#tian ya ke


thats how they flirt

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 6: Two Lights in the DarkPro

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”

Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

  • Day 6: Two Lights in the Dark
  • Prompt: Horror, Understanding
  • SFW / 1,032 words
  • Two persons who had been wandering in darkness for so long finding light in each other


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“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 5: A Sinner’s RespitePrompt:

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”

Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

  • Day 5: A Sinner’s Respite
  • Prompt: Monstrosity
  • SFW / 2,319 words
  • After the Ghost Valley was gone, Wen Kexing had never killed anyone again, but one day he suddenly returned drenched in blood


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“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 4: Remembering Those Long Go

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”

Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

  • Day 4: Remembering Those Long Gone
  • Prompt: Memory
  • SFW / 1,450 words
  • Post-canon WKX having a nightmare in his sleep


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“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 3: Under the Neon LightsProm“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 3: Under the Neon LightsProm“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 3: Under the Neon LightsProm

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”

Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

  • Day 3: Under the Neon Lights
  • Prompt: Alternate Universe/Clothed Sex
  • NSFW / 4,848 words
  • Mafia Boss WKX x Escort ZZS
  • CW: Omegaverse


Zhou Zishu’s costume was inspired by this:

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“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 2: FatePrompt: Canon Diverge

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”

Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

  • Day 2: Fate
  • Prompt: Canon Divergence
  • NSFW / 1,707 words
  • Story where WenZhou already met and fell in love with each other before Zhou Zishu left Tian Chuang


This is kind of a prequel to another short story I wrote for “Kinktober on the Mountain” last year.

You can read the next part of the story here: Part 1|Part 2

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“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 1: A Traveler’s RespitePromp

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”

Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

  • Day 1: A Traveler’s Respite
  • Prompt: Love Language
  • SFW / 1,423 words
  • Post-canon, fluff, soft WenZhou moment


I’m joining TYK Week event in Twitter, which will be held during the first week of April. Here is my submission for Day 1. ^^

If you want to check out the event, you can go to this link.

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“WHEN WE LIE SIDE BY SIDE”WenZhou “Modern AU”, Domestic Fluff1821 words NSFW  Basically just a pair


  • WenZhou “Modern AU”, Domestic Fluff
  • 1821 words
  • NSFW 
  • Basically just a pair of fools in love

It’s late but Happy White Day, everyone! <3


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“Word of Honor” Artbook Set and Dakimakura by Brilcrist is finally here! They’re absolutely gorgeous ❤

Man, I’ve been a weeb for 10+ years and only now do I finally have a dakimakura

A modern AU where Zhou Zishu is the eldest adopted son of a kind and rich philanthropist, while Wen Kexing is a trouble-making yet charming rascal who grew up in the most unforgiving side of the prosperous city, notoriously labelled as the “Ghost City”

a.k.a. WenZhou “Lady & the Tramp” AU (yes, it’s THAT “Lady & the Tramp” )

It’s another thread-fic I made in Twitter. xD
You guys can read it here.

Hope you enjoy~ ^^

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”Tian Ya Ke Week 2022Day 7: Coming Back HomePrompt: D

“As a Traveler in This World, All I Need is You”

Tian Ya Ke Week 2022

  • Day 7: Coming Back Home
  • Prompt: Domesticity
  • SFW / 2,571 words
  • CW: Omegaverse, Mpreg

A sequel to Day 3′s “Modern AU - Alpha Mafia Boss Wen Kexing x Omega Escort Zhou Zishu”

yes we have pregante A-Xu here 


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I guess I should consolidate all my twitter recs @manic_intent into a single post. I’ll start by saying – wow. CN fandom’s video editing skills are godly. Some of the videos edit characters into scenes that they aren’t in, or seamlessly edit the voice over… it’s incredible. I rec browsing bilibili if you can, just to look at the tons of content in there, but here are some of my faves.

Bonus: if you scroll down into the comments of some of these vids, you’d see Wolong Nuts commenting on them too, hahaha.

Spoilers: Most of the WenZhou vids will contain spoilers.

