#togata mirio x reader


chicken bake

pairing:togata mirio x reader

synopsis: y/n is the designated grocery shopper in the y/n-tamaki-nejire apartment, and they do not mind one bit if it means seeing the cute costco worker every time they go and getting their favorite food every time.

content:costco worker mirio, swimmer mirio, college au, roomies nejire and tamaki, clueless y/n, y/n can drive yes they can!!, smiley mirio, me and my left up to interpretation endings

word count: 2.5k

a/n:this is entirely self indulgent and came to me in a grocery store parking lot as i was eating my costco chicken bake bc i get one almost every time i go to costco and im scared the cute worker will start to recognize me so here this is lsjfklasjdlkfjsdlkfj. is this a crack fic??? have i finally written one? who knows. this is so niche ong asdklfjsadlfss also this is my 100th post!!!!!

It’s been three months since Y/N accepted their role as the Costco card holder, and they had gone to said store a total of eight times. Eight.

Y/N blamed their roommates. Nejire has so much hair that she loves to take care of, and she sends Y/N on shampoo runs routinely. Tamaki likes the snacks they have, and Y/N finds it very hard to say no to him when he willingly does their share of the chores whenever Y/N goes on Costco runs.

And Nejire always makes breakfast for them, so Y/N feels obligated to do much of the shopping for the three of them. They don’t really mind—going on errands by themselves feels oddly therapeutic. They always go an hour before closing time, since that’s when their shift at the student center on campus ends.

Today’s trip is on a Friday, and Y/N feels almost embarrassed to push by people to get to the food court.

They’d ordered their usual chicken bake, plus ice creams for the kids (Nejire and Tamaki). They carefully glanced at each of the workers, fearing for the familiar friendly face that always seemed to be there whenever Y/N had a Costco run.

They didn’t know his name, because each time he wore a different one. They’d noticed all of the food court workers did that—interchanged name tags, sometimes right in front of customers. Y/N thought it was funny.

“Number 242! Number 242!”


Y/N plastered a smile onto their face (completely genuine, despite their previous thoughts). Today the blond guy’s name was “Oliver.” He smiled as he handed Y/N their chicken bake and pushed forward the ice creams. “Have a nice day!”

“Thanks, you too!” Y/N hurried away back to their cart and began to speed walk toward the exit. It was ridiculous, really. A crush on someone they rarely saw. But every interaction left them with their heart fluttering. And they hadn’t had a crush in a while. It was nice to feel like that again.

“Back already!” Nejire cheered when Y/N knocked on the apartment door, taking her ice cream out of Y/N’s hands and giving them a very wet kiss on the cheek, which both Y/N and Tamaki cringe at. Nejire just laughs, going back to her spot on the couch, where she has set up her study station and has multiple papers strewn all over the coffee table in front of her. She carefully set down her ice cream before heading out the door to help unload the groceries. Tamaki thanked Y/N for his ice cream and followed Nejire out the door.

They lived on the first floor of the building, so grocery shopping is never followed by the dread of hauling everything upstairs. Nejire’s green car is also the perfect size for Costco runs, and Y/N loves driving it—another reason they are not so mad about being the designated errand-person.

After everything is sorted away, Y/N sat down with Tamaki at the small kitchen table to eat their chicken bake as he carefully ate his ice cream. Nejire remained on the couch at her study station, occasionally sighing loudly.

“He was there again,” Y/N said through a mouthful of their chicken bake. Nejire had gotten up to stretch and sauntered over to the table to join them, halfway through her ice cream. She brightens at Y/N’s statement, and Tamaki pauses in his ice cream eating for a second.

“Ooh was he as cute as ever?” Nejire teased. Y/N almost choked on their chicken bake, Tamaki reaching over to pat them on the back, although more in a sympathetic way.

“I regret telling you that I thought he was cute,” Y/N groaned.

