#tokyo sound


Sound Finale!

Sound Finale!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado makes it back home to Anri. They finally talk and end up sleeping together.


Sound Thirty-Four: Anri:

I feel like I am home when I am with her. The other girls always tire me out. When I’m with Anri, everything calms down. I don’t have to worry about what she wants to do with me.

“I’m home,” I said once I made it back to my apartment.

“Welcome home, Mikado-kun,” I heard in the darkness. I found her sitting on the floor, waiting for me. I don’t know how she puts up with all of my… well… how exactly do I put it?

“Have you been waiting long?” I asked.

“Not really,” she said. I can’t bring myself to tell her how bad things are. Anri probably already knows, but I don’t want to push it.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Fine,” she said. We can’t bring ourselves to look into each other’s eyes. I feel like I have to keep her at arm’s length from me. If she gets any closer to me, I could end up ruining her. But Anri still tries to stay by my side.

“Did the girls tell you to stay by my side?” I asked her days after Saki’s death.

“Yes,” she said.

“Are you just staying because they asked you to?” I asked. “Please don’t lie to me.”

“No,” Anri said. I didn’t know how I felt about this.

I sat down in front of her on my futon. There is still so much that we have to talk about. Kida-kun is one of them. Then there are the other girls. And then there’s us.

My eyes shifted away from her. When did this get so difficult again?

“Mikado-kun,” Anri said.

“Yes?” I asked. I had a guess about what she was going to say. Which question was she going to open with first?

“Are we okay?” she asked. I couldn’t even answer her while looking her in the eye.

“No,” I said. I couldn’t let lie to her anymore.

“We are not okay,” I said. “But I am going to fix this.” I clenched my fists in my lap and clenched my teeth. I have told her this so many times. I’m sure that I even believe this anymore. It hurts worse when she doesn’t say anything. I would feel better if she would just say that she doubted me.

“Have you heard from Masaomi?” I asked. She shook her head. Maybe this was worse than we feared.

“You don’t think…?” she began to ask. I lifted my head.

“What?” I asked. Anri looked like she wished that she hadn’t said anything. We might as well come out with all of it. She’s here with me now.

“You can just say it,” I said. “We’re already here.” She clenched her fists in her lap.

“Do you think he’s avoiding us on purpose?” Anri asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. Part of me wished that it wasn’t the case.

“Have you tried to call him?” I asked.

“No,” Anri said. I lowered my head. I felt like a bad friend. I’ve been too wrapped up in myself and my siblings to see his problems.

“Do you want to go talk to him with me?” I asked. Anri said nothing at first.

“I mean… if that’s what you want,” I said.

“Of course,” Anri said. “I would love that.” We sat in silence for a moment. There needs to be something more said. But why can’t I say it?

“Anri,” I said. She looked up at me. I didn’t wait for a response.

“How have you been through all of this?” I asked. I think I caught her off-guard with that question.

“I… I…” Anri said. She pressed her lips together.

“I don’t know,” she said at last. “There’s been so much going on.” I could hear her thoughts. She doesn’t know how she wants to say it. I reached out and pulled her into my arms.

“I understand,” I said in a low voice. Saika didn’t try to reach out and cut me. I think she still hates me. I am okay with that. She can hate me all she wants. Nothing is going to tear me away from Anri.

When I let her go, we were inches away from each other. We didn’t say anything at first. I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She didn’t push me off. I couldn’t understand why she lets me do as I please with her. Part of me hoped it wasn’t out of pity.

I didn’t feel like taking it all the way tonight. I pulled her into my arms again.

“Can you let me hold you like this for a while?” I asked. I stared off into the distance. Saika doesn’t scream as much at me as she did when Anri and I first had sex. (That wasn’t one of my brightest moments. She insisted that it was okay. I wanted to believe her, but…)

I paused when I heard her murmuring something.

“Hm?” I asked. I looked up to see her looking up at her.

“I’ll stay by your side no matter what,” she said. Her words stung like a knife in my chest. I drew my eyes closed.

“Thank you,” I said. I leaned down and kissed her on the lips again. This time, she kissed me back.

We ended up back on my futon. I should be used to this by now. In a way, it just doesn’t feel right. I put her at risk when we are like this. Anri looked up at me, waiting. She doesn’t try to fight me. I hint to her that she can say no whenever she wants.

“Are you sure you want this?” I asked. “I can stop if you want me to.” Anri shook her head.

“No?” I asked.

“It’s fine,” she said. “You can do what you want with me.” It’s always the same. She never tells me no. I just wish for once that she would tell me no and it would stop there.

“Are you okay?” Anri asked. Her question put me in shock. I looked down at her. None of the other girls asked me that. It was just getting right into it without any questions. I looked away from Anri.

“I don’t really want to,” I said. I paused. I have no choice but to tell her the truth.

“Listen,” I said. “There’s something wrong with me.” I looked down for a response. Anri stared up at me with no emotion on her face. I could’ve just left it there. But something inside compelled me to tell her the truth.

“I was… I poisoned back over the summer,” I said.

“Mikado-kun…” Anri said. I shook my head.

“There hasn’t been a way to get rid of it so far,” I said. “I haven’t only shown Shinra so far.” I rolled up my right sleeve. My arm looked so pale except for Yokubo’s bite mark. The wound itself looked so dark.

“How long has it been like this?” Anri asked.

“Almost two months,” I said. I rolled down my sleeve.

“Do the others know?” she asked.

“Which others?” I asked. “The girls, yes. Everyone else, no.” I remembered when it was easier to keep my condition hidden. Lately, things have been getting worse. I wasn’t ready to tell her anymore. She didn’t need to know that I was scared to get her pregnant. One thing at a time here. I laid down beside Anri.

“It’s all become a mess,” I said. She cuddled up close to me. I put my arm around her. She’s too good to me. Sometimes I wonder how she’s able to stay by me like this.

“Thank you,” I said. Anri looked up at me.

“For what?” she asked.

“Staying by my side,” I said. I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back. I feel like I am dancing on the edge here. I don’t know if we’re going to have sex or not. She’s open for me to doing what I like.

“Why don’t you ever stop me when we are like this?” I asked. “You could say no and I would be more than happy to stop. So… why?” She rested her head against my chest.

“I don’t want to see you hurt anymore,” she said. My heart skipped a beat.

“Anri…” I said.

“I don’t really know how I could help you,” she said. “This is the only way that I know how.” Did her words have to hurt? Just like everyone else around me, she’s trying her best. I patted her on the head.

“Thank you,” I said again. I kissed her on the lips. Anri kissed me back. I climbed on top of her on instinct. She looked up but said nothing. I sat up and unzipped my jacket. Anri never says anything to stop me. I slid it off and threw it aside. This should be fine, right? This was Anri after all. But why did it feel like I was taking advantage of her?

She reached up and touched my cheek. I about jumped at the sensation. She didn’t need to say anything. I didn’t need to hear her thoughts to know either. I reached up and took off my shirt.

Our clothes wound up all over my floor. Everything felt familiar again. Once again, I was tangled up in her. It feels like being home. I shouldn’t be doing this. Anri has become an enabler. She doesn’t stop me. I can’t stress this enough. Part of me wished that she would speak up at least once. Maybe then… Maybe then…

I leaned down and nibbled on Anri’s neck. I glanced over at her as she let off a low whimper.

“You like that, huh?” I asked. I could feel the heat coming from her skin. Her cheeks were flushed red. All that came out of her mouth were happy little whimpers.

“Yes,” she said, breathlessly. I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

“Right,” I said. I leaned in and kissed her on the neck again. There was that sensation again. I wanted to bite into her skin hard enough to draw blood. No, I can’t do that. This was Anri. She wasn’t them. I moved my mouth to her lips and kissed her again. She just let me do so. I made sure I used protection again.

We held each other afterward. She rested her head on my chest. The urge to keep her safe woke back up inside. I’ve already lost her before. I wasn’t going to lose her again.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you,” Anri said back. I let her go to sleep in my arms. By now, it had started to rain again. Somehow, I was fine with it. As long as I was with Anri, I had hope. Hope. It’s laughed in my face so many times before. I wasn’t going to give up this time. I would fight to stop this game. It was then I realized that I wasn’t alone anymore. I have always relied on numbers. This was going to be no different. Only, there was so much more at stake. More than any of us will ever know.

I leaned down and kissed Anri on her forehead. She had already gone to sleep. Usually, the rain like this would make me go to sleep. Instead, I looked out my window. It looked like it was going to be an all-night rain. I don’t think I really mind anymore. Just as long as I could be with Anri with what little time was left. No, I will have more time with her. I held her tighter to my body.

“I won’t let you die again,” I whispered. “I promise.” I closed my eyes and let my mind drift off to the rain pouring in the background. I will save her and our home.


New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado remembers how he met Lisette and remembers that he still has to talk to Anri.


Sound Thirty-Three: Lisette:

There was another girl that I remembered meeting. Lisette. I don’t remember what her last name was. I don’t think I ever learned it. It doesn’t really matter. She shouldn’t have ever met me. I seem to bring death around me. That’s probably the reason I have been cutting myself off from everyone normal around me. But that doesn’t seem to work either. Fate loves to try and stab in the back. Tandeki loves to have a hand in that too.

I probably need to back up with this one.

I met Lisette in Berlin, Germany during another timeline. She had big dreams of becoming a ballerina in her home country of France. She was a good dancer too. However, the virus shut down most travel through Europe. Lisette was on a class trip at the time. Her class ended up stranded in Germany. To make a long story short, she ended up in a rebellion movement because of a boyfriend. Now how did she wind up involved with me?

Well, it’s a bit of a long story.

I was on a mission to stop this game. I had a connection to help me out. (I refuse to say his name.) I met Lisette in a nightclub. I was trying to meet up with one of his contacts. I sat at the bar, waiting. That’s when I saw her. Lisette danced across the stage. She looked so beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her under the lights. She made her way to the bar and turned down a guy hitting on her. Impressed, I just had to follow her. To make a long story short, we flirted and she ended up in my hotel room.

I frowned as I remembered everything that happened next. She shouldn’t have died. It might not have been my fault, but it still shouldn’t have happened. It’s all Tandeki’s fault. Their virus stole her dreams.

Thinking about all of that made me angry. The more I remember, the more I realize that Tandeki was the source of all my problems. Everyone’s problems. They had to be stopped.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. My heart leaped in my chest as I pulled it out. Oh, it’s not her. I didn’t recognize the number either. I hung it up and shoved it back into my pocket.

That’s right, I still have to talk to Anri. It was then I noticed that I was halfway home. I wasn’t there when Lisette died. No, I had slipped away before that happened. What else was I supposed to do? I was trying to stop the game. Plus, I was running out of time. I couldn’t go and look for her. There wasn’t any time left.

I wished that I hadn’t gotten involved with Lisette. I know it hasn’t happened yet. She’s probably still in Paris, living a normal, happy life. I was going to try and keep it that way for her.

My phone rang again. I pulled out it and looked at the screen. I had a missed call from Masaomi. I froze in my tracks. I played back the message on my voicemail. A confused look came over my face. I couldn’t tell what was going on in the background. I thought I could hear people talking in the background. Did he dial me by accident or something? Suddenly, the message cut off. I stared at my phone for what felt like a long time. Oh yeah. I am still going to need to talk to him. But I don’t know what to say to him. They believe that we tadpoles are supposed to be smooth with our words. I don’t buy it. Yukio and Taishi are much better at it than I will ever be.

I shook my head. I couldn’t think about that right now. My mind went back to Lisette. I don’t have much else to say about her. I just hope that I can prevent her from having to give up her dreams and end up dying for a rebellion in Germany.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head. I needed to get home. I needed to talk to my friends. I needed to talk to Anri. With all of that in my mind, I pushed myself to walk home.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado remembers about Jessie from another timeline. It becomes motive for him to change things in the current timeline.


Sound Thirty-Two: Jessie:

 I started to remember Jessie Goodwin. Right now, she’s just a little girl. She’s probably just coming to Japan now. She’s probably happy with her mother right now.

Now, I never slept with Jessie. She was or will be like a daughter to me. I remember I saved her from being sexually assaulted behind a sex club in Kabukicho. Three men were about to have their way with her. I commanded them to stop and sent them back into the club without them remembering what they were doing. From there, she came with my son and me out of that part of Tokyo before the virus took it over.

I shook my head at that thought.

All of that should never happen. Jessie should be living happily with her mother, her boyfriend, and her mother’s boyfriend. They shouldn’t know the horrors that are coming toward us. I have to work to stop this before it starts.

It’s because of my struggles that the girls are worried about me. They are always telling me the same thing. They ask me how I am doing. They ask about how Anri and Masaomi are doing. I know that they care, but I’m getting tired of hearing it. I’m only now admitting that everything isn’t okay. I just need to sit down and talk to my girlfriend and my best friend.

Okay, I am getting a bit off track here. I was talking about Jessie after all.

When I met her, she didn’t have much belief in herself. Jessie clung to me because she didn’t have anything else. She lost her home, family, and boyfriend due to the virus. Traffickers tricked her into working in a sex club because of it. I already told you what happened next before I went off on a tangent. From what I noticed Jessie seemed to need someone to rely on in order to survive the new world.

I have tried to keep her away from me. By now, I had lost so much and I was worn down. In a way, I needed her. She, Akira-kun, and Hikira were all I had left. Anri had passed away and Masaomi had gone into a sleep that he’d probably never wake up from to feed that Woman in Red. I shuddered to think about that future. This was why I was working hard to prevent it all from happening. But by looking at everything that has been going on, I am being backed into a corner.

Everyone around me is trying the best that they can. But I am starting to fear that might not be enough. Right now, Jessie and I have not met. I know that I might sound cold for saying this, but I hope that we never do. I mean that with good reason. If Jessie and I meet, it will mean that I have failed everyone. Honestly, I don’t know how it all came to this. My memories coming back are making things worse. I’m not sure if I want to remember anymore, but it’s too late to turn back, isn’t it?

Jessie isn’t the only one with who I am doing this for. It’s not just for Masaomi and Anri either. It’s for everyone in this city. I am starting to understand how Michiko-san feels. She’s been fighting to war for many years now. Probably decades. I wish that I could tell her that she isn’t alone in her fight. But how can I do that when I can’t talk to my friends.

