#tom holland x reader



I’m very much open to requests right now! I’m writing for Peter Parker / Tom Holland at the moment. And since I just got a little influx of followers here’s my old dialogue prompt list so you can request! You can do so in the comments or my ask box. You can request as many as you want at once :)

1. “I told you not to read that.”

2. “Sir, this is for children only.”

3. “Are you kidding me? We’re not ‘fine’!”

4. “Whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is no!”

5. “Hey… what’s wrong with your face?”

6. “You look a lot different from your profile picture.”

7. “Are you going to keep walking by my house, or are you going to come in?”

8. “Dude, it’s three in the morning.”

9. “I can’t believe I use to think he was attractive.”

10. “Actually, you *are* speaking to the manager.”

11. “This isn’t going to be a typical best man’s speech.”

12. “According to this, you owe them eighty thousand dollars.”

13. “That’s the worst reason I’ve ever heard to have a baby.”

14. “I didn’t even recognize you!”

15. “You’re Satan.” Costume party

16. “I need a place to stay.”

17. “It’s six o'clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”

18. “Safety first. What are you? FIVE?”

19. “This is girl talk, so leave.”

20. “You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”

21. “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”

22. “Hold still.”

23. “You’re not interested, are you?”

24. “Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”

25. “I’m telling you, I’m haunted.”

26. “Touch her again and I’ll break your wrist.”

27. “Don’t look behind you, but that guy is checking you out.”

28. “I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”

29. “Quick! Kiss me!”

30. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

31. Ihate high school reunions.“

32. "I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.”

33. “I’ve never felt this way before… and it scares the shit out of me.”

34. “Wait a second, are you jealous?”

35. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”

36. “You never told me you had a fucking twin.”

37. “Am I suppose to be scared of you?” Skeleton dick costume

38. “You’re hiding something from me.” Ethan proposes

39. “A wedding?”

40. “Where would someone hide in a town like this?”

41. “H-how long have you been standing there?”

42. “Is this skirt suppose to be this short?”

43. “Oh fuck off.”

44. “When did you take that?”

45. “I hid it.”

46. “Stop trying to look cool in paparazzi pictures, you look like a dumbass.”

47. “Can you stop laughing?”

48. “You look like a reptile from this angle.”

49. “You have a dirty mind.”

50. “You guys are lame.”

51. “I don’t know. Resurrection maybe?”

52. “This is a safe space.” “What the hell are you talking about?” “SAFE SPACE!”

53. “Just stab him.”

54. “I’m in dire need of assistance.”

55. “I’m gonna die in an elevator full of idiots.”

56. “Shoot me.”

57. “I feel like you know.”

58. “You’re making me dizzy.”

59. “I don’t want any excuses, they must have the hottest date ever.”

60. “Are you with him because it’s easy?”

61. “Dibs!”

62. “If we die, I’m going to kill you.”

63. “Do you think you could just go *one* day without pissing me off?”

64. “Your hands are really soft.”

65. “We’ve become the clingy newlyweds you’ve always complained about.”

66. “Pregnant?”

67. “We are SO much cuter than them.”

68. “Wanna go for a drive?”

69. “Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”

70. “Sleep over? Please?”

71. “Are we on a date right now?”

72. “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t suppose to see that.”

73. “Well I think you’re beautiful.”

74. “Your feet are so cold!”

75. “You come here often?” “Well I work here, so I’ll have to say yes.”

76. “You met me yesterday though?” “Yes, and I would die for you in one second. Next question.”

77. “I can’t stop smiling.”

78. “Did you see it?”

79. “Don’t leave me alone.”

80. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”

81. “You didn’t tell me your friend was cute! Now what am I gonna do?”

82. “How can you drink that stuff?”

83. “Stop apologizing for other people! You aren’t the shitty one!”

84. “I just wanna be swept off my feet. Is that so much to ask?”

85. “Oh, my ankle! It must be broken!” *wink wink*

86. “These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaing about your tie you whine ass.”

87. “I don’t want to ruin your party.”

88. “Could you just come get me?”

89. “Now I have to start counting all over again!”

90. “Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?”

91. “You are very endearing while you are half-asleep.”