“We can ask Mirio to poke around and find out who he is!” Nejire chirped, eating another spoonful of ice cream. “Pretty sure he works at a different Costco, but he could still find out somehow!”

Y/N shook their head. “It’s just a crush.”

And that was that until their next Costco run, a few weeks later.

This time he was named “Haru.” And he struck up a conversation, since Y/N was the only one at the food court.

They’d gone early that day, since it was a Saturday and they wanted to beat the rush of other shoppers. They’d been the first on in the store, and apparently everyone else was still shopping, because they were also the first food court order.

“Busy day?” He asked, leaning on the counter in front of him, leaning his chin into his hand. Ridiculously pretty smile on his face. God Y/N was whipped.

“Not much after this,” Y/N replied, fiddling with their receipt. He hummed in acknowledgement, straightening when their coworker started placing the finished food on the appropriate racks.

“Here you go!” He handed them their chicken bake. “No ice cream today?”

“No, not today,” Y/N said, setting their chicken bake carefully onto their cart. They felt like they shouldn’t walk away just yet.

“Well, see you,” he said after a pause. Y/N waved goodbye before walking away, hearing the other food court worker shout something at the guy, who quickly shushed her. Y/N glanced curiously back to see him looking at them, and then quickly duck below the counter. The other worker gave Y/N a little wave, which Y/N slowly returned before rushing out of the store.

They thought about it the entire ride home, naturally. They unloaded the groceries with Tamaki, who was the only one at the apartment since Nejire was working. Since he was so quiet they unloaded in silence, although he did look as though he wanted to ask if something was wrong. He settled for offering to make them a smoothie to eat with their chicken bake, and Y/N brightened considerably.

“Yo, Mirio!”

“Hey Nejire!”

He hopped into her car with ease, buckling up as she sped out of the Costco parking lots. She’d offered him a ride back to his dorm, since she had told him she was studying at a nearby Starbucks after she’d gotten off her own shift at her job.

“How’s work?” Nejire asked as she drove, reaching over to take a sip of her drink while steering with the other hand expertly. Mirio had long stopped worrying about Nejire’s driving habits. She’d gotten a perfect score on her driver’s exams, and had successfully avoided three car crashes. Plus her car was ridiculously cute and well kept, and Mirio knew she’d never dare the risk of wrecking it.

“It’s good,” Mirio replied, shifting in his seat.

“That’s good! Roomie Y/N went grocery shopping there today,” Nejire said. “They always see this cute dude working there, but they’re too shy to say anything, bless their adorable little heart.”

Y/N. Nejire and Tamai often speak of them, and despite having mutual friends, he’s never met them. He knows they’d like them, by what he’s heard. Every time he hangs out with Nejire and Tamaki, Y/N is always busy working or has extra curriculars. Which he understands all too well.

“And how’s swimming going, Mirio? Got yourself a date yet? I’ve heard people thirst over swimmers all the time, how are you not dating anyone? Is it your hair? I can cut it for you!”

They fell into an easy conversation after that. Nejire was always easy to talk to, and Mirio felt terrible that he didn’t hang out with her and Tamaki as much as he used to. It was bad enough that he couldn’t room with them, since he had to live with the other athletes on campus. But swim and work took up all of the free time he had. The rest was filled with homework and classes.

“Bye Mirio! Hand out with us soon, you still have to meet Y/N!” Mirio thanked her for the ride and climbed out of the car, noticing a stray receipt that fell to the ground as he shut the door. He picked it up and turned around to give it back to Nejire only to see she was already driving down the street and rounding the corner.

On his walk over he glanced at the receipt, curious.

It was a Costco receipt, which Mirio figured Y/N must’ve left in Nejire’s car by accident after their trip to the store. As he made his way into his own dorm room, he was about to drop the receipt onto his dresser when he noticed the address.

It was his Costco.

He almost screamed in shock but refrained from doing so, afraid he’d scare the new freshman who lived on the same floor as him.