That’s it. Something has to change. I have to be the one to do it.

I made it back to the living world in the early hours of the morning. I pulled out my phone. Damn it, eleven percent. This always happens when I come back. I don’t know how Purgatory drains my batteries. That thought is pushed out of my head when I notice that I have missed a call from Anri. My breath caught in my throat. She didn’t leave me a voice mail. Damn it, I wish that I had a charger on hand right now. Knowing her, Anri was probably already waiting at my place. I took a breath. Maybe this could be my chance. I knew that I was going to have to try and get this over with. I did promise myself that I would talk to her when I came home. Well, I’m home now and I don’t have any excuse. I just have to go and talk to her.


I closed my eyes and vanished back to my place.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado meets up with Marin in a hidden jazz club. She tries to use a potion on him, but it doesn’t work. Still, she isn’t deturned from this.


Sound Thirty-One: Marin:

She was the one who invited me out tonight. I should say no. I have a girlfriend. I am staying faithful to her. But still…

I got her text while on the computer.

“Hey, baby! I’m really lonely. Come out and see me tonight. I’ll be at the Red Room.” She ended it with kissy emojis. I sighed and shook my head. I don’t need to feed. I bet it’s her this time. I stared at the text. I really shouldn’t be doing this. I have a girlfriend.

And there I was. I hit the button to reply.

“Where is that?” I asked. It didn’t take her long to send directions. I rose to my feet and disappeared out of my room.

I found myself at a tunnel just outside of Ikebukuro. I’m about to end up in a strange place, aren’t I? That’s just how my life is lately. This was what I wished for. Now, I just want a moment of things to be normal. But that’s not going to happen anymore, is it?

I took a breath and walked inside. I didn’t feel it when I walked through the barrier. I just noticed that the air felt different. I could hear music from the distance.


I began running down the tunnel. The music started getting louder as I got closer. I found myself standing in front of red-tinted glass doors. I could feel the music pulsing from inside. It wasn’t loud, but I could still feel it. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I reached inside and pulled it out.

“Come inside,” her text read. Well, okay. I pushed open the door and walked inside.

So much red around me. I didn’t mind the cigarette smell floating into my nostrils. There weren’t many people inside. This didn’t surprise me. Like there would really be any humans here. (I’m starting to sound like Izaya-san.) This was a place between the living world and some other place. Well, can’t keep her waiting for long.

I pushed open the door and went.

This club looked rather smaller than how I pictured. Jazz music floated through the air. I walked past the empty bar at the doorway. There was a stage on the other side of the club. The thick red curtains were closed. There was nobody on stage, but the music was still playing. All of the lights were focused on the stage as if waiting for someone to appear. The words “Hallow Jazz” were glowing at the top. Black tables and chairs were arranged in front of me. Only three of them had small lamps in the center of them. A little black cat sat on the middle table, looking at the stage. Shadowy pictures of jazz musicians were hung up on the brick walls. Were they silently playing along with the music?

“Hey,” someone said. I looked up and saw her sitting at one of the tables, flagging me down. I made my way to her table. She broke into a huge grin.

“Hello Marin,” I mumbled.

“Hey cutie,” she said. Marin blew a kiss at me. I nervously laughed to myself. This was becoming a habit. A habit that I needed to break. The poison in my body was saying otherwise. Oh yes. I couldn’t forget about Yokubo if I tried. I cursed myself under my breath.

Marin held out a hand to the empty chair across from her. She didn’t have to tell me twice. I sat down in front of her. She broke into a huge grin.

“Why are we here?” I asked. She broke into a charming little smile.

“I like to come here from time to time,” she said. “It helps me unwind.” She leaned back in her chair and smiled. I looked around at the empty club. Something about this place put a chill down my spine. I could’ve sworn that I saw someone peeking out from the curtains.

“Not many humans come down here, do they?” I asked.

“That’s the beauty of it!” Marin said. “We don’t need humans to ruin this precious space down here.” I gave her a strange look.

“But I’m human,” I said. “Aren’t you half-human?” Marin gently took me by the cheeks. She had a sweet doe-eyed look on her face.

“You’re not really human anymore,” she said in a low voice. “Every little bit of human in you is slowly dying away.” My stomach turned when she said that. I’ve heard that before from the others. It didn’t make it any easier.

“But…” I said. Marin leaned in and kissed me on the lips. My heart started beating against my chest. I didn’t even notice her pulling away.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she said. “It’s not your fault.” The notes from the jazz music felt like I was being hugged from behind. It was like her words were coaxing me to be slaughtered. It was like I wanted to believe her. Still, something inside of me wouldn’t surrender. Marin let go of my face.

“And yes,” she said. “I am a half-breed.” Marin frowned when she noticed the look on my face.

“You know what you need?” she asked. “A little drink.”

“I’m not old enough to drink,” I said. She gently shushed me.

“It’s okay,” Marin insisted. “Nobody has to know.” I slowly drew my mouth closed. I could tell that she was using her magic on me. She giggled as she got up.

“I’ll be right back,” she said. Marin winked as she walked over to the empty bar. I watched as she seemed to be talking to no one. I could still make out what she was saying over what sounded like the scratching of a record through the music. Marin was ordering me a special kind of drink. She does know that alcohol doesn’t affect me anymore, right?

She walked back to our table with the two glasses in hand.

“Here you go,” Marin said as she handed me a glass of thick red liquid.

“Thank you,” I said as I picked up the glass. She watched as I took a sip. I eyed her as I took the drink. (Not like it could affect me or anything.) This bitter taste washed over my tongue. The drink smelt so sweet. It didn’t take long for the sweetness to kick in. My eyes met Marin’s eyes.

“So? How is it?” she asked. I swallowed it down and forced myself to smile.

“Good,” I said. I set down the glass. The jazz music sounded smoother now.

“You sure?” Marin asked.

“Yes,” I said. She picked up her glass and took a drink. I raised my eyebrow.

“Were you expecting something to happen?” I asked.

“Maybe…” Marin said. This didn’t surprise me.

“You know that potions and spells don’t work on me,” I said. “Right?” She leaned in with a little grin on her face.

“Doesn’t stop me from trying, does it?” she asked in a low voice. I narrowed my eyes as she grinned. I can never get her at times. Marin stretched her arms above her head.

“I’m bored here,” she said. Her eyes turned to me.

“Want to get out of here, baby?” Marin asked. I put up my hands in a shrug.

“Take me,” was all I said. I held out my right wrist. I mean, I might as well. Marin and the other girls are the ones in control after all. She smirked and grabbed onto my wrist. She giggled as we vanished into thin air from the club.


Marin ended up taking me outside. Only, I wasn’t outside in the living world. I looked around. Despite it being October, there were bright pink cherry blossoms in full bloom. I couldn’t tell what I was looking at.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we looked down a moss-covered path. Marin just giggled.

“You’ll see in a moment,” she said. Something about the way she said that made me gulp. I had a feeling that there was going to be sex involved somehow. That’s just how she was after all. I forced myself to smile.

“Right,” he said. Marin giggled to herself again.

We came out to a clearing. My jaw just dropped. We were standing in front of a large lake. So many orange lanterns were floating in the sky. No, those were fireflies. Tons of fireflies floating around us. I reached up to touch one. The firefly went through my hand.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a voice asked behind me. I turned to see Marin smiling at me.

“Yeah,” I said. She led me over to a blanket on the ground. A lantern showed off the three little ghost cats nearby. Looking out on the lake, I noticed that we weren’t alone. The ferryman was floating on his boat. I could tell it was him with his bony arm and black cloak. I couldn’t forget those antlers if I tried.

“Oh,” he said. Marin looked out on the lake.

“Oh, him?” she asked. “Don’t mind him. He’s not going to pay too much attention to us.” Her hand started stroking my arm. I looked over at the boatman looking up at the sky in his boat.

“It’s okay, darling,” Marin whispered in my ear. “He won’t pay any attention to us.” She nudged me over to the blanket. I don’t why I didn’t try to stop her. Maybe I’m so used to them doing what they want with me. Marin playfully tackled me to the blanket. She climbed on top of me, flipping me onto my back. She looked down and giggled.

“You sure you want to do this?” I asked. Marin gave me a little pout.

“Do you want to stop?” she asked. I stared at her for a moment. I want to say something, but none of the words are coming to my mouth. Marin looked so beautiful on the fake spring night with the ghostly fireflies flying around us. Were those wings? Would she have wings?  I blinked away the visions in my eyes.

“No,” I said at last. Marin’s hungry eyes zeroed in on me. Her hair started to turn lighter. She reached down and stroked my right cheek.

“Good boy,” she purred. Marin leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I didn’t think twice when I kissed her back. I can’t explain what happens between us. On a normal day, she would look like anyone else to me. But sometimes, she looks really beautiful. I wonder if the same can be said for her towards me. I didn’t get a chance to think about that as she shoved her tongue into my mouth. I could say that she and Lilith are in the same league when it came to being forceful. It’s a struggle for me to keep up at times.

Marin sat up and rolled off her short black dress. She threw it aside in the grass. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her black and pink bra and panties. We really were going to do this, weren’t we? I could feel myself smiling like I’ve had too much to drink.

“Are you alright?” Marin asked. My cheeks turned red as I nodded. She smiled at me like a hungry cat.

“Good,” she said. She grabbed onto my jacket. Marin unzipped before I could speak up. Were the cat spirits and the ferryman looking at us?

“It’s okay,” Marin insisted. “He’s not going to pay any attention to us.” She turned and looked out at the bony man in his boat on the lake.

“Hey!” Marin shouted. “Nice weather we’re having out here, huh?” The ferryman didn’t turn around in his boat. The ghost cats looked at us for a moment before they ran off.

“See?” she asked. “They aren’t going to bother us. It’s fine.” I opened my mouth to speak, but Marin leaned down and silenced me with a kiss. It didn’t take me long to figure out how she was doing this. She’s really much gotten better with her shield magic. She could even be on par with Miya-san. Marin slipped her tongue back into my mouth. I just felt myself surrender. Damn it. She got me again. Lilith might be right. I can’t stop, can I?

Maybe there was something wrong with me.

“No,” Marin said in a low whisper. “There’s nothing wrong with you.” She kissed me again on the lips. Maybe she was right. Marin reached down and rolled my shirt over my head. She tossed it aside. Her lips moved to my ear.

“Feel free to take control whenever you want,” Marin whispered. Something inside of me clicked. I rolled over and pushed her down onto her back. She broke into laughter. I stared down at her. Marin’s lips curved into a hungry smile.

“So you are trying control again tonight?” she asked. Her pupils had dilated by now. She started breathing heavily underneath me. Yes, this was what she really wanted. Marin and Lilith were the same. They wanted this aggressive, wild side of me. I’m not really sure that exists. Sometimes, I think that it is just an act. But I don’t have time to think about that.

“Take me, papa!” she shouted. I flinched when she said that. I’ve told her and a good number of girls to stop calling me that. And you know what? They are still going to do it.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado and Akari meet up in Purgatory when the hotel ends up under lockdown. She leads him to her favorite spot in the library.


Sound Thirty: Akari:

Hers is a strange case. I couldn’t fully wrap my head around Akari-san. She just comes and goes as she pleases. She does what she wants to. I turned to her in the restaurant of Purgatory.

“Why exactly are we meeting here?” I asked. Akari-san turned to me with a serene look on her face.

“I just like the quiet and the food here,” she said. She tucked her black hair behind her right ear. I couldn’t remember when or where we first met. Akari-san was the one who approached me tonight.

I was at my computer when I heard knocking on my door. Something told me that I already knew who it was. I got up and walked over to the door.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s me,” a familiar girl’s voice said. My heart about caught in my throat. I opened the door. Her head came up to my chest. Looking into her eyes sparks hints of small memories about her.

“Akari… -san?” I asked. A little smile spread across her face.

“Good evening,” she said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. Akari-san took me by the hands.

“Come with me,” she said.

“Huh?” I asked. Before I could say anything, we vanished into thin air. The next thing I knew, I was back in Purgatory again.

Still, I just had to ask one thing.

“Hey, Akari-san,” I said.

“Hm?” she asked.

“You’re still alive, right?” I asked. She didn’t look up at me.

“Of course I am,” she said. I narrowed my eyes.

“Then… how do you…?” I started to ask. It was then I noticed her looking at me. She motioned me to come in closer. I leaned in with a curious look on my face. Akari-san giggled before she spoke.

“With magic,” she whispered. I stared at her, frowning.

“How did I know you were going to say that?” I asked. A little smile of mischief spread across her face. Must they always mess with me like that? Why does she do that? Akari-san reached over and caressed my cheek.

“You are just so adorable,” she said. Suddenly, there was a loud siren ripping through the air. Akari-san and I looked up.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Shit,” she said.

“What?” I asked. She turned and looked at me.

“We’re on lockdown,” Akari-san said.

“What?” I asked. She bit on her lower lip with a nervous look on her face.

“Come on, we have to go,” she said. I didn’t get a chance to speak as she grabbed onto my hands.

We’re going to my place in this hotel, I heard her say. I froze as we vanished out of the mess hall.


We appeared inside the library at the front doors. Akari-san let go of my hands as I started to see the real her come to life.

“Come with me to my favorite here,” she said. She smacked me on the behind before she turned to go further inside. I stood there for a moment.

“Huh?” I asked. I looked up to see her further ahead of me.

“Hey, wait up!” I shouted. I ran to keep up with her. Akari-san turned back to see if I was still following her. I dragged my feet along as I shoved my hands into my pockets.

“Come on,” she said. “It’s back here.”

“Okay, okay,” I said. Akai-san held out her hand.

“Come on, keep up,” she said.

“Fine,” I said. “Just calm down.” Akari-san gave me the side-eye before turning forward. I closed my mouth. Best not to get on her nerves. Still, I never pictured staying in a library during a lockdown. This was Akari-san’s idea really. I didn’t get a chance to argue. I gave her a strange look.

“You sure about this?” I asked.

“Uh-huh,” she insisted. “I know a more private section of the library who you and I can stay. Not many people will bother us.” The way Akari-san spoke told me there wasn’t much for arguments. I was trapped in Purgatory for now.  It wouldn’t be safe to get back to the living world until the morning.

Akari-san led me to the back end of the library. She stopped and turned to me.

