#thor fluff



ThorNSFW Masterlist

All fics are NSFW / 18+ only unless otherwise stated.

Best of Both Worlds - Steve Rogers x f!reader x Thor

Thor and Steve are both interested in the same woman and ask her to choose. Threesome smut based on the prompt “I’m about to take a shower - join me?”

Desperate Times - Thor x f!reader

Sex pollen trope - Agent!reader is exposed to Hydra neuro-toxin and needs assistance, but who should help? (suggestive rather than full-on smut)

Can be read as a one-shot or with Desperate Measures which is a companion story

Desperate Measures - Thor x f!reader

Just how much help can Thor give to a team-mate affected by sex pollen?

PWP companion to Desperate Times, but can be read as a stand-alone

All That Glitters - Thor x f!reader

The new Agent assigned to work with the Avengers gets a very warm welcome to the team

Indiscretion - Thor x f!reader

Tony throws a party, and you have no shortage of admirers. But where does your heart really lie? And why does Thor have a glittery beard? (Reader is Tony’s sister)

Working Out The Kinks - Thor x f!reader

Thor’s girlfriend invents a new way of giving him a proper workout.

Based on the prompt “Okay … this looks bad” and inspired by my obsession with Chris Hemsworth’s biceps

Coffee - Thor x f!reader

Thor’s girlfriend is pregnant and he is determined to look after her every need

Who Wore It Better?-Thor x f!reader

Thor gets jealous when his girlfriend develops an obsession with a movie character and he decides to take action

Chances - Thor x Asgardian OFC

After the events of Endgame, Thor meets an old friend - one who broke his heart

Angst, fluff and smut

The Morning After- Thor x f!reader

Your relationship with Thor has moved from friendship to something else (suggestive rather than full-on smut)

* * * * *

Tonight’s Ball.

Please read Part One: I don’t trust you. before reading this.

Word Count:

Pairing: Thor Odinson x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, Angst, Fluff.

Summary: Y/N finds her way to Asgard to win her boyfriend back but the night doesn’t even so well.

A/N: I am a slut for when the woman is in trouble and her lover saves her so I put it in this. It’s been a couple months since I posted the first part to this one. Thank you to everyone that commented on that post, this is dedicated to you guys!! @blackqueens01@camsthesadgirlnow@venomqueen2002@aubageddon91

Y/N stood up from the vanity once she was finished with her makeup. Her room was quieter than usual, and it bothered her greatly. It’s been two weeks since the incident, and Y/N hasn’t seen Thor since then.

Tonight was the annual ball honoring the Odinson family. Y/N didn’t know how she was to get to Asgard, but she hoped that Strange would help. She was just nervous that this would all go wrong. If anything else, Y/N just wanted to see her son.

A knock at the door took Y/N out of her thoughts. Stephen Strange poked his head in. “Strange at your service. What do you need, Ms.Y/L/N?”

Y/N pinched at her gloves out of nervousness, “I need to get to Asgard. I don’t know if Heimdall can hear me or if it works like that, but I knew you have portals.”

Strange claps his hands together, “Well, if that’s all then let’s get started.”


Y/N let go of her breath as she walked through the portal and it led to a bedroom. She heard a very familiar voice walk past the door. Y/N rushes to the door wishing to catch them in time.


The female voice called out to him which makes him turn around.


“Yes, it’s me!” She steps out revealing her beautiful black dress. “ I am totally lost and I don’t know where the party is.”

Loki took in her outfit, noticing that she looks good. He then remembered Thor’s other company with him, “How did you get here?”

Y/N rolled her eyes at him ignoring what she said.“ Until you answer my question, I’m not answering yours. Where is the ball?”

“Follow me.” He gestured to Y/N.

YN followed the god of mischief to a big ballroom where everyone was. Her eyes instantly caught sight of Thor and her handsome son Arthur. Y/N’s heart melted seeing them dancing together on the dance floor. That smile quickly dropped when a blonde woman walked up to Thor holding out her hands for Arthur.