[ WenZhou Videos ]

他逃!他追!他们都插翅难飞!|Part 1|Part 2|Part 3 |  He runs! He chases!: This incredible three part series has amazing editing. The voice editing is seamless, in particular. Watching it, I wouldn’t even realise it was a fan edit if I hadn’t already watched SHL. Basically, ZZS, the Ghost Valley Master’s consort, runs away from home. WKX sends all the Ghosts out to look for him. Later he finds ZZS again, but ZZS has a son (ZCL). In a rage, there is some dubcon, after which ZCL swears revenge. It’s revealed that ZCL is WKX’s son (yes, mpreg), and ZZS is pregnant again. Turns out ZZS left b/c he tried to tell WKX he was pregnant with ZCL but WKX told him not to be noisy. WKX leaves out of remorse, but Prince Jin finds ZZS and takes him back to the Imperial City, where he is shocked, Shocked, to find that ZZS is pregnant by WKX. ZZS tells him not to bother with the affairs of a husband and wife (hilarious editing here). ZCL finds WKX for help, and to rescue ZZS, WKX kills the Prince. They have a new child, GX.

禀告渊政王,您的肃王妃又跑了 | Part 1|Part 2 | Reporting to the King of Yuan Zheng, your Su Wang Fei has run away again: The disfavoured Prince of Su (ZZS) gets married off to the King of Yuan Zheng (WKX) as his Wang Fei (Consort). He becomes pregnant and there is the usual sort of random Imperial Court drama, leading to WKX getting poisoned and ZZS being told that if he wants to save WKX, he has to leave him. He runs away from the Palace. Years later WKX finds him and sees him with a boy (ZCL) and gets jealous, but realises ZCL is his son. They have a second child, GX.

我的狐妖老婆!看清纯狐妖如何蛊惑凡人 | Link | My Fox Demon Wife: ZZS is a fox demon being chased by YBY. WKX saves him.

千年后阿絮的五感仍在被迫害(高甜沙雕)千岁老人和他的年下男友 | Link | 1,000 years after the BE, an immortal ZZS finds WKX’s 19 year old reincarnation. This is one of the most popular WenZhou vids for a reason: it’s gorgeous.

睡了一觉后,我竟然听到了他的心声(高甜沙雕)千岁老人和他的年下男友 | Link | Continuation to the above video: Immortal ZZS realises that he can read WKX’s mind if he touches him (the sound of his heart) and wants it to stop because of the weird shit he can see in there. Funny premise, very cute.

鬼王娶亲 · 狗血阴间无逻辑我预警了 | Link | The Ghost King Gets Married: This is another very dogblood (狗血) video, forewarned from the title. The editing is incredible. WKX is the actual King of Hell. ZZS was on a mission to kill him, hence the 7 nails to preserve his body. In the 7 days where the boundary between the mortal and ghost world are blurred, they met but both thought the other was human, and fell in love. WKX decides to be mortal again though it means he can never reincarnate, but when he goes back to the mortal world he finds ZZS’ dead body. Returning to hell, ZZS mistakenly kills WKX. Filled with regret, ZZS uses the Yinyang Manual to revive WKX, but in exchange becomes a lost soul that’s lost his memory. Whenever WKX calls for him he responds, but WKX can’t see him, and ZZS doesn’t remember WKX.

得不到的东西,就毁掉 || 有人想看黑化温客行囚禁play周子舒吗 | Link | The things you can’t get, destroy them: CN fandom really likes these dark!WKX trapping ZZS with him kind of story. Song choice made me laugh. Bonus for basing it off the “I didn’t realise you were truly insane” / “I’ll be insane to the end” lines.

温周】震惊!鬼谷谷主竟然和天窗公务员成!亲!了!点击就看温周绝美大婚!|Link | The Ghost Valley’s Master married the Leader of Tian Chuang: the big wedding we wished we could see.

[ LLD Videos ]

Scheming Surgeon x Clueless CEO | Link | This one has English sub! Is what it says in the title. The surgeon who needs money and the CEO who ran into him (literally, there was a car accident).