“Here we are,” she said. I looked past her shoulder. A large canopy bed with fuzzy pillows sat against a giant window. A large patch-quilt was spread across it. Her two-horned black cats, Sapphire and Pearl, were sitting on her bed. The strings of lights served as the top covering. Full bookcases sat on either side of the bed. Akari walked over and shooed off the cats. Pearl leaped off and raced to the window. Akari-san had to wake up Sapphire to get her off.

“Sorry about that,” she said to me. “They just love to take up space sometimes.” I said nothing. The witch flopped down onto her bed.

“Welcome to my sanctuary!” she said. “My domain.” Akari held out her hand to me. I dropped my shoulders and walked over. Akari-san grabbed me by the hand and pulled me down next to her.

“Whoa!” I said as fell next to her. Akari-san giggled.

“Why is it so dark in here?” I asked.

“Hang on,” Akari-san said. She waved her hand in the air. The candles began to light up. Some of them floated around in midair.

“Better?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said. Not much is surprising me anymore. More memories started to come back to me about this part of the library. She showed me this place before. Akari-san cuddled up next to me, laying her head on my chest.

“I missed you, you know?” she asked.

 “Uh-huh,” I said. I glanced out the window behind us to see a giant dragon-like silhouette walking by in the woods.

“A guardian walking by?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Akari-san said.

“Ah,” I said. Suddenly, she climbed on top of me. She pinned me down by the wrist. I had a guess of where this was going next. Akari-san grinned as she looked down at my neck.

“Oh, my,” Akari-san said as she ran a finger down the side of my neck. I tried to look away.

“When was the last time you fed?” she asked. My cheeks turned bright red as I tried to look away.

“Come on,” she said.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled.

“I thought so,” Akari-san said. She turned my face towards her. That witch leaned down and kissed me. I didn’t bother to resist. I wondered how far she was going to take this. Akari-san usually wasn’t so aggressive as Lilith and Charlotte. Still, she could be so unpredictable.

Akari-san gently pushed her tongue into my mouth. A small chill ran up my spine. I tuned out the soft meowing of her cats. Their little eyes stayed on me. Even they knew what was coming next. Akari-san slowly broke off the kiss.

“You know no one can really hear us back here, right?” she asked.

“Oh…” I said. She slid off her jacket.

“What do you plan to do with me now?” I asked. I could see the tattoos running down her left arm.

“That will depend on you,” she said. Akari-san rolled her black sweater over her head. Her tattoos trailed down to the left side of her waist and hip. Her lips curved into a mischievous smile. She only had on a black bra and matching slacks. Akari-san reached down and unzipped my jacket. She slid it off and tossed it aside. That witch leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. This should be fine. Kissing should be fine. The cats stared intently at us. Akari-san frowned to herself.

Go away!

Sapphire and Pearl turned and ran off to the far ends of the corner. Akari-san turned her focus back on me. She reached down and rolled off my shirt. Her lips moved down to my neck. I closed my eyes and took in a heavy breath. My hand reached up to her high black ponytail. My fingers found the black ribbon and pulled it loose. The short ponytail fell into a spilling mess. Her legs came on either side of me. Akari-san pulled away just for a moment. She got a good look at my torso. Light purple spots were decorated on the pale skin.

“Oh… we’re really going to have to fix that,” Akari-san said. My eyes widened as I gulped. It looked like it was going to be that kind of night while they were on lockdown. I should’ve expected this to come. I could never get past these women.

Akari-san leaned down and kissed me on the collarbone. I let out a small gasp when the kissing turned into nibbling. Her hands caressed my bare torso.

“Akari-san,” I said. She put her finger to my lips.

“Don’t talk,” she said. “You just lie there and enjoy yourself.” I drew my mouth closed. Akari-san sat up and unzipped her slackers. She slid them off and tossed them aside. My eyes trailed down to her black cotton panties. Yes, it was going to be a long night. Akari-san leaned in for another kiss. The candles floated around in the air the whole time.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado and Cheri have a talk about the situation unfolding around them. Mikado shares that with them him and the girls are having strange visions. She takes him back to her room to sleep with him.


Sound Twenty-Nine: Cheri:

I sat across the table from her. Cheri took a drag of her cigarette. It was raining outside the activity room today. We were beside the garden in the courtyard. The stone lanterns cut through the rainy darkness. I could see the small red bridge leading to the woods hidden in front of some hydrangea bushes.

“Why did you call me here?” I asked. She flicked out her cigarette before she turned her attention to me.

“Winter will be here soon,” Cheri said.

“Yes, I know,” I said.

“Do you know how much time you have left?” she asked. I started to count up in my head.

“About five more months,” I said. Cheri shook her head.

“No,” she said.

“No?” I asked.

“It’s much shorter than that this time,” she said. My eyes widened. Cheri looked outside as the rain poured outside. She took the cigarette out of her mouth and let it linger between her fingers.

“We’re working as hard as we can to stop it before it comes to that point,” she said. By now, I should be used to it.

“Are you here to feed me again?” I asked.

“No,” she said. At least she’s honest. I didn’t really have much of a chance to argue back. Not that she was going to let me anyway.

“Are we going to do it now?” I asked. Cheri snubbed out her cigarette in her ashtray.

“Not yet,” she said. I gave her a strange look. I should’ve expected her to say that, but sometimes Cheri will turn on a dime.

“Right…” I said.

“Have you noticed anything else different in the city?” Cheri asked. I perked up when she asked that.

“How do you mean?” I asked.

“How do I put this?” she asked. “Have things started to feel heavier around you?”

“I think so,” I said. “Heavier how? Like in darkness or the energy?”

“Both,” Cheri said. “Anything else?” The serious look on her face has me worried now. I tried to dig back into my mind of what else I noticed.

“I keep having more visions of her,” I said. She raised her eyebrow at me.

“Go on,” Cheri said. The rain was the only thing that was keeping me calm. I clenched my fists in my lap.

“I keep seeing blood in the snow,” I said. “She stands over their bodies, laughing in the ruin.” I lifted my head.

“It keeps getting worse,” I said.

“Are you the only one having these visions?” Cheri asked. I shook my head.

“Who else?” she asked.

“The twins, Midori, Megumi, Chie…” I tried to run my brothers and sisters through my head. “Erina, Hifumi, and Miya.”

“So mostly the girls?” she asked. I nodded once.

“How often do you have these visions?” Cheri asked.

“Weekly,” I said.

“I see,” she said. I looked around at the cherry blossom trees outside. The rain did little to drown them out. I laid back on the floor. I was just done with talking.

“If we are going to have sex, can we just get it over with?” I asked.

“Heh,” I heard her say. I looked over to see Cheri looking at me.

“My,” she said. “You’re pretty straightforward today, aren’t you?” I just stared at her and frowned.


Cheri led me back to her room. How many times have I done this now? Does it really matter anymore? Somehow, I am starting to think that the answer is no. She playfully pushed me down onto the bed. I looked up as she climbed on top. Cheri smirked at me. I’m always underneath most of these girls. Sometimes, I am on top. Both Cheri and Dahlia say that I have to be the one to take control if I want to be on the top. Right now, I don’t really think I want to do that.

“Why do you keep lying to yourself?” Cheri asked. I stared up at her with big eyes.

“Huh?” I asked. She looked down at me, frowning.

“Sure, you are just now admitting that you are not fine,” Cheri said. “But you have yet addressed the problems that your friends are having.” She reached down and unzipped my jacket. I looked away, frowning.

“I know, I know,” I said.

“Do you?” Cheri asked. She turned my face to me.

“When was the last time you went to go see Masaomi?” she asked. What was all of this? Where were all of these questions coming from?

“I haven’t had the time,” I said.

“That’s not good enough,” Cheri said. She squeezed my cheeks when she said that. Her nails dug into my skin. I didn’t want to see her judgmental eyes looking down at me. She used her free hand to tug off my jacket.

“I have so much else going on, okay?” I said. Even I wasn’t convinced by my own words.

“Such as Anri?” she asked. “Have you really talked to her about all of us?” My shirt was the next thing to go. Cheri took a moment to look at my torso.

“How often do these spots keep appearing on your skin?” she asked. I sighed.

“It’s getting worse,” I said. My cheeks were burning as I cursed myself. Cheri had no reaction on her face as she started to unbutton her blouse. My eyes moved upwards towards her ceiling. I didn’t know why I was acting like this. We’ve had sex before. This was nothing new. Cheri released my cheeks and took off her white blouse. I heard it fluttering to the floor. I could guess what was coming next.

“Why haven’t you used Anri to feed you?” she asked. I sighed again. There was no point in lying. Cheri was going to push me to tell the truth.

“I don’t want to get her pregnant,” I said. She still had no emotion on her face. Cheri reached up and unhooked her lacy black and purple bra. She took it off and threw it across the room.

“Are you using protection?” she asked.

“Of course I do,” I said. I tried not to look at her breasts.

“Listen, can we just–?” I began to ask.

“Ent! Shut it,” Cheri said through gritted teeth. “Shut it.” I drew my mouth closed.

“Thank you,” she said, bowing her head. Cheri reached down and unzipped my jeans. She moved her hands to her waist and grabbed onto her belt. She unbuckled it and pulled it out. Cheri was about to toss it aside but then she held it up and looked at it. I had a guess of what she was thinking. I put my arms above my head. She knew that I’m not a fan of being tied up. (Bad flashbacks about Chou Mori.) Cheri raised her eyebrow.

“Are you sure about that?” she asked.

“You do this whether I like it or not,” I said.

“Aw, it’s just a little exposure therapy,” she said. I frowned as she took hold of my wrists. She wrapped her silver metal belt around them as tight as she could. At least, I could move my wrists out if I needed to.

“There, much better,” she said with a smile on her face. Cheri reached down and yanked off my jeans. She threw them across the room. I was now dressed in socks and my boxers. I tried to look away.

“Now why don’t you want to get her pregnant?” Cheri asked. “Aside from the obvious, of course.”

“I don’t want her to die,” I said. Memories of Anri laid up in that hospital bed wasting away played in my head.

“What do you mean?” she asked. “Do you think this child would kill you?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Why do you think that?” she asked. Cheri reached for her skirt and unzipped it. She slid it off and threw it to the side. All she had on were her panties, glasses, and her fishnet stockings. I started to catch on to her line of questioning. If I said something she liked, she would take off an article of her own clothing. If I said something wrong, she’d take off an article of my clothing. She was trying to push me to talk in this game.

“Why do you think that?” she asked again. I took a breath.

“I’m a tadpole,” I said. “That child will be half of me. Tandeki will take that child and experiment on it. Anri died because of it.” The right stocking came off without a word.

“Is she on the pill?” Cheri asked.

“Yes,” I said.

“So, what’s the big problem?” she asked. I pressed my lips together.

“I don’t want to take the risk,” I said. Cheri ran a finger down my cheek.

“And you would rather let your body waste away?” she asked. I lowered my eyes as my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

“Answer me,” she said.

“I don’t know,” I said.

“You don’t know?” Cheri asked. My left sock is yanked away.

“That isn’t good enough,” she said.

“What do you want me to say?” I asked. She grabbed me by the cheeks again.

“I want you to tell the truth,” Cheri said. “Why do you keep lying to yourself?” I hated how right she was.

“I will talk to them,” I said. “I promise.” My other sock went away.

“Do you promise?” Cheri asked in a stern voice.

“Yes,” I said. She took off my boxers. She grabbed me by the face once more.

“You better,” was all that she said. Cheri took off the rest of her clothing. She climbed on top of me, grinning.

Cheri took no mercy on me. She’s rough, but nothing will compare to Lilith. There I go thinking about her again. I cleared my mind and focused back on Cheri on top of me. Meanwhile, she leaned down and kissed me on the lips. This time, I shoved my tongue into her mouth before she had the chance. She seemed impressed by this and let her tongue play with mine back.

She collapsed beside me after the climax. Cheri lay beside me, panting. She looked up at me. My attention turned back to the ceiling. I could only guess what she was going to say next. She reached up and tapped me on the cheek.

“Don’t forget what you promised,” she said.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said. “Do you want me to stay here with you or do you want me to leave?”

“That’s up to you,” Cheri said. She was already drawing her eyes closed. I kept my eyes on the ceiling. Why was I not surprised by her answer? Still, she had a point. I really needed to talk to Anri and Masaomi. I wasn’t sure if I could face Masaomi just yet. The truth is that I don’t really know why. Something seemed off about him ever since…

I shook my head. I couldn’t focus on that now. Might I should try and talk to Anri. Yeah, that will work. I would have to wait until I got back to the living world before I could call her. Yeah, I’m going to do that. I drew my eyes closed. I wasn’t going to back down this time. I was going to face Anri and talk to her.

I’m going to do that as soon as I get back.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado encounters Dahlia on the streets and she takes him back to her room to feed him.


Sound Twenty-Eight: Dahlia:

I can find Dahlia on the streets. In fact, she is the one who looks for me. Tonight was no different. I was heading home when she found me. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I froze and glanced behind me.

“Hello, Dahlia-san,” I said. She turned my body around to face her.

“Good evening,” she said. I loudly cleared my throat. Her high-heeled boots seemed to make her that much taller than me. The look on her face said that she was ready to eat me in one bite.

“Nice to see you again too,” I mumbled. Why does she always make me feel so nervous like this? How long have we known each other? I have started to lose track.

“Is it time to feed me again?” I asked. Dahlia leaned in close to my ear.

“Why yes,” she purred. I can’t help but to think of Cheri. She and Dahlia are one and the same. Sometimes, I think that they are sisters.

“How bad is it?” I asked. Dahlia looked me straight in the eye.

“I can smell her poison on you,” she said. I stared at her with wide eyes. She giggled at me.

“Don’t look so surprised,” she purred in my ear. I didn’t turn around.

“Are you here to feed me?” I asked. I already knew the answer to that. Dahlia wrapped her arms around me. I could hear smirking behind me. Before I knew it, we both disappeared from the streets.


The first thing I noticed was the smell of alcohol. The really heavy kind too. Dahlia’s room also has red walls just like most of the rooms in Limbo. Sometimes, I get confused on where I end up. Maybe the girls here purposefully switch rooms just to mess with me at times.