Oh hell no.

Loki saw that smile drop and intervened, “Y/N wait before you go over there.” He grabbed her shoulder hoping it would calm her down but it didn’t.

“For what Loki? Who is that woman reaching for my child?!”

For once Loki didn’t have an answer, “Darling, I do not keep up with Thor and I wouldn’t advise to go over and make a scene.” She snatched his hands off her shoulders.


Y/N walked over to Thor with anger written all over her face. She tapped on his broad shoulder. He turned around with a smile that went away when he saw her.


She cuts him off.“Who the hell is holding my son?! You left to come be some whore in Asgard while I’m in new york worrying about your safety?!” Their eye contact never broke. Thor took a deep breath, walking away from Y/N without muttering a word.

Y/N watched as he walked over to the woman holding Arthur. They exchanged a couple of words then she handed him over. Thor’s expression never changed as he made way to Y/N. He grabbed her forearm, pulling her to an empty hallway.

“Y/N what in hell are you doing here?”

“Who was that holding my child Thor? Don’t ignore my question!”

“Y/N you just can’t come to Asgard unannounced! Whoever holding my son has nothing to do with you.”

“Nothing to do with me? Have you lost your damn mind? That’s my son!” Y/N reached for Arthur but Thor moves back.

“He wasn’t your son when you were kissing on Barnes. Now you want to think about your son after making mistakes. I’ll have Heimdall to take you back to Midgard so you can go back to your boyfriend, Barnes.”

“Thor can you shut up and listen-“

Thor raised his voice, which is something he never does.” No! I listened to you and believe you even when you were lying to my face. You tore me apart, and you never did think once about my feelings when you lied to me. So why should I care about yours when it comes down to my son?!”

Y/N was taken back, “You’re being so hard on me for why?! I know I lied to you and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry that I made a mistake.” Tears grew in her eyes. “I just want you and our son back in my life. I’ll apologize as many times as you want me to. Thor, I love you so much and I’m so sorry.”

Thor loves Y/N unconditionally but she hurt him when she lied. He wants to give her another chance, but he’s scared that this was going to happen all over again. “Y/N just don’t lie to me again. Please don’t, I can’t take it when you do.”

Y/N shook her head rapidly, “I promise Thor.” She went into his arms, holding him like he was going to disappear. Thor took in her amazing smell, which roped him in for the first time.

“I love you Y/N.”

“I l-“ Y/N was cut off by something exploding. Screams rang through the crowd as terror began to happen. That awoken Arthur and the crying started.

Another explosion went off and Thor turned his back towards the explosion so his family wouldn’t get hurt. A frost giant roared into the air, frightening Y/N.

Thor handed Arthur to her instantly,” Hide! Now!”

Y/N frantically nodded her head holding Arthur close while running in the opposite direction of Thor. She ran until she saw the random room that she was in earlier. She quickly opened the closet doors hiding.

“It’s okay my love,” Y/N whispered, rubbing his back and rocking him to sleep. Y/N’s heart was beating out of her chest. She kissed his forehead, humming a song. All she could was think about Thor and pray for his safety.

“Find her and that miracle child!!!” A frost giant yelled to the others. Y/N’s heart beats faster, knowing that they were looking for her. Thor told her in the past that it was hard for gods to birth children with midgardians. The question arose in her on why they were looking for them now?

Footsteps into the room broke Y/N out of thoughts. A frost giant was walking around inspecting the room. Terrified, she covered her mouth and tried her best to stay quiet. Tears streamed down her cheek as her body shook out of nervousness. The door handle twisted and was slung open.

She screamed seeing the frost giant. He reached for Arthur but she kept a tight grip on him, kicking the shit out of his face. Tripping over her dress, she tried to crawl but the frost giant grabs her ankle.

“Give me the child!”


Another frost giant came into the room to help. Seeing that companion was struggling, he helped by forcing the child out of her arms. “NO!” She screams while moving around to get out of the giant’s grasp.

