#thorin x bilbo


very inappropriate husband activities

to court a hobbit you must learn how to dance with him!




This is coming in so late but!! I didn’t want to abandon this request whatsoever, the creative brain just needed some time to sit and simmer. Anyway, @wanderingjedihistorian​ gave me the prompt of some Durin Family Feelios with Kili wanting to prove himself, and I hope this hits the mark!! It was fun to step outside of the “shippy” box and do something for my favorite dwarves. I hope you enjoy, and thank you SO much for your support!

“Ah, here they come now.”

Following Dis’ gaze to land on an energetic pair of young dwarves, Thorin couldn’t help the proud little huff that escaped his lips. Kili sported a bow and quiver on his back while Fili looked armed to the teeth with knives and blades of every type across his body. He had told them to come prepared, and this was about as prepared as anyone could be.

“There is no guarantee we will find much within the mountains at this time of year.” Thorin’s arms were folded across his chest, the weight of his own gear not bothering him in the slightest as he eyed the two young ones as they came to a halt, not bothered by the line of questioning that was coming their way. “We stick together, do you understand? Straying away from the path will cause more headaches than victories, and I know you want to return with some proof of a weekend well spent.”

Whether it was a rabbit or a pair of ram horns to fashion into a weapon or decor, Thorin wanted them to come back with something. Anything! But most importantly, he wanted them to come back in one piece.

“Did you remember your food pack and waterskins?”

“We’re ready, Uncle, I promise,” Fili encouraged, his dimples prominent on his face as the grin couldn’t be wiped away. “I have every blade you’ve ever forged for me. I would say that’s prepared.”

“Yeah! Should anything spook us, we’ll just throw Fili at it. A dwarf-sized porcupine is quite the weapon–” Kili’s words were cut off by his own wheeze as an elbow jammed into his ribs. 

“You boys be careful, and most importantly, I want you to have fun. Don’t give your uncle too hard of a time, alright? He’s got a few grey hairs already, and I know those came from you. Don’t give him more.”