总裁和他的露水红颜//车▲龚俊x张哲瀚 | Link | The President and his Beauty: GJ is a rich CEO, ZZH was paid to get close to him, get GJ to fall in love, then leave him. Along the way, ZZH catches feels, and at the end they resolve to start over together.

男朋友出轨之后,我睡了他兄弟……|柚子多肉原著 | Link |  After my boyfriend cheated on me, I slept with his good friend: The one who’s cheated on here is ZZH, and the friend is GJ hahaha. Not sure if the audio is custom or not, it’s that good. 

迪奥先生第1集总裁的百万新娘(龚俊张哲瀚倾情出演)我的老公脑子好像坏掉了 | Link | The President’s Million-Dollar Bride: What it says on the tin: another one where GJ is a rich CEO, ZZH is in it for the money. Has a part 2 here where ZZH sort of tries to escape. Weirdly lighthearted, and both have custom audio, though GJ’s va is so, so deep it makes me laugh.

吸血鬼au | 死鬼男朋友咬了我就跑,怎么才能找到他在线等急 | Link | Vampire AU. ZZH was in a car accident and nearly died, also losing his sight. Vampire!GJ saves him, but after saving him with weird medicine and biting ZZH, abandons him. ZZH searches for him, and after finding him again, says he’s never going to let GJ go.

[ Bonus ]

这辈子他们结婚 生子 厮守恩爱了一生◎番外来世 | Link | In this life they got married and had a kid: Following the ending for GX and CWN, going through the Naihe Bridge scene in the book, and into their next life where they’re fated to meet, get betrothed as children, and have a happy life together.


okay this is specifically for @your-local-aroace (hi this got too long to be a reply to your post lol) but also because i keep wanting to quote this at people and also because i’m obsessed with it. i present Zhang Chengling’s reaction to meeting Jing Beiyuan in TYK, translation by wenbuxing:

The man with a small crossbow in his hand was dressed in navy blue robes, his long sleeves fluttering. A belt the width of a palm was fastened around his waist, and on the side of it, hung a white jade xiao. He did not look like someone of the jianghu, nor did he look like a scholar, but looked more like a noble who luxuriated in wealth. His hooded, amorous eyes seemed as if they held a slight trace of laughter, but upon closer examination, the look he shot at the last Poisonous Scorpion contained the glint of a cold light.
Through the haze in his mind, Zhang Chengling thought that this person…was the best-looking person that he had ever seen.
Lord Seventh looked at Zhang Chengling and asked, “Are you feeling better?”
His voice was not loud, but was extremely nice to listen to. Suddenly, without knowing why, Zhang Chengling blushed, lowering his head, and nodded silently. He could not help himself from peeking up again, wanting to take one more look at that man—that woman he had seen in the tavern the other day was extremely beautiful, but Zhang Chengling suddenly felt that compared to this man, the woman’s face was like a layer of skin made of paper: flimsy and purposefully fake.

and i would like to say: i ALSO fully thought chengling was the token straight of this cast prior to this and so reading this part was hilarious and also i was very taken aback!! in conclusion, everyone please enjoy my ‘zhang chengling had a WHOLE gay awakening upon meeting JBY’ agenda

OH PLEASE I LOVE THIS, thank you so much for sharing!!! :DD I can’t believe there isn’t a single straight protag in TYK/WOH and I’m definitely adding TYK to my reading list (right after Qi Ye ✨✨) Thank you so much for this!! <33

A Wen Kexing redraw and some explorations, god his character is so fun to draw…

and here’s part 2

The fact that it’s an actress from the actual show who plays the role of a ghost in charge of ghost weddings that posted this video will never not be funny and absolutely amazing.

Basically, WenZhou married, it’s canon

I’m not even gonna lie, I start laughing uncontrollably every single time I watch this goddamn video.

So backstory to this video (this is only half of it, I’ll post the second half too), Chen Zihan, the actress for Xi Sang Ghost, posted this video on her Weibo and has since deleted it. The thing is, if you recall, Xi Sang Ghost is in charge of officiating weddings for ghosts and since her first appearance with Wen Kexing, netizens have been joking that the reason Wen Kexing gives her so much leeway and respect is because he’s expecting her to host his wedding with Zhou Zishu.

