#is this actually funny or am i just tired


@cultivating-wildflowers​ has been rereading LOTR and mentioned that since Tom Bombadil had been around since forever, he was there before the firstborn elves.  He was basically their introduction to sentient beings.  Which is super funny but also super terrible because imagine being an elf, exploring and trying to learn about this new world you’ve found yourself in, and suddenly this strange, short man comes prancing by, singing nonsense, and you begin to question everything you’ve learned so far.


I was sitting around with my sketchbooks trying to choose who to draw and realized I’d never drawn Finarfin before.  Which makes sense because I don’t draw much of what went on in Aman, but still I decided it needed to be remedied because he’s a great guy.


And then this happened:


Long story short, my friend and I were talking about something and got on the topic of what if the Waynes survived the attack in the alley and moved to Metropolis where it was safer, and later ended up hanging out with Clark because he was “a friend of Bruce’s” and it ended up really wholesome by accident.

Joker loves when Bruce sends mid-battle pictures to his parents.  He calls them Mr. and Mrs. Batman’s Parents.  The other villains just kind of roll with it because it means a break from getting beaten up.


[Superman (via text)]: “Hung out with your folks today!  The scones were really good.]
[Batman:] “Heh. … Let’s pause the fight for a second.”
[Penguin:] “Wait why?”
[Batman:] “I want to send a selfie to my parents.”
[Penguin:] “Oh ok.”

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who wants there to be a Robin in the new Batman movies.  But people are thinking too small because they’re all suggesting a Dick Grayson type character.  Which is valid.


But like…imagine: Tim Drake as Battinson’s Robin.


Imagine Damian.


(Though of course having Damian there would mean that the whole Talia storyline would be a thing so maybe not.  But it would be hilarious to watch this new traumatized Bruce trying to deal with a gremlin child.  He really wouldn’t know what to do with him.)

And no I didn’t leave Jason out on purpose.  The problem was that his version of Robin fit the vibe of the first movie so there wasn’t anything to poke fun at.  (Like he’s the only Robin that wouldn’t work as an emotional support child.  He’d actually have to learn lessons of his own and that’s great but not very funny.)  Red Hood, on the other hand…



[Robin:] “Look Mr Gordon, I found a clue!”
[Batman:] “Oh good job.”
[Commissioner Gordon:] “Thank you, Robin!”

[Alfred:] “Oh great, now there’s two of them.”

[Robin:] “Haha murder!”
[Batman:] “Nooooo”

[Red Hood:] “…I am so depressed right now.”
[Batman:] “Mood.”
