#thirst tweets

Ben Barnes Reads Thirst TweetsPART 4


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reading thirst tweets with cherryjoe!

warning⚠️ slightly strong language. a bit suggestive, i guess?

cherry blossom:hello–

joe:–and welcome to buzzfeed thirs tweets!

cherry blossom: why did you interrupt me?

joe:i thought we were gonna do the thing where we finish each other’s sentences.

cherry blossom:never.


staff: just cut to the beginning. [que intro music]


cherry blossom: alright, first tweet is from redacted for professional purposes, i suppose.

cherry blossom:“wnna have cherry blossom’s long hair to choke me”

cherry blossom: as much as i’m honoured, but no one touches my hair. sorry. also you made a typo, just letting you know.

joe: same though.

cherry blossom: [death glares at joe] … moving on.


joe: second tweet is for me!

joe:“can joe just squeeze my head between his massive thighs”

joe: aw, that’s so sweet! my thighs are pretty big so i might crush you but i’m down.

cherry blossom: it’s because you’re a gorilla

joe: that’s not what you called me when you rode my–

cherry blossom:–cut the cameras! [cameras turn off] [joe’s high pitched scream echoes in the studio]


joe:[clears throat] wow, clearly i tired my throat with all the talking, huh?

cherry blossom: clearly.

joe: and next we have a tweet from another redacted name… wait there are blurred words.

staff: yeah, we had to blur some words. feel free to fill in the blanks.

joe:“do you ever just want joe to [redacted] [redacted] you with his massive [redacted] so bad that your [redacted] is set on fire and you just die happily?”

cherry blossom: … i don’t want to try filling in the blanks.

joe: for once, i agree with you.


cherry blossom: and for the next one we have, “want to taste cherry-sama’s cu–“

cherry blossom: –nope.nope.absolutely not. [throws paper away]

joe: what did it say?

cherry blossom: mind your business.

joe: four-eyed pink-haired short bitch.

cherry blossom: that insult made no sense, just like your entire existence.

joe:excuse me–

staff: –cut the cameras!


cherry blossom: and the next tweet says, “i would let joe and cherry blossom tag team me”

cherry blossom: tag team? [confused] like in wrestling?

joe:[holds in laugh]yeah, it’s exactly like in wrestling.

cherry blossom: oh… i don’t know why you’d want two skaters to wrestle you but sure. bring a friend so we’re on equal grounds. :)

joe:oh my god, i’m gonna die.

staff:[whispering] should we tell him?


joe: and for the final tweet, “joe looks at cherry blossom like he’s his entire world”

joe: aw, that’s very sweet. i guess it’s true.

cherry blossom: that’s so inaccurate.

joe: you just don’t accept my love.

cherry blossom: you called me a four-eyed pink bitch 30 minutes ago.

joe:that’s love!

cherry blossom:[deep sigh and face palm] oh god, why must you curse me withthisone?

joe: i think he loves me too. :D


joe:and that’s it for our interview today! thank you for the love and support.

cherry blossom: i still don’t know why someone wanted to wrestle us.

joe: i’ll tell you later, babe.

cherry blossom:alright–wait, what did you just call me? you little–

joe: [waving to the camera while covering kaoru’s mouth] goodbye, everyone!

Love It …


Watch “Ben Barnes Reads Thirst Tweets” on YouTube

I am eternally enamoured and I am helpless to it.


John Boyega and Oscar Isaac read thirst tweets :)

when is tom hiddelston gonna do one of those reading thirst tweets videos?!