I think you get what I’m implying here.

So anyways, a few days after the finale on Saturday, Chen Zihan posts this video on her official Weibo account and she edits it in a way that shows WenZhou’s proposal, Zhou Zishu preparing to get married to Wen Kexing, with her as host for their wedding.

The fact that she starts with the whole hairpin giving scene is just (remember, hairpin is a token of love). I swear no one in that entire cast and crew is normal. They’re all shippers and she’s actually insane for this because “Chen Zihan hosts Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu’s wedding” reached number 1 trending on Weibo after this video dropped.

btw, I hope y’all are aware that Chen Zihan (the actress who plays Xi Sang Ghost) posted (and deleted) a video of her officiating Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu’s wedding

they are literally married and I’m ready to take is as canon (I’ll try to post the video after, it’s just very long and I get annoyed with tumblr’s 100MB size limit )

When I say.

That this man is sculpted by god.

Like, not only does his face look like That, his body’s also like This.

I am: Done.

By the way, I’ve been posting a lot more SHL updates, interview translations of Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun on my Twitter (@manggaetteok96) so if you’re interested in faster and smaller updates about Word of Honor, you can go check my account out.

It’s mainly because Twitter allows longer videos to be posted whereas Tumblr is constrained by the 100mb limit. I still use Tumblr because there’s no word limit here so all of the massive word barf posts will continue to be done here

So I haven’t made any posts yet today but I’m here with something very good this time.

Namely, further proof that the Word of Honor team really did film a happy ending, they just couldn’t fully show it. Fans noticed that Chengling’s explanation of what happened to Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu as they practiced the LiuHe skill did not match his lips at all (honestly any Chinese speaking person can tell, the dubbing is pretty obvious).

The video below is actually a fan’s re-dub of Chengling’s explanation which, compared to the mess of dubbing in the aired version, pretty perfectly matches his lip movements. Can’t blame the original dub though, the explanation is way too different to match his lips ;)

There are two sets of subtitles: the set on top is what was aired in the finale and the set below is what Chengling is supposed to have originally said (pre-dub over).

I have translated both:

Broadcast version:

Chengling: To master the LiuHe skill, there must be a person who wholeheartedly accepts turning their body into a furnace which they use to turn their own hard-earned cultivation into energy that is passed on to the practitioner. No matter how good your cultivation is, even if death is not immediate, the veins will still be cut off eventually.

Kid: So… did they master it?

What should have been the original script (and basically what is said in the video above):

Chengling: To master the LiuHe skill, the two must share the same heart/feelings, watching over and protecting each other. They must also whole-heatedly recognize the other as their soulmate, for only by maintaining their love can they pass the most critical stage by transmitting their internal qi (energy) to the other, thereby getting through the difficulty. Once the skill is mastered, the two will then become each other’s immortal protector.

Kid: So… they both survived?



I dunno if that makes it obvious now but from Chengling’s original explanation, nowhere does it say that a sacrifice is needed to master the LiuHe skill. The two people just have to wholeheartedly love each other and be willing to give to each other completely, which would allow them to transmit the necessary energy to push pass the critical stage without holding anything back. In the end, they become immortal and protect each other forever.

This “theory” (I really should use “fact” but whatever) is completely supported by Ye Baiyi’s words as well. In a flashback, he tells Wen Kexing that he has a method to save A-Xu, but it would cost him his life and asked if he would still be willing. Wen Kexing didn’t even hesitate before agreeing, to which Ye Baiyi let out a pleased smile and replied with “You’ve answered well.”

According to my “theory”, this was merely a test to ensure that Wen Kexing would not have any doubts because if he did, he’ll hold back during the LiuHe cultivation process which could cost both of them their lives. It’s only by being wholeheartedly devoted to each other and willing to give each other their all that they can pass the critical stage.