92. “But I want to hear you sing!”

93. “No- Mom- don’t tell him I said that. Wait!”

94. “And you wonder why you are still single.”

95. “Somebodys cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.”

96. “She’s hot. But she’s evil.”

97. “Pinky promise!”

98. “I’d rather jump out that window. But thanks.”

99. “Hello, sunshine.”

100. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


Prompts based on things my best friend has said (changed a little bit for context)

1. Man, I hope this ice melts soon

2. Holy SHIT the Disney World parking lot is packed.

3. Those tree lights are burning my retinas

4. “These are fun to work with.” “Not to eat.” “No!”

5. “I mean, I could hit a kid with a car.”

6. “You up? I need to call you! It’s not bad it’s just kinda funny!”

7. “Wow I can’t imagine being that rich! How old are the kids, maybe I can date one!”

An Immortals Heart p2

This is kind of addicting to write lol

Summary - Peter is getting a little suspicious of the new girl, but why?

Y/n’s shoes squeaked down the hall of Midtown. Just a few days ago she had passed the test that was given to her. She finished with flying colors to be expected, by her at least. (She was over 100 years old after all, she had a lot of time to study things, her actual birth year being in 1890.)

She could feel the probing eyes on her as she adjusted her backpack straps on her shoulder.

You would think by now she would have less anxiety doing this.

She peered down at her schedule, her eyes landing in her first period.

American History

Oh, how the world held irony for her.

She led herself to the room number, the bell ringing just as she entered the room. Which is the exact opposite of what she was trying to do. She would never miss the prying eyes of teenagers when she was stood up in front of a classroom.

But she truly missed social interaction with people whose brains were developed the same amount as hers. Because no matter how many years she aged, she knew and felt how young she was inside.

“Hello! You must be Celeste!” She had read his name as Mr. Dell on her papers. She nodded with a smile, coming closer to shake his hand. “Class, this is Celeste, she’s coming from the UK.” There were a few waves and quiet hellos from the sea of teens. Y/n gave a wave as well. “You can sit back in that empty seat by Peter.” He emphasized the name when he noticed the boy wasn’t paying attention.

Peter looked up quickly, putting an arm over whatever he was writing. He nodded dismissively with a slight smile, looking right past the girl to Mr. Dell. This made her quirk an eyebrow, what a secretive boy. She brought her stuff to the back next to him and plopping down in the seat, a few heads following her movements.

Mostly those of boys.

She looked up to Dell as he began telling everyone what page to turn to. She soon heard some whispering from beside her. Something Y/n had become an expert on over the years was eavesdropping.

“Dude, did you even look at her?” A voice asked, then she heard a shove. She noticed Peter, the boy beside her, moved slightly. “Parker!” He whispered aggressively.

“Ned I’m kinda busy here.” He answered with a harsher grumble. She could see in her peripheral that he was gesturing to the page in front of him.

“Okay but seriously, just, just peek at her.” She could barely make out the words. Peter huffed and peered the girls’ way, immediately doing a double-take. Y/n attempted to hide her smile as he blinked profusely.

“O-Okay Ned, happy now?” He stuttered, going back to his paper.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Ned giggled, finally listening to Mr. Dell.

Y/n had figured that would be the last she saw of the boy that day. But it soon became apparent that that wasn’t true when she followed him to her next class, Science.

Another introduction ensued when she entered the room, only after an introduction from Mr. Harrington.

“Hi! I saw your results on the examination, I think you’d be a great addition to the academic decathlon team.” She shook his hand firmly.

“It’s certainly something I will think about.” He then went on to introduce her to the class. Placing her in an empty seat next to a boy named flash.

What a weird name…

He instantly opened his mouth as she sat down.

“Hello, gorgeous, how come I’ve never seen you around here before?” He flashed her a toothy smile and held a hand out to her.

“The answer is kind of obvious don’t you think?” She quirked a brow at him as his smile barely faltered.

“Is that a hint of a British accent I hear?” He titled his head, but she ignored the comment completely.

“I just moved here.” She shook his hand. “And here I thought this was a school for geniuses.” She released his hand and looked up to Mr. Harrington, hearing snickers around her.