There was no way. Right? Yeah. No way. Right?

He collapsed onto his bed, trying to remember everything he knew about Y/N from Nejire and Tamaki. They worked at the student center, were a great roommate, and had an odd oddication to Costco food court items.


He refrained from calling Nejire. It could all just be a coincidence. No one besides his coworker, Yuyu, knew about his crush on the frequent customer. Mirio had learned Y/N’s name after their third visit, when he’d sneaked a peak at their name on the receipt they presented him. Yuyu had teased him about it, and continued to do so—including today. He’d been so embarrassed when Y/N caught him staring that he dropped to the ground, and Yuyu had laughed at him the rest of the day.

With horror, Mirio realized Yuyu was literally Nejire’s best friend. But she’d kept true to her word and hadn’t told anyone about his crush. Otherwise Nejire would’ve been teasing Mirio about it, too.

He has practice the rest of the weekend, and his free time is spent getting ahead on assignments, so he has little time to dwell on it. But the time he has had he has spent analyzing his entire situation.

Y/N, Nejire and Tamaki’s beloved roommate, famous for their costco food court addiction. Never met Mirio. Nejire and Tamaki had never mentioned the Costco they frequented had been the one he worked at, and he had concluded that they simply didn’t know about that particular detail. The more he thought of it, the more he was convinced that they were the same person.

So on Monday, after his classes, he rushed to the student center. He did have an essay to print, so he wasn’t just going to find out if this was all an odd coincidence. He normally borrowed Tenya’s printer, since they lived on the same floor, but he decided to leave his underclassmen alone for the day and use the printers in the student center.

He made it to the computers, glancing around every which way. There were a few students sitting at the reception desks on the other side of the room, near the printers. But no Y/N.

“Hello, Mirio-senpai!”

“Oh, Izuku!”

His teammate settled down into the chair beside him, logging onto the computer. “Is Tenya out of ink?”

Izuku nodded, smiling to himself. “He was very upset about it. He ran straight to the store to buy some more, so I’m using the student center printers today.”

Mirio momentarily forgot about his original intent to be here and talked with Izuku about how he was liking college. The kid was super enthusiastic about it, rambling about how cool his classes were and how he loved swimming with everyone on the team. They both printed their essays and were about to leave when Mirio heard someone say something behind him.

“Have a good night, Y/N!”


He whirled around wildly, startling Izuku, who was about to reach to open the door. But no matter where Mirio looked, he didn’t see anyone. He ushered Izuku out the door, deciding he was in the mood for some off campus food.

“Dinner is on me, Izuku!”

“Really? Thanks so much!”

Y/N loved their job. It was relatively easy, and they had a lot of time to do their own homework while on the clock. Plus, free access to the printers and occasional snacks the student center offered sometimes.

They were getting ready to clock out when they noticed a blond guy walk into the center, and their heart stopped.

It was Costco-man.

Y/N went into a panic, sitting back down heard at the front desk and sliding down so their face was hidden. A little while later, they heard someone greet someone else, and Y/N was almost sure they heard the name “Mirio.”

It took them two seconds to connect the dots.

They packed up, mind whirling with speculations and then confirmations of their now greatest fear. Nejire and Tamaki must’ve not known, assuming Y/N went to a different Costco or that Mirio worked at a different one. Nejire was busy all the time, and Tamaki was too, so the miscommunication was understandable.

They said goodbye to their coworkers and slipped out the back, sighing in relief at their close call.

“Ah, Y/N-san!”

Y/N turned toward the familiar voice, a smile already on their face. Izuku was a part time worker at the student center, too, and they thought they’d heard him earlier. He was a sweet kid, and Y/N had been tasked with showing him the ropes of the job and had basically taken him in under their wing.

And just their luck, he was standing next to Mirio. Costco-man.

Izuku’s bright smile was not enough to blind Y/N from Mirio’s bewildered look, which quickly switched to a growing smile that Y/N hesitantly returned.