Also yes, I know he said a bunch of stuff in voice over while the camera panned over WenZhou mid-cultivation but because I didn’t actually see his lips say that (meaning, I don’t have video proof of his lips actually uttering those words), I’m more inclined to believe what I do see. A voice over can be recorded at any time to fit broadcasting needs so ‍♀️

Anyways, all this just to reiterate what I’ve been saying this entire time: WenZhou have a happy ending where they both become immortal and are each other’s forever for eternity. No, they did not die. No, I don’t think it’s a bad end and no one can convince me otherwise

Translation: (clip explaining how the “Is it beautiful?” and “It’s perfect.” was born from an adlib)

Zhang Zhehan: For example, that scene with the old fisherman. They kept saying that I was a “beauty beauty beauty”, eventually I couldn’t hold it in anymore so I turned my head around and asked him, “Is it beautiful?”

I just thought, you see me looking like this, how can you keep saying that I look beautiful? In reality, I was asking it in a very sarcastic way, purposefully trying to probe [him out with] “Am I beautiful?”

Unexpectedly, very quickly, Gong Jun was able to answer, he said “Perfect.”

Oftentimes, it’s these small details that pushes a role towards a certain direction, towards a certain character development. I feel like this is, when everybody sees it, they will find out—

Gong Jun: It’s interesting.

Zhang Zhehan: —Yes, there are many interesting parts.


So the producer specifically asked for actors for the leads (as opposed to idols) and you can really see how that decision paid off with these two.

I’m honestly amazed by Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun. If you didn’t know, they actually filmed the scenes mostly chronologically (all the beggar scenes filmed first). It worked very well in their case because they weren’t quite familiar with each other back then just yet, so any heavily emotional scenes wouldn’t have had as much of an impact given the underlying awkwardness.

That being said, despite their unfamiliarity, they already had enough chemistry between them to come up with legendary adlibs like “Is it beautiful?” “It’s perfect.”

Honestly, I haven’t been this affected by a pair of actors as I have been by these two.

holy fucking shit oh my god I am in utter awe at the production team for Word of Honor

turns out the whole fight in the special episode was a parallel to one of their first fights

note how at first, they miss each other and go their own separate ways but now, they meet each other in the middle and stay connected



Wen Kexing saying that his entire life, his timing was never right and now, he finally has more time than he could ever ask for with A-Xu.

His timing is finally right because now, he has his forever for eternity.

Yeah just thought I’d specify since I see some people being very uncertain about the concept of “forever”:

It’s only “forever” until they get tired of it. If one day, they get sick of living like that, they can always pull a Ye Baiyi and rejoin the human realm.

As soon as they ingest human food, their body will start deteriorating and they will eventually die. But it won’t be instantaneous, so they can roam the world, fully enjoy all it has to offer first before finding a quiet and peaceful place to spend their finals days and eventually welcoming death together.

But until that day comes, Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu have forever at their disposal and they can spend their days doing whatever they want.

I need you all to understand that WenZhou literally gave up everything and chose to be with each other for eternity. And I don’t mean that in an exaggerated way, when I say eternity, I really do mean eternity.

To save Zhou Zishu, Ye Baiyi taught Wen Kexing the art form that allowed himself to live for so many years without aging. However, nothing comes without a price, especially when we’re talking about attaining something close to immortality. In this case, the sacrifice is that the practitioner is pretty much confined to living in areas of extreme cold and they can only feed off on ice and snow as human food would deteriorate their body (yes, that’s why Ye Baiyi’s hair started turning white, he’s tired of living for so long and wants to end it all so he’s been eating a lot of food).

If they can maintain this restrictive way of living, then they pretty much live forever, with no end in sight (per Wen Kexing’s own words).

After Wen Kexing explains this to him, A-Xu makes the following comment:

To live like that, or to die right here… I’ll have to seriously weight [the pros and cons].

This is an important comment because recall, this is the man who willingly nailed 7 nails into his body in exchange for 3 years of freedom, that’s how much he values being free. 

And yet, even though his words appear to indicate that he needs to consider his options, it seems more like he’s already made up his mind and he’s just teasing Wen Kexing at this point because to Zhou Zishu, all the freedom in the world means nothing to him when compared to the choice of more time than he could ever ask for with Wen Kexing. 

