#theory time


It’s likely a “corrupted” AI of Chase piloting Nemesis.

Here’s what we know: 

  • Chase is one of few viable pilots for the Holons. 
  • It’s pretty likely that Nemesis is extremely similar, if not identical technology (episode 5, it knows to go for the Holon’s “brain” immediately, despite never having encountered the gen:LOCK team before, as commented by Chase and Weller). 
  • Nemesis/its pilot recognizes Miranda and calls her by name.
  • It’s. Pretty obvious that MBJ also voice acts Nemesis, along with Julian’s now iconic “let the good times roll.”
  • In episode 2, it’s revealed that Union nanobots were swarming Julian for an indeterminate amount of time before he was recovered.
  • Also episode 2, it’s implied that it’s possible to make AI’s based on real people (people crowding Chase, one comments, “They based an AI off of him?” “No, I think they’re saying that’s really him.”)
  • EDIT: THE MOST OBVIOUS ONE WHICH I FORGOT THE FIRST TIME AROUND: episode 5, Nemesis refers to Chase as the “copy” while attacking him. wild.

So! We have the possibility of an AI based on one of the few people in the world that is able to pilot a Holon, and Union technology able to do fuck all to pretty much anything organic, and a giant mech with some of Chase’s mannerisms and, apparently, memories.

(Julian’s family–or at least his mother– being Union-affiliated may also be likely, but I do doubt that Dri is the pilot.)

I finally did it, I can’t even believe it.

But anyways, I finally introduce the project I’ve been working on for many hours throughout the days.

Formalizing the ÖXXÖ XÖÖX language.

Basically, if you’re a fan of ÖXXÖ XÖÖX, you’ll probably have known that in their music, there’s this alien language. Now, if you ever looked at their lyrics with the dictionary, you would have noticed that there are some weird untranslated and nonsensical bits here and there. The goal here is that I attempt to make sense of all of those weird bits and even make the language a ton more usable and communicate-able than ever before!

This is done by observing patterns and making light and sense of them and proving there existence. Slowly, even the music lyrics and the language as a whole should make a lot more sense to you after gazing or even attempting to learn this.

Even if you aren’t a fan, if you enjoy looking at theory work and very weird conlangs and how one would figure out them. Then give it a look if you want!

Continue here:


Warning, the page size will be enormous. 

There’s also the enhanced dictionary where It’s basically the vocabulary on the album but fixed of spelling errors and with pronunciation! (It’s not done yet but we’ll get there.) Also, while rereading the lyrics a bunch of times, I found out that there were some words not posted on the official dictionary from the original site so I added those in too.



Look at The Box from A Heist With Markiplier

Now look at our hand


Same shape, flat on the top and rounded bottom, both the same/near the same shade, although it’s hard to tell with the thumbnail having it glow but it’s remarkably similar to the one we have in our hands!

In both series we had the ability to loop, to travel to different times, so much so that a crazy lady with a Lazer gun had to stop us (And shoot Mark in the process) . It was The Box in A Heist With Markiplier that gave us the power, BUT IT WAS THE GEM ON THE BOX, not the Box itself! Now WE have it again!

I’m not alone here, right?

I mean, the parallels!

So this wild theory came to me last night

But what if assclass and bnha are set in the same universe and timeline?


  • If assclass was set just before like the masses and masses of quirks
  • That kunagigaoka is the best school for quirkless kids, whereas UA is the one for kids with quirks.
  • E class are kids who show quirk potential and that’s why they’re bullied and sent to the lowest class because they’re part of the minority— (but at this point they just think it’s cuz they’re weird- because society has only ever heard of either full quirks or nothing at all, think all for one time period just shift it over a bit more to modern day)
  • (NOTE they aren’t fully formed quirks- just the potentials to be. So say if they had a family line, their grandkids might be the one to ge the quirk if that’s makes sense)
  • All of E class show specialist skills, for instance- nagisa’s quirk being the whole assassiny skill stuff, Hazama’s power with words, Suginos baseball skills, the fact Hara can eat a bread bun thing in a second, Chiba using his fringe as crosshairs, obviously a lot more. (Note, Im excluding koroQ Cuz that was made so they’d have skills)
  • Then Korosensei is actually a fully formed quirk, something lesser known off in this time.
  • The lab Shiro and Aguri worked at studied quirk DNA (at this point they didn’t know this was a proper quirk yanno)
  • So then this explains why Koro Itona ajd Kayano would all have the same quirk- the same lab “quirks” were being experimented with
  • This can also include other characters.
  • If the principle actually have a quirk that can manifest centipedes and illusions.
  • The reaper’s whole thing.
  • The fact Red Eye could never miss a shot
  • Grip’s immense hand strength
  • It would explain how Ritsu was so easily built without questions- the russian (?) team were a hero gear support team and decided to make AI.
  • I may be pulling at strings but I think I might be onto something heh

TL;DR I have a theory where Assclass takes place in the same universe and timeline as Bnha but before quirks were the majority. E class show signs of quirks whilst some and Koro are fully developed quirks.

edit: I’m lowkey making this an AU now,, so pls ask me stuff about it
