

New Sound Chapter!

New Sound Chapter!

Title: Tokyo Sound
Fandom: Durarara
Characters/shipping: Mikado Ryuugamine/Anri Sonohara, Mikado Ryuugamine/OC, Mika Harima, Seiji Yarigi
Genre: Romance/Supernatural/Drama
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual content
Summary: Mikado pays a visit to Yuriko. She in turn seduces him so that she can “feed” him. Mikado starts to remember more about her.


Sound Nineteen: Yuriko:

And then there is here. Yuriko. Where do I begin with her? I don’t exactly know how I ended up catching her attention. But just like the other girls in Purgatory, she tries to drown me in affection. Okay, maybe drowning might be too strong.

I sat in the lobby of Purgatory, waiting. She sent me a message just moments earlier. Not a text, mind you. That’s not how she is. No, she sent me a message through paper. Hikira was the one who handed over the paper to me.

“Here you go, Mikado-san!” she shouted at me.

“Thank you,” I said. I took the paper and read it to myself. It was enough to make me sit up straight. It was a good thing that Anri was with Masaomi at the moment. (The girls keep asking about them every time I see them. They believe that Masaomi’s condition is a sign of how bad things are about to get worse.) I don’t have anything to do right now. I guess it couldn’t hurt to pay Yukiko a visit. I closed my eyes and vanished into thin air.


I wound up back in the lobby. Miiko was already waiting for me. She had on her usual kimono again. I don’t know which one I like more—her kimono or her dresses. Miiko looked up at me with a smile on her face.

“Good evening, Mikado-kun,” she said.

“Good evening,” I said.

“Who are you here to see today?” Miiko-chan asked. I clenched my fists by my side.

“Yukiko-san,” I said.

“Oh,” she said with a low whistle. “She’s up in her room waiting for you.”

“Thank you,” I said. I bowed and walked over to the elevator.


I made it up to her door and knocked. My heartbeat against my chest.

“Come in,” she said in a low voice. I reached forward and opened the door. Yuriko was already sitting at her table facing what she called her backyard. She looked like a queen sitting on her red floor cushion. It’s raining again. (I should be used to it by now.) She turned and looked up at me.

“Hello,” Yuriko said.

“Hi,” I said.

“How have you been?” she asked.

“Good,” I said. I walked over and sat down next to her. I could smell her perfume on her. I think she called it spicy amber or something like that. Her hair was down tonight. The dark color made her pale skin stand out in the dim room. The lit candle on the table, the two wall lamps, and the garden lights outside gave the atmosphere a haunting glow. It took my all not to lean in and kiss her.

“What are you doing?” she asked. “Don’t sit here. Go sit down there.” She pointed to the other end of the table.

“Oh!” I said. “I’m so sorry about that.” I quickly bowed my head. Yuriko giggled.

“That’s okay,” she said. “Just go and sit at your end of the table.”

“Right,” I said. I got up and walked over to the other end of her table. I sat down on the other red floor cushion. Part of me felt reluctant to leave her side. The rain pouring outside filled up the silence. Her room always overlooked a small lake in a garden. The grass and small trees always looked neatly organized. Next door was another room. I can’t remember who it belongs to. Maybe it doesn’t belong to anyone. I keep meaning to ask her who lives in the room next to her, but I… uh… always get… -ahem- a little distracted. I probably will end up getting distracted again tonight. Even the fog and the mountain in the distance add quite a charm to her backyard.

“Can I get you some tea?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said. Yukiko used her magic to make the red teapot on the bamboo float up into the air and pour some hot green tea into our cups.

“Thank you,” I said.

“You’re welcome,” she said back. Just inches away from the table, she had an iron pot hanging from the ceiling over a fire. I wondered what she was cooking in her room.

“Oh, just a little strew,” she said. I about jumped when Yukiko said that out loud.

“Can you not do that?” I asked. She giggled with her fingertips to her mouth.

“I do apologize, darling,” she said. I frowned as I picked up the cup. The burning liquid doesn’t phase me anymore. I could just drink or eat anything hot without pausing.

“How is everything out there?” she asked.

