#this is a good idea




I’m a knitter. I sometimes knit socks.

I have recently got back into doing some writing. This writing has been multi-chaptered.

So, here is a trick I am going to share that I learned from knitting socks. There is a thing called “second sock syndrome” which is when you finish one sock but can’t seem to get around to starting the second. So, when I finish a sock I IMMEDIATELY cast on the second sock and just knit a few rows.

So, when you finish that chapter, IMMEDIATELY just write one sentence of the next chapter. Trust me.

I have, and do, do this!

Not even, always, the end of a chapter. If I reach a place where there should be a scene break, I write the next few sentences so I have a launching off point the next time I sit down to write.

It helps me *so much!*






I have… an idea.

it better not involve kinetic sand

Nope! But I need to play with the kinetic sand for realz

well then

whatever the idea is I approve immediately since there’s no kinetic sand in said idea whatsoever


ah I see

That is a nice idea