“Hi, Izuku,” Y/N greeted, stopping just in front of the pair. “How’s it going?”

Izuku had a glint in his eye Y/N had seen once before, when he had been tasked with reorganizing the filing system and had ended up making it much better than it had been before.

“Actually, I’m quite busy!” he chirped, making Mirio quickly turn his head to look at him in barely concealed surprise. Izuku ignored him. “I’ve got to run, enjoy your dinner, Mirio-senpai! See you tomorrow, Y/N!” And he sprinted away, as though afraid they’d chase after him.

“So,” Mirio smiled, his cheeks tinted pink. “Y/N.”

“Mirio,” Y/N smiled back. “Nice to know your real name.”

He laughed, falling into step beside them as they continued walking idly with no particular destination in mind, rushing back to the apartment long forgotten.

“I was heading to dinner off campus, want to come with?”

Y/N didn’t hesitate. “Sure.”

“Eh? What is this?” Nejire motioned between the two of them, eyebrows furrowed. Tamaki peaked from behind her curiously.

“What do you mean?” Y/N asked, turning towards their roommates. They’d just greeted Mirio with a hug after the other two had invited him to their apartment for a get together so that he could “finally” meet Y/N.

“You know each other?” Nejire asked.

“Well, you see—”

“OH MY GOD!” she gasped in sudden understanding, her eyes glancing between the two of them quickly. Mirio had just finished a shift at work and had brought them all ice creams, which Nejire wordlessly was now pointing at on the table in shock.


“Oh my god.”


masterlist+navigation;requests are open!

rainy dates


pairing:mirio togata x reader

synopsis: after planning a special, all-day date with y/n, mirio falls asleep thrilled for the next day. only to wake up to rainy weather. he arrives at y/n’s house, completely soaked and disappointed in the weather. y/n quickly cheers him up, and they spend the day baking.

content:fluff, the weather hates mirio

word count: 791

2/5 of my 500 follower celebration 


He’d made a Pinterest board.

Y/N had been the angel sent from heaven who’d introduced him to Pinterest (and was also the love of his life, yes that too). Mirio had grown very attached to the app, and had most recently been using it to gain inspiration for a whole day date with Y/N. He’d had lots of fun planning the day and adding things to his board.

He’d been telling Y/N about it for a while now—both of them were excited. They’d been so busy the past few months, and their outings consisted of grocery shopping together and napping on each other’s couches when they were too lazy to get dressed and go for ice cream. 

But Mirio was determined to put an end to this sleepy, albeit very enjoyable, romance they’d fallen accustomed to. He was determined to have a nice, fun, romantic day with Y/N. So he planned when he could, although there wasn’t too much to do. He just liked speculating on how they’d spend their day.

He’d made a Pinterest board, and the universe had punished him for his wishful thinking. 

The night before the eventful date day, Mirio double checked his weather app. Cloudy clear skies, it had reported. No chance for rain.

When he awoke, he almost screamed in surprise. The perfect day had been ruined before it even began. Rain was falling, heavily, outside of his window, washing away his plans. 

Still, he got dressed. He’d promised to spend the day with Y/N, and the rain would make for a perfect day indoors. They could have another movie marathon. Cheerful at the thought he hurried to get dressed and out the door, only to be drenched. Of course it was also windy that day, and his umbrella did little to shield him from the wetness. 

By the time he reached Y/N’s place he’d practically abandoned his umbrella. Y/N opened the door to find their boyfriend soaked through and through, looking more like a dejected puppy than ever. 

He wordlessly walked inside and accepted the towel Y/N already had ready for him. He did his best to dry himself off, but the towel did very little to help. 

“I’ve got some of your clothes laid out in the bathroom,” Y/N said sympathetically. “Go on and change, I’ll look for something to do!”