“You’re a tough nut to crack, I’ll get there though.” He nodded to himself as Y/n rolled her eyes.

“Alright everyone, page 276.” Harrington set a textbook in front of her with a smile. She thanked him and turned to the page, squinting at the title as if it were a hallucination.

An introduction to aging and regeneration.

This kind of stuff was always happening to Y/n, but it completely befuddled her each time. She pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a dry laugh.

“What’s wrong princess, stressed already?” Flash whispered, leaning down to her height. She glared daggers at him, causing him to raise his hands in surrender and retreat to his height.

This was going to be a long year.


Peter had watched her for the past 2 weeks. Not in a weird way (or he convinced himself it wasn’t weird…). He was suspicious of her. He just didn’t know what to be suspicious of yet.

“Ned, I’m telling you, there’s something up with her.” He subtly prodded his spoon at her, she sat across the cafeteria with MJ in silence.

“Yeah, there is something up with her.” Peter gaped at him, surprised he was agreeing for the first time. “She’s extremely smokin’.” Peter gave him a dumbfounded look, rolling his eyes.

“Ned I’m serious, I can just feel it.

"Peter Tingle?”

“Ned oh my God!” He whined at the name for his spidey sense. Whether Ned wanted to believe him or not, he needed more info on her. If he was wrong, he needed to be provenwrong.

Pete sent a quick text to May that he would be home late as he entered the avengers compound.

“Hello, Peter.” Jarvis chimed as he walked through the front hall.

“Hi Jarvis, where’s Tony?”

“In the lab Mr. Parker.”

“Thanks!” He jogged to the lab, knocking lightly on the door. Tony held a tool in his mouth and another in his right hand. He used the remaining one to wave Peter in. He dropped the one from his mouth, turning to him.

“Hello boy, what are you doing here?” His eyes remained focused on the task at hand.

“Since Ned doesn’t believe me I wanted to talk to you about this girl at school.” A smirk made its way onto Tony’s face.

“A girl you say? Go on.” Peter ignored the way he was trying to imply things and told him what he told Ned.

“That’s the thing, I have no proof of anything. I don’t even know what I need proof of. There’s just something about her, I can feel it. Like it’s scratching in the back of my head.” His hands waved sporadically as he spoke, words flying from his mouth quickly.

“I’m sure there is something about her, is she pretty?” Tony glanced at him momentarily. His face turning a slight pink.

“That’s- That’s not what I meant. There’s something upwith her. I’m serious. Can’t you like, look her up or something?” Tony threw his head back with a groan at the request.

“I guess so.” He dropped his tools and drug the bit to his computer room, logging into some program Pete didn’t recognize. “What’s her name?”

“Celeste Dockery.” Tony’s hands typed quickly, information whizzing right past Peter’s eyes.

“Everything seems fine Pete. Born February 1st, 2002 in the UK. Sound about right?” He nodded, scanning the documents.

“Where’s her transcripts?” Peter tilted his head at the scene.


“Her school transcripts. They start freshman year. Where’s middle school and elementary?”

“Some people don’t have transcripts that far back, plus it’s the UK so it probably works differently there.” Tony shrugged, unconvinced.

“Okay fine, look up her mom then, Jaqueline Dockery. This program completely tracks addresses right? You would be able to see she moved to New York recently.” Peter insisted.

“Good lord kid, what do you think we are going to find?” He typed some more, coming up with lots of Jaquelines’. He filtered then to the UK. “Well, that’s weird.”


“Every Jaqueline Dockery here still holds residence in the UK and only the UK.” It looked like to Peter that he had convinced Tony. “Alright keep an eye on her I guess, don’t be a creep though.”

Peter nodded in approval. He would keep an eye on her.


Tag list! ( if you wanna be added just ask ;))


An Immortals Heart

Hey I’ve returned with a new fic for Peter Parker! I’m gonna try and make this a long one. But this is just part 1. This takes place right after Homecoming.

Summary - An Immortal reader decides to move to NYC and go to Midtown High for a change.

Word Count - 1.7k

One of my fave troped that I don’t see very often, an immortal falling for a mortal.

Ps - Shes an immortal that also had the powers similar to deadpool, so she’s literally undying.

