#through my eyes


Welcome to My Life.

Isn’t it nice?

To your left,

The beaches are prohibited.

Looking to your right,

Amusement parks are unavailable.

I hope you don’t need groceries,

Or crave a shopping spree.

The stores are no longer as they were,

They now are home to Terror.

A cough stifled in isle thirteen?

Cover your face with your sleeve.

Someone sneezes a few feet away?

Leave without delay.

Reality has become virtual,

Your computer is now your school.

Study with a friend using a webcam,

Spend time with them while you can.

No one can touch,

You now live in a bubble.

Craving human connection?

Look to your electronic screens.

Don’t forget to wash your hands!

Wash them after every activity.

Oh, and don’t forget,

Keep your distance from possibility.

Life is limited,

It’s unpredictable.

Life is precious,

But very messy.

You didn’t realize it,

Or give it any thought.

Why would you?

Until you had time to sit,

And finally caught on.

You are experiencing chaos.

What a frightening existence.

You are experiencing My Life.

Enjoy your stay.