I wouldn’t get time to think about that because Dahlia turned my focus on her. She forced another kiss on my lips. Right away, I started to think about Cheri. I was quick to push that thought out of my head. I didn’t know how she would take being compared to her counterpart. The kitten and foxes don’t really get along with each other. I think I’m part of the reason. That’s one train of thought that I don’t wish to visit. She slowly pulled away.

“Come sit with me by the fire,” she said.

“Fire?” I asked. She took me by the hands and walked me into her room. It was then I noticed that it was snowing outside. Memories started to flash in my mind. I quickly shook my head.

“Is something wrong?” Dahlia asked beside me. I quickly snapped out of it.

“Uh… yeah, yeah,” I said.

“You still have time,” she said.

“Yeah… I just don’t know how much,” I said. My eyes shifted away from her. Dahlia turned my attention back to her.

“Forget about that,” she said. “Come with me.” She led me over to the stove. Despite the red walls, it looked like a traditional Japanese room. I could see the kitchen across the room. I sat down on a cushion. Dahlia sat down across from me. The fire next to us filled up the silence.

“I am not okay,” I admitted.

“Didn’t say you were,” she said. I sighed and dropped her shoulders. She’s not interested in my personal problems. She’s never interested in anyone’s problems. But still, I felt like I had to say something.

“I feel like a gigolo at times,” I said. Dahlia raised her eyebrow.

“Oh?” she asked. I lowered my eyes and pressed my lips together. What was I saying? It was just coming out without a thought. She reached out and lifted my chin. Dahlia had that look in her eyes. Her lips curved into a hungry smirk before she leaned in and kissed me.


She pulled away and licked her lips.

“What do you desire tonight?” Dahlia asked. My cheeks turned bright red.

“Take me,” I said. I didn’t even try to argue with her. We both knew how this was going to end. Dahlia broke into a little smirk.

“Good choice,” she said. She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. She pulled me over to her bed. Dahlia playfully pushed me down to the bed. She climbed on top of me. She smirked as she looked down at me.

“I have been waiting for this all week,” she said. I stared up at her as my face turned red. I quickly looked away.

“No, no,” she said. “Look at me. Look at me.” Dahlia reached down and turned my face to me. She giggled as she smirked. My cheeks felt hot. She leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. Dahlia unzipped my jacket. She quickly slid it off. I gulped as I forced my eyes to stay on her. She sat up and started working off her dark red corset. I didn’t understand how she and her foxes made it work. Her corset flew across the room. I tried to keep my eyes on her face and neck.

“Why do you look so nervous?” she asked. I shook my head.

“Come on,” Dahlia said. “There are no lies allowed in this place. Besides, how many times have we seen each other naked?” My eyes shifted away from her. I hated it when she had a point.

“Now look up at me,” Dahlia said. “Look up at me.” My eyes shifted towards her again.

“That’s better,” she said. She slid my shirt over my head. Dahlia got a good look at my torso.

“Oh, you do need to be fed after all,” she said. I turned away with a red face. She turned my face back to her again. This time, I noticed that she only had on a short black skirt and black fishnet stockings. I couldn’t turn back now. She reached down and grabbed onto my jeans.

Dahlia is just as rough as Cheri is. Still, none of them can compare to Lilith. I pushed her out of my head as I focused back on Dahlia. But it was because of Lilith the girls have become more sexually open with me. No, it was Yokubo’s poison when she bit me that put me on this course. Dahlia leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I didn’t get a chance to react as she shoved her tongue in her mouth. I about choked in response. Dahlia giggled as she pulled back a little bit.

I’m sorry about that.

I just laid there and let her ride me. I reached up and grabbed onto her hips. I started to remember the times I slept with her. Dahlia was always the one to take charge. I just followed her lean without question. However, there was one time that I took control. I can’t remember when that was.

Dahlia collapsed beside me when we reach the climax. She rested her on my chest. I put my arm around her shoulders.

“Your spots are gone,” she said. I stared up at the ceiling.

“Hey Dahlia-san,” I said.

“I told you not to call me that,” she said. I could hear the sourness in her tone.

“I’m so sorry,” I said.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I remember one time that I was the one in control,” I said. “I just can’t remember when that was.”

“Heh,” was all she said. I could tell that she was already going to sleep. Once again, I was going to be here for a while. Some of the girls don’t mind me slipping out in the middle of the night while they are asleep. That just doesn’t feel right.

“That’s just like you,” Charlotte told me one day. “You are so generous to all of us after sex.” She turned over to me in bed.

“That’s why you’re going to make an excellent husband,” she said.

“She’s not wrong, you know,” I heard Dahlia’s voice back in present day.

“Huh?” I asked, looking down. She didn’t move her head.

“You will make a great husband,” she said. “And you will make a great father.”

“Father?” I asked. I started to panic.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked. “Hey. Hey.” I tried shaking Dahlia awake, but it was no use. She had already gone to sleep. Her last words left me with another problem that I had to try and prevent before it came down to it. I shut my eyes and cursed myself. I couldn’t escape this, could I? It just keeps building up on me, doesn’t it? I don’t know what do to here.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Masumi and Mikado go out for dinner togehter. She tries to talk to him.


Sound Twenty-Seven: Masumi:

Here I go again. I am out at another ramen shop. This time it’s with Masumi. As you can predict, she sent me the text.

“I want some ramen. Come out and join me,” she wrote. For some reason, I didn’t seem to mind it too much. I hit the reply button to type a response.

“Sure. When do you want to meet up?” I wrote. I pressed send. That old text bubbled popped up as I waited for her reply.

“Right now,” her reply read. She sent me the directions of where she wanted us to meet up. I dropped my shoulders. I should’ve known. I have thought about inviting Anri out with us. Some of the girls wouldn’t mind. Charlotte definitely seems to be fond of Anri. But then I frowned as I remembered that Anri was out with Mika today. (I didn’t bother to ask why.) Well, maybe some other time. I would have to ask first. That’s fine with me.

I vanished into thin air out of my room.


I ended up in the street, standing in front of Masumi. She pouted her lower lip at me.

“You kept me waiting,” she said.

“But I’m here now,” I said.

“Fair enough,” Masumi said. She held out her hand to me. I took it and she led me over to the shop. There weren’t many people inside at this time of night. She’s like me on my sleepless nights. We both end up finding hidden places around the city. Come to think of it, the girls are like me in that way too.

The smell of ramen teased my nose. I had to swallow back my drool. I turned my head to see the source coming from a narrow alley. Two large red paper lanterns were telling us to come that way. Masumi stared at me with her head tilted.

“You really want to try this, don’t you?” she asked. I dropped my shoulders.

“If you insist,” I said. Masumi took hold of my hands and led me down the alley. Something cold touched my cheek. I looked up at the sky. Was that… snow? I shook my head. That couldn’t be right. It was October in the living world. The snow vanished before my eyes. What was that just now? Don’t tell me that I’m starting to have visions without the attacks now.

“You feeling okay?” I heard next to me. I turned to see Masumi looking up at me. I shook my head.

“No,” I said. “It’s all getting me.” Masumi rubbed me on the back.

“We’re here for you,” she said. I pressed my lips together. Somehow, that was what I needed to hear right now. Masumi and I walked up to the restaurant in question. From the outside, it looked like a typical ramen shop. There was the sign and the sliding door as come to be expected for a place like this. The bags of garbage sat by the corner waiting to be taken away. Even that smell couldn’t overpower the ramen inside. Masumi put her hand on the door.

“Shall we?” she asked. I nodded once. She slid open the door and led me inside.

There weren’t many patrons inside tonight. This didn’t bother me. Masumi took off her boots and waved her arm in the arm.

“Good evening, master,” she said. A man stood behind the booth, looking at us.

“Ah, Masumi-san!” he said. “So good to see you again.” Masumi smiled and bowed her head. By now, I wasn’t surprised about how many people these girls all knew in the living world. I just go along with it. I followed Masumi over to the bar. By now, I got a better look at the cook. His scarred face made him look older than he really was. His dark blue sleeves were rolled up. The white apron had turned a dull white. The cook looked me up and down.

“Is this your boyfriend?” he asked Masumi. She quickly grabbed me by the arm.

“Yep!” she said. I nervously laughed to myself. Why do they do that when they ask if I’m dating them or not? Well, there’s no point in speaking up. They would talk over me anyway.

“What can I get for you tonight?” the cook asked.

“The usual,” Masumi asked.

“And you?” the cook asked me.

“Um… Chashu ramen?” I asked. The cook perked up.

“Coming up,” he said. I turned and looked over at Masumi. I could predict what she was going to ask me.

“I am not fine,” I said. “There. I said it.” Masumi turned and looked at me. I braced myself for what she was going to say next. It’s probably going to be the same thing the others have been saying.

“Have you talked to Anri or Masaomi yet?” she asked. I about fell off my stool when I heard that. The look on my face told me what she was thinking.

“Mikado-kun,” Masumi said.

“I know, I know,” I said. I lowered my head. “I just haven’t had the chance to do it.” She narrowed her eyes at me.

“By choice?” she asked. I buried my head in my hands. Masumi started rubbing my back.

“I know, I know,” I said.

“You can’t put this off any longer,” she said. “You have to talk to them.”

“I know,” I said again.

“Do you need me to come with you?” she asked.

“No,” I said. I lowered my hands. I turned and looked to see her frowning at me. When did this all get so how?

“I will talk to them,” I said. “I promise.” Masumi took hold of my hand. I sheepishly looked away from her. Did their pity have to hurt?

We looked up when the bell rang. The cook had our food ready.

“Am I interrupting anything?” he asked.

“No,” Masumi and I said in unison.

“Your food is ready,” the cook said. “Order up.” He set down the bowls in front of us.

“Thank you,” I said, nodding. Masumi reached over to the cup in front of her and picked up a pair of packaged chopsticks. She unwrapped them and broke them apart.

“Thank you for the food,” Masumi said. She started eating right away. Well, no use letting the noodles go soggy. This was on her dime anyway. I reached over and picked up chopsticks for myself.

“Thank you for the meal,” I said. I broke apart the chopsticks and started eating. I had to admit that the ramen was good. Masumi and I didn’t talk while we ate. I’m happy to say that she didn’t try to order me any beer.

“Hey, master,” she said. “Do you have some Hoppi?”

“Water for me,” I said.

“Coming up,” the cook said. He came back with glasses and a bottle of Hoppi.

“Thank you,” Masumi said. She pulled herself a glass and took a drink. I remembered that she doesn’t drink beer or any alcohol at all. I forgot the reason.

“I just don’t like alcohol,” Masumi said. I frowned at her.

“Can you please not do that?” I asked. She just shrugged and went back to eating. I picked up my chopsticks and went back to eating.

When we finished our meal, Masumi wouldn’t let me pay. I didn’t protest. Not like she was going to listen to me anyway. Once the bill was settled, she turned her attention to me.

“Ready to go?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said. Masumi bowed to the cook and headed out first. I bowed to him and followed her out the door. By the time I got outside, Masumi was already gone. Why was I not surprised? I looked up when I felt something cold touch my cheek again. I looked up to see that snow falling from the sky. I shook my head and it disappeared. I rubbed my forehead. Had things gotten that bad that I was finally losing it?

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado and Momoki spend the day together in the city.


Sound Twenty-Six: Momoki:

Momoki greeted me outside of a shrine. She held her stuffed doll to her chest. She perked up when she saw me.

“Nii-san!” she said. Momoki ran over and hugged my legs. I reached down and patted her on the head.

“How have you been?” I asked. She looked up at me with a huge smile on her face.

“Great!” she said. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s good,” I said. Momoki broke into laughter. Her little face was like the sunshine through this endless nightmare. I gently patted her on the head.

“Did you come all of this way to see me?” I asked.

“Yeah!” Momoki shouted. I paused when I felt a pair of smaller eyes on me. I looked up to see that little golden pipe fox sitting on her head.

“Oh, you’re here too,” I said. The little creature stuck out his tongue at me. I don’t think he likes me. The pipe fox disappeared behind her back.

“So what are you doing out here?” I asked. She looked up at me with a huge smile on her face.

“I wanted to see you!” she said. Momoki giggled. It felt like having a little sister at my side. I reached down and patted her on the head. She broke into a little smile.

“So what are we doing today?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. I don’t know why Momoki and I meet up at shrines and temples. I don’t pick these places. She just appears here on her “days off”. (I don’t know how that works. There are still some things about Purgatory that I don’t understand.)

“So you want me to pick the place?” I asked.

“Uh-huh!” she said. How did I know? She always wants me to take the lead. Momoki sees me like an older brother. I think she might have a crush on me too. Come to it of it, she’s kind of weird in her existence. How exactly do I explain this? She looks and acts like a child, but she’s definitely not a little girl. In a way, Momoki-chan reminds me of Honoka-san. Both of them are older than they act.

“Have you eaten yet?” I asked. Momoki smiled as she shook her head. I patted her on the head.

“I’ll go take to you to go get some cake,” I said. There I go again. I am making promises without thinking. I could only smile and shake my head to myself. Meanwhile, Momoki perked up.

“Yay!” she shouted. Her laughter could make anyone smile.

“Okay,” I said. I held out my hand.

“Ready to go?” I asked.

“Yes!” Momoki cheered. She took me by the hand and I led her away from the shrine.


I don’t really have a plan when it comes to Momoki. Everything just seems to happen on an impulse. Mostly when I see her in Purgatory, she and I are playing tea party in her room. Come to think of it, this was one of the few times that she’s come to see me in the living world. It’s just a reminder of how bad everything is getting.

“Nii-san,” Momoki said.

“Hm?” I asked.

“Is Anri-nee coming with us today?” she asked. I shook my head.

“Sorry,” I said. “Not today. It’s just going to be us today.” Momoki pouted at me. I patted her on the head.

“Maybe next time,” I said.

“You promise?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said. Momoki cuddled up to my side. She had a little smile on her face. Was it possible for a child to be this cute? It’s kind of weird to be back in the city in the living world after being in the between. There wasn’t traffic when I met up with her at the temple. Now, it’s a bit jarring to hear cars and people walking around. Momoki didn’t seem to mind it. On the surface, I looked like a guy walking around with his little sister.

“Mikado-kun?” I heard behind us. I turned to see Mika and Seiji walking down the street together. She still clinging to his arm. Their relationship is getting a little bit better, but he still doesn’t trust her. I turned with Momoki to face them.

