#tolkien reverse summer bang


For my part in the Tolkien Reverse Summer bang I drew Maedhros! I will link to the fic my wonderful partner has written once they’ve posted it :)

Edit: The author, Arofili, has posted the fic here!

Title:The Killing Kind
Warnings:Violence, Murder, Dubious Morality, Murder Mystery, Morally Ambiguous Characters, Blood and Violence
Characters:Glorfindel, Erestor, Elrond
Word Count: 25k

Peace is just beginning to settle into the valley of Imladris when a new caravan arrives from Lindon, bringing with it a mysterious stranger. As Glorfindel is drawn into Erestor’s quest to catch the criminal who escaped him in the sack of Ost-in-Edhil, he becomes more and more fascinated by the enigmatic, beautiful elf; but Erestor has secrets, and he will pursue justice to the bitter end - no matter the cost.

Read the fic here on AO3!

See the full art here on tumblr!

Fic by platinum_firebird

Art by @sortumavaara

Created for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Big Bang! @tolkienrsb

Title:Soaring Blue and Shining Gold
Warnings:No Warnings Apply
Relationships:Glorfindel/Ecthelion, Egalmoth/Duilin
Characters:Ecthelion, Glorfindel
Word Count: 7.5k

A surprise party, a painting, a pair of brooches, and a disastrous case of composer’s block - in the end, even Ecthelion can’t say how the combination of these things led him to realise he was in love with Glorfindel.

Read the fic and see the full art here on AO3!

Fic by platinum_firebird

Art by @absynthe–minded

Created for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Big Bang! @tolkienrsb

Posting this for my lovely TRSB fic writer @torpi46 If fun and lighthearted is your jam, check this

Posting this for my lovely TRSB fic writer @torpi46 If fun and lighthearted is your jam, check this one out! 

The Four S.T.O.O.G.E.S of Gondolin (Stupendously, Terribly, Out of Ordinary Good-looking Esteemed Sirs) by Torpi

Revealed on AO3 on 5th September

Rating: T No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ecthelion of the Fountain & Glorfindel, Rog & Egalmoth Characters: Rog (Tolkien)Glorfindel (Tolkien), Ecthelion of the Fountain, Egalmoth of Gondolin Words:6824

Summary: Snippets from the peaceful (or not so peaceful) times of peace in Gondolin.


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So excited to present my fic for TRSB21! This was written for @elvenlair’s wonderful prompt art!Co

So excited to present my fic for TRSB21! This was written for @elvenlair’s wonderful prompt art!

Coming in Fury to Bury MebyMisswhalie

Word count:9,006 
Rating: Teen Audiences and Up
Characters: Glorfindel, Ecthelion, Turgon, Idril, Rog, Egalmoth, Penlod

Glorfindel and Ecthelion deal with the emotional fallout of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. What does it mean for their relationship with the city, and with each other?

“Let’s continue.” Ecthelion said softly. He kept his voice low, but he wasn’t sure if it was the echo of the mountains he was afraid of, or if he was scared any sound louder than a whisper would cause Glorfindel to break in front of his eyes – break into golden shards to be trodden underfoot; a fine dust, forever to remain in the dirt of the mountains.


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My second artwork for @joyfullynervouscreator and I’s TRSB fic collab! If you want context you’re go

My second artwork for @joyfullynervouscreator and I’s TRSB fic collab! If you want context you’re gonna have to go read the fic when it’s posted. I promise it’s good.

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Egalmoth | Glorfindel | Rog | EcthelionLast but not least my third TRSB art for 2021! What are these

Egalmoth | Glorfindel | Rog | Ecthelion

Last but not least my third TRSB art for 2021! What are these lords looking at? Who knows! To find out you’ll have to read the fic written by the wonderful @torpi46 who graciously picked this up as a pinch hitter when the original fell through last minute.

Fun fact I drew this before I figured out what my Egalmoth actually looked like lol.

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Glorfindel | EcthelionMy second TRSB art. I’m a massive Dark Souls fan, so selfishly I wanted to cre

Glorfindel | Ecthelion

My second TRSB art. I’m a massive Dark Souls fan, so selfishly I wanted to create some kind of prompt with that dark and twisted feel. I’d be happy if anyone enjoys this dark AU art <3 I wanted it to be a bit abstract, so the viewer could create their own story with the small details.  

(But if you want to read an actual story!) My lovely partner @secretlythranduil  has written an amazing fic for this piece. It’s not as dark as the art may seem, so give it a peep!! 

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