#theseus scamander x you


Confessions | Part Five | Theseus Scamander x Reader

A/N: This is it, loves! Honestly, this series was so fun to write. It was short and sweet, and that’s how I had envisioned it. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Y/es/n - Your eldest son’s name

Y/ys/n - Your youngest son’s name

Y/d/n - Your daughter’s name

Y/gs/n - Your grandson’s name

Y/gd/n - Your granddaughter’s name

S/w/n - Son’s wife’s name

Confessions:Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four |

You and Theseus approached the maternity wing in St. Mungo’s, eager to see your firstborn grandchild.

Your oldest son, y/s/n, led to you his wife’s room, eager for you to meet his baby. Or rather, babies.

It was a shock to both you and Theseus when y/s/n had chosen to elope with his wife instead of have a traditional wedding. It was even more of a shock when three years later, they shared they were expecting a baby. Who was due in two and a half months.

Although Theseus was initially upset that they kept the pregnancy from the two of you for so long, you managed to calm him down with biscuits and tea, reminding him that they were grown adults who made their own decisions.

So when Theseus walked in and laid eyes on his grandchildren, a bit and a girl, he couldn’t hold back the tears.

“They’re going to be just as strong as their mum and dad, aren’t they?” He cooed as he took his granddaughter into his arms, rocking her gently back and forth while you cradled your grandson.

Your son’s wife, s/w/n, smiled as she watched the two of you with them, “They favor the two of you quite a bit, don’t they? Then again, y/s/n is a pretty even mix of the both of you. Or at least I think so. Which is why we’ve decided to incorporate you guys into their names.”

Theseus shot his head up, “I don’t understand…”

“My parents died when I was very young, and you guys practically raised me when I was a child. Without you guys, I wouldn’t have met this fool,” She teased, looking up at your oldest son, then back at the twins, “Guys, this is y/gs/n Theseus Scamander and y/gd/n y/n Scamander.”

Your heart melted upon hearing their names, and you smiled down at the twins, “Oh, s/w/n… You’ve made my whole year.”

Theseus tried to control his tears, but it was useless, “I’m honored, truly. Thank you.”

They nodded and you all enjoyed it the silence for a moment until the door burst open, your second born son and daughter bursting in wearing large grins.

Y/e/s/n glared at them, “Quiet down you two, they’re asleep.”

Y/d/n’s jaw dropped, “They?”

As your children started rambling about the secrecy of the pregnancy, you rest your head against Theseus’s shoulder.

“Darling, I think it’s my turn to confess.” You said in a hushed tone as he met your gaze, “I just fell in love all over again.”

Pressing a kiss to your head, you and Theseus nestled into each other, smiling at your children, and now, grandchildren.

Confessions | Part Four | Theseus Scamander x Reader

A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to write this! Been crazy busy lately with absolutely nothing. Nonetheless, enjoy the second to last part of Confessions. This takes place nearly thirty years after your wedding. Yes, thirty.

Warnings: Wedding (?), fluff, kissing

Series:Part One|Part Two|Part Three|

Theseus walked your daughter down a marble isle, her heels clicking against the stone as she approached her fiance, a smile plastered on his face.

You sat in the front row, watching as your youngest climbed the steps, turning to give her father a kiss on the cheek before she let go of his arm.

With years in his eyes, he watched as she took a step towards the rest of her life. Taking a seat beside you, you leaned into his shoulder, whispering, “You’ll always be her father.”

Theseus smiled, blinking the tears away and giving your hand a small squeeze before returning his attention to the ceremony.

It was difficult for the two of you to wrap your heads around the fact that nearly thirty years ago, it was the two of you at the alter. Now, in your fifties, you were watching your youngest and only daughter get married to the man she hoped to spend the rest of her life with.

Your sons stood beside your daughter and her fiance at the alter, one acting as best man and the other as “man of honor”. No matter what anyone said, the Scamander’s were a tight knit family.

As the ceremony came to a close and your daughter leaned in to kiss her husband, you felt tears in your eyes.

They made their way back down the isle, smiling from ear to ear. There was no doubt that your daughter looked like you but with her father’s smile and demeanor. Now, as they walked away, you sniffled, remembering cradling her in your arms as an infant. Time had gone too fast.

This time, Theseus leaned into you, a soft smile on his lips, “I’ve got a confession.”

You raised a brow, “Another?”

“Another.” He answered.

“What is it?”