“Hey, Mika, Seiji,” I said. “How have you been?”

“Good,” Mika said. Seiji kind of nodded at me. Mika looked down at my side.

“Oh, and who’s this little cutie?” she asked. Momoki’s breath caught in her throat as she hid behind me. I looked down at her.

“Oh,” I said. “This is Momoki.” Mika knelt down to eye level with her.

“Hello there,” she said. Momoki hid behind me again.

“She’s a bit shy,” I said.

“She’s like a living little doll,” Mika said.

“Are you out for the day?” Seiji asked.

“Uh-huh,” I said. Momoki tightened her grip on my hand.

“Seiji and I are out on a date,” Mika said. She cuddled up to her boyfriend and smiled. Seiji’s jaw tightened for a second before he went back to being stoic. I didn’t know if I should say anything or not. She probably knows that something is wrong. Knowing her, Mika doesn’t want to let go. In a way, I don’t blame her. Still, I know that she has to talk to Seiji about when he got possessed and she kept the truth from him. It reminds me of how I have to talk to Anri about many things.

Momoki nudged me on the leg. I looked down at her. She looked at me as if she was hinting something at me. Oh, right…

“I think she wants to go,” I said.

“Oh,” Mika said. “I guess we’ll let you go.”

“See you around,” I said.

“Bye,” Mika said. I took Momoki along with me down the street. We didn’t speak at first. Momoki just looked at all of the people walking by. Sometimes, I wonder what she’s really thinking.

“She’s not really happy, is she?” Momoki asked.

“Hm?” I asked. I noticed her looking up at me.

“No,” I said. I just left it there. She may be older than she really is, but Momoki is still like a child to me. She shouldn’t have to think about complicated issues. I started to think about Masaomi and Anri. I still needed to talk to them. Masaomi isn’t taking any of this as well as he’s pretending. Michiko won’t let anyone talk about Saki. Anri and I don’t know what to do. I don’t even want to think about the problems I have with Anri. How is she even taking all of this with the girls coming back into my life?

“What’s wrong, nii-san?” I heard.

“Huh?” I asked. I looked down to see Momoki looking up at me. Oh no. I’ve upset her.

“It’s nothing,” I was quick to say. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” She still looked up at me, worried. I knelt down and patted her on the head.

“I just have some problems right now,” I said. “You don’t have to worry. I will figure things out myself.” I pulled her into a hug.

“Everything is going to be fine,” I insisted. I don’t know why I keep telling that lie. If a child can see that I am lying then what hope do I have of keeping anything together? I let go of her and stood up.

“Let’s get you that ice cream, okay?” I asked. Momoki perked up.

“Okay!” she said. Well, that was fast.

“Okay,” I said. I took her hand and we went walking down the street.


We made it down to the ice cream shop.

“What would you like?” I asked.

“Chocolate!” she said. Did I need to ask?

“Alright,” I said. I walked up to the counter and ordered the two chocolate cones. We sat outside on the bench, eating them. Ice cream in October. Somehow, I am okay with this. (I have been okay with many things lately.) Momoki is taking her time with the cone. But she does enjoy it.

“You have some dipping on that side,” I said, pointing to the other side of her ice cream.

“Oh,” she said. Momoki turned the cone in her hand and licked that side. I am remembering the first time she tried ice cream in the living world. She took to it quickly. Momoki has quite the sweet tooth. You should see her with cotton candy or a candy apple.

“How are things in Purgatory?” I asked.

“Fine,” she said. Momoki doesn’t want to talk right now. She’s enjoying her ice cream too much. I have learned not to talk to her while she’s eating. Instead, I turned to the crowd of people walking by. Nobody seems to notice us. With me, either all eyes are on me or they just don’t look at me at all. I do better when it’s the latter. Gives me a better chance to think. It would be better if I talked to Anri first. She hasn’t been asking me any questions. Part of me wishes that she would. I haven’t had a chance to figure out what she’s really thinking.

I shook that thought from my head. I can’t let that ruin my ice cream. I looked down and saw the top of Momoki’s ice cream gone. I couldn’t help but smile. Just looking at Momoki can calm me down more sometimes. I took another lick of my ice cream. This just does good.

She doesn’t want to leave me just yet. I can’t keep her out too long, but she will plead with me to stay out.

“Where do you want to go now?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Momoki said. Looks like we’re just walking around the city again. I’m fine with that. There’s one thing that I have to do first.

I pulled out my phone and dialed her up. Her phone went to straight to voicemail. My stomach dropped. She must be at Erika’s place again. Lately, we haven’t had much time with each other. It’s mostly my fault. I just need to sit her down and try to talk to her. I’m going to have to suck it up and do it.

“Hello, Anri?” I asked. “I’m going to be out for a little while.” I looked over and saw Momoki looking into one of the store windows. I smiled as she stared intently inside. She’s still learning more about the living world.

“I’m out with Momoki for the day,” I said. “I guess I will see you tonight? Bye.” By the time I hung up, Momoki was looking up at me. I perked up.

 “Ready to go?” I asked.

“Yeah!” the little girl said. She giggled and twirled around. I took her by the hand and we started walking. Where were they going to go now?

I have to keep watching the time. She has to go back to Purgatory soon. Momoki takes a risk to see me in the living world.

“Hey, Momoki,” I said.

“Hm?” she asked.

“Why do you come all this way just to see me?” I asked. She leaned her head against my leg.

“I just wanted to see you,” she said.

“Even if you are putting Purgatory at risk?” I asked.

“Yes,” Momoki said. She clung to my jeans with her free hand. I don’t understand it with all of them. They could have any guy that they wanted. Instead, they chose me.

I shook my head to myself as we kept walking. I looked down at Momoki. Maybe I could get her a present. I think she might like another doll. Maybe a stuffed bear would be better. Yeah, a stuffed bear would be good. Meanwhile, she looked out at the traffic passing by us. She reached out to a car at one point. Oh, that’s right, I was going to take her on a train ride. I don’t think we can do it today. Maybe the next time she comes to see me, we’ll ride the train together.

“Hey, Momoki,” I said.

“Hm?” she asked again.

“When are you coming back to the living world?” I asked. She took a moment to think.

“Next month,” Momoki said. Somehow, hearing that made my heart sink a little. It all reminded me that time was running out for all of us.

“What’s wrong, Nii-san?” Momoki asked, bringing me back to reality. I quickly made myself perk up and smile for that little angel.

“Nothing,” I lied. “Next time, let’s just go on a train ride—just you and I, okay?” Momoki perked up.

“Can we go to the beach?” she asked. I couldn’t help but laugh. I patted her on the head.

“Sure,” I said. “Whatever you like.”

“Yay!” Momoki cheered, pumping her little fist in the air. I couldn’t help but laugh. We spent the right of the time together walking around the city.


I had to take her back to the temple. There has to be a certain time that Momoki has to go back to Purgatory. Vanessa told me it would have to be at six in the evening.

“The veil between Purgatory and Hell become thin around that time,” she said. “Those souls will always try to break the barrier by then.” I walked Momoki back up to the temple. She looked up at me, pouting.

“Do I have to go?” she asked. I sighed.

“Yes,” I said. “You have to keep Purgatory safe.” Momoki clung to my leg.

“Come on,” I said. “You have to go home.”

“But I don’t want to,” Momoki complained. I patted her on the head. She looked up as I knelt down in front of her.

“Look,” I said. “You’ll get to see me again next month. I might get to see you before then.” She stared at me with wide eyes.

“Do you promise?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said. I pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back. I’ve gotten better at putting her mind at ease. It took me a while to pry her off.

“I’ll see you soon,” I said.

“Bye-bye,” Momoki said. She turned and walked up the stone steps. I waved as she walked through the doors and disappeared. I always felt so cold when Momoki leaves. I don’t know how to explain it, but it doesn’t linger too long.

I turned and started walking home. I pulled out my phone and dialed Anri’s number again. To my dismay, it went straight to voice mail.

“Hey Anri, it’s me,” I said. “I’m coming back home now. Hey, can we talk? I guess I’ll see you tonight. Maybe? See you.” I hung up and shoved my phone back into my pocket. I glanced up at the sky. At least it didn’t look like it was going to rain tonight for a change.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Charlotte comes to Mikado’s apartment and leads him back to her place. She seduces him into her bed to feed him.


Sound Twenty-Five: Charlotte:

Charlotte tracked me down at my apartment. In fact, she was waiting for me outside. I had a confused look on my face.

“Charlotte? What are you doing here?” I asked. She broke into a little smile.

“I came here to see you,” Charlotte said. My eyes shifted back and forth.

“What for?” I said. She shook her head at me.

“Tsk-tsk-tsk, Mikado-kun,” she said. “Don’t know by now?” I know, but I am trying not to say it aloud as a personal challenge.

“So where are we going tonight?” I asked. She resisted the urge to smirk at me. Charlotte put her arms around my waist.

“I’m going to take you to a place where paradise is created,” she purred in my ear. She always says things like this. I’m mostly not really surprised anymore. I could already predict what she was going to do next.

“Take me,” was all that I said. Charlotte smiled and shook her head.

“Easy there,” she whispered. “Let’s just enjoy this moment for a little bit longer.” She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. I slowly reached up and pulled her into my arms. When we pulled away, Charlotte looked up at me.

“Your place or mine?” she asked.

“Yours,” I said. Charlotte gave me a small kiss on the lips.

“Good choice,” she said in a low voice. She took hold of my arms and we vanished into thin air.


Jasmines. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the strong scent of jasmine perfume. I opened my eyes and took a look around. This was another traditional Japanese room. I don’t think I have seen walls so bright red before. Her room was split into two sections. There was her bedroom and the tea room that we were standing in. A wooden green Asian-style wall separated the two. In here, she had a spread of tea ready and waiting to be used on her table. Two straw cushions sat on either end. Two large potted cherry trees with permanent cherry blossoms stood on either side of the door. Even the orange paper lantern hanging overhead didn’t look half bad. I tried not to look at the bakeneko staring at us near the doorway to her bedroom. Charlotte turned around to me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. I figured that I would just go along with it.

“Let me see the damage,” she said. Without a word, I unzipped my jacket. I let it hit the floor. I rolled up my shirt. Charlotte looked up and down along my torso.

“We’re going to have to get started right away,” she said. I rolled my shirt up over my head. I stood before her exposed. I’m not this brave in front of Anri. No, it’s not bravery. I… I don’t know what this is.

“This is what truth looks like,” she said. I looked into her eyes. She gently put her finger to my lips. I don’t understand half of the things that she says. Charlotte is so open about sex. Maybe a little bit too open. She will talk about it so freely. She claims what I am doing is not cheating.

“Are you lying to her?” she asked.

“No,” I said.

“Then, it’s not cheating,” Charlotte said. “If you lie to Anri about all of us, then it’s cheating.” It’s hard to argue with that kind of logic. But then she suggests other things too.

“You can have as many lovers as you want,” Charlotte told me the first time that we had sex. “I have many lovers too.” I wasn’t sure how I was going to take this. She didn’t give me a chance after that. She will sometimes try to pull Anri into a threesome with us. Charlotte even tries to encourage her to take other lovers too.

I don’t have it in me to stop the madness.

Charlotte kissed my lips. My thoughts came to a crashing halt. When she pulled away, she smiled at me.

“Let me get you some tea first and then I will feed you,” she said. “Sound good?” I pressed my lips together as I nodded. Charlotte playfully tapped me on the cheek.

“That’s good,” she said. She walked over to the table and sat down. Charlotte held out her arm to the other end.

“Come, sit,” she said. I walked and sat down on the other cushion. She gave me a little smirk as she waved her right hand. The heavy pot floated up by itself and poured tea into a cup for me.

“Here you go,” she said.

“Thank you,” I said. I picked up the cup and took a drink. Yes, the tea was hot. It didn’t burn me. This time, the tea was a little bit sweeter than when she normally serves it. Charlotte doesn’t like bitter things. She took a sip of her tea.

“How is your tea?” she asked.

“Fine,” I said. “A little too sweet for me though.”

“Heh,” she said. Charlotte took another sip of her tea. I just now noticed the fireplace roaring in her bedroom. A fireplace, huh? The top cabaret girls really do get special features here.

“How are you doing really?” she asked. I turned my head. Charlotte had a serious look on her face. I sighed and set down my cup.

“I’m getting tired of hearing that question,” I admitted. “Nothing is going right and it’s not changing either.” Saying that out loud hurt me. I looked down at my hand. Oh. It’s starting to flare up again. I tried to hide my left hand.

“Good,” Charlotte said. I looked up at her.

“Huh?” I asked. She set down her cup.

“You’re being honest,” Charlotte said. “That is good.”

“I guess…” I mumbled.

“Now, just finish your tea and I will feed you,” she said. I frowned as I picked up my cup. She watched me as I finished my tea. I forced myself.


Charlotte led me over to her bed. She kissed me on the lips. I let her do as she pleased. She always was the one who took control. I didn’t understand why I haven’t tried to control her. Something inside of me wouldn’t let me do it just yet.

She led me over to her bed. Charlotte fell back with a smirk on her face. I walked over without saying a word.

“What do you want?” I asked. She had a little smirk on her face.

“Entertain me,” she said. Wait, I thought this was to feed me.

“We’ll both benefit,” Charlotte said with a wink. I frowned for a moment. I wished they would stop listening to my thoughts. She reached over and grabbed me by the wrist.

“Aw, come here,” Charlotte said. She pulled me in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. She reached forward and unzipped my jacket. It didn’t take her long to slide it off. My hands managed to grab onto her bowtie. I struggled to untie it. Charlotte giggled at my efforts.

“Hey, don’t laugh at me,” I said. “I’m trying.” I pulled the knot loose and threw it aside. I went for her blouse. She leaned in and kissed me again. I counted down to when her tongue would slide into my mouth. Just as I predicted, she slipped her tongue inside. Despite this, I still jumped at the sudden action.

Our clothes wound up all over the floor. I will never stop getting tangled up in these girls. It’s not really up to me anymore. I think Charlotte knows this for a fact. She and some of the wilder ones love to use this to their advantage.

“Bite me on the shoulder,” she whispered. She nibbled on my right earlobe. When she does that, I am not in control anymore. I take a breath and bite down on her shoulder. Charlotte gasped aloud in pain and pleasure. The sound made me pound into her as hard as I could. Charlotte is rough, but she isn’t as wild as Lilith.

