#thought i’d share



hiya friends,      let’s talk about rp burnout,      because it’s a real thing and at some point i think we all experience it.   ⸺  rp burnout. aka you’re tired of this place, this culture, some of the people, the way things are treated, the drama, everything really, but ( like so many of us ) you don’t necessarily want to give up and give in and stop writing because you love it. so what do you do? well lo and behold, friends, i am not an expert. but i do have some advice that i’ve found to work,

  • step away. it doesn’t necessarily have to be a formal “hiatus” but if you’re not here, and you’re not writing or you don’t find yourself wanting to be here, don’t be here. you don’t owe anyone replies. you don’t owe anyone anything. you owe yourself everything.
  • go hang out outside for a little while listen to music or a podcast and go for a walk / run.
  • do some of those chores around the house that you’ve been neglecting, cease the endless dash scrolling and the obsessive ‘i need to keep up with every trend and bit of news’
  • step back. step away. take a breather. 
  • reconnect with what you love about your muse or rp in general. you like making blogs? make a blog, you don’t have to promo it or write on it or anything, if you just like the process of setting something up, have a space for you to do that.
  • be selective with your replies and your threads. is there something you like writing right now? write it. fuck the whole system. write what you want with who you want.
  • stop stressing about appearances and the whole ‘is what i’m doing going to irritate someone’ because you know what? it shouldn’t matter and it doesn’t matter if susie from susieland doesn’t like that you’re writing this or posting too much on the dash. it has literally zero impact on susie’s life. susie can unfollow.
  • this. is. a. website. it has zero power over you. it doesn’t have to have power over you. do not give it the power over you.
  • it’s super easy to be addicted to tumblr, believe me, i know, cuz i am. but once you take some time to ground yourself in things that you actually enjoy, and that make you feel good about yourself and the world around you, you can get back to a place where you can actually enjoy being here. 
  • do the things that you enjoy! because you enjoy them!because that’s what you’re here for ! that’s what you deserve
  • this is a hobby. remember that this is supposed to be a hobby. 

 and if you have things that you’ve found to work that you want to add, pleaseadd

That moment when Leslie Odom Jr. saw my art and I started FREAKING OUT