He brought his voice to a whisper, “Every day, I fall more and more in love with you.”

Leaning into him, you pressed a kiss to his cheek. No matter how much time past, whether it was thirty years or fifth, your love would never fade. It was only grow.

Confessions | Part Three | Theseus x Reader

A/N:Here’s part three of Confessions! I have two more parts in mind that’ll be posted here in the next few days. All parts will be released by the end of the week. <3

Series: Confessions | Part One|Part Two|

Warnings:Marriage (?), fluff

Word Count: Good question

Theseus stood at the alter, hands clasped in front of him as you walked towards him, your white gown trailing behind you. He blinked the tears forming in his eyes away, his throat clenching. You were beautiful.

Standing before him, you were smiling from ear to ear. How could you not be? You were getting married to the man that you had been in love with your whole life. It just took the two of you longer to realize than the average witch or wizard.

The ceremony began, but Theseus could hardly concentrate. His eyes were locked on yours. Your eyes, your hair, how beautiful you looked in that dress. Before he knew what he was doing, he took yours hands in his.

“Aww’s” made their way through the guests, and you couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh, smiling back at your friends and family before returning your focus to your husband. Well, fiance, but he’d be your husband in a few more minutes.

As it came time for the vows, Theseus cleared his throat, his thumb rubbing circles over your hand, beginning with, “Y/N.”

“Y/N,” He repeated, “For as long as I can remember, you’ve been a monumental part of my life. From the time we were kids to now, you’ve always been there. I’ve always told you that I loved you, but I don’t think I understand just how much I loved you until we were older. Until now. Y/N, I promise to love you for the rest of my life. Until death do us part. And even then, I’ll still love you from the bottom of my heart.”

A few stray tears fell down your cheeks, but before you could wipe them away, Theseus had his thumb just below your eye, gently wiping them away.

You sniffled, “I don’t think I could follow that well even if I tried.”

The guests laughed, and you continued, “Theseus, I’ve got a confession to make: I’ve loved you ever since we were in the garden at your mum’s when we were kids. I fell down and scraped my knee, and while your brother went to get your mum, you stayed with me and told me that everything was going to be okay. You held my hand while I cried and didn’t let go until I had a bandage on my knee and some fresh fruit. From that moment on, I’ve loved you with my whole heart. And now, as we say our I do’s, I’ll continue to love you with my whole heart. Now, it’s my turn to hold your hand and heal your wounds. Because I’ll always love you, in sickness and in health.”

Theseus blinked away his tears, smiling down at you.

“Do you, Theseus Scamander, take Y/N Y/L/N, to be your loftly wedded wife?” The Ministry official asked, looking between the couple.

He smiled, nodding, “I do.”

“And do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Theseus Scamander to be your loftly wedded husband?”

Grinning, you nodded, “I do.”

“Then by the power of the Ministry, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

Theseus placed his hands on either sides of your cheeks, kissing you on the lips once before pulling away. The two of you turned to face your guests, beginning your walk back down the aisle.

Newt nodded at the two of you, giving you a small smile as you descended the alter stairs. Pickett peaked his head out of his pocket, looking around to see what all the fuss was about.

Tina sat in the rows of chairs in front of the alter, cradling Teddy in her arms as he swung at her necklace, trying to break it off the chain. To her left, Mrs. Scamander dabbed feverishly at the tears in her eyes, elated that her first-born had “finally gotten married”.

Jacob and Queenie sat beside her, tears in their eyes as they waved the two of you off. You family, on the opposite side, grinned as you walked by.

In the back of the hall, Albus Dumbledor stood by the doors, smiling gently at the two of you before holding the door open for you.

Once the doors closed behind you, Theseus turned to you, taking your other hand in his, “I’ve got a confession to make, too.”

“And what’s that?”

“You look absolutely beautiful.”

Confessions | Part Two | Theseus x Reader

A/N:Here’s part two to “Confessions”! I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as the last one. It’s super fluffy! Click here to read part one and be on the lookout for part three!

Word Count:1,058

Warnings: Kissing, loads of fluff

Walking down the marble staircase into the ballroom, you felt like royalty. Your arm was looped in Theseus’s, your green dress swaying by your feet as you descended the stairs, a soft smile on your face.

“Thank you,” Theseus said between steps, “For agreeing to be my date for the night.”

“Of course, Thes,” You responded, “But you really don’t have to thank me. It’s what friends are for.”