Living with the knowledge that you will never die was hard.

It was much harder than Y/n would ever care to admit. She wasn’t one to complain very often, most knew that about her. Y/n just bottled up that pain of it until it burst in one of two ways.

One being snapping at whoever minorly inconvenienced her after a particularly hard day. The other being crying at the most minuscule trigger usually late at night in her bed.

Being immortal meant a lot of things. Things like ‘Don’t tell anyone, it will put you both in danger.’ Or 'You must switch identities once every 25 years.’ Or the one she most thought about 'You can’t have meaningful relationships, you’ll have to watch them die.’

It ate away at her like a hungry termite in a rotting house.

She had met tons of people in her lifetime, many of them so intriguing and unique. The ones she knew were completely one of a kind. That was kind of beautiful if you didn’t think about the crushing feeling that you won’t be with that person very long. Not long before you have to disappear. Not long until that person is among the sea of others you’ve abandoned.

With each move and name change, Y/n became more and more distant from people. She felt it made it easier on everyone, including her.

Which was a lie of course.

But right now was one of those times she absolutely had to have social interaction.

“16 you said?” The man across from her squinted suspiciously in her direction. “Most kids get fake IDs to get beer and stuff. What’s the point of getting one so young?” The truth was that the actual age that Y/n had finished aging was 17. But she hadn’t gone to high school in about 50 years and she kind of wanted to experience it again. There was a gifted school in the area too, she thought that it might do her some good.

“It’s complicated, and really none of your business don’t you think?” She tilted her head at the grizzly man, setting the money he asked for on the table. He shrugged and made the card for her, handing it to her with a smile.

“You have fun out there kid.” He shooed her from his apartment and the door slammed shut behind her. And so she would.

Each time Y/n had to move around and change things up, she came up with a new backstory. And a new name of course. She stared down at her new ID along with her new name.

*Celeste A Dockery*

The 'A’ being for Arabella. She had researched some European names and ran with it. So here was her backstory.

Celeste Arabella Dockery was born in the UK to her English mother Jaqueline Dockery and her American father James Dockery. It wasn’t until she was 9 that her father left them. This prompted her mother to make a big change and move them to the US, believing it was better for them. (They also had a better health plan for her here. She was very ill.)

This was much different from her actual story, but it was one she tried not to dwell on much.

Y/n had picked up lots of dialects. So it wasn’t going to be hard for her to have an American accent with a very small hint of British. Though to act as her mother on the phone, she would have a strong one.

She looked up the phone number for Midtown High and dialed it on her phone. A lady was quick to answer.

“Hi! This is Jenny from Midtown High speaking, how can I assist you.” Y/n smiled as she prepared her extreme, but frail, British accent.

“Hello, Darling! I’ve just moved here with my daughter and was researching good schools and this school came up at the top.” Y/n could hear a sigh at the other end.

“I’m sorry Ma'am but this is a gifted school, you can’t enroll just anyone.”

“So what, is there a test or something she needs to take so she can get enrolled?”

“W-Well there is a test yes but-”

“Great! When can she come in to take it?”

“Uh, I suppose I can set one up for tomorrow, does that work?” The receptionist sounded a bit flustered.

“That’s perfect, what time?”

“10 am?”

“Lovely, she will see you tomorrow.” And with that Y/n hung up the phone.

“Well, that was too easy.” She laughed as she walked up the street, in search of her new apartment.

See, a 16-year-old ID card wasn’t the only one she had. She also had a 19 year old one. She had two whole sets of new fake documents, that’s just what she had to do every 20 years. She had booked this place a few weeks ago from her old home in California.

She had come up with the 20-year plan a long while ago. After the incident, she decided that no one would ever believe she was over 35 to 40. So she had to choose between the ages of 15 to 20. It had gotten her in trouble a few times. This led to having an early change one of those times.

It was nothing new though, even before she was immortal people had mistaken her for a younger age. Now she tried to dress older and style herself to fit the age.

Though it would never stop long-time coworkers from asking how she stayed looking so young.

But she was proud to say she had only told one person that she was undying. That person being her mother after everything had happened to her and sunken in.

