#the world


Any fans out there of Magical Drop III?

I played it a lot when i was young on the Neo-Geo, i still play it from times to times! I’ve been always in love with the characters design of that game! I remember it made an impact to me as a kid!

Day 93: April 3, 2018 The last of the major arcana!! FinallyNext up: minor arcana! (Don’t repost o

Day 93: April 3, 2018

The last of the major arcana!! Finally

Next up: minor arcana!

(Don’t repost or delete this caption. Feel free to use, though I would recommend charging it yourself!)

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12decks:XXI – The WorldUpright - Accomplishment, awareness, closure, completion, end results, fulfil


XXI – The World

Upright - Accomplishment, awareness, closure, completion, end results, fulfillment, integration, recognition, reflection, satisfaction, success, time for a new round, travel, triumph

Reversed - Disappointment, imperfection, lack of closure, lack of imagination, lack of vision, stagnation

Timing - In divine timing

Yes/No/Maybe - Yes

Element - Earth

Astrological Signs - Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio

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In the province of Aceh, Indonesia, one woman is testing the limits of Sharia law. Balqis Natasyrah, who is Muslim, owns the Casa Nemo resort and is working to preserve an atmosphere of inclusion there. But she won’t stay if local authorities tamp down too much on freedoms.

Full story from PRI’s “The World”: http://bit.ly/1jTzm9F

Designed/animated by Richie PopeforRauch Brothers.

#across womens lives    #indonesia    #the world    #owningit    #richie pope    #sharia law    

Okay, my brain’s been thinking about this idea for a few days and I want it to stop so I’m typing it out and putting it on the internet. I’m gonna save myself some time and say: add “generally” to every sentence, this obviously doesn’t apply to literally everyone. “Fight” = anything from play fighting/slightly abusive “banter” to actual, y’know, war.

1. So, when you were at school, you had your group of friends. Occasionally, members of your friendship group would fight, in some way or another, it’s what happens. You sometimes would find it funny, or annoying, but generally just accept it as a thing that happens, unless it gets serious. 

-But if someone from outside your friendship group tried starting a fight with one of your friends, more often than not, you group together to stick up for them. 

-If two people in a different friendship group start fighting, you leave it alone because it’s not your problem.

2. So in your school, there were a lot of these groups of friends. Occasionally, groups of friends would fight, in some way or another, it’s what happens. More often than not, you would probably have found it entertaining to watch the two rival friend groups fight. 

-But if someone from outside of your school tried starting a fight with someone in those other groups, more often that not, you group together to stick up for them.

-If two random people outside of your school start fighting, you leave it alone because it’s not your problem.

3. Right. So. What I’ve been thinking is this kinda thing continues being true as you go up in scale: Cities. There’s groups of people in cities that don’t like each other and fight, but in a circumstance like a sporting event where it’s easy to identify who is from where, you end up with people from the same place backing each other up, and a fight between two of the other city’s people being none of your business.

4.Again, people from different cities that fight among each other will often band together in a situation where it involves another country. A lot of people get very defensive if another country does some perceived damage to any part of their country.

5.Continents to some degree, but we’ve split the world in a different way to that really. Although both are made up of “cliques” of their own - we’ve got “the west” and “the east.” Just the idea of having a west and east as a set location on a sphere makes me laugh, but that’s another thing.

So, if one of the eastern countries attacks a western country, this mentality dictates we back them up, we go to war for them. But, being in the western world and seeing countries in “the other place” fighting, going to war - on the whole, we do nothing, we appear to naturally react that way. Media coverage is pretty much equal to high school gossip. 

6.SO. What I’m trying to get at, is: please, if there is any intelligent alien life monitoring Earth, and you happen to see this message, could you maybe fly around in your flying saucers and blow up some empty buildings and fields and stuff every now and again? Just to remind everyone that even though we feel like we’re in all these different groups, countries, whatever, we’re still all from the same planet. Do we really need competition from alien beings to make us band together and be compassionate to one and other? 

I asked for The World prompts on twitter and @justchien suggested Thigh-highs. He can’t really… wear

I asked for The World prompts on twitter and @justchien suggested Thigh-highs. He can’t really… wear those, but I did put some nice bands around those thick thighs of his. 

Traditional sketch that I doodled over digitally.

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The World v3 (Redbubble) (Society6)I just realized I never posted this version of the design on its The World v3 (Redbubble) (Society6)I just realized I never posted this version of the design on its

The World v3 (Redbubble) (Society6)

I just realized I never posted this version of the design on its own! due to feedback on the previous design, I re-did the art to better fit a variety of prints. the links above will show you how it looks printed ✨

(ps:tapestries are only available on Society6)

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The Feast. Art by Nisse Lovendahl, from The Herbal and Spiced Culinary Tarot. You’ve finally made it

The Feast. Art by Nisse Lovendahl, from The Herbal and Spiced Culinary Tarot.

You’ve finally made it to the feast! A lot of planning, preparation, and challenges probably met you along your path, but at this moment you can look back on what you’ve created and savor both the food and the moment. There is likely a feeling of harmony and a sense of communion with the present, allowing you to be emotionally and physically in tune with yourself and those you’ve invited to dine with you.

The Feast should make you feel full, both physically and spiritually. See this moment as an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of your labor. May your appetite for life be insatiable.

Food: Think of the meals that you have had that celebrate milestones. Sometimes it’s a big celebration with friends, or perhaps you make a ritual of eating a certain thing after some sort of trial in your work or schooling. Whatever your favorite food observance may be, find a way to reenact it now. Find a way to honor both your spiritual joy and your physical body with a meal.

Herb: Basil is considered the king of all herbs and should be honored as such at the end of this cycle of reaping what you sowed. It is fragrant, filled with vitamins, and reminiscent of summer. Basil is common in the cuisines of many different cultures internationally because of the diversity of its strains, making anyone at your table feel at home.

Reversed: Are your accomplishments making you feel emptier? With the milestones you have achieved, why is something still missing? The Feast reversed implores you to determine what you need to feel safe and happy. If you haven’t found it here, then ask yourself what you need.

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The World. Art by Dan Francis. BALANCE, DAYBREAK, PHOENIX

The World. Art by Dan Francis.


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