#thor x ofc


Caught my eye.

Word Count:

Pairing: Thor Odinson x Fem!Reader.

Warning: Fluff.

Summary: Love at first sight, who doesn’t love it.

A/N: Jessie is your bestie name and Butter is your dog name.

“I got to go Jessie, Butter ran off again.” Y/N groaned running off behind the labrador retriever. Her dog was jumping on a tall, blonde guy whose muscles bulged out his shirt. She shook her head placing the dog on the leash.“Sorry about that, Butter is really friendly.”

“No worries, I like her or him.” He chuckled, rubbing Butter’s head. Y/N glanced up to see what the gentleman looked like. Their eyes met, staring into each other. An intense feeling arose inside them, a smile grew on their face. The feeling of comfort pulled them closer.

“Thor…” He held out his hand for her to shake. She shook it, feeling his rough hands, but Y/N could cuddle it against her face any day. The feeling of it is a feeling she could live with forever. To him, her hands were very soft and delicate.

“Like the one the girls be making fanfiction about?” Y/N gripped on the leash a bit, her eyes still not leaving his. The eye contact was immaculate between them. “You could say that?”

He was confused by what that meant but didn’t want to show it. “And your name is?” His smile made her blush.

“I’m…” Y/N’s phone buzzed, cutting her sentence off. It was a last-minute catering job and it was a big one. “I-I have to go! See you around?”

His smile drops a little, “I haven’t gotten your name!” But Y/N was already off, answering the first of million calls she was going to receive today. Watching her walk away left him in a trance. “She is so beautiful.” He mumbled kicking his feet.


“I’m telling you Cap, she is beautiful. Plus her dog likes me which is a bonus.” Thor puts on his suit coat, looking in the mirror. Steve rolled up his sleeves.

“I bet she is, did you get her name?”

“Well, she rushed off before even saying anything so I have no way to tell the voice in the ceiling to find her by name.” Thor brushed his hair back into a ponytail, not knowing her name bothered him. Steve could tell how upset he was, he placed a hand on Thor’s shoulder.

“It’s alright Thor. You’ll find her again, just enjoy tonight. She probably might here, you know Stark know everyone.”

Thor didn’t say anything but prayed to himself that she wasn’t one of Tony’s failed talking stage. Tonight Tony was throwing one of his infamous parties. From what Thor heard, it was a lot of people coming.

Y/N and Jessie walked into the avenger’s towers carrying pans together, “I’m telling you girl his eyes are mesmerizing. I’d pay millions to feel that same feeling again.”

“Ole Butter got you a man, remind me to give her more treats when we get home.” Both of them laughed, setting the pan down on the table. “But it does sound like you really like him.” Jessie looked at her with happiness.

“If you’re ready to get back out there in the dating world then I’m ready to support you.”

“I think I’m ready.” Y/N wiped the table down so it could be cleaned. Jessie placed wine glasses on platters.

“Good cause I’m tired of you being lonely. Go get you some dick girl!”

The two laughed finishing their job so they could leave early. Their boss asked for all hands on deck for Tony’s party but it turned out to be too many workers for tonight.

Later the girls walked by each other every chance they had to scope out Thor. “Y/N is that him?” Jessie nudged her shoulder. “What?” Y/N looked around, not paying attention. She bumped into the table making it make a loud noise that grabbed some people’s attention including Thor’s.

“Her.” He mumbled as they caught eyes. That same sensational feeling from earlier grew again. She froze, another waiter that wasn’t paying attention ran into her. The food spilled from his platter onto her outfit. She gasps, instantly looking down at the mess that was on her clothes.

Embarrassed she grabbed a random napkin, rubbing the stain even though it made it worse. As long as it kept her eyes distracted from the crowd that was judging. Y/N’s eyes filled with tears as found a random bathroom. She dropped to the floor, letting the tears spilled.

“Y/N are you alright??"Jessie rushed into the bathroom, seeing her best friend on the floor in tears. Y/N hugged her tight.

"No, I just embarrassed myself in front of him. Gosh, I’m so stupid!”

“It’s alright Y/N. Calm down. He probably didn’t even see it.”

“Jessie, everyone probably saw including him!”

“Yeah I can’t even sugar coat it, you’re right.” Jessie kissed hef forehead. “Well fuck everyone that judged and made fun. You made one mistake, it’s alright. Now I’m going to find someone to give you a shirt then we’re going home.”

Y/N nodded, wiping her tears.“Okay.”

Once she left, Y/N stood around as the embarrassing memory played in her head. “Ugh.”

There was a knock at the door, pulling Y/N out of her thoughts. “Yes?” She said as the door opened coming face to face with Thor.

“Are you alright? I came to see if you were. Your friend Jessie told me you were in here.”

Y/N tried to cover up the big stain on her shirt, “I’m alright, uh whenever Jessie get back we’re going home.”

Thor laughed rubbing his neck,“ About that, she met Steve and they instantly clicked. Soo, it might be awhile before she comes that’s why I’m here to save the day.”