That being said, you might remember the following scene from episode 14, where Zhou Zishu said that he’d rather live freely for 10 days than spend 10 years living against his own will. 

Originally, I understood this scene as highlighting the importance of physical freedom to Zhou Zishu; however, now I realize I was wrong. The wording here is so important because his choice at the end of episode 36 isn’t out-of-character or something that goes against his previous claim from episode 14. If anything, it reinforces it because to him, choosing eternity with Wen Kexing IS his own will.

To Zhou Zishu, being able to roam the world and enjoy all the liquor and food it has to offer is just materialistic freedom. Being physically constrained to one location is not living against his own will, nor is it “losing his freedom” because true freedom is the option to choose where he wants to be and to him, where Wen Kexing is is where he wants to be.

This is supported by the following comment made in the special episode: 

The two have been fighting for a whole lifetime. When immortals start fighting, who knows when it’ll end.” 

This implies that Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing have forever on their hands, which they spend a lot of sparring.

If they have forever, that means that they willingly gave up roaming the human realm and chose to stay in a place of extreme cold, feeding on nothing but ice and snow.



Oh my god I’m so fucking thankful and in love with the scriptwriters of Word of Honor. They put in so much consideration into the script and small details that might get glossed over or taken for granted actually hold so much meaning.

Namely, in the scene following the reveal that the hairpin was in fact the real key to the vault (surprise!), A-Xu asks Wen Kexing what they would have done if he hadn’t brought the hairpin.

To this, Wen Kexing replies with the following:

You came here to die, of course you would wear it.

This simple sentence holds so much underlying meaning because it implies that they both know the importance and meaning of that hairpin. Also, A-Xu’s lack of reply (but just look at his face) to Wen Kexing’s words shows that he knows he was caught and Wen Kexing hit the nail right on the head.

Without it, it would have been so easy to turn the whole hairpin giving scene into “Oh, Wen Kexing only gave the hairpin to A-Xu because he wanted him to safeguard the real key”. But with this, the writers committed themselves to showing that the hairpin is first and foremost a token of love that A-Xu would bring to his death.

Because he wasn’t aware that the hairpin was the real key, all he knew was that this is the hairpin that Wen Kexing had given to him (knowing full well the meaning behind that gesture). And on Wen Kexing’s side, he knew with certainty that A-Xu understood the significance and thus would bring the hairpin with him to his death.

There isn’t any room for debate: Wen Kexing knows A-Xu well enough to know that he would bring an item of such sentimental value to his death, and A-Xu proved him right by doing exactly that.

Maybe!Chengling: Okay, time to head back and eat.

Child: Father, did I not do well? Mother said I’ve been practicing very well.

Maybe!Chengling: It has nothing to do with you. These two have been fighting for a lifetime. When immortals start fighting, who knows when the end will be.



WenZhou have chosen each other and spend their idle time teaching and sparring each other. They are literally together for eternity holy shit what kind of celestial ending is this I’m deceased

This series has officially immortalized itself into my all time favourites ever holy shit I’m so blessed to have been a part of it

Didn’t expect knives from Zhang Zhehan’s weibo but here we are:

His account is set up to only show the past 6 months of content so by the time the final episode of Word of Honor comes out, his goodbye to Zhou Zishu will also disappear.


Wen Kexing is really not gonna be able to catch a break for the last 4 episodes:

Not only is he at risk of losing A-Xu, but A-Xiang is also going to die.

Also, from the edit, it appears that the truth about A-Xu condition will come to light because Wuxi sensed something wrong with him and forcefully took his pulse to realize that his nails are gone and he’s a dead man walking.

So for all you wanting to see Wen Kexing pay for not telling A-Xu about his plan, he’s definitely going to go through his own personal hell very soon. Not only does he lose A-Xiang, but after losing her, he’s going to find out that his soulmate only has 2-3 days left.

Still, I’m feeling very hopeful about the ending though. I feel like the white-haired Wen Kexing we’ve seen in behind-the-scenes footages is directly tied to him using his powers to heal A-Xu’s injuries. Maybe like tying their two souls together or sharing their life force or something.