Mirio brightened slightly and hurried off to change. He’d noticed Y/N was still in their pajamas, and the clothes that were waiting for him in the bathroom were some spare pajamas he’d left from his last few visits. He changed and went to place his ruined clothes in the laundry room. When he returned to the living room Y/N was nowhere to be seen. 


Mirio shuffled into the kitchen to find Y/N scrambling around, pulling ingredients out of the fridge and pantries, with a wide assortment of bowls and measuring cups laid out on the table. Mirio was quick to help them, starting to unbox the cupcake batter and get to work. 

“I had lots of leftover stuff from our last baking day,” Y/N paused to start some music on their phone. “And baking always cheers you up, so I thought we could do that today.”

“Did you know it was going to rain?” Mirio was still disappointed in himself and his lack of weather acknowledgement. 

“No,” Y/N answered honestly. “I was actually going to save all of this for next weekend! I love spending time with you no matter what, and seeing you plan out a special all day date for me was so cute I wanted to do something for you.”

Y/N talked about their own planned day as they both worked, and by the time they’d put the cupcakes into their molds Miri realized they’d planned a lot of the same activities. 

“We’re just that in sync,” Y/N grinned at him. “Okay, while they bake let’s go watch some TV!”

Mirio was surprised they managed not to burn the cupcakes. They found a movie they’d been meaning to watch, and they became so engrossed in it they barely heard the timer going off, signaling the cupcakes were done.

They brought them over to the living room floor to eat after they’d topped them off with icing, and continued watching the movie. Y/N was so into it they didn’t noticed the icing on their nose, and Mirio thought it was so cute he didn’t want to tell them to wipe it off. 

The rain was pattering against the windows, more gently than before, and Y/N’s presence against his was so warm. He didn’t mind the rain very much, in that moment. 


masterlist+rules/admin; requests are open!



Pairing: Quirkless!Togata Mirio x F!Reader
Word Count: (this chapter) 4.7k (total) 10.7k
A/N:This is more or less a filler/transition chapter. We see a bit more of Tamaki and Mirio just being buddies and reader dealing with the aftermath of the day she’s had. 
☆☆☆☆☆The warnings listed for this series are important.☆☆☆☆☆
Chapter Warnings: 18+, dumb humor, self hatred/deprecating thoughts, mentions of vomit/blood, mentions of previous events/trauma/assult. 
Series Warnings: 18+, reader is female with enough hair to grab and pull, reader is a prostitute, descriptions of a bad childhood, deceased parent, slow burn, eventual romance, eventual smut.

《《《《   Previous Chapter   ☀️   Next Chapter 》》》》


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Can we have more Mirio and Tamaki talking about pussy? or Ass? Like don’t get me wrong the rest was great, like I feel dirty just reading thisbut the only like lighthearted thing was when two best friends were talking about pussy… Now you talking my language, can’t wait for your next chapter.

no nut november

warnings: suggestive content
characters: shouto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, hitoshi shinsou, mirio togata
summary: how long they survive no nut november.
a/n: umm shinsou’s…not me simping over my own writing lol. i actually really liked writing these :)


- actually lasts annoyingly long

- you expect him to fail in at most two weeks

- but this mf can go almost the whole month without nutting

- literally wins the bet between his friends

- he’s used to being touch deprived

- so it’s not much different than life before he started dating you

- but don’t get him wrong

- you definitely don’t make it easy for him

- especially around the three week mark

- that’s when he really starts to feel agitated and needs to feel your touch

- *insert needy shouto*

it’s been a long three weeks of no sexual interaction between you and your boyfriend. you’re fine for the most part, as you yourself aren’t participating in the dumb little challenge shouto is currently taking part in. you can touch and do whatever you want to yourself, though your boyfriend cannot. him and his friends have a bet that none of them could actually successfully complete no nut november in its entirety, and the guy that lasts the longest gets a hundred dollars from each participant. to your surprise, shouto actually agreed to take on the challenge and is so far looking as though he’ll win. it’s between him and midoriya currently, the rest of the guys had failed long ago. he seems so determined to win so you don’t try to sabotage his efforts too much, though sometimes it’s hard to keep your hands off of him or not want his hands on you. but even then, he refuses to let himself lose the challenge and rejects your advances. until today that is.

