#tmr minho


Y/N:My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him. What should I do?

Thomas:Punch him in the stomach and when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.

Frypan: Tackle him.

Minho: Kick him in the shin.


Minho: Live fast, die young, leave behind a pretty corpse. That’s what I always say.

Newt: You should say something else.

*watching Thomas do something stupid*

Newt: You want me to go yell at him?

Minho: Yes. Actually, yeah, that would be great.

Newt: Oh, no, no, no. I was just kidding. I never yell. Even when I’m mad. I just push it down really deep, and then I wake up in the middle of the night, panicked and sweaty for no reason.

Gally, walking into a room: Hey, Y/N.

Minho: Do you just not see the other ten people in the room or-

Minho: Coffee or tea?


Minho, pouring himself a cup: No, it’s coffee.

Thomas: We would just like to remind you of how much you care about us.

Minho: And how boring your life would be without us.


Newt: What did you do?

The roles in the Safe Haven

(Includes a few OCs, the rest is all headcanons, in alphabetical order, some of this only makes sense in the context of my fic lol)

Aris bakes, he pairs up with Frypan frequently. When he’s not baking he hangs out with Rachel and helps her go around the island, or he helps her in her recovery.

Brenda helps out in the infirmary later on, but before that spends most of her time helping out with smaller things around camp and the center. She spends a lot if time in and around the water once she learns to swim.

Chuck makes a few new friends his own age whom he hangs out with sometimes. Gally is training him to be a builder, but he likes to find a quiet spot (usually with Newt, Thomas, or his brother) to carve sometimes. He discovered after WCKD caught them again that he likes learning, so whenever someone teaches anything at the center he has the front seat. On rainy days he’s in the library. The only downside is he struggles with a few skills a little, so he usually takes books out to loan so he can read them at the camp where someone can peek over his shoulder and explain things. The treehouse was his idea and design, with a little common sense from Gally added to make it a possible build that does not in fact defy the laws of physics.

Dijken has a little girl to care for, but he also has a little farm a little farther North with sheep, goats, and cows (among others). He keeps his distance a bit, because having worked at WCKD he doesn’t feel he should get too close. Once Thomas starts visiting him he comes down to camp and the center more often though.

Frypan gets back to cooking. There’s a time period in my fic he loses interest in it, but he gets it back and can be found in the camp’s kitchen almost every night. Every once in a while he cooks at the center (kind of like a community hub thing?) When there’s a big event and they need more help. He learns to play the guitar and piano too. He’s quite a natural.

Gally gets back to building. He goes around the island fixing and mending things, sometimes Chuck comes with as his apprentice. When he’s not building he helps around wherever whenever, but he likes to be near the water as well. At some point he and Chuck will build a playground near the center for the younger kids, a treehouse for themselves, and a makeshift elevator (one floor up) for Newt, Rachel, and sometimes Brenda to get around the center without needing much help. He he does pottery too, mostly hand building.

Harriet takes group A under her wing right from the get go. Aside from that, she helps the builders out every once in a while, and kind of functions as a middle person between some kids and the Right Arm (because WCKD made adults scary). Sonya helps her out with this too. She’s a big fan of pottery (throwing).

Jorge’s main job is looking after Brenda while she recovers, but whenever she thinks he fusses too much he helps out with building or the logistics of the scavenges. He’s the main guy for their emergency Berg (in case they need to get deep into the mainland quickly, for medical emergencies). He’s good with animals too.

Justin teaches the youngest kids on the island thr basic skills. Reading, simple maths, things like that. He went to school himself while Chuck and the others were stuck at WCKD. Vince and Jorge nudged him too so he’d have a little distraction. Justin specifically chose to learn teaching when he discovered through one of the Right Arm’s spies that Chuck loves to learn. He also helps the builders because he’s so strong and has some expertise. He loves to hang out with Dijken’s sheep as well. He knits the group (group A and B, and Brenda, and Dijken’s daughter) all blankets. Chuck and Thomas already had ones, so he knits Thomas a stuffed animal (because everyone else already had one but him) and Chuck gets a sack for his rock collection.

Minho has a bit of trouble finding his “thing” that isn’t being a Runner or a soldier at first. He runs around to help everyone, but eventually (after a pretty long while to be honest) he heads out on scavenge journeys to the mainland, or helps out at the farm they have on the mainland, where immune kids get brought before the Right Arm gets them to the island or the Safe Zone kept in place at the end of part four (kids who need specific medical care go to that city first, others to the Safe Haven unless they don’t want to).

Newt gets his gardens back. Vegetables, fruits, flowers, doesn’t matter, he’s in there every day almost all day. When he’s not, he helps out in the kitchen with snacks, or he joins Gally in planning things for their camp. Sometimes he heads in early specifically so he can stay up at night to watch the stars (later on with Thomas, but others join sometimes). Justin teaches him to knit, so whenever he’s bedridden he spends his time knitting, listening to someone’s music, or just watching the sea. He loves (English fails me) swimming to look at the fish as well (they live near a coral reef), but he rarely goes alone.

Rachel is a very minor character, mostly because she doesn’t do much. She’s been comatose for almost two years, that has an effect on people, so she’ll be very tired all the time in the first half of the story. At first she can’t do much of anything at all, so even toward the end of the story she’ll usually stick close to the main camp unless someone takes her to the center. She’s a reader, and she’s good with younger kids as well. Aris or the others sometimes take her to a lake/pool to be in the water because she loves the weightlessness of it. Newt introduces her to the gardens, where she takes up the lighter tasks and starts a herbarium (that’s what one of those dried flower books is called right?)