The frost giant wraps his large hand around her neck. She scratched at his hands but it didn’t work. By that time the other frost giant had left and this was the end for her.

Mjölnir flies through the room, taking out the frost giant. Y/N falls to the ground trying to catch her breath. Thor rushes in to check on her and sees that his son is gone. His heart broke.

“My love are you alright? Are you hurt?” Thor checked her neck and helped her to her feet. He took her into his embrace. All he could feel was pain and anger.

“I’m okay but they took our son. They…They took him.” Y/N sobbed holding on to him. “Our baby boy is gone…”

“I know Y/N and I’m going to get him back no matter what. I will have Heimdall to send you back to Midgard.” Thor places a kiss on her forehead. He held her close not wanting to leave her but he needed to save their son.

“I want to stay here Thor-”

“You can’t. I can’t lose you too. Stay at the tower, I know the team will protect you. Let me handle this and bring our son home. I love you so much Y/N.” Thor looks into her teary eyes. She nodded her head leaning forward, placing her lips onto his.

“ I love you too.”


Horrible work. I had horrible writing block writing this and I don’t like it. I don’t like the ending! But I love the idea behind it.

I tried my best and I hope everyone enjoy it!!

Stay Slutty my friends! xx


Reading Day

Part 1 to The Will and The Way — Series masterlist can be found here

Summary: and so the story begins…

Pairing: OC x Thor x Loki (love triangle) (not really in this chapter yet)

Warnings: None

Despite the early hour, Asgard was far from quiet. In fact, the entire city was buzzing with an odd mix of excitement and mourning. King Odin had passed many months ago, but the love for him among his people was strong as ever. 

Still, today was a day of great importance. Asgard had been without a proper leader for far too long, the people were ready for the change that was certain to come this morning. Odin had picked up on the habits of Midgardians, and he’d been wise enough to write out what they called a will, ensuring his final wishes were set in stone, unable to be changed at the whim of any one.

He had even had an enchantress come and mark the document with a seal, a binding of its words that could not be tarnished, nor tainted by anything other than her own power.

While some citizens found this practice odd, others did not question it, given Prince Loki’s habit of slipping through the cracks and making choices for the throne on his own. To them, this was a security blanket. To him, it was a massive brick wall in the way.

“Astrid! Wake up! It is time for the royal will to be read, we must hurry.” The young girls roommate urged, pulling her out of bed by her arm, earning loud grumbles from under the covers.

“We are both a part of the royal staff, if we do not show, you know someone will scold us!” The other girl says, begging for her friend to awaken.

“No one will notice our absence. But if you are so worried of such an unlikely occurrence, go on without me.” The covered girl orders, her voice groggy with sleep. For a palace maid, Astrid had never been one for mornings. She preferred nights, where she could watch the stars in peace.

Finally, after a beat of silence, she groaned in what sounded like agony and literally rolled out of the bed, her fiery reddish hair emerging from the blanket oasis she’d been in seconds before.

“Go, go. I will just get dressed and join you.” She insists, her full lips curling into a grin as her friend hesitantly runs off to join the mornings preparations. From what they’d both been told, there would be a grand ball in the name of whichever of the princes “won” everything.

For Astrid, the competition between the two was pointless and frivolous. There were more important issues in the world than who got to call themself king. It should matter more which of them would rule Asgard with a steady and fair hand, not which looked better with a crown and a throne.

To her, the will was merely a reminder of the Kings dramatics with his sons, along with the competitive nature the two of them shared with each other.

“Besides, Prince Thor is the one with the advantage. He always had Odin’s favor really.” She thought to herself as she tied her hair back into a twist, her daily hairstyle of choice.

The only royal Astrid had ever really taken a liking to was Frigga. She had been one of the maids who spent most of their time in her wing of the castle, and she had always been a friendly, kind woman to the staff. There were even a few times that the Queen had offered Astrid and her friends favors, small things to make their jobs easier or to make their free time more enjoyable.