He nodded, “I just don’t want you to feel put out. I know being at the Ministry Ball isn’t exactly the way most people want to spend their evening.”

“No, no,” You shook your head, your eyes meeting his, “I want to be here. With you.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Theseus’s heart was practically beating out of his chest being this close to you. One hand entwined with yours, the other settled on your waist, he could hardly concentrate on dancing.

Spinning you around in a slow circle, he brought you back to him. But in all of his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed you trip over the skirt of your dress, falling into his chest.

He took a step back, catching you before you ended up face-down on the ballroom floor. Your arms were splayed acrost his chest, gripping the fabric to steady yourself. Breathing unsteadily, Theseus balanced you, returning you to your feet. But his hands remained on the small of your back, and your hands remained planted on his chest.

For a moment, everything seemed at a standstill. Around the two of you, life moved on. The Ministry employees kept dancing, drinking, talking- but you and Theseus just stood, existing, searching each others eyes for something more.

So as Theseus leaned in, his eyes focused on your lips, you leaned in, too.

It was only when Theseus was tapped on the shoulder that he was pulled away from the moment. His grip on your waist loosened, you removed your hands from his chest. Taking a step back, you forced a smile on your face as Theseus’s boss introduced himself, asking to steal “the man of the hour” away for a moment.

Theseus looked back to you, hesitant to leave you on your own. But you just squeezed his shoulder, “It’s okay, I’ll be alright for a few minutes on my own.”

He bowed his head, nodding slightly, looking back at you before following after his boss, who desperately wanted to introduce him to his wife and son. But all Theseus wanted was for you to be back in his arms.

“I’m sorry I had to leave you for so long tonight,” Theseus said, “I didn’t realize Rathart was going to talk about his wife for half an hour.”

You couldn’t help but laugh at his remark, smiling up at him, “It’s okay. I made myself familiar with the buffet table.”

“Well, then, I left you in good hands, didn’t I?”

You nodded, but before you had a chance to respond, Theseus interupted, “A bit of a… strange question but, tonight, do you think… do you think everyone thought you were my wife?”

Your breath hitched in your throat, his comment ripping through you. It felt as though you had just been stabbed in the chest. Would it be so horrible to be married to you?

You snapped your head out of it. You had known Theseus for as long as you could remember. There was nothing romantic about it. The two of you were friends, nothing more and nothing less. That’s the way it would always be.

“No,” You stammered, “No, I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”

“Rathart’s wife, Magdoline, she thought we were married,” Theseus said, inhaling sharply, “Said we looked nice together.”


Theseus frowned, “You don’t think… you don’t think we looked nice together? Was it the tie? I thought that this shade of green was close enough but I guess when you really look at it in the light that it looks a bit off.”

“No, there was nothing wrong with the tie,” You said, your breathing getting heavier, “I think… I think we do look nice together, actually.”

“Me too,” He said, relief washing over his face.

You looked to your door, “I better call it a night. These heels are about to kill me.”

He nodded, clasping his hands akwardly, “Well, goodnight, Y/N. Thank you again.”

You nervously smiled at him, “Goodnight, Theseus.”

The two of you leaned forward into an uncomfortable hug. Neither of you knew where to put your hands and when you finally broke apart, you each went your seperate ways as fast as possible.

As soon as the door closed behind you, you let out a deep sigh. The two of you couldn’t keep going on like this forever. And Theseus sure as hell wasn’t going to make the first move. With any other girl, maybe. But not with you. You knew each other too well for him to use a cheesy pickup line or ask you to a movie with a bouquet of flowers.

So you kicked off your heels, threw open the door, lifted your dress up off the ground, and made a beeline for him before he could descend the floor flights of stairs to your flat’s lobby.

Slowing once you reached him, your hand grazed his shoulder. Before he could even turn around, your mouth was on his. His hand settled on your back, the other burying itself into your hair as his lips moved against yours.

When you finally broke apart, both of you were out of breath.

“What…” He trailed off, a dreamy smile on his lips.

“That was to make up for earlier,” You answered, “When we were interupted.”

Theseus pressed his forehead against yours, “I’ve got a confession to make, Y/N.”

“I’ve got one, too.”

“You go first.”

You laughed, looking up at him, “No way! You said it first.”


“No, you first.”

He swallowed, squeezing your hand, “I love you.”

“That makes this easy, then.”

He quirked a brow, “Makes what easy?”

“Telling you that I love you, too.”