the two of you are supposed to be on the couch watching a movie together, but instead shouto is pressed on top of you with his hands gripping your waist and his lips hungrily attached to yours. you could tell shouto was distracted throughout the whole movie, but what you didn’t anticipate was for him to unexpectedly flip you over so that your back sank into the couch cushions under his weight while he attached his lips to yours. but it’s not like you’re complaining, this is the most you’ve gotten from him in weeks due to his little contest, so you decide not to jeopardize it in any way. shouto’s breaths are heavy against your mouth and you know he wants you. you know he wants to feel you more than anything right now, but you can still sense a feeling of apprehension in his actions. he pulls away, lips already beginning to bruise from the aggression of the kiss and his eyes glazed with lust.

“you think midoriya has lost yet?” todoroki asks through shallow breaths.

“honestly…who cares?” you shrug, pulling shouto back down towards you by the collar of his shirt in order to reconnect the kiss.

“valid point.” he mumbles against your lips. his hands trail their way up your body until they find themselves tangled in your hair, using it as leverage to deepen the kiss.

luckily, despite the two of you not noticing, todoroki’s phone chimed with a text message in the group chat from midoriya claiming that he no longer is apart of the challenge, therefore deeming shouto the winner.

if that text had come a half hour later though, todoroki would surely have lost.


- will last four days tops

- nothing more nothing less

- and barely even that

- the only reason he lasts that long is bc he’s a competitive little shit

- and doesn’t want to lose to shouto

- but fails miserably nonetheless

- and you can bet he fucks you senseless when he reaches his breaking point

- he doesn’t last very long bc of how pent up he is

-very sloppy and very verbal

bakugou’s attitude has been worse than usual because of him participating in no nut november and you have a feeling he won’t last much longer. it’s only been four days but you know that with your boyfriend’s atypical libido, he’s probably quite literally about to explode. every word that leaves his mouth carries more bite than they typically do and you are more than aware that if he doesn’t cum soon, his anger will only end up getting the better of him.

“katsuki, if you need to cum just cum because it’s making you too on edge. you’ve been yelling at that pickle jar for the past five minutes.” you sigh as you look over your immensely distraught boyfriend.

“yeah because it won’t fucking open! who the hell makes these things anyway? it’s so fucking stupid! i don’t even want the damn pickle anymore.” bakugou huffs, slamming the pickle jar down on the counter which shockingly doesn’t break at the impact.

“babe, relax.” you say as you walk up to where he’s leaned against the kitchen island. “if you want, i can help you.” you finish, rubbing his arms gingerly. he shuts his eyes for a quick second in response to your touch before responding to you verbally.

“help me with what exactly?” he asks with questioning eyes.

“opening the jar obviously, unless you need help with something else?” you tease as you glance down towards his lower half. he noticeably swallows at your suggestion before roughly grabbing your arm and moving you so that you’re now bent over the counter.

“dammit y/n. it’s been really hard not to lose because of you you know?” he grunts as he lifts up the already too revealing skirt that you may or may not have worn on purpose.

“yeah i know, that’s the whole point.” you reply which earns you a harsh smack on the ass.

“guess i’ll just have to punish you for it then.” bakugou shrugs.

long story short, bakugou loses the challenge and you get punished. hard.


