#thunderbirds are go rp






If I were the eldest dealing out punishments:

*disassembles old, complex analog clock into tiny pieces*

*lays it all out on table*

“Fix it. You did the crime you gotta do the time”

(Edit: Will work for all siblings except Virgil)

If I were the eldest packing munchies for my bros heading off to school

*tucks a note into lunchbox*

On one side it says “Have a great day!”

On the otherside a food pun of choice with a cute cartoon:

  • You’re one in a melon
  • You make miso happy
  • Spread hap-pea-ness
  • Orange you awesome!
  • Keep bean a-maize-ing
  • You maki me proud.
  • Donut know what I’d do without you

::sneaks up behind and grabs giving messed up hair noogie::

“You are welcome any time to pack munchies for everyone.”

::reaches over and steals nearest munchie grinning because his little bro is just the cutest - and needs to pay for that::

::eyes the clock in pieces and sobers suddenly, caught between the urge to immediately put it all back together and the fun that will involve, and one very, very important question::

“Hey, Fish, whose clock was that?”

‘Hey Virgil, Gordo- is that’s Grandma’s old antique clock?’


‍♀️ Aaaaaaand this is why you don’t get to deal out punishments, Gords.



Let me set the scene. I was checking FB with @gordonthesquid earlier and he got a friend suggestion that he ignored.

Me: Do you not know them?

Gordon: Yeah, but he doesn’t talk to me anymore.

Me: What? Why? How dare! *Stops and thinks for a second, well…it is Gordon…* what did you do?!

Gordon *looking innocent* Nothing!

John *glances over at the screen and sniggers* Tell her.

Me: Yeah, tell me dammit!

Gordon *sighs dramatically* So, I was at this party…

Me: Right. And…

Gordon: And this guy, who was a bit drunk, got up in my face, then pushed me in the pool.

Me: Ohhhh, I bet you kicked the crap out of him!

Gordon *grinning evilly* Nope .

Me: No?

Gordon: No.

Me: What did you do?

John *still laughing*: It was pure gold.

Me: Tell me! Now!

Gordon: I went limp.

Me: You what?

Gordon: I went limp and sank to the bottom of the pool. And I stayed there.

Me: Huh? *Looks at John for clarification but he’s no use, he’s still laughing. Looks back at Gordon again*

Gordon: I can hold my breath for a really long time…

Me: Huh? *Dawns on me * Oh…OHHHH !

John *wheezing* He stayed there, not moving, while the guy freaked out and eventually ran into the house in a blind panic for help.

Gordon: Then I climbed out and hid in the cabana.

Me: You hid?

John: The guy was so drunk he thought he’d drowned and then melted.

Me: *staring at Gordon in complete awe* You’re pure evil.

Gordon*buffing his nails on his shirt* Yep.

Can confirm.

Always ignore. Never deny. Just leave them in that FB purgatory, wondering. For all eternity.


It’s a very rare occurrence, but sometimes Gordon sends a meme that is actually quite clever. Today was one of those days.




After 42 hours awake (it was a rescue give me a break) I had a dream that my doggo Skipper and I were spies on a mission to discover a smuggling ring intent on bringing camembert into the states.

We found them because Skip and I are the best at discovering things, but then we partied with them instead of turning them in.

So there I was with crackers and camembert, and I’d run out of one and need to get more of the other. And then I’d have an excess of the other thing and need to even it out again, but I never did.

And you know… now that I think about it the smugglers might have been the fae. Because that’s definitely how’d you’d trap me in a fairy circle and hold me for eternity. Via cheese.

Doesn’t even need to be the fancy kind

I can vouch for that ‍♂️

*wipes away a proud tear* I’ve finally brought one of you up well enough that the Fae want you.