Astrid could remember a handful of times where Frigga had walked through the gardens with her, just to chat with someone outside her circle. Though she was never one of her ladies maids, Astrid might as well have been. The two of them were much closer than she remembered any of the other staff being with anyone, since she hardly counted those that the princes (mostly Thor) schmoozed with or seduced to be “close” to them.

In fact, Astrid had been in the room when Queen Frigga was murdered and she carried that memory with her everyday, every time she walked into the room that she had perished in. Honestly, she was surprised the king continued to use the space, but she knew better than to say anything about it.

As she looked over her plain appearance in the mirror, Astrid wondered what could possibly have the whole kingdom in such a frenzy over papers that no doubt held nothing but Thors name.

She ran down the hallway, worried about being late now that that realization had finally hit and she started a sort of jog, rounding a corner and nearly slamming directly into another.

“Oh! By the norns, I am sorry your highnesses. I should not be running in a palace, it is rude.” She scolds herself, her freckled cheeks going a light pink.

“No apologies necessary, we run through the palace all the time, it is the only way to get around in manageable time.” Thor states with an easy smile, and Astrid laughed tensely, wanting to leave the situation immediately before the harsher brother spoke up and she lost her job.

Still, Loki only eyed her up and down and let out something between a scoff and a sigh before turning and continuing on his way.

Thor gives her a small wave, the swoonworthy smile still glued to his face and making her lose track of thoughts, but he finally turns away and follows his brother, bringing her senses back and sending her racing down the hall once more, her shoes pattering on the shimmering floor loudly as she goes.


“People of Asgard, we have gathered here today for the reading of the will of our beloved King Odin. In this will, we will learn where his assets have been placed and in turn, who the position on the thrown will be passed down to.” A royal official decrees from the balcony of the golden palace.

What seemed to be all of Asgard cheered, but the princes themselves looked less than disinterested. Loki was all but glaring down at the crowd below, staring down every last citizen, his eyes just grazing over a redheaded maid as he looked on, until his eyes reached the figure standing next to him. Thor, the figure in question, was too busy focusing on his hammer to see if it had been chipped or scratched on his way here to care what the man was saying, to which Loki rolled his eyes.

“At least pretend to pay attention brother. They may be your people soon afterall.” Loki hissed through gritted teeth, rolling his eyes again at the aloof nature of his brother.

“Lighten up Loki. It is not as though it would go to anyone else. We are both in the running, this is not a new idea.” Thor says back, leaning against the balcony, finally looking down to eye up the large crowd below. 

The crowd consisted of every citizen of Asgard, but it was still an organized group. All the regular people were in the center of it all, guards in the back in case anything dire were to happen, and palace staff at the front so they could be closest to the entrance, quick access to get in and prepare for the nights festivities to come. 

Thor’s wandering eyes landed quickly on the same redhead as Loki’s, a small grin growing at the sight of her disinterest matching his own. In a way he felt they were sort of kindred spirits, both seeing this as a boring formality. Either that, or she just didn’t care. Whichever the answer was, Thor found her bored sigh and relaxed posture amusing to say the least. 

He quickly moved his gaze from her, noticing other members of the audience for their own specific traits. Thor wasn’t the sly or mischievous brother, but he and Loki did share their keen eyes to detail, something they’d both gotten from Frigga.

Down on the ground, Astrid let out another loud sigh, waiting for it to be over. It wasn’t really that she didn’t want to see who got everything, but with the weight of the ball that came after relying heavily on the maids, she just wanted to go inside and get to work so they could all rest earlier rather than later.

The palace staff was never overworked perse, but in times of glamorous parties, they were the most imperative part of the planning in order for it to go seamlessly. Astrid took pride in the work she did, and she knew plenty other maids who could say the same.

“Enjoy the moment Astrid! It is not every day we see who the next ruler of Asgard will be! soak it in!!” Another young maid named Signe said with a giggle.

