
“The men are testing me as much as I’m testing them. They want to see if I’m softer than my father.

“The men are testing me as much as I’m testing them. They want to see if I’m softer than my father. I have to show them I’m not.’

Hephaistion shot him a scathing look. ‘Most of them have known you since you were a boy. Where in all Hades would they have got the idea that you’re soft?”

The Lion’s Cub by L M Zorn

Book 1 of the Philalexandros Chronicles



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“You could stay with your father and raise horses. There’s honour in it.’‘I could,’ Hephaistion agre

“You could stay with your father and raise horses. There’s honour in it.’

‘I could,’ Hephaistion agreed. ‘And I will, when all this is done. But right now that would mean leaving you to your own good sense, and from what I can tell that’s thin on the ground.”

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“I hope you don’t snore.’ Alexandros spoke over his shoulder as he moved back to his own bed.‘Why, d

“I hope you don’t snore.’ Alexandros spoke over his shoulder as he moved back to his own bed.

‘Why, do you?’

The prince, reaching to put out the lamp, paused, surprised. ‘I don’t know. I don’t think so. But I’ve never shared a room before.’

‘Well then,’ said Hephaistion, rolling to his back to smile up at the ceiling. ‘I suppose we’ll both find out.”

GR: The Lion’s Cub by L.M. Zorn https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56885918-the-lion-s-cub


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