#they look so cool

capntony: ++ [50+] New Trailer icons (pt 1) like/reblog if you can ten different color patterns 3 se


++ [50+]New Trailer icons (pt 1)

  • like/reblog if you can
  • ten different color patterns
  • 3 sets of various shapes
  • credit not necessary but appreciated

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killullu:rip im alive again both con and trip to the capital literally killed mei had so much fun killullu:rip im alive again both con and trip to the capital literally killed mei had so much fun


rip im alive again both con and trip to the capital literally killed me
i had so much fun with the JoJo group !! im the Kakyoin

just look at the gorgeous fanart that the beautiful Jolyne i met there drew for us !!  

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new blorbos from my brain just dropped (micah is the one with curly hair and cordyn is the other one)

corsolanite: Official Artwork for Legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon for Pokémon Scarlet & Violetcorsolanite: Official Artwork for Legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet


Official Artwork for Legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

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wiseman siblings on camera be like

“your cologne is making me icky!”“as if your feet are sparing mine any mercy!” —– *pose*

I was lucky enough to win a spot on @cadetzarneki’s year end giveaway, thankyou so much for portraying Nick and Kylie so beautifully and perfectly !!!

ATEEZ - 멋(The Real) (흥 : 興 Ver. )

WooSan edition


*About Damn Time by Lizzo intensifies*


huh the zombie apocalypse looks a lil different from what i remember

redraw of this

alt version below

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sinobug:Long-horned Orb-weaver Spider (Macracantha arcuata, Araneidae)This is the female. The male


Long-horned Orb-weaver Spider (Macracantha arcuata, Araneidae)

This is the female. The males are diminutive in size and look completely different.
As members of the orb-weaver family of spiders, they build large circular webs in the forest understory. Despite their bizarre appearance, they are as docile and harmless as your garden-variety orb-weaver.
The purpose of the dramatic horns remains unstudied, but theories include: a demonstration of reproductive prowess; a difficult subject for predators to swallow; function as counterbalances so the spider can position itself securely in its web (similar to a tightrope walkers pole); and they are very effective at breaking up the spider’s body profile against a shadowy background of dappled vegetation and sky, rendering them invisible.
Several colour forms occur. This white morph occurs in southern China. Elsewhere in South-east Asia, they can be orange, red or all-black.

bySinobug (itchydogimages) on Flickr.
Pu'er, Yunnan, China

See more Chinese spiders and arachnids on my Flickr site HERE

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