“Quiet,” I said. “Too quiet. I don’t like it. It’s like I’m almost expecting something to go off at any moment.” I took another drink of my tea. Yuriko eyed me as I set down my cup. She always looked so frail when I see her. Don’t get me wrong, she does have curves on her body. Maybe it’s just her arms. I rubbed my forehead.

“Is something wrong?” Yuriko asked. I shook my head.

“Nothing,” I said. “It’s nothing.” It mind be time to feed again. It would feel wrong to try and ask her. I clutched my cup in my hands.

“Yukiko-san?” I asked.

“Hm?” she asked. I took in a breath and lowered my cup.

“Please don’t be offended when I say this, but—” I began to say.

“I will help you,” Yukiko said. I quickly looked up.

“Huh?” I asked. She gave me a calm smile.

“I get it,” she said. “You need my help with the feeding.” I drew my mouth closed. Just like with Anri and Niki, Yuriko could tell what I was thinking without me having to come out and say it. I sheepishly lowered my head.

“Thank you,” I said. My cheeks felt so warm.

“Finish your tea first,” she said. “And then I will help you.”

“Right,” I said. I picked up my cup and took a drink. The warm liquid slid down my throat. The taste wasn’t too bad.

After the tea, Yuriko took me to her room. She kissed me on the lips at the door. My heartbeat quickened. Only Anri, Niki, and Yuriko can make me feel that way. For a moment, I couldn’t think straight. She slowly pulled away.

“What do you want tonight?” Yuriko asked in a husky, seductive voice. I gulped.

“You,” I said. “I… I just want you…” She gently put her finger to my lips. I closed my mouth. She smiled and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back. Yuriko led me over to her bed. We shared one more kiss before she sank down onto her back. I climbed on top of her. She reached up and slid off my shirt. I leaned down and kissed her. My hands slid down to her long black dress. Our clothes wound up all over her floor. We shared another kiss. My mouth moved down to her neck. The sounds of her moans made my heart beat faster. Her fingertips buried themselves in my hair. My mouth came just above her chest. I paused and glanced up at her.

“Is this okay?” I asked. Yuriko glanced down at me.

“Yes,” she whimpered. She spread her legs underneath me after answering. That was all that I needed to hear. My mouth sank down to her skin again. Another moan escaped from her lips.

I still can’t describe the feeling I have when I penetrate Yuriko. At first, it feels like I am sinking into the ocean. From there, my mind goes blank. I mean, I still feel every part of her. I wouldn’t call it disassociation either. My body is here, but I don’t know what happens to my mind. The strange thing is that this only happens with her. With Lilith, my head goes into an animalistic, almost feral place. Choco forces my attention on her. With the other girls, I am naturally focused on them. This will sound a bit cheesy but when I’m with Anri and Niki, I feel like I am one with them. But with Yuriko, I feel disconnected. I could never figure out why.

When I reach my climax, I come back. I looked down and see Yuriko’s face spent with pleasure. She panted as her cheeks were bright red. She licked her lips at me before she reached up towards my chest. She ran tiny circles on the skin.

“The dark spots are gone now,” Yuriko said. I collapsed beside her. She gave me a tired and spent smile.

“I love you,” she said. I wanted to believe her, but I don’t think she really knows what she means after she feeds me. She just wants to be loved, but I don’t think I can fully give it to her. Yukiko cuddled up close to my chest. She rested her cheek just above my heart.

“It’s okay if you aren’t sure about how you feel about me,” she whispered. “Just like me stay by your side like this.” I put my arm around her body as she drew her eyes closed. I didn’t argue. I decided that this was going to have to do for now. This should be okay, right?

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it as I myself tried to drift off to sleep again.

 Inktober request special  - Yurikofor shining-scribe

Inktober request special  - Yuriko
for shining-scribe

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Yuriko ShiratoriSyndicated from SlantedPussy.com

Yuriko Shiratori
Syndicated from SlantedPussy.com

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Since several folks asked, here are the digital files so you can get your own Yuriko sleeves printed. I also included a bonus phone wallpaper. The files are free, though tips are appreciated!

Got my Yuriko card sleeves from YourPlaymat and they look awesome!!

Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow

My next sleeve project! For my Yuriko deck, of course