“I know I know. I just wish it was closer to the time of the ball so we could have more time to get everything ready.” She groans back, leaning against one of the many fountains surrounding the courtyard.

Her friends collectively rolled their eyes.

“We have put together much more complicated parties than this one. The worst part is hanging the banners, and I am sure some of the guards will help with that.” Her roommate Liv chimes in, making them all, including Astrid, giggle. 

Liv was the flirtiest of their bunch, and she had a knack for convincing the guards or butlers or stableboys or pretty much any man to do the harder parts for them. No one complained about it, given that the tasks usually required an annoying amount of time standing and holding things above your head for who knows how long while you waited for someone to grab it and hang it, a task no one would enjoy.

“They are supposed to protect us anyway, now they are just protecting us from overexertion too.” Liv always said with a shrug and a giggle. 

Astrid watches up above at the tall balcony, shading her eyes from the bright and warm sun. She stares as if willing the man to continue his proclamation, still waiting for the opportunity to retreat back into the castle.

As if on cue, the papers are picked back up, and he continues on.

“I, King Odin, being of sound mind and body, decree that my worldly possessions, including all monetary and physical assets be distributed as follows” He starts, stopping to turn and give Loki a glare when he scoffs at the use of Midgardian languages and practices. Loki merely shrugs as though completely innocent in response.

The announcer clears his throat and continues on. “Should my wife Frigga predecease me, A quarter of my monetary assets must be given to my eldest son Thor Odinson. Another quarter goes to my younger son Loki Odinson. The remainder shall be distributed in ways to help Asgard flourish, as well as to the heir to the throne.” He reads, and the crowd goes completely silent, confused by the lack of a named heir.

“I leave my son Thor Odinson the armour left in the royal armory, the staff I have carried as king, the Midgardian artifacts, and the power over the royal guard. He shall make an excellent leader to them all.” He states, and Thor’s face drops at the lack of a throne in his list.

“To my son Loki Odinson, I leave my gold helmet, the library of the palace, the west wing of the palace, and the throne I have sat upon to make my decrees. May he find read much wisdom while he sits in a fine chair.” Loki laughs a testy, angry sort of laugh.

The audience remains speechless, staring up in a mix of confusion and fear. Not once had any of them thought anyone other than the princes would take reign over their kingdom. Now, it looked like neither of them would.

“Finally, I leave the crown, the throne, and leadership over Asgard, as well as the palace and power over its staff to Astrid Ivarsdottir.” The man finishes, clearly having not read the will in full before now, given the look of shock on his face and the way he brought the parchment that much closer to his face.

Astrids breath hitched and her hands gripped tightly around the edges of the fountains frame. Her knuckles were going white, she was going white. Everything around her was moving in a sort of slow motion, her ears ringing loudly. 

“Who?!” Someone called out, and a chorus of others chimed in. Soon enough, the crowd was in hysterics, trying to find out who this girl was.

Meanwhile, the princes were just as anxious. Loki was livid, snarling at the man as though he’d been the one to be so cruel to the boys, and not their own father.

“How in the norns did this happen?!” He demanded, looking quite ready to strangle the poor guy.

“Loki murder is not the answer!” Thor said, pulling his brother away.

“Well then finding this girl and how she managed to convince our father to play such a cruel trick on his own sons is!” He growls back, analyzing the chaos below. 

Then, he saw her. The redhead from before, the one who ran into them both in the hall, the one who caught their eyes. The girl was pale as a sheet, staring into nothing, breathing heavy. Loki knew instantly the girl they were looking for was her. And he made sure Thor knew it too. 

“Astrid? Astrid!” Liv whispered, not wanting more attention on them. She carefully splashes Astrids back with the cool water from the fountain behind her, earning a gasp in response.

“Thanks.” Astrid mumbles, slowly returning to herself.

But when she looks back up at Liv, she sees a guards finger pointed at her. And then she sees thousands of pairs of eyes. And all of them are on her.
