#time to travel


I can’t wait to be happy again. Of course I love Whit, and I always will no matter what. I love being with him and hopefully, one day in the very near future, I’ll have his last name❣ Like I said in a earlier post, home is where your heart is, with that being said, my heart is in Florida.

In the coming week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday, Whit and I will be traveling down to Florida for a few days to visit his mother for Thanksgiving. While I’m down there I’m hoping to look for some jobs and get an idea of what life will be like during this time of the year at the beach. We’ll only be staying a few days, but I’m supposed to be moving down, permanently, in January. I’m hoping and praying I get to move down sooner than that, though.

I can’t wait to be back home..to be happy again. I’m ready to be away from all of this drama, addiction, and just existing. I’m ready to really live…❤ Alabama will always be home….but it’s time for me to find my own….