Y/N groaned pulling at her hair,“Ugh! How am I going to get out of this? I just want to go home because this food on my skin is so uncomfortable.” She rambled until Thor grabbed her hand.

“That’s why I said I’m here to save the day….” He stopped so he could finally get her name. Y/N face palmed realizing that she never told him her name. “Y/N. My name is Y/N.”

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Follow me.” He held onto her hand as he begins walking. She blushed following his big frame. Forgetting the party, Y/N got cleaned in Thor’s room then they spent half of the night getting to know each other.

Y/N felt like she could tell Thor everything. “He turned into a snake??"She clutched her stomach laughing at the story he told about him and Loki.

"Yes!” He laughed as well. It became a comfortable silence between them after their laughing fit.

“So Y/N will I ever see you again after tonight?”

A smile grew on her face, “Yes! What kind of question is that, I’m having so much fun with you and would love to do it again.” Y/N watch as he let go of a breath that he was holding. Finding it funny, she grabbed his hand for reassurance.

“I’ve told you everything about me. Oh, you aren’t going anywhere.”

“Good I didn’t have plans on leaving.” Thor smiled as well as they stared into each other eyes. At this moment, the world didn’t matter anymore.

Only them.


Y'all give feedback on this cause I felt like I did my thing on this!

Thank you for requesting @roseycheekbby!!

stay slutty my friends

Tonight’s Ball.

Please read Part One: I don’t trust you. before reading this.

Word Count:

Pairing: Thor Odinson x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, Angst, Fluff.

Summary: Y/N finds her way to Asgard to win her boyfriend back but the night doesn’t even so well.

A/N: I am a slut for when the woman is in trouble and her lover saves her so I put it in this. It’s been a couple months since I posted the first part to this one. Thank you to everyone that commented on that post, this is dedicated to you guys!! @blackqueens01@camsthesadgirlnow@venomqueen2002@aubageddon91

Y/N stood up from the vanity once she was finished with her makeup. Her room was quieter than usual, and it bothered her greatly. It’s been two weeks since the incident, and Y/N hasn’t seen Thor since then.

Tonight was the annual ball honoring the Odinson family. Y/N didn’t know how she was to get to Asgard, but she hoped that Strange would help. She was just nervous that this would all go wrong. If anything else, Y/N just wanted to see her son.

A knock at the door took Y/N out of her thoughts. Stephen Strange poked his head in. “Strange at your service. What do you need, Ms.Y/L/N?”

Y/N pinched at her gloves out of nervousness, “I need to get to Asgard. I don’t know if Heimdall can hear me or if it works like that, but I knew you have portals.”

Strange claps his hands together, “Well, if that’s all then let’s get started.”


Y/N let go of her breath as she walked through the portal and it led to a bedroom. She heard a very familiar voice walk past the door. Y/N rushes to the door wishing to catch them in time.


The female voice called out to him which makes him turn around.


“Yes, it’s me!” She steps out revealing her beautiful black dress. “ I am totally lost and I don’t know where the party is.”

Loki took in her outfit, noticing that she looks good. He then remembered Thor’s other company with him, “How did you get here?”

Y/N rolled her eyes at him ignoring what she said.“ Until you answer my question, I’m not answering yours. Where is the ball?”

“Follow me.” He gestured to Y/N.

YN followed the god of mischief to a big ballroom where everyone was. Her eyes instantly caught sight of Thor and her handsome son Arthur. Y/N’s heart melted seeing them dancing together on the dance floor. That smile quickly dropped when a blonde woman walked up to Thor holding out her hands for Arthur.

Oh hell no.

Loki saw that smile drop and intervened, “Y/N wait before you go over there.” He grabbed her shoulder hoping it would calm her down but it didn’t.

“For what Loki? Who is that woman reaching for my child?!”

For once Loki didn’t have an answer, “Darling, I do not keep up with Thor and I wouldn’t advise to go over and make a scene.” She snatched his hands off her shoulders.


Y/N walked over to Thor with anger written all over her face. She tapped on his broad shoulder. He turned around with a smile that went away when he saw her.


She cuts him off.“Who the hell is holding my son?! You left to come be some whore in Asgard while I’m in new york worrying about your safety?!” Their eye contact never broke. Thor took a deep breath, walking away from Y/N without muttering a word.

Y/N watched as he walked over to the woman holding Arthur. They exchanged a couple of words then she handed him over. Thor’s expression never changed as he made way to Y/N. He grabbed her forearm, pulling her to an empty hallway.

“Y/N what in hell are you doing here?”

“Who was that holding my child Thor? Don’t ignore my question!”

“Y/N you just can’t come to Asgard unannounced! Whoever holding my son has nothing to do with you.”

“Nothing to do with me? Have you lost your damn mind? That’s my son!” Y/N reached for Arthur but Thor moves back.

“He wasn’t your son when you were kissing on Barnes. Now you want to think about your son after making mistakes. I’ll have Heimdall to take you back to Midgard so you can go back to your boyfriend, Barnes.”

“Thor can you shut up and listen-“

Thor raised his voice, which is something he never does.” No! I listened to you and believe you even when you were lying to my face. You tore me apart, and you never did think once about my feelings when you lied to me. So why should I care about yours when it comes down to my son?!”