The year was 1910 and Y/n had been staring at her wall for at least 3 hours. It couldn’t be true right? It probably wasn’t. The notion wasn’t even in the realm of possibility. The so-called curse was just a silly myth her dad told her as a kid. Right?

Long ago in Athens Greece lived Y/n’s great great great grandfather Alexander. Around the world, Gods were well known, and heroes for the most part, such as Thor. This also meant the ones who weren’t heroes were worshipped and treated extravagantly by many.

Alexander didn’t live the best life, often drowning in poverty. But he didn’t mind that, as long as he had his love Zoe by his side. But Zoe had fallen ill, so he did what he did best, and he asked the goes for help. Zoe had always felt a pull to Athena, so he made sure to speak out to her the most.

Though Zoe just got sicker and sicker, no matter what he said to Athena. So one day he marched to the chapel in anger.

“I will not tolerate this disrespect!” He shouted into the nothingness. “I’ve been nothing but kind and well-meaning but you mean to take Zoe from me!” He stomped his foot harshly on the ground. A stunning silence fell over the room.

“Do you disrespect me?” He heard a piercing whisper through the room. But he was done and tired of the silence he held. For he had come here each day and asked for help and healing. Not only from Athena, but also from Asklepios, the God of healing.

“I do! My wife and I have done nothing but ask for help with no remorse! I even offered myself up to help heal her. She is the kindest soul I have ever come across and you will let her die!” His words spat like venom, this enraged Athena, she liked to be treated with respect.

“Some things are meant to be Alexander. I cannot change the fate you’ve been given, I can only assist in your fate.” She tried to remain calm with him, to give him another chance to choose respect.

“No! You will do as I ask! I’m a loyal servant and you haven’t come to my aid!” That was the last straw for Athena, she had given him another chance and he threw it in her face. She appeared in front of him, making him drop to his knees. A quiet plead fell from his lips.

“Since you’ve chosen to disrespect the gods, I think it’s time I make a deal with you, though it’s not one you will be able to refuse.” He nodded his head vigorously at the offer. “You can have your darling Zoe healed and healthy, but I will curse the next born woman in your family with immortality.” She held out her hand to him with a smile, which he grabbed graciously.

Her grip on his hand tightened as he took it. A white rope-like light wrapped around their hands. Alexander looked back up to Athena, noticing just how mischievous her smile looked now. He tried to pull his hand back but she wouldn’t release him.

After a few seconds she let go of him and shooed him off to see his wife. You could imagine his devastation when he entered his home to find Zoe had passed in her sleep. Athena had lied along with cursing his family.

Y/n had felt not that long ago that she had stopped aging. It was just a feeling she got. She was supposedly 20 but she felt17. She just knew somehow, I guess that was the point.

It would become apparent in later years that she had in fact, stopped aging. Her mother took it well, finally telling her once she reached 35 and hadn’t changed one bit.

Y/n walked into her apartment and flipped down on the bed softly.

“10 am tomorrow? A little early but alright.” She sat up and looked out her giant windows out to the city. This was the first change that she decided would be a fun and big one. Usually, she would move out to a country home with a small-town job and lay low until the next move. But she missed high school, and she had never lived in a big city before so why not? She decided this would be the next move about 9 years ago, and she began saving any and all extra money so she could afford it. Luckily she had a well-paying job back in California, one she would miss.

She kept herself occupied till nighttime by unpacking the rest of the house and making food. By the time she was done eating her extremely late dinner, it was 10:30 and she was exhausted. She layed down in her bed at 10:45 and was asleep within minutes.



sleepy sunsets

summary:picking up tom from the airport blurb

warnings: none I don’t think? tooth rotting fluff + bad writing


These evenings would forever and ever be your favourite. The sky was almost an unbroken sea of vibrant blue, only interrrupted by the occasional cotton wool cloud - the sun wasn’t long from starting its descent below the horizon, but for now the light held.

Motorway driving had to be one of your favourite past times- no one else seemed to understand but for you, it was relaxing, a mind melter almost therapeutic. When ever life got a bit much, your answer was to hop in the car for a drive. It’s why times like this happen. Your boyfriend had been away for a painfully long time and he was coming home today.

