#they are disasters your honor


clothing headcanons

  • nico and leo both have atrocious fashion, but in opposite directions
  • nico is in the horrible marriage of punk/emo/grunge
  • leo is the even worse marriage of grunge and swag fashion
  • leo wears pants with pockets that make no sense and also are fake, but also not?
  • he also buys pants a size bigger on purpose in order to seem smaller
  • which is pointless cause he’s a shrimp of a boy
  • nico wears those ironic shirt you find at thrift shops
  • he has so many that are hilariously bad youth group shirts.
  • he bought that “women want me fish fear me” hat for percy, and percy refused to acknowledge him for a week.
  • before they fully got together, leo bought the big foot is real and ate my @$$ shirt while nico bought the hat
  • they saw each other and laughed for ten minutes straight
  • they also ended up making out at some point that night