- would probably last a week

- the first three days wouldn’t be too difficult for him

- but from then on, it only gets worse

- and you’re a tease so you actually make it a living hell for him

- making out with him a little too roughly

- grazing up against his most sensitive areas

- until he genuinely cannot take it anymore

- will not last long at all when you help him cum

- maybe a solid 3 minutes

- possibly four

- he’s just extra sensitive, leave him alone

you’re currently straddling shinsou’s lap, grinding against his most sensitive area while you let his tongue roam your mouth. the two of you have been making out like this for a good hour, though you didn’t start straddling shinsou until just moments ago. the friction of you rubbing yourself against his clothed yet throbbing member was almost too much for him in itself. then add you kissing him in the way that gives his whole body chills, making him want to fuck into you relentlessly, and you have quite a dangerous combination. 

you can tell by the soft, breathy moans escaping his lips that you have him in a real tough position. part of you wants to grant him mercy and give him the opportunity to still win this nnn challenge, but the other part of you is obsessed with how sensitive he is right now and all of the noises he’s making and the way he’s desperately gripping onto your thighs while you move your hips against his, it’s all too alluring to want to stop.

“y/n, you’re gonna make me cum.” he groans, tossing his head back against the headboard of your shared bed.

“good. i wish you knew how hot you looked right now. can’t imagine how good you’ll look when you cum.” you moan in an attempt to push him over the edge. if there’s one thing your boyfriend is a whore for, it’s praise. you found that out on accident and ever since it’s been somewhat of a secret weapon, and it’s working like a charm now.

shinsou’s grip on your thighs gets dangerously tight, to the point where you’re sure there will be bruises by tomorrow, but you don’t care because the way he’s arching himself into you as he moans your name while releasing one of the best orgasms he’s probably ever had in his life is more than enough to make up for it.

“fuck, well i guess i lose then huh?” shinsou laughs lightly as he comes down.

“yeah, but i think it was worth it.” you shrug.

“more than worth it.” he smiles before placing a soft peck on your lips.


- like shouto, could probably last the whole month

- he just has a lot of restraint

- even when you try to tease or fluster him

- it works, but not enough to actually get him to cum

- only goes for so long because of how annoyed you get

- you had an elaborate plan on how to get him to fail the first week

- which didn’t work whatsoever

- and ever since, you’ve grown more frustrated than mirio has

- and he thinks it’s adorable

- you get the upper hand eventually though

your teasing efforts continuously fall short with mirio and it’s starting to frustrate you. when mirio first asked how you felt about him participating in the nnn challenge you agreed to it because you figured he wouldn’t last long anyway. but when a week passed and it seemed liked mirio wasn’t fazed in the slightest, you began to regret that decision. so you tried and you tried to get him to slip up and lose the challenge, but each try was a failure. he’s stubbornly determined to complete the whole month without a single orgasm and it’s irking your soul, so you decide to pull out your final trick. you remember once you had worn one of mirio’s shirts with nothing but underwear underneath and he was completely and utterly flustered by it, so you plan to do that again. except this time, with absolutely nothing underneath.

after successfully stealing one of mirio’s oversized shirts and slipping it over your naked body, you join him in bed as he patiently waits for you. the moment his eyes catch sight of you, they widen and you begin to think this may be the attempt that finally gets him to lose this stupid challenge.

“you look so good in my shirt.” mirio compliments you with a wide smile as you get into bed beside him.

“you think so? it’s a little big but i like it.” you say, lifting the sides of the shirt a bit to reveal that you’re wearing no underwear.

again, mirio’s eyes widen as they rake over your figure and he looks as though he’s contemplating what to say next.

“naughty girl, you really want me to lose this challenge huh?” he says, inching a bit closer to you with a trying smile plastered on his face.

“i’ve been trying for the past few weeks.” you sigh, hoisting yourself up so that you can straddle mirio’s waist. his breath hitches at the realization that your bare cunt is pressed against his crotch and he figures there’s no point in continuing the challenge anymore. i mean he’s probably made it farther than most other guys right? five days until the end of november? seems good enough to him.

he flips the two of you over so that now you’re on your back with him hovering above you.

“i accept defeat. and this stays on while i fuck you.” he grins, tugging on the fabric of his your shirt.