Of course, for a star like Tom, the novelty of flying had long since worn off. It was almost part of his commute, the trip through security, in the air, then in a taxi back home. He never asked you to come pick him up, he didn’t want to put you out by driving for 3 hours, especially when the taxis were covered by his studio.

Except you chose to. Whenever he was landing at a time you werent otherwise busy, he’d find you on floor 7 of car park B - somewhere near the lifts so he diddnt have to lug his suitcases far.

Keep reading

SCREAMS. I love this so so much. this is what i deffo need to dream about when i’m coming home in two days :’)

AHHH THANKU and I’m manifesting a Tom waiting for u !!!

3 broken hearts - part 3

part 1/part 2

idk if anyone is still here lol, but if u are here is the last part of 3 hearts. I found it super recently and thought for the sake of closure i’d post (whether or not it acc gives u that is another matter sorry lol)

i hope you are all well :)

summary: an argument between you and tom, except it takes him hurting someone else for you to loose it


Tom knew he fucked up. But unlike last time, at the airport, this felt so much worse. Last time, Y/n had just been angry; which obviously wasn’t nice, but wasn’t as sinister as this. When you had left in a sort of frenzy you looked.. well you looked broken. As soon as the door had slammed, in anger at himself, Tom had thrown his mug across the kitchen. Unsurprisingly it had smashed against the cupboard doors as well as splashing the remanent liquid across the kitchen. And then he was angry at himself, both for making a mess while acting like a tantruming child - as well as everything he’d done to you. 

By the time he’d cleared up the mess - in what was quite a calming process- he realised the real pressing issue. It had him running out the front door, standing in the rain in the storm, looking across the road to where he had seen your car - what must’ve been hours ago. To his horror, his heart dropped. Your car was gone, so you had driven in the state you had left in. 

That was really scary to Tom. Because he didn’t even know if you were safe, if you had made it home or if you were in some ditch somewhere. Jogging inside, he went straight to Harry’s room - asking him to drive over to yours. With a sigh, Harry hauled himself off his bed - able to tell from Tom’s face, and the raised voices he’d heard, that the conversation didn’t go great.

The whole way over, Tom was frantically scanning the roadsides, as if expecting to see your car upside down hidden in the bushes. Otherwise the jpurney was silent, Harry tried to ask what happened once and was told, in no uncertain terms, to fuck right off. It was impressive Tom hadn’t drawn blood, given the fact he was chewing on his bottom lip so hard. Before Harry had stopped the car, Tom was already reaching for the doorhandle but his brother stopped him. 

“Tom look, her car.” Sure enough in the parking lot to your apartment building, there was your car - safetly pulled up. So, at least you were alive. 

“I still need to-“

“You sure thats a good idea bro? If she left that upset then maybe-“

“Thanks for the lift.” Not giving Harry two seconds, Tom was already out the car, jogging toward the lobby. All his brother could do was sigh, feeling the need to text you, as a warning. 

‘toms on his way up. im sorry x’

Even if Tom thought you were completely maniac when you left - he underestimated your sensibility. Of course you hadnt driven home - instead phoning your bestmate Y/bf/n. Like a night in shining armour, without asking any questions she’d ubered to Toms adress and then driven your car home with you. 

Also being your best mate, she knew not to press. She knew you needed your space (ahem Tom take a hint) so although she was still in your flat - she left you to it in the bedroom. 

So when Tom, almost panting, knocked down your door to nearly break the wood - it was Y/bf/n who answered it. Her hand immediately flying to Tom’s chest, pushing him out the doorway, as she also stepped out. That way she could give him a piece of her mind without you hearing it. 

“You got some fucking nerve showin-“

“Is she okay?” He butted in, eyes frantically searching Y/bf/n’s. 

“How do you think she fucking is?”

“I thought she’d have crashed.”

“I drove because you’re right she is in no fucking state.” He gulped at that, this distant hope of you not being as bad as he thought crushed. Y/bf/n’s glare didn’t help Tom compose himself at all.

“I er, Y/bf/n I don’t know what to do.” She just sighed, exasperated at this boys stupidity. 

“Well what pissed her off?”

