#thomas hamilton


I know I still haven’t been posting a lot, but I’ve got a pretty big bone to pick about a post going around, namely with this sudden need to twist Thomas’ character around (and Flint’s). So I’m gonna, because my last fucks have flown away.

1. First of all… Thomas is a colonizer? What exactly was Thomas supposed to do? It’s said “well he never advocated for giving the island back to the original people who lived there,” but how on earth do you think he should have done that when it’s not even “his island” to begin with (that would be his father as the one with the “title”)? And all the actual colonizing took place long before? He didn’t even have true political authority, it was all his father’s. Working through the system with the little authority he had to improve things is not the same thing. That was even a theme throughout the show (is it better to work in the system how you can or fight the war)

2. Let’s say he rebelled, did the Flint thing, and started a war to take the island back that way. Everyone would be tearing him down for being a murderer who wanted to fight an impossible war and try to discredit him, same as is being done to Flint lately. 

3. He wanted to gentrify the island? So somehow, stepping in to say “hey let’s not kill the pirates, let’s try to help them and get them on their feet instead because they don’t deserve to die” is somehow the same as wanting to just kill and hang them all? Supporting the locals who are already there and wanting to help them get on their feet is gentrifying?? Seriously?

4. I’ve seen it said “his plan was never to end slavery or bring down the empire.” Pretty big assumption to be making, considering it was never said one way or another whether he wanted slavery ended or not. Bringing down the empire? See points 1 and 2.

5. Yes, Thomas was privileged, but he was also marginalized as a gay/bi man (you can be privileged in some ways and marginalized in others, they do not cancel each other out). And honestly? I find this new trend towards twisting things to make Flint and Thomas on the same level of intent as their oppressors really disturbing. I’m not talking about legitimate criticisms of their actions, I’m talking about this need to twist them around make them worse in the name of making other characters seem better. It doesn’t matter if other characters have done bad things, or even worse things, that doesn’t take away or change someone else having done bad things and doesn’t make what they did any better.

6. And lastly, do not come at me with the whole “you’re woobifying Thomas!!” because I have been fighting the war for three years for people to stop seeing Thomas as a saint and will gladly give examples. I don’t even want to hear it.
