#word of honour


I guess I should consolidate all my twitter recs @manic_intent into a single post. I’ll start by saying – wow. CN fandom’s video editing skills are godly. Some of the videos edit characters into scenes that they aren’t in, or seamlessly edit the voice over… it’s incredible. I rec browsing bilibili if you can, just to look at the tons of content in there, but here are some of my faves.

Bonus: if you scroll down into the comments of some of these vids, you’d see Wolong Nuts commenting on them too, hahaha.

Spoilers: Most of the WenZhou vids will contain spoilers.

[ WenZhou Videos ]

他逃!他追!他们都插翅难飞!|Part 1|Part 2|Part 3 |  He runs! He chases!: This incredible three part series has amazing editing. The voice editing is seamless, in particular. Watching it, I wouldn’t even realise it was a fan edit if I hadn’t already watched SHL. Basically, ZZS, the Ghost Valley Master’s consort, runs away from home. WKX sends all the Ghosts out to look for him. Later he finds ZZS again, but ZZS has a son (ZCL). In a rage, there is some dubcon, after which ZCL swears revenge. It’s revealed that ZCL is WKX’s son (yes, mpreg), and ZZS is pregnant again. Turns out ZZS left b/c he tried to tell WKX he was pregnant with ZCL but WKX told him not to be noisy. WKX leaves out of remorse, but Prince Jin finds ZZS and takes him back to the Imperial City, where he is shocked, Shocked, to find that ZZS is pregnant by WKX. ZZS tells him not to bother with the affairs of a husband and wife (hilarious editing here). ZCL finds WKX for help, and to rescue ZZS, WKX kills the Prince. They have a new child, GX.

禀告渊政王,您的肃王妃又跑了 | Part 1|Part 2 | Reporting to the King of Yuan Zheng, your Su Wang Fei has run away again: The disfavoured Prince of Su (ZZS) gets married off to the King of Yuan Zheng (WKX) as his Wang Fei (Consort). He becomes pregnant and there is the usual sort of random Imperial Court drama, leading to WKX getting poisoned and ZZS being told that if he wants to save WKX, he has to leave him. He runs away from the Palace. Years later WKX finds him and sees him with a boy (ZCL) and gets jealous, but realises ZCL is his son. They have a second child, GX.

我的狐妖老婆!看清纯狐妖如何蛊惑凡人 | Link | My Fox Demon Wife: ZZS is a fox demon being chased by YBY. WKX saves him.

千年后阿絮的五感仍在被迫害(高甜沙雕)千岁老人和他的年下男友 | Link | 1,000 years after the BE, an immortal ZZS finds WKX’s 19 year old reincarnation. This is one of the most popular WenZhou vids for a reason: it’s gorgeous.

睡了一觉后,我竟然听到了他的心声(高甜沙雕)千岁老人和他的年下男友 | Link | Continuation to the above video: Immortal ZZS realises that he can read WKX’s mind if he touches him (the sound of his heart) and wants it to stop because of the weird shit he can see in there. Funny premise, very cute.

鬼王娶亲 · 狗血阴间无逻辑我预警了 | Link | The Ghost King Gets Married: This is another very dogblood (狗血) video, forewarned from the title. The editing is incredible. WKX is the actual King of Hell. ZZS was on a mission to kill him, hence the 7 nails to preserve his body. In the 7 days where the boundary between the mortal and ghost world are blurred, they met but both thought the other was human, and fell in love. WKX decides to be mortal again though it means he can never reincarnate, but when he goes back to the mortal world he finds ZZS’ dead body. Returning to hell, ZZS mistakenly kills WKX. Filled with regret, ZZS uses the Yinyang Manual to revive WKX, but in exchange becomes a lost soul that’s lost his memory. Whenever WKX calls for him he responds, but WKX can’t see him, and ZZS doesn’t remember WKX.

得不到的东西,就毁掉 || 有人想看黑化温客行囚禁play周子舒吗 | Link | The things you can’t get, destroy them: CN fandom really likes these dark!WKX trapping ZZS with him kind of story. Song choice made me laugh. Bonus for basing it off the “I didn’t realise you were truly insane” / “I’ll be insane to the end” lines.

温周】震惊!鬼谷谷主竟然和天窗公务员成!亲!了!点击就看温周绝美大婚!|Link | The Ghost Valley’s Master married the Leader of Tian Chuang: the big wedding we wished we could see.

[ LLD Videos ]

Scheming Surgeon x Clueless CEO | Link | This one has English sub! Is what it says in the title. The surgeon who needs money and the CEO who ran into him (literally, there was a car accident).

总裁和他的露水红颜//车▲龚俊x张哲瀚 | Link | The President and his Beauty: GJ is a rich CEO, ZZH was paid to get close to him, get GJ to fall in love, then leave him. Along the way, ZZH catches feels, and at the end they resolve to start over together.