“I asked her why she doesn’t wont to move in with me.” Y/bf/n  quirked her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed at that. Because she knew that Tom knew more about your childhood than she did. You trusted your bestmate implicity, yet it was a past you didnt like to think back to. She knew you’d told Tom everything, and when she found that out she also knew he was your person. Shame your person was so very ignorant.

“But you know?” 

“I don’t know! I don’t know if its something to do with how messy I am, the way I sleep or-“

“For fuck sake Tom.” She didnt even exclaim, just pure exasperation coating her words. “Could you just - for a second- get your head out your own arse? It’s not about you.”

“But it’s about living with me?” Y/n pressed her thumb and index finger into her brows - actually wincing at Tom.

“It’s not about living with you… It’s living with anyone. It’s not having her safe space.” 

“But it would be saf-“

Rolling her eyes, Y/bf/n just gave up, she couldn’t be bothered to deal with him. For some unknown reason you had put up with this actual clot head for three years, and she knew he was supposed to be next to you forever. So fuck it, she just gestured for him to enter the flat with a defeated nod. 

Having had this curve ball thrown at him, Tom actually took measured and slow steps through your apartment. He knew the place like the back of his hand, having spent a fair amount of time here with you before. He remembered back 2 years ago, when he had helped you move in, after your first major release premiered. That first night, with nothing but a mattress on the floor - Tom had assumed you were planning to go back to his for the night. But no, instead you’’d got pizza delivered, and pulled out the essentials - a string of fairy lights and laptop for netflix. 

You’d spent the night with him in the otherwise empty flat, lit by the warm glowing lights, watching netflix on the floor. It had been magical. 

Tom just craved that experience again, but this time in your own shared place.  Now though, he was racking his (small) brain to decipher Y/bf/n meaning. And he’d realised that maybe he really hadn’t been listening to you all along. So, almost hesitantly, Tom stopped at your door, steeling his nerve. And then, gingerly, he knocked softly - ear pressed against the door. 

As expected, you ignored the sound on the door, figuring it Y/bf/n. That was until a voice echoed through the wood.

“Y/n, it’s- it’s me.” All the movement in your body, including the air in your lungs froze. He wasn’t supposed to be here. You had nowhere to run now. “I um…. I was worried. I shouldn’t of let you leave like that.” 

Again you didn’t respond. Just clawing your knees tighter to your chest as you cowered in the centre of your bed, sat up agaisnt the pillows. 

“I think I might’ve been ignoring you all this time. But I want to now… I’m ready to… I’m sorry I wasn’t before.” You heard a little thud, somehow knowing that was his forehead coming to rest on the otherside of the door. Silently, you used the cuff of the hoodie you were still wearing to wipe your face - hoping to remove the worst of your tears. Yes, your eyes were undoubtedly puffy and bloodshoot, but there was little that could be done about them. 

“I’d love to say I figured it out for myself but I have to admit Y/f/n might’ve helped…. she called me an idiot about twenty times too - which is fair.” Wetly you chuckled the slightest bit at that, still looking toward the closed door expectantly. “I’ve been taking all of this personally… as an insult I guess. And-and I dont think… well I’ve come to realise I’m being really immature by having that outlook. I…. I just- please can I come in?” 

It was infuriating because you were oh so mad at him. You were infuriated by everything and you were so incredibly hurt above all else. 

And that was your conundrum. Throughout your relationship, whenever you felt this betrayed or upset or hopeless - you’d crawl into his arms. Except this time, he was the cause of all that pain. So as much as instincts made you want to fling the door open and bury your head in his chest, you fought it with every bit of strength you had. 

“I can’t… I can’t see you right now.” Voice cracking, the illusion of authority you tried to convey simply was not there. 

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence, before he replied in the most heart-shatteringly defeated tone.

“Okay just… just know I’m going to be right here waiting.” And you knew he would. Just from the way he sounded, it was as though the adrenaline was dissapating for exhaustion. You didn’t have the energy to fight, nor did Tom have the energy to beg. Until you both had recovered somewhat, you knew he would be waiting. So you called out an ‘ I know’ at the still shut door, before wiggling back down on the bed- more than ready to be numbed by sleep. 