Sonya kind of had a similar issue to Minho when she first came to the Safe Haven, so she helps him out. She likes to paint and play music, sometimes Harriet gets her to join her in the pottery as well. She starts hanging out with Newt in the gardens and the forest a lot when Newt shares they’re related, to get to know each other better. She and him come up with the idea for a monument for their lost friends together.

Teresa helps out at the infirmary and literally everywhere else at first. She takes on a lot of work, while also sharing every bit of information she has about WCKD, and keeping track of Brenda and Newt’s health. When that all becomes too much, she picks up other things and scales down. When Vince discovers she took elective computer science classes he lets her help crack WCKD’s servers (a big thing, because after she burned out, he specifically made sure she wouldn’t be busy with WCKD all the time, but here she’s ready to do it in a healthy way). At first ones they had already cracked before so they could be sure she didn’t find anything triggering, but later on he just lets her loose under he condition she talks about what she finds with someone.

Thomas has an issue similar to Minho’s. He has no clue what he likes to do. Newt fixes this by having him go through the cycle again like in the Maze. He ends up helping out the Builders, occasionally being a pain in the ass to Gally because like Chuck he’s eager to learn, but that has the nice side effect of his habit of asking 46829728 questions per hour come back. He and Gally become close friends through this, though. On tough days, Thomas lets himself be dragged to the arts area of the center, or he goes to swim. Sometimes he helps Dijken out on the farm, or he helps out with his daughter from time to time. He’s wary around the infirmary, so he takes the long way through the center. He heals enough to get back to it, though, especially when Teresa finds herself in it for almost a week and he doesn’t want to be the only one not to visit.

Vince runs the show, pretty much. He’s the group leader of both group A and B (the Right Arm split the kids up over multiple camps to be able to help them recover better. Also B used to be in another group, but joined A when they arrived), but also still the leader of the Right Arm and by extension responsible for the security of the Safe Haven. He has people in charge on the mainland and in the Safe Zone (which is self-governed only the Right Arm essentially leads child-protective services on the “this child needs to be literally anywhere else” level). He also helps plan any operations to help save kids (immune and otherwise) from trafficking operations and other bad situations. Later on in the story he shifts his focus more to the Safe Haven and his dozen kids, though.

tmr minhotmr minhotmr minhotmr minho

Thomas: It’s not gay if I want to date Minho right?

Teresa: I’m not an expert but that sounds kinda gay

Brenda: I’m an expert. That’s gay

Brenda: Hey gays

Minho: Don’t you mean guys

Brenda: Did I stutter?

Janson: You’re too late now! You’ll never stop me

Thomas:That’s where you’re wrong bitch! We’ll stop you with the powers of:



Gally: Incredible violence

Chuck: And love!

Chuck: Truth or dare?


Chuck: Do you want to kiss Minho?

Thomas: *very quickly* dare

Chuck: I dare you to kiss Minho

Thomas: Never have I ever—

Chuck: That’s not the game

*preparing Newt and Alby’s wedding*

Minho: Alright, the food will arrive at 1 tomorrow

Chuck: Great! Now I’ll go check up on the ring bear

Thomas: You meant to say ‘ring bearer’ right?


Minho: Chuck, look me in the eyes and tell me you aren’t bringing a dangerous animal to their wedding

Chuck: Sorry, I just don’t get the hype

Thomas: Game of thrones is great!

Minho: It’s got dragons

Frypan: And sword fights

Newt: And an amazing plot

Chuck: Yeah? So does shrek

Janson: What do you have to say for yourself?

Minho: I’m simply too sexy to be held accountable for my crimes

Janson: You tried to break out—

Thomas: Wait he has a point

Gally: I told you all I didn’t trust him from the beginning

Ben: Well how could we trust that? You don’t like anyone

Gally: I like you

Ben: Y-you do?

Minho: Years and years of ignoring it and you guys are doing this now? When we’re in danger

Minho: Alby can’t be good at everything! There has to be something he’s bad at! Maybe he’s a terrible kisser

Newt: No he’s good at that too




Chuck: It’s me. I’m in California dreaming about what we used to be


Chuck: I just met you, and this is crazy but—



Minho, from the other room: FILL MY CUP PUT SOME LIQUOR IN IT!

Newt: Ok, no more talking about Thomas

Minho: But you said to get it out of my system!

Newt: That’s before I knew your system was a bottomless pit

Thomas: I’m bisexual

Alby:Water is wet, Minho is a smart ass, Newt is hot


Alby: Sorry I thought we were saying things that are obvious

Newt: Wait, did you say I’m hot?

*Thomas and Brenda on a date and Minho is also there*

Brenda: Why do you always keep third wheeling? Don’t you have any self respect?

Minho: Oh sorry, I’ll leave

Brenda: No, I was talking to myself

Newt: What’s your favorite color?


Minho: Wait, what was the question?

Minho: Hey do you know what bees make?


Minho: Yes dear?

Thomas: *blushes furiously*

Aris: Hey, Teresa, do you know what bees make?

Teresa: Some annoying buzzing sound, what the fuck do you want?
