#time and space


The fact is that the minds of wizards can give thoughts a shape. Witches normally work with what actually exists in the world, but a wizard can, if he’s good enough, put flesh on his imagination. This wouldn’t cause any trouble if it wasn’t for the fact that the little circle of candlelight loosely called “the universe of time and space” is adrift in something much more unpleasant and unpredictable.

Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites



describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use this info, and why these are important to witchcraft

Times + Space

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft


describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft


describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

  • Crystals Correspondences
  • Crystal Use
  • Crystal Care
  • Elements
  • Animals
  • Insects
  • Local insects and animals
  • Seasons
  • Feather magick
  • Clouds
  • Weather
  • Bones
  • Vulture culture
  • Familiars


describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

  • Number correspondences
  • Tarot
  • Rune
  • Tasseography
  • Palmistry
  • Pendulums
  • Scrying
  • Dice Reading
  • Dreams
  • Dream Correspondences
  • Less common divination of your choice

Spirits + Energy

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

Home and Health

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

  • Kitchen witchcraft
  • Bath magick
  • Cottage/Hearth witchcraft
  • Physical Health
  • Sprititual Health
  • Mental Health
  • Lifestyle
  • Cultures

Other Topics

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft



A sextant is a tool for measuring the angular altitude of a star above the horizon and has helped guide sailors across oceans for centuries. It is now being tested aboard the International Space Station as a potential emergency navigation tool for guiding future spacecraft across the cosmos. The Sextant Navigation investigation will test the use of a hand-held sextant that utilizes star sighting in microgravity. 

Read more about how we’re testing this tool in space!  

Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