I shook the thought out of my head. No, I can’t think about her. Focus on Charlotte. Speaking of which, she leaned up and kissed me on the throat.

I was reluctant to separate from Charlotte. She wouldn’t let me go anyway. I looked into her eyes. Her lips curved into a little smile.

“How did I do?” I asked. Charlotte reached up and playfully tapped me on the tip of my nose.

“Really good,” she said. “Let me see your body.” I felt reluctant to let go of her. Charlotte was the one to let me go. I pulled away from her and sat up. She gave me a little smile.

“All gone,” she said. I looked down at my torso. All of the markings had disappeared from my skin.

“Heh,” I said. I tried to get up, but she grabbed me by the wrists. I glanced down at her. Even though she was spent, Charlotte grinned up at me.

“No?” I asked. She shook her head.

“I’m not letting you go yet,” she said. She pulled me closer to her body. My head rested on her breasts.

“Uh… okay…” I said. I gave up on asking when I can leave. She will never give me the answer. The scent of jasmines and sweat had a strangely calming effect on me. My eyelids are started to feel so heavy. Charlotte kissed me atop her head.

“You can rest now,” she whispered. “You did great, Mikado-kun.” Her scents and voice were enough to subdue me. It doesn’t take me long to drift off to sleep. I don’t know how she does it.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Rin takes Mikado to the onsen. She tries to talk to him, but she keeps pushing his buttons.


Sound Twenty-Four: Rin:

So, it’s another trip back to the hot springs. It’s because these girls that get to come here. This time, it was Rin who invited me out to the onsen. Didn’t I just go to one last week?

It doesn’t seem to matter anymore, does it? I let my mind wander off for a moment.

“Mikado-kun? Hello? Hello?”

I leaped up and turned around. Rin’s face was inches away from me. She had a concerned look on her face.

“Is something wrong?” she asked. I shook my head.

“No,” I said. Rin frowned and playfully hit me on the arm.

“Quit spacing out on me,” she said. Where have I heard that one before? Everything is starting to follow up beat by beat with what’s going to come in the winter.

“I don’t like it,” I said. Rin cocked her head.

“Is something wrong?” she asked. I sighed and dropped my shoulders.

“I don’t even know where to begin,” I said. She gave me a sympathetic look as she scooted over to my side. Rin pulled me into her arms.

“We are trying the best that we can,” she said in a low voice. “We don’t even know how they’ve gotten the edge over all of us so quickly.”

“Can we talk about something else?” I asked. Rin rested her chin on my shoulder.

“Fair enough,” she said. I hoped that she wouldn’t ask me about my friends. Rin looked up at me as if she could hear my thoughts.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked.

“What?” I asked. She ran her finger in small circles on my chest.

“How often do you sleep with Anri?” she asked. My face turned bright red.

“What?!” I yelped. She looked up at me with that catlike smile on her face.

“Come on,” she said. “I just want to know. So tell me. How often do you sleep with little Anri-chan?” I looked away from her.

“Not often,” I said. I didn’t like where this line of questioning was going. It’s raining again tonight. Somehow, I’m just numb to the rain now. It doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. I’ve seen rain so many times that I could just walk into it and not care anymore. The dull sky outside doesn’t even do anything for me.

“Are you vanilla with her?” Rin asked.

“I don’t want to do this with you,” I said. “I already know what you are trying to pull her.” She shrugged against me.

“Fair enough,” she said. “What do you want to talk about?” I looked out at the garden outside. No cherry blossoms this time. Just a bunch of trees and bushes in front of a tall wooden fence. Only the stone lanterns outside and the tall paper lanterns on the inside brightened up the room. The fish on the hanging paper lanterns with charms on them seemed to have more life in them than everything else around us. This room does look nice though. The ancient walls scrolls gave it the charm that you would find at a Japanese-style inn. I could just get lost in the sounds of the rain and water around me.

“Hey, you’re doing it again!” I heard. I looked down to see Rin looking up at me. She had her chin rested against my chest.

“Don’t do that to me,” she said.

“Do what?” I asked.

“Zone out on me while I’m trying to talk to you,” Rin complained. She hit me on the chest as she pouted.

“Okay, okay,” I said. “I will be here. I promise.”

“Thank you,” she said. I put my arms around her body.

“Just don’t ask me about Anri and me,” I said.

“Okay,” she said. I happened to look behind her. That wooden tray with the teapot and two cups floated by. I wondered why even brought it here.

“Hey Rin,” I said.

“Uh-huh?” she asked. My eyes stayed on that tray behind her.

“Are we actually going to drink any of the tea in there?” I asked. Rin turned her hand and looked at the tray floating by.

“I don’t know,” she said.

“Then what was the point of it being here?” I asked. She kissed me on the bridge of my nose.

“The attendants will sometimes bring milk and tea to the hot springs to the guests here,” Rin said. “Some of us tell them we don’t want it, but they pretend not to hear us.” She sighed and shook her head.

“So annoying,” she muttered. “You want any?”

“Not really,” I said. “Do we just leave it there or do we take it out of the water?”

“Just leave it,” she said. “It doesn’t really matter.” I was going to say something, but then another thought crossed my mind.

“Hey Rin,” I said.

“Hm?” she asked.

“What are we doing after we get out of here?” I asked. She took a moment to think about that.

“I don’t really know,” she said. “I haven’t thought that far ahead.” Rin rested her cheek against my heart.

“Let’s just enjoy this moment right now,” she said. “I don’t feel like getting out just yet.”

“Hm,” I said. Somehow, I understood what she was saying. I resisted the urge to close my eyes and doze off.

“Rin,” I said.

“What?” she asked. By now, she was trying not to sound so annoyed. I closed my mouth.

“Never mind,” I said. Rin rested her head against his chest.

“I know you are cute, but please stop talking,” she said. “I just want to enjoy the moment and get lost in my head while we’re here.” I frowned to myself. Seriously? After she demanded that I pay attention to her and she wouldn’t let me get lost in my head?

“Fine,” I said.

“Thank you,” Rin said. She closed her eyes.

“Mmm…” she murmured. I looked out at the trees and rain outside. The rain and the water made my thoughts blend into nothingness.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Calliope and Mikado spend time together in the onsen. She offers to feed him.


Sound Twenty-Three: Calliope:

I always end up back in the onsen with her. I used to not be able to go in one of these. Now, I end up in an onsen about once a week. Tonight, it was Calliope who invited me out. She sat across from me with a catlike smile on her face.

“What?” I asked.

“This is pretty cozy, right?” she asked. My eyes shifted away from her.

“What’s the matter?” Calliope asked.

“I did this last week,” I mumbled to myself.

“Hm?” she asked. I shook my head. She splashed me in my face.

“Hey!” I shouted. Calliope gave me a little pout.

“I can’t have you spacing out on me,” she said. “We’re here to enjoy this time together.” The onsen in Limbo is only open to certain residents once a month. Calliope is always calling me up to spend time with her. I have yet to figure out why she does this. She scooted over to my side and crawled into my lap. She rested her head on my chest.

“I missed this,” she said.

“Yeah…” I said. I tried to look at the garden just outside of the room. Night had just started to fall. In the bar, the party had just started up. It was just going to be her and I. Calliope pressed her lips against mine. Her right hand slid down to my groin. I about jumped at the sensation. My mouth slowly opened. Calliope darted her tongue into my mouth. This was how she usually was. Sometimes, I have to tell her to stop. This time, something won’t let me do that. She pulled away smirking like she was hungry for more. I could see where this was going.

“Where have you been all week?” she asked.

“Huh?” I asked. Calliope frowned.

“Don’t start,” she said. “I know you’ve been busy out there, but you can at least call us.” I looked away with a sheepish look on my face.

“Yeah… I’m sorry about that,” I said. I felt her fingernails dig into my left thigh.

“That’s not good enough,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” I said. I turned my head away and looked outside. It’s raining in Limbo tonight. This about caught me off-guard when I first came here. It rarely rains here. I couldn’t help but wonder if everything in the living world was starting to reach down to Purgatory and Limbo. However, the lovely music in the background wouldn’t let me focus on that. The onsen that we were in was smaller than what I have become used to. A tray of hot green tea sat near a small table, waiting for us. The lit bronze candles on the surface added a nice touch. Through the rain, I could see the cherry blossom trees in full bloom. (I’m still not used to seeing cherry blossoms in October.) Calliope rested her head on my chest.

“Hm?” I asked. She stared me in the eye.

“You can’t forget about us,” she said. “You can’t forget to feed either.” I looked away with red cheeks. She was already looking at my body.

“Do you want to feed me now?” I asked. I didn’t need to look at her face to know that she was nodding at me. How did I know that it was going to come down to that? Isn’t that why they try to lure me away these days? Might as well get this over with. They do have a point.

“Fine,” I said. Calliope looked like a little girl about to open a mountain of presents.

“Thank you,” she said. She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. What else could I do? I already gave her consent. I could revoke it, but she would get mad if I changed my mind quickly. Calliope slowly pulled away.

“How far do you want me to go with this?” she asked.

“Huh?” I asked. She gave me a hungry look.

“Let’s see,” Calliope said. “Shall we just kiss? Do you want me to use my hands? Do you want me to use my mouth? Or…” She leaned in closer to my ear.

“Do you want to be inside of me?” Calliope whispered. She nibbled on my ear lobe. I felt my cheeks turning hot.

“Um… Uh… Uh…” I said. She giggled at me.

“Here, let me help you with that,” Calliope said. She leaned and kissed me again. My body relaxed. Even my grip loosened around her. She gently pulled away from me.

“Well?” she asked.

“Can you kiss me again?” I asked. Her lips curved into a catlike smile.

“Gladly,” she said. Calliope leaned in and kissed me again. This time, I kissed her back and put my arm around her body. She gently pushed her tongue into my mouth. I didn’t resist. She wanted to do this after all. Could she end up taking this further? I didn’t tell her how far I wanted this… “feeding” to go. (It still felt weird to call it that. Better than calling it “breeding”. I shuddered as I thought about that.)

“Is something wrong?” I heard in between kisses.

“Huh?” I asked. I looked up to see Calliope staring at me.

“You were shuddering just now,” she said. “Are you okay with this?” I pressed my lips together.

“Yes,” I said. “Can you just kiss me again?” She didn’t say anything as she leaned in and gave me another kiss. I kissed her back as she settled into my lap. I don’t know how far she plans to take this, but I can tell her before we go any further.

“Can we just stick to kissing tonight?” I asked before she could move in for another. Calliope pulled back and looked me in the eye.

“Of course,” she said. She leaned in and kissed me again. I kissed back before she had the chance to push her tongue back into my mouth. This was going to have to do for now.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado has dinner with Maron in a hidden restaurant. Of course, she asks about his well-being.


Sound Twenty-Two: Maron:

She was another woman that I was going to meet up with in a restaurant. Maron was the one who sent the text.

“Hope you’re hungry tonight. I have just the place,” her text read. Of course, she had to add the little winky face at the end. I thought about replying at first. I already knew how this was going to go. Why do some of them always try to find me? I hit the button to write a reply.

“What is it?” I wrote back. I hit the button to send the message. It didn’t take long for that text bubble to pop up and bounce up and down. It didn’t exactly get a text per se. Instead, Maron sent me directions. I think I know where this was.

“I will be there in twenty minutes,” I wrote back. I hit send. Maron sent me back a thumbs emoji. Well, it looks like I’m having dinner again. I opened up the messages to Masaomi and Anri wrote to them about where I was going. I felt better after hitting send. That should put them at ease for a while. I rose to my feet and vanished into thin air.


I found myself on an empty street of Ikebukuro. I didn’t know that this place existed. (How many other places are hidden within this city? Lately, the more I wander the streets, the more I keep finding hidden places. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m still in the living world at times.) I strained my ears for a listen. What was that faint music in the background? I turned my head for a better look. I found myself standing in front of a small shop. There was nothing special about it. The neon sign let me know that it was open. Already, I had the urge to go inside.

“Mikado-kun!” I heard in the background. I turned to see Maron flagging me down. I walked over to her. She kissed me on the lips. By this point, I don’t fight back. I just let them do as they wanted. Maron pulled back with a little smile on her face.

“So good to see you again,” she said. I took a look around.

“Where exactly are we?” I asked.

“Oh, just my favorite place in the living world,” Maron said. “I found it a few years ago.” I looked over her shoulder. The restaurant looked so small. She took hold of my hand.

“Shall we go in?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Sure,” I said. Maron smiled and led me into the shop. The music wasn’t coming from inside. I guess it was coming from another shop. By now, it had already started to rain. (I’m not really surprised there either.) Right away, I could smell what was cooking. Was that pork? Pork with ginger and soy sauce. All mixed with rice too. A man about forty years old was hard at work. The sounds of cooking were rather comforting. I could hear the rain and people talking. There weren’t more patrons around tonight. The tables and chairs were set up like a regular restaurant. Condiments and chopsticks sat waiting to be used. The dim lights in the room somehow put me at ease. The red paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling added to the café’s charming look.

Maron and I walked up to the bar. The cook looked up at us.

“Good evening,” he said. Maron broke into her charming smile.

“Good evening, Yamaguchi,” she said. The cook looked over and saw me.

“Who’s your friend?” he asked. Maron leaned on me, grinning. She started rubbing on my chest.

“My honey!” she said. I nervously laughed at that.

“What shall I get for you tonight?” Yamaguchi-san asked.

“The usual for me,” Maron said. He nodded once before turning to me.

“And what would you like to do tonight?” the cook asked. I looked around for a menu. I found the special written on a chalkboard overhead.

“I guess I’ll have the pork miso ramen,” I said.

“Coming up!” Yamaguchi said. He got straight to work. Maron placed her hand on my thigh. I turned my head. She had a dreamy look in her eyes. I had a good guess of what she was thinking.

“I’m not in the mood tonight,” I said.

“I know,” she said. I frowned at her. What exactly was the goal here tonight? Maron leaned on my side.

“We haven’t seen you around lately, Mikado-kun,” she complained.

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m so sorry for that.” Maron looked up at me, pouting. I dropped my shoulders as I looked away.

