


A Late Night Visit

  • Pairing: Detective Loki x Fem!Reader
  • T/W: A bit of fluff, make-up sex, unprotected sex, vaginal missionary sex, slight cock-warming. If I am missing anything, let me know.
  • A/N: I didn’t think about this, I just wrote it. It wasn’t entirely what I expected to come out, but I hope someone enjoys it. I didn’t make this gif, the credit goes to the creator. Thank you @tellingyouastory for helping me edit my work and reading before posting.
  • Summary:A few days ago, you and David had a fight. Tonight you find him lingering in your front yard. He misses you but he can’t say it so he carries you to the bedroom to be close to you instead.
  • Word Count:2.9k

You spent the night tossing and turning. You did everything you could to try and get comfortable, but it wasn’t happening. Kicking off the plush and thick comforter, you turn to your left side, and your eyes go to look at the bright green numbers on your bedside alarm clock. You blink a few times, almost as if you were surprised that it only said 2:45 AM.

A heavy sigh came from your lips as you roll back over into your back and look up at the ceiling. There was a feeling you couldn’t shake tonight, a tugging feeling of not being alone, but you were sure that there wasn’t anyone around. You swing yourself around and sit up, placing your feet on the floor as you look around your dark and empty bedroom.

It was a little chilly, and you wondered if maybe turning up the heat in the house would help you sleep a little better. You push yourself up and walk to the living room. You make your way to the far wall and fiddle with the dial on your old thermostat until you hear the heat kick back on.

For a moment, you stood there, looking around as you hear a noise outside. Your brow arches as you make your way to the front door, opening it slowly. Looking through the old screen door to see David standing there in the cold, his hands shoved deep into his winter coat pockets.

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From my fanfic blog.


Apex Predator {Demon!Dean AU}

  • Warnings:You better be 18+ before you read this. DEMON!DEANNON-CONSENSUAL SEX. IMPLIED MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Slight fingering, dubious consent, unprotected vaginal penetration, slight cock-warming, creampie, hints of dominance and submission, orgasms. Possible Stockholm? If I forgot anything, please let me know, I want to make sure readers are aware. Read with caution.
  • Summary: You are in the bunker with Demon!Dean. Sam has been murdered and the exits are all locked down. No matter how much you run, you can’t escape. He’s hungry and he’s coming for you.
  • Paring: Demon!Dean x Trapped Fem!Reader
  • A/N: I am used to writing smut for Demon!Dean, but this time I felt like taking a darker route. D!Dean in his full-on, not giving a shit, no morals style. This story is triggering and is meant to be triggering, so feel free to simply scroll past it if it’s going to offend you.
  • Please don’t post any of my work anywhere else, do not steal, copy, or use parts of it. I have worked hard on this story and it’s not yours to take.
  • Word Count: 3.5k

The sounds of Sam’s screams were never going to leave your mind. It was a broken record that played over and over inside your mind. His death seemed like it had taken forever. A part of you blames yourself. If you maybe had been more firm in your stance on this whole situation, Demon Dean wouldn’t be here, Sam would still be alive, and you would be lying in your comfortable bed far away. However, he was insistent, and look where it got him.

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I don’t think so, Princess

  • T/W: Spankings, fingering, a bit of degradation kink, and orgasm denial, a reference to male masturbation, no mention of aftercare. (This story ends sexually, not after the acts).
  • A/N: Trying to, yet again, get back into the swing of writing. Super rusty after I needed to take a break. I didn’t make this gif, I found it via google, so gif credit goes to the maker.
  • Word Count: 1,259
  • Check out my other Masterlist for more Billy Russo.

Billy sat there and looked at you with his arms crossed. He has a stern and yet, amused facial expression. You have done nothing but push his buttons all day, and while Billy let you get away with it for a little while, in hopes that you would get it out of your system, it was starting to drag on. He knew he’d have to put you in your place, eventually. Billy cleared his throat loudly, and you spin around to look at him. You knew that look, he had enough, and this was it. Deep down, you probably wanted to be punished, and you probably wondered how far you’d have to go to get that.

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From my new fanfiction blog.
