#they are future



i know some people are disappointed but think about this: bellamy and clarke are together, arms around each other, looking at the new world they have the opportunity to explore TOGETHER. they are TOGETHER. they have this kid, their friends’ kid, that knew stories like madi did. knew to wake BOTH of them up. only them. why? because monty and harper knew the only way to figuring out the new planet situation is with both of them awake. they knew theyre stronger together. and in my opinion, they recognize bellamy and clarke as the future. its not really about romance anymore. theyre beyond that. theyre hope. theyre the future. thats way more meaningful and powerful than a kiss or “i love you”. im not saying that stuff wont happen or to give up hope for it but im saying look beyond that. theres really no better way to end the season than with bellamy and clarke in each others’ arms looking at the future fully on the same side and together. the head and the heart.