“There’s been so much going on,” I said. I’m trying to save my friends from dying for one thing. Plus, I’m trying to keep this world from dying.

“Let us help you,” she said. “You can’t take all of this alone. We’ve seen you try and it tears us up inside to see you in so much misery.” I pressed my lips together. She had a point. They all had a point. I do appreciate them trying to help. But sometimes it feels like they are trying to drown me in their help. Drowning me in their love.

I reached over and patted Maron on the head.

“Thank you,” I said. She rested her head on my shoulder. Suddenly, a bell rang. We looked up to see the cook with our orders.

“Here you are,” he said. “Enjoy your meal.” Maron and I took our plates. My bowl of pork soy ramen looked so delicious. I had to swallow back my drool. Maron ordered herself some fried noodles. (I wasn’t sure if ghosts could have human food. I didn’t bother to question it.) I reached out and picked up a pair of chopsticks. I took them out and broke them apart.

“Thanks for the meal,” I said. I dipped them in and took a bite. The taste danced on my tongue.

“This is good,” I said. Maron was already eating her noodles. I looked over at his plate.

“How is yours?” I asked.

“Uh-huh,” she said. She shoved more noodles in her mouth. But then, she lowered her plate. Maron frowned as if she was in thought.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“There’s something missing,” she said. She turned around to me. I narrowed my eyes at her. Was she looking for me to answer? Maron stuck up her hand in the air.

“Master, get us two beers please!” she shouted.

“Uh, just one!” I said. Maron turned to me with a disappointed look on her face.

“What? I’m only eighteen. I still can’t drink,” I said. She just shrugged and kind of smiled at me.

“Spoilsport,” she said. The cook came back with a bottle of Sapporo beer.

“Thank you!” Maron said in a sing-songy voice. She opened the bottle and took a drink.

“Perfect!” she said. Maron looked over at her bowl. She picked up her chopsticks and picked up a big piece of pork.

“Hey!” I shouted. Maron smiled and popped it into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed the meat. I narrowed my eyes at her as I took some of her noodles off her plate.

“Hey!” she said. I shoved the noodles into my mouth. The spice made my mouth burn a little bit. Still, I wouldn’t stop chewing. She stared at me as I swallowed my bite.

“Now we’re even,” I said. Maron frowned and picked up her chopsticks.

“Eat your ramen before your noodles get soggy,” she said.

“Oh, right,” I said. I picked up my bowl again and started eating. The fried noodles were just as good as the ramen itself. I’m going to have to come back to this place later on.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado and Niki spend the night together in her room.the line between Anri and Niki blur in Mikado’s head.


Sound Twenty-One: Niki:

I see Anri’s face when I look at her. Niki and I sat across from each other at the table. I pressed my lips together as I shrugged to say something.

“Uh… how have you been doing tonight?” I asked.

“Fine,” she said. “How have you been?” I sighed.

“I’ve been better,” I said. The rain filled up the silence. Sometimes, I have trouble looking into her eyes without seeing Anri.

“How are Anri and Masaomi?” Niki asked.

“They are fine,” I said. The more I say that the more I’m not so convinced of that myself. She looked down at the table.

“I see,” Niki said. I resisted the urge to reach out and touch her hand. It didn’t feel right in a way. The rain made the situation a little bit bearable.

“Can I hold your hand?” I asked. She blushed as she cleared her throat.

“Uh… sure,” she said. I scooted over to her side and took her hand. She held my hand back. I resisted the urge to kiss her. She’s not Anri. She’s not Anri.

“I haven’t fed in days, but it keeps flaring up,” I said. I unzipped my jacket and slid it off. I rolled up my shirt to show her my side. Niki leaned in for a closer look.

“Oh no,” she said. She looked up at me.

“How long has it been like that?” she asked.

“A few days now,” I said. I lowered my shirt. I met her eyes again. No, please don’t look at me like that. Niki and Anri both look the same when they are worried. I can’t stand to look at them when they look like that.

“It’s okay,” I lied. “It doesn’t really hurt.” I paused as the rain filled the silence. She didn’t really look convincing.

“This is why I’m telling you now,” I said. Nothing I was saying made anything better. I looked out at the open door. Her garden always looks out to see cherry blossom trees. They looked rather sad in the rain right now. The rain itself didn’t really do anything.

“If there is anything you need me to do, I can help you,” Niki said. I couldn’t bring myself to look at her. That’s why I brought it up, but I felt bad for saying it in the first place. Niki reached over and took my head. I resisted the urge to turn my head.

“Please,” she pleaded. She leaned closer to me. Her lips were inches away from my cheeks. I turned in time for her lips to turn mine. My cheeks turned bright red. I hadn’t meant to do that. Niki slowly pulled away.

“I just want to help you,” she said. I noticed the tears welling up in her eyes. Aw crap, I did it again, didn’t I? Please don’t cry. Please… don’t. You’re going to make me cry too.

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She gently kissed me back. It became a habit of mine to kiss her to stop her from crying. I didn’t know why I started doing that. It just kind of happened. I slowly pulled away. At least she wasn’t crying anymore. My heart felt so heavy just looking into her eyes. I felt like I was staring at Anri right now. Niki took me by the hands.

“Please, let me feed you,” she pleaded. I felt bad for all of this, but she wasn’t going to stop, was she? I pressed my forehead against hers.

“Fine,” I said. “I will let you feed me.” A little smile came onto her face.

“Thank you,” she whispered. I leaned in and kissed her again. This time, she kissed me back.

She led me back to her bedroom. I’ve lost count of how many times I have been here. I feel like I have to tone myself down when I’m with her.

“You sure you want to do this?” I asked.

“Yes,” Niki said. Her tone was so soft, but certain. Now, I really don’t have a choice. She will start pleading with me because she wants to help me. I leaned down and kissed her again. Niki kissed me back as she slid open the door. She took me by the wrists and pulled me inside. It felt cold when she pulled away. I watched as Niki walked over to the bed and laid down. My heart started to pound against my chest. It’s like staring at Anri waiting for me on my futon. The only difference was that Anri didn’t intently try to be seductive. I steadied myself before walking over to the bed. I climbed on and kissed her on the lips. I am trying not to compare her and Anri in bed.

Niki gently put her arms around my neck. We’re not being fancy this afternoon. There are no lit candles or romantic music in the room. She’s not going off to take a bath and change into something sexier. It’s just her and I. We shared another kiss. I reached down to her dark pink obi. I threw it across the room. She didn’t try to cover herself. Has she gotten that used to being exposed?

I slipped from her grasp and sat up on my knees. My hands moved to my jacket.

“Wait,” Niki said. I froze and looked up at her. She sat up in front of me.

“Let me do that,” she said. I didn’t say anything as I lowered my hands. Something about her words can make do anything she asks me to. Niki grabbed onto my jacket and unzipped it. She slid it off and tossed it aside. I didn’t stop her as she took off my shirt. I tried not to look down at the dark purplish spots on my torso. It’s getting harder to hide them now. I won’t even let Anri see me.

Niki let her fingers run down my chest. My eyes shifted away from her gaze. She turned her face towards me. She had a sympathetic smile on her face. I had a guess about what she was going to say next.

“Don’t be ashamed of these,” she said in a low voice. Her fingertips moved down to a spot over my heart.

“It’s not your fault,” Niki said. I started to speak, but I closed my mouth. What could I say that would contradict what she was saying? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I reached down and slid off her light pink kimono. Her skin looked so flawless compared to mine. The only she had on was a pair of black panties. This was the first time that Niki didn’t try to cover up her breasts with me. I guess she’s more used to me eyeing her like this. She reached out and unzipped my jeans.

I missed this feeling. I think this would be the first time that we’ve had sex in this timeline. Still, I can remember the times that I have been tangled up in her. This will be no different. Niki ran her fingertips along my right cheek. I took hold of her hand before penetration. Cheri used me to take Niki’s virginity so that she could put her to work. (I still haven’t come up with a way to make it up to her.)

“Mikado-kun!” she moaned. I can’t help but to hear Anri’s voice in her voice in moments like this. It’s kind of strange, I can’t help but see Anri in Niki when we have sex, but I just see Anri in Anri when we are intimate. I don’t think I can make that any clearer. I don’t know what that is about either. Niki and Anri don’t give me much room to think about that when I get tangled up in them.

I leaned down and nibbled Niki on the neck. Out of all the girls, I only do this with her and Anri. I can’t explain it. It’s just something that happens. Their moans send chills down my spine. It pushed me to do more. I have to resist the voice in my head telling me to bite hard enough to draw blood. Instead, I kiss Niki on the place where my teeth grazed.

I found myself reluctant to let go once we reach the climax. My body starts to feel so cold. I lingered on top of her before I slowly pulled out of her. Still, she wouldn’t let me go. I looked deep into her eyes. Niki never wants to let me go after sex. Somehow, I am okay with this.

“Better, darling?” she asked while trying to catch her breath.

“Yeah,” I said. I’m tempted to rest up and go again, but I fight that off. Where did that come from? It’s started with the last time I had sex with Anri. It’s almost like I want to test how many times I can do it. I shook the throat from my head. My attention came back to reality when I felt fingertips caressing my left cheek. I looked up and saw Niki staring back at me.

“Maybe next time,” she said. I looked away as my cheeks turned a deep red. Niki giggled and cuddled up close to me. I looked over at the window pouring outside. Why do they always mess with my head like that? Niki already had her eyes closed and was about to fall asleep. I couldn’t help but smile. I kissed her on top of her head.

“Sweet dreams,” I whispered. I closed my eyes and just let my mind wander off for the time being.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado and Lorelei spend time in a onsen in the winter. The snow brings back bad memories.


Sound Twenty: Lorelei:

An onsen in the snow? This was her idea. I didn’t really like this. Lorelei tried her best to make it bearable. I looked away from her in the water.

“What’s the matter, honey?” she asked.

“I don’t like the snow,” I said. Lorelei crawled over to me and sat down on my lap. She rested her head on my chest. I put my arm around her.

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I wasn’t thinking.” I shook my head.

“It’s fine,” I said. “Can you stay with me for a while?”

“Sure,” she said. Limbo doesn’t exactly bend to the wills of its residents here as it does with Purgatory. Their rooms are created by their memories and emotions. Limbo is just set to the creator’s hand. I guess I couldn’t blame Lorelei for this location and the snow.

“We could go to another place if you want,” she said. I shook my head.

“No, this is fine,” I said.

“Are you sure?” Lorelei asked. I held her close to my body.

“Yes,” I said. She took in a deep breath.

“Alright,” I said. I tried to ignore the bad memories that came with the snow. I took a look around me. We were in the back of the tavern. The snow-covered the rooftops. More snow was falling around us. I could see the smoke rising up from the chimney. A single bird hopped around on the roof. I settled into place in the water. The heat felt good against my skin.

“I barely get to see you anymore,” Lorelei whimpered. I gently patted her on the back of her head.

“I needed this right now,” I said. She happily sighed. Her legs came on either side of me.

“I want to kiss you,” Lorelei said. I glanced into her eyes.

“Fine,” I said. She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I didn’t even move to kiss her back. Lorelei pulled away and rested her head on my chest. I understand what she was trying to do.

“Thank you,” I said.

“For what?” she asked.

“Just for being there for me,” I said. Lorelei didn’t say anything. The silence made my stomach turn. I couldn’t get the visions of the Woman in Red dancing around in the snow with her arms covered in blood. They all knew my plight. I didn’t need them to bring up how they were doing everything to help me. Right now, I just wanted to be alone in my head.

It’s kind of hard to do that when you have a warm body against yours. (Can ghosts actually be warm?)

I looked down at Lorelei in my lap. Sometimes, I wonder what she and the others were thinking. I can’t hear the thoughts of ghosts just yet. Satoshi’s powers inside of me aren’t as strong as it has been in the previous timelines. I shuddered as I thought about all the other times that I failed to save them all.

I felt myself yanked back to life as Lorelei pressed her lips against mine. I about jumped at the situation.

“What was that for?” I asked. She gave me a calm smile.

“You seemed upset,” Lorelei said. “So I was trying to calm you down.” I stared at her but said nothing. She giggled at me.

“You know what we should do after this?” she asked.

“What?” I asked. Lorelei laid her head on my chest again. She ran her finger around in small circles.

“Have some milk and lay down in my bed—naked,” she said. My cheeks turned bright red when she said that last part. I should be used to this by now. Somehow, some of the girls still managed to shock me.

“Oh, your heart is beating so fast, Mikado-kun,” she said. Lorelei looked up at me.

“Looks like we’re going to have to try and calm you down,” she said. I started to speak, but Lorelei cut me off.

“No, no,” she said. “Don’t argue with me and just listen. Breathe in.” I closed my eyes and slowly breathed in.

“And breathe out,” she said. I slowly breathed out through my mouth.

“Breathe in,” Lorelei said again. I complied without a thought in my head.

“Now breathe out,” she said. I breathed out again. We did this about two more things. Lorelei rested her head against my chest again.

“Much better,” she said. I looked away with my cheeks bright red. Lorelei kissed me on the chest.

“I think you and I should stay in here a little bit longer before we go inside and do what I planned,” she said. She looked me in the eye.

“What say you?” Lorelei asked. I didn’t need her staring at me intently to make up my mind. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Fine,” I said. Lorelei giggled before she kissed me on the chest again.

“I knew that you would agree,” she said. I shook my head to myself. At this point, I just let her take the lead because that’s just the easiest thing to do. I looked out at the snow and tried one more time to let my mind wander off before we had to get out of the onsen.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado pays a visit to Yuriko. She in turn seduces him so that she can “feed” him. Mikado starts to remember more about her.


Sound Nineteen: Yuriko:

And then there is here. Yuriko. Where do I begin with her? I don’t exactly know how I ended up catching her attention. But just like the other girls in Purgatory, she tries to drown me in affection. Okay, maybe drowning might be too strong.

I sat in the lobby of Purgatory, waiting. She sent me a message just moments earlier. Not a text, mind you. That’s not how she is. No, she sent me a message through paper. Hikira was the one who handed over the paper to me.

“Here you go, Mikado-san!” she shouted at me.

