#themis goddess


Theoi Summary - Themis

Θεμις (theh-mees) - Themis
Goddess of divine law, oracles, customs, assemblies, natural order, justice, and counselor of Zeus
Ouranic Titaness

Symbols: Scales of justice, tripod, cornucopia, measuring rod, sword, blindfold
Animals: Lion (modern)
Colors: Grey, white
Plants/Herbs: ??
Stones/Crystals: ??

Retinue: ??
Relations: Ouranos (father), Gaia (mother), Zeus (husband), Moirai (daughters), Horai (daughters), Themeides (daughters), Prometheus (sometimes son)
Identified with: Demeter Thesmorphos (Hellenic), Rhea (Hellenic), Gaia (Hellenic), Justitia (Roman)

Festivals: Demokratia (12th Boe.)

Epithets: Sôteira (Savior), Euboulos (Well-Counselled), Orthoboulos (Well-Counselled), Hiera (Holy), Aidoios (August, Venerable), Eugenes (High-Born)
