomes more comfortable in his own skin and isn’t as afraid of what people will think of him. 

At his worst, Cyrus can sometimes let his fears get the best of him and avoid problems. Cyrus can also be a bit of a gossip as we see when he tells his mother about Andi’s secret. 

Throughout the series, Cyrus is shown to have a lot of fears and to be insecure, which is common for 6s. Cyrus often deals with some of his fears and insecurities by making self-deprecating jokes and making light of them, which I think he does to make sure he gets ahead of anyone making fun of him. For example, when he can’t do a somersault, he sends TJ a list of everything he can’t do to make fun of himself. 

Cyrus is also very kind and always wants to give people a chance as we see with his relationship with TJ and his friendship with Amber. TJ was in a bit of a rivalry with Buffy, yet Cyrus still tried to defend him to her and give him a pass because he knew that underneath it all TJ was a good person. He does have doubts after meeting TJ’s friends and seeing one of them have a gun, but ultimately he still listens to TJ and sees he did the right thing. Cyrus is also one of the first people Amber opens up to as he passes her test for being trustworthy. 


Cyrus always likes for people to solve their problems and does not like conflict or confrontation at all, like many phobic 6s. He often acts as a mediator when his friends are having issues, as we see when he tries to make TJ and Buffy resolve their issues. He also does the same thing with Buffy and Amber, where he tries to play therapist for them. 

Cyrus shows his wing 7 as he is more visible nervous and expressive than a 6w5.

Tri-type:6w7 - 9w1 - 2w1

Some quotes to describe Cyrus’ motivations

“Who am I today? Who will I turn out to be? I don’t know yet. All I really know is that I have people in my life who love me as I am… whatever that is. ‘Keeps changing. But today, I am a man. Tomorrow, I’ll be a 7th grader.”

“But I’m not strong.  I’m weak!”

“You do not want to run with the troublemakers.  They’re like coyotes.  They’re mean, and they hunt in packs, and they’re night feeders.”

“Yeah, totally. Yeah, full-throttle outlaw, kissing asphalt on my hog… those are all the biker words I know.”
