#this was written so well too



A SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE, fushiguro toji.

fem!reader x fushiguro toji. office!au. romance. suggestive. bad attempt at fluff. perhaps a tad bit ooc.

+REI SAYS just me easing my way back into being active.this was originally for suguru (for obvious reasons), but i decided to switch it up a little.

“Darlin,” he huffs, concerned. “I dance like I have two left feet—”

“That’s no reason not to dance.”

“—and no left hand—”

“Never bothered me.”

“—and what if someone sees? Prancing around with a precious lil’ thing like you…”

“I’ll lock the door,” you say, your hips swaying side to side seductively as you make your way to the door, locking it before snapping the slats of the glass window shut.

It’s just you and Toji on the 44th floor of the building where his office resides, enjoying the lazy sunday night. He’s sent everyone home— to your pleasure— and the song that plays from vintage record player makes your heart pulsate with an overbearing fondness.

You just can’t resist.

“Come here, you,” you grin, waving him over.

He drops his head, looking all too much like a big puppy as he makes his way to meet you in the middle of the floor. Try as he might to pout, the corners of his mouth pull up of their own accord, scar lifting, when you pull him by his tie, sliding your body flush to his. You grab his wrists and pull them around you, bringing his hands to rest on your lower back.

Keep reading
