#three shinies


It surprises me that we have Tolkien fans who consistently refer to Ñoldo characters by their Quenya names but not fans who call the hobbits Bilba, Maura, Banazîr, Kalimac, and Razanur. Priorities much?

@cultivating-wildflowers​ has been rereading LOTR and mentioned that since Tom Bombadil had been around since forever, he was there before the firstborn elves.  He was basically their introduction to sentient beings.  Which is super funny but also super terrible because imagine being an elf, exploring and trying to learn about this new world you’ve found yourself in, and suddenly this strange, short man comes prancing by, singing nonsense, and you begin to question everything you’ve learned so far.


I was sitting around with my sketchbooks trying to choose who to draw and realized I’d never drawn Finarfin before.  Which makes sense because I don’t draw much of what went on in Aman, but still I decided it needed to be remedied because he’s a great guy.


And then this happened:


Don’t have anything really polished for today; here’s Fingolfin in a more exaggerated art style that I don’t let myself use very often.

Lass uns zieh’n, Seelenbruder!
Mit dem Winde singen wir das Lied der Zeit.
Lass uns zieh’n, Seelenbruder!
Mit den Wolken lass uns fliegen hoch und weit.
Seelenbruder, sing mit mir das Lied der Zeit.

I’m always taking pictures of locations and saying “I should use this for drawing practice!” and then I never do, but this time I did and I’m very proud of myself for actually sticking to the reference picture for at least 75% of this one.

I realized that the queue was empty like three hours before today’s post was supposed to go up and I was like “Oh geez I gotta come up with something quick” so I started drawing some loose lines to see if any drawings showed themselves, and nothing was, at least nothing that made sense.  So here’s a deformed Morgoth because that’s what I decided I was going to turn the snarl of scribbles into.  Slightly inspired by various Dark Souls monsters since I think those are kinda neat.