男朋友出轨之后,我睡了他兄弟……|柚子多肉原著 | Link |  After my boyfriend cheated on me, I slept with his good friend: The one who’s cheated on here is ZZH, and the friend is GJ hahaha. Not sure if the audio is custom or not, it’s that good. 

迪奥先生第1集总裁的百万新娘(龚俊张哲瀚倾情出演)我的老公脑子好像坏掉了 | Link | The President’s Million-Dollar Bride: What it says on the tin: another one where GJ is a rich CEO, ZZH is in it for the money. Has a part 2 here where ZZH sort of tries to escape. Weirdly lighthearted, and both have custom audio, though GJ’s va is so, so deep it makes me laugh.

吸血鬼au | 死鬼男朋友咬了我就跑,怎么才能找到他在线等急 | Link | Vampire AU. ZZH was in a car accident and nearly died, also losing his sight. Vampire!GJ saves him, but after saving him with weird medicine and biting ZZH, abandons him. ZZH searches for him, and after finding him again, says he’s never going to let GJ go.

[ Bonus ]

这辈子他们结婚 生子 厮守恩爱了一生◎番外来世 | Link | In this life they got married and had a kid: Following the ending for GX and CWN, going through the Naihe Bridge scene in the book, and into their next life where they’re fated to meet, get betrothed as children, and have a happy life together.



A tender kiss between my sweet murderer husbands

#山河令 #WordOfHonor #WenZhou #ShanHeLing

Feeling generous this morning, so i uploaded the high res non-watermark phone wallpaper for u guys.

Feel free to download itOVER HERE (for private use/non-commercial use only, ok?)

[PRE-ORDER]SHL x DCTQ - Wen Kexing Hanfu

Deadline: June 3, 2022 at 9:00 PM EST

How to order

If you have never joined one of my group orders before, please read the Guide + FAQandregister before signing up!

To order, please go to the Order Site, select the ‘Pre-Orders’ category and browse for the item you’d like to order.

[PRE-ORDER] Gong Jun - L'OFFICIEL Magazines (June 2022)

Deadline: May 27, 2022 at 9:00 PM EST

How to order

If you have never joined one of my group orders before, please read the Guide + FAQandregister before signing up!

To order, please go to the Order Site, select the ‘Pre-Orders’ category and browse for the item you’d like to order.


weekend plans

A summary of Zhen Zishu/Wen Kexing’s relationship, except sometimes the “beat the shit out of each other” is a bit…NSFW.

This Silence a Sanctuary

Word of Honor/Rated E/3200 words/on AO3

It happens late at night. The hall where they sleep was made for the training of many disciples, and as a bedroom it is too big for the three of them by far. But something is so fragile about the life they’re building here, so tentative, that finding separate rooms was just never an option. None of the three of them is free of nightmares.

Chengling’s soft snores sound in the corner of the room. Across from him, Zhou Zishu can’t sleep. Something is restless, moving along under his skin like a jagged bolt of lightning. He’s alert and awake, and his senses are sharp, free of that muted muffledness that plagues him by day and dulls him to sleep at night. He feels sure that if he were to lift a jug of wine to his lips, he might even taste it.

He sits up. The air is cool tonight, a draft wafting in from the wooden doors out to the courtyard. He stands, looks around the room. Chengling sleeps on his side, curled in on himself like a pillbug. Tonight, at least, he seems free of dreams.

Wen Kexing’s bed is empty, Zhou Zishu realizes with a start. The sheets are in disarray. Where could he have gone? Wen Kexing is enjoying this little game of house they’ve been playing; surely he wouldn’t sneak away in the middle of the night. Still, Zhou Zishu’s heart patters a little faster at the sudden doubt. There’s something so elusive about him. The way his smiles fly by, the way his eyebrows arch. Zhou Zishu sometimes feels like he’s constantly reaching out, and Wen Kexing is always flitting away.

Read more on AO3 ->

Zhang Zhehan has done it

Put Neil Gaiman’s ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ back on China’s bestseller list

AND got Neil’s attention for himself and Word of Honor

Please excuse me while I go and scream my ENTIRE HEAD OFF




Fanart of Zhou Zishu from Word Of Honor
The fic inspired by this artwork by the lovely @givemeunicorns
My artblog @azuremirwae

kevinkevinson:can’t believe the first murderdads I draw are a meme


can’t believe the first murderdads I draw are a meme

Post link


Going from The Untamed, where every little hand touch is amazing and analysing if something counts as them.hokding hands, to Word of Honour where they hold hands every chance they get, has been wild


If Youku wants to get rich selling us greenscreen bts footage, who am I to argue?