Y/N was taken back, “You’re being so hard on me for why?! I know I lied to you and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry that I made a mistake.” Tears grew in her eyes. “I just want you and our son back in my life. I’ll apologize as many times as you want me to. Thor, I love you so much and I’m so sorry.”

Thor loves Y/N unconditionally but she hurt him when she lied. He wants to give her another chance, but he’s scared that this was going to happen all over again. “Y/N just don’t lie to me again. Please don’t, I can’t take it when you do.”

Y/N shook her head rapidly, “I promise Thor.” She went into his arms, holding him like he was going to disappear. Thor took in her amazing smell, which roped him in for the first time.

“I love you Y/N.”

“I l-“ Y/N was cut off by something exploding. Screams rang through the crowd as terror began to happen. That awoken Arthur and the crying started.

Another explosion went off and Thor turned his back towards the explosion so his family wouldn’t get hurt. A frost giant roared into the air, frightening Y/N.

Thor handed Arthur to her instantly,” Hide! Now!”

Y/N frantically nodded her head holding Arthur close while running in the opposite direction of Thor. She ran until she saw the random room that she was in earlier. She quickly opened the closet doors hiding.

“It’s okay my love,” Y/N whispered, rubbing his back and rocking him to sleep. Y/N’s heart was beating out of her chest. She kissed his forehead, humming a song. All she could was think about Thor and pray for his safety.

“Find her and that miracle child!!!” A frost giant yelled to the others. Y/N’s heart beats faster, knowing that they were looking for her. Thor told her in the past that it was hard for gods to birth children with midgardians. The question arose in her on why they were looking for them now?

Footsteps into the room broke Y/N out of thoughts. A frost giant was walking around inspecting the room. Terrified, she covered her mouth and tried her best to stay quiet. Tears streamed down her cheek as her body shook out of nervousness. The door handle twisted and was slung open.

She screamed seeing the frost giant. He reached for Arthur but she kept a tight grip on him, kicking the shit out of his face. Tripping over her dress, she tried to crawl but the frost giant grabs her ankle.

“Give me the child!”


Another frost giant came into the room to help. Seeing that companion was struggling, he helped by forcing the child out of her arms. “NO!” She screams while moving around to get out of the giant’s grasp.

The frost giant wraps his large hand around her neck. She scratched at his hands but it didn’t work. By that time the other frost giant had left and this was the end for her.

Mjölnir flies through the room, taking out the frost giant. Y/N falls to the ground trying to catch her breath. Thor rushes in to check on her and sees that his son is gone. His heart broke.

“My love are you alright? Are you hurt?” Thor checked her neck and helped her to her feet. He took her into his embrace. All he could feel was pain and anger.

“I’m okay but they took our son. They…They took him.” Y/N sobbed holding on to him. “Our baby boy is gone…”

“I know Y/N and I’m going to get him back no matter what. I will have Heimdall to send you back to Midgard.” Thor places a kiss on her forehead. He held her close not wanting to leave her but he needed to save their son.

“I want to stay here Thor-”

“You can’t. I can’t lose you too. Stay at the tower, I know the team will protect you. Let me handle this and bring our son home. I love you so much Y/N.” Thor looks into her teary eyes. She nodded her head leaning forward, placing her lips onto his.

“ I love you too.”


Horrible work. I had horrible writing block writing this and I don’t like it. I don’t like the ending! But I love the idea behind it.

I tried my best and I hope everyone enjoy it!!

Stay Slutty my friends! xx



keep burning

Pairing: Thor x F!Reader
Wordcount: 10K
Warnings: Explicit AF. Rough smut. Serious GORE. Sex Pollen. Post-Thor 1 (pretend Loki is forgiven). Hair being pulled/fisted. Orcs being maimed. Thor being a dick. Brief allusions to attempted assault.
Summary: Thor broke your heart. He wants to fix it. Things get heated in a cave.
A/N: idk what this is, but the thor inspo is

The woods on Asldan were full of shadows - heavy with the perfume of soil and rain-slick leaves. A gloom ensnared the air, sagging like a wet blanket upon Thor’s shoulders. He could see his breath as he ventured deeper, the temperature dropping with each passing hour. The trees were tall on this planet, taller than any on Asgard and yet they did nothing to insulate the area, provide a brush of heat.

Thor tilted his head up, studying how the thick gray branches blotted out the scarlet shade of the moon. 

A blood moon. According to his brother, his power was useless here

He didn’t like it. He didn’t like that this land was foreign to him. He didn’t like feeling hindered by the natural elements of said land where danger could lurk close. He absolutely loathed the fact that shewas here with him. He could not concentrate with her striding ahead - a constant in his field of vision. 

Keep reading

Yep. This is it. I swear tg you capture Thor and his character/personality FLAWLESSLY. Not to mention the way you write smut…*chef’s kiss* is a complete understatement. Bravo. Seriously, this was fantastic 

I’m so glad you liked it!! The most important thing for me is to get him right