“Thank you,” I said. I took the paper and read it to myself. It was enough to make me sit up straight. It was a good thing that Anri was with Masaomi at the moment. (The girls keep asking about them every time I see them. They believe that Masaomi’s condition is a sign of how bad things are about to get worse.) I don’t have anything to do right now. I guess it couldn’t hurt to pay Yukiko a visit. I closed my eyes and vanished into thin air.


I wound up back in the lobby. Miiko was already waiting for me. She had on her usual kimono again. I don’t know which one I like more—her kimono or her dresses. Miiko looked up at me with a smile on her face.

“Good evening, Mikado-kun,” she said.

“Good evening,” I said.

“Who are you here to see today?” Miiko-chan asked. I clenched my fists by my side.

“Yukiko-san,” I said.

“Oh,” she said with a low whistle. “She’s up in her room waiting for you.”

“Thank you,” I said. I bowed and walked over to the elevator.


I made it up to her door and knocked. My heartbeat against my chest.

“Come in,” she said in a low voice. I reached forward and opened the door. Yuriko was already sitting at her table facing what she called her backyard. She looked like a queen sitting on her red floor cushion. It’s raining again. (I should be used to it by now.) She turned and looked up at me.

“Hello,” Yuriko said.

“Hi,” I said.

“How have you been?” she asked.

“Good,” I said. I walked over and sat down next to her. I could smell her perfume on her. I think she called it spicy amber or something like that. Her hair was down tonight. The dark color made her pale skin stand out in the dim room. The lit candle on the table, the two wall lamps, and the garden lights outside gave the atmosphere a haunting glow. It took my all not to lean in and kiss her.

“What are you doing?” she asked. “Don’t sit here. Go sit down there.” She pointed to the other end of the table.

“Oh!” I said. “I’m so sorry about that.” I quickly bowed my head. Yuriko giggled.

“That’s okay,” she said. “Just go and sit at your end of the table.”

“Right,” I said. I got up and walked over to the other end of her table. I sat down on the other red floor cushion. Part of me felt reluctant to leave her side. The rain pouring outside filled up the silence. Her room always overlooked a small lake in a garden. The grass and small trees always looked neatly organized. Next door was another room. I can’t remember who it belongs to. Maybe it doesn’t belong to anyone. I keep meaning to ask her who lives in the room next to her, but I… uh… always get… -ahem- a little distracted. I probably will end up getting distracted again tonight. Even the fog and the mountain in the distance add quite a charm to her backyard.

“Can I get you some tea?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said. Yukiko used her magic to make the red teapot on the bamboo float up into the air and pour some hot green tea into our cups.

“Thank you,” I said.

“You’re welcome,” she said back. Just inches away from the table, she had an iron pot hanging from the ceiling over a fire. I wondered what she was cooking in her room.

“Oh, just a little strew,” she said. I about jumped when Yukiko said that out loud.

“Can you not do that?” I asked. She giggled with her fingertips to her mouth.

“I do apologize, darling,” she said. I frowned as I picked up the cup. The burning liquid doesn’t phase me anymore. I could just drink or eat anything hot without pausing.

“How is everything out there?” she asked.

“Quiet,” I said. “Too quiet. I don’t like it. It’s like I’m almost expecting something to go off at any moment.” I took another drink of my tea. Yuriko eyed me as I set down my cup. She always looked so frail when I see her. Don’t get me wrong, she does have curves on her body. Maybe it’s just her arms. I rubbed my forehead.

“Is something wrong?” Yuriko asked. I shook my head.

“Nothing,” I said. “It’s nothing.” It mind be time to feed again. It would feel wrong to try and ask her. I clutched my cup in my hands.

“Yukiko-san?” I asked.

“Hm?” she asked. I took in a breath and lowered my cup.

“Please don’t be offended when I say this, but—” I began to say.

“I will help you,” Yukiko said. I quickly looked up.

“Huh?” I asked. She gave me a calm smile.

“I get it,” she said. “You need my help with the feeding.” I drew my mouth closed. Just like with Anri and Niki, Yuriko could tell what I was thinking without me having to come out and say it. I sheepishly lowered my head.

“Thank you,” I said. My cheeks felt so warm.

“Finish your tea first,” she said. “And then I will help you.”

“Right,” I said. I picked up my cup and took a drink. The warm liquid slid down my throat. The taste wasn’t too bad.

After the tea, Yuriko took me to her room. She kissed me on the lips at the door. My heartbeat quickened. Only Anri, Niki, and Yuriko can make me feel that way. For a moment, I couldn’t think straight. She slowly pulled away.

“What do you want tonight?” Yuriko asked in a husky, seductive voice. I gulped.

“You,” I said. “I… I just want you…” She gently put her finger to my lips. I closed my mouth. She smiled and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. Yuriko led me over to her bed. We shared one more kiss before she sank down onto her back. I climbed on top of her. She reached up and slid off my shirt. I leaned down and kissed her. My hands slid down to her long black dress. Our clothes wound up all over her floor. We shared another kiss. My mouth moved down to her neck. The sounds of her moans made my heart beat faster. Her fingertips buried themselves in my hair. My mouth came just above her chest. I paused and glanced up at her.

“Is this okay?” I asked. Yuriko glanced down at me.

“Yes,” she whimpered. She spread her legs underneath me after answering. That was all that I needed to hear. My mouth sank down to her skin again. Another moan escaped from her lips.

I still can’t describe the feeling I have when I penetrate Yuriko. At first, it feels like I am sinking into the ocean. From there, my mind goes blank. I mean, I still feel every part of her. I wouldn’t call it disassociation either. My body is here, but I don’t know what happens to my mind. The strange thing is that this only happens with her. With Lilith, my head goes into an animalistic, almost feral place. Choco forces my attention on her. With the other girls, I am naturally focused on them. This will sound a bit cheesy but when I’m with Anri and Niki, I feel like I am one with them. But with Yuriko, I feel disconnected. I could never figure out why.

When I reach my climax, I come back. I looked down and see Yuriko’s face spent with pleasure. She panted as her cheeks were bright red. She licked her lips at me before she reached up towards my chest. She ran tiny circles on the skin.

“The dark spots are gone now,” Yuriko said. I collapsed beside her. She gave me a tired and spent smile.

“I love you,” she said. I wanted to believe her, but I don’t think she really knows what she means after she feeds me. She just wants to be loved, but I don’t think I can fully give it to her. Yukiko cuddled up close to my chest. She rested her cheek just above my heart.

“It’s okay if you aren’t sure about how you feel about me,” she whispered. “Just like me stay by your side like this.” I put my arm around her body as she drew her eyes closed. I didn’t argue. I decided that this was going to have to do for now. This should be okay, right?

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it as I myself tried to drift off to sleep again.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado gets invited out to a cafe by Gypsy. She tells him why everyone is asking about his well-being. They know that it’s about to get worse.


Sound Eighteen: Gypsy:

I was to meet up with her in a street café. This one is a bit different than the one I took Korihime to. It’s October and there are cherry blossoms outside. I don’t mind it, but it’s just a bit jarring. Gypsy was the one who texted me. She’s like Lilith, only less forceful. She can actually take a hint. Right now, she sat across from me with her eyebrow, raised.

“What?” I asked. She smiled and shook her head.

“Nothing,” she said.

“Ah,” I said. A waitress walked over to our table. She handed us the menus and walked away. I picked up mine and took a look. Gypsy always orders the same thing when we go into cafes.

“Are you getting a latte again?” I asked. She doesn’t look up from the menu.

“You know me so well, do you?” she asked.

“Just remembering bits and pieces,” I said.

“I see,” she said.

“How have you been?” I asked.

“Good, and you?” Gypsy asked.

“Fine, I’m fine,” I said. I already knew what was coming next.

“And how are Masaomi and Anri?” she asked.

“They are fine,” I said. Why did they constantly ask about my friends? I sat back and looked around the café. Well, it’s a standard café. It could deal without the piano music playing in the background. Across the room was a bookcase with old-style cameras on them. A cat sat on one of the stools near a table by the window. I could see the city outside through the cherry blossom. So we were between Limbo and the Living World. Good to know.

Gypsy took hold of my hand. I quickly turned my attention back to her.

“We ask so that we can gauge how bad things are going down in the living world,” she said. I understand what she is saying, but it’s always the same questions.

“And how are you doing?” I asked her.

“Fine,” she said. “I am doing just fine.” The waitress came back to our table. She came back with our drinks.

“Here you are,” she said in a soft voice.

“Thank you,” I said. The waitress bowed and walked away. Gypsy picked up her cup and took a drink.

“We have two more months left before we will see the worst of it,” she said.

“Yes, I know,” I said. I braced myself for the next couple of questions.

“Are you ready to go as far as you can to stop this game?” Gypsy asked.

“Yes,” I said without missing a beat. She took another sip of her coffee.

“When was the last time you fed?” Gypsy asked. I didn’t really react to this. I’m pretty much used to this by now.

“Five days ago,” I said. My answers don’t really matter anymore. She set down her cup.

“Well, it looks like we’re going to have to fix that, aren’t we?” Gypsy asked. I just stared down at my drink.

“Go on, finish your drink,” she said. “Finish up so I came to take you back to my room and feed you.” Gypsy took another sip of her coffee. I picked up my cup as I tried to make myself smile. I never really have a choice in this matter. She just smiled over her coffee. Of course, she’s going to pay for all of it. Gypsy never lets me pay when we go out. I looked out the window again. I still couldn’t get out the cherry blossom in October. Sure, it’s not exactly in the living world, but still…

I picked up my cup and took a drink. The coffee wasn’t bad, I had to admit. Could be a bit better though. It didn’t matter. When we finished our drinks, Gypsy paid for everything as she promised.

“Ready to go?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said. Gypsy held out her hand to me. I took it, already knowing what was coming next.

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado and Momo go out to dinner to eat at a fancy restaurant.


Sound Seventeen: Momo:

“Are you ready to go?” Momo asked.

“Yes,” I said. She held out her hand. I took it and she led me outside.

“So where are we going?” I asked. She smiled and giggled at me. She leaned in close to my ear.

“You’re going to have to come along and see,” Momo whispered. I gulped as I tried to keep my composure.

“Right…” I mumbled as I tried to look away. She giggled as she grabbed me by the hands. We disappeared in a flash.


“We’re here,” Momo said. I took a look around. I raised my eyebrow. We were standing in front of a fancy restaurant. The outside reminded me of the building from the Floating World. Did we just end up back in Purgatory again? I looked up to see an endless line of people walking up towards the entrance. Everyone was all dressed up and looking nice. I looked down at my own clothes. I felt a bit undressed now. Momo looked at me with a huge grin on her face.

“Well?” she asked. I blinked at her at first. Were they trying to feed me again?

“Why are we here?” I asked. Momo looked up at me with a smile on her face.

“Just thought about taking you somewhere nice for a change,” she said. We looked at our clothes.

“But we aren’t even dressed properly,” I said. Momo smiled at me like she was getting away with a juicy secret.

“What kind of a girl do you take me for?” she asked.

“Huh?” I asked. I looked down at our clothes again. This time, we were both dressed in kimono. To be honest, this was the first time I’ve seen Momo fully clothed. She grinned as she held out her hand.

“Shall we get going?” she asked. I forced myself to smile.

“Of course,” I said. I took her by the arm and led her into the line.

The hostess stood at the doors, waiting us. Momo stepped forward with a smile on her face.

“Momo, party of two,” she said with a graceful bow. I about stumbled backwards. She’s a different person than she’s at the hotel. The hostess held out her arm.

“Right this,” she said. She led us into the building. Our table was on the seventh floor, overlooking the city. By now, it had started to rain. We had a table over by the window.

“Here you are,” the hostess said. She handed us our menus as we sat down.

“I will have wait staff to come by your table shortly,” she said. “Excuse me.” The hostess bowed and walked back to her post. Momo sat down with a smile on her face.

“Come, take a seat,” she said. I sat down with a smile on my face. This kimono felt kind of alien on my skin. Candles were lit all over the tables. We each had wine glasses by our sides. The napkins and silverware were all arranged nice and neat. Same with the salt and pepper shakers. The patrons around us were already eating. Jazz played in the background. Why does Tokyo Tower always pop up in the background of these worlds?

“Where exactly are we?” I asked.

“We’re between Purgatory and the Living World,” she said. I gave her a strange look. Was such a thing possible?

“How did you manage to find this place?” I asked.

“It was by chance,” Momo said. She took me by the hand.

“Listen,” she said. “Why don’t you stop asking questions and enjoy the night, okay?” I pressed my lips together. I should’ve known that one was coming. A waitress in a light yellow kimono walked over to our table.

“Good evening,” she said. “My name is Mimiko and I will be your waitress tonight. How are you tonight?”

“Good,” Momo said. I just smiled and nodded.

“What shall I get you to drink?” the waitress asked.

“Red wine,” Momo was quick to say. I whipped my head around. She held up her hand as I opened my mouth.

“Red wine, please,” she said again. Mimiko wrote down our orders.

“Coming up,” she said. I watched as she turned and walked away. I whipped my head around.

“Why would you do that?” I asked. Momo stuck up her hand again.

“I said no questions,” she said. I frowned and narrowed my eyes at her.

“I can’t drink. I’m underage,” I said.

“It’s fine,” Momo said. “You can’t get drunk anymore, remember?”

“Well, yeah… but that’s not the point!” I said.

“You worry too much,” she said.

“Can you blame me?” I asked. Momo had a gentle look on her face. She held my hand again.

“We’re all hear for you,” she said. “We are doing our best to keep your happiness intact.” I hated when they did this. I knew that they were right. All of the girls are trying to end this game. It’s just…

“You’re right,” I said. Momo perked up.

“The food is really good here,” she said. She drew back her hand.

“I can’t really eat too much,” I said.

“I know,” she said. “We’ll get you something light.” Momo said that last part in a whisper. By then, Mimiko came back with a bottle of red wine. She opened it and poured the wine into our glasses.

“Everything is on me,” Momo told me as the waitress poured wine into my glass. I wasn’t going to have a single drink.

“Are you ready to order?” Mimiko asked.

“Give us a couple of minutes,” Momo said. I said nothing.

“Okay,” the waitress said. She turned and walked away. Momo grinned as she picked up the menu. I reached over and picked up my menu. She said that I could order anything I wanted, but I don’t have much of an appetite. Still, she’s going to push me to eat something. I should just order something light and eat it. That should be good enough. Thunder rumbled outside.