“And Y/n?…. I really really love you.” 

Suffice to say you couldn’t bring yourself to respond to his broken tone. No, all it did was bring on a fresh stream of tears. You hated that you loved him so undeniably. And even, you hated the fact that he loved you so much. Because it only made arguing that much harder. 


You woke up some hours later, having managed to cry yourself to sleep - which must be a new all time low. It was still dark, in fact it looked like the early hours of the morning. Your head was pounding, no doubt stress induced, and you pressed a fist to your eye socket in an attempt to alleviate the pressure. When that failed, you turned to dragging yourself out of bed - in search of a glass of water. 

Something about the fight made it feel as though you were physically ill. To keep the shivers at bay, you added some old joggers of Toms to the outfit you already had on - the jumper harry had given you yesterday. It was a bit shameful, deriving comfort from your ex-boyfriends clothes but… it was what you needed. 

Also was he your ex? Had you broken up? Were you on a break, in famous ross and rachel talk? It certainly didnt feel like you were ‘together’…. but the label was too much to think about this early in the morning. 

With a sigh you trailed across your bedroom, opening the door you’d been talking to hours earlier. Darkness swamped the hallway, and you had to blink your eyes a couple times in order to see through the blackness. 

You wouldn’t have noticed, with a bleary gaze and hazy eyes - if it weren’t for the noise on the floor just by the side of the doorway. Jumping in shock, you stared eyes widened at the floor.

“Oh sorry if I scared you I jus-“

“What the hell are you doing here?” Because why. Why was Tom still in your flat? Why was he sat with his back against the bedroom door staring blankly into the dark opposite? 

“I um…” He almost chuckled to himself, making you quirk your eyebrows together. “I said I’d wait here till you’re ready.” 

“But I-I didn’t think you meant literally…. what time is it anyway?” Everything about this was unbelievably bizarre. Still on the floor, Tom checked his watch and declared 3:45, before hopping to his feet. 

Now by no means were you on your high horse of looking good - no mirror was neccessary to know you looked like shit. But he didn’t look so great either. His hair was greasy, probably from running his hands through it too much. His eyes were puffy with lack of sleep, with dark bags hanging below them. He looked exactly how you felt. 

“If you want me to leave then-“ You cut him off, already starting to walk past him as your tried to get around the boys literal idocy. 

“I’m going to get a glass of water.” 

And like a lost little puppy, Tom just trailed behind you to the kitchen. 

While you were thinking. Who the hell deciedes its a good idea to camp outside someone elses room? Afterall, it is quater to 4 in the morning. If you had been more with it and noticed the weird presence , you might’ve thought he were a robber and put your self defence classes into effect. He was, in short, insane. 

In silence you grabbed a glass and filled it with water, before leaning on the island couter top - facing Tom. 

“So you just got real comfy in the hallway or?” 

“Well I was gonna go wait in my car or-or somewhere a bit less creepy but I wanted to make sure you were okay… and-and well I could hear you crying and I didn’t want to leave when that was happening so I was just gonna stay till you calmed down.”


“But then I guess you fell asleep because - no offence or anything- but you were snoring a bit.”

“I had just cried myself to sleep.” He pouted at you admission and nodded slightly.

“Yeh no I… sorry but yeh i just found it quite reassuring  hearing that you were peaceful and calm.”

“I was asleep.” Again, you deadpanned the response and again - Tom’s reaction was as though you had shot him or something. 

“Sorry it was weird and if you want me to leave you alone i’ll just….”

Again you didn’t answer his question of whether or not you wanted him gone because …. well honestly you didn’t know. So instead, you wordlessly leaned off the counter and walked to the sofa - collapsing heavily on it. Expectedly then, Tom followed, standing like a lemon at the foot of the sofa - clearly unsure on what to do. 

“You’re not gonna stop bugging me till we have this talk, so you may as well sit.” And he did, jerkily and hurriedly - so that it looked so very awkward indeed. It took a moment of staring him down expectantly before Tom launched into a little speech. After all, it still wasn’t you that needed to apologise. 

“Look love your er… your hallway was the perfect place to think. Think about everything thats been going wrong with us and-and especially Y/b/f/n’s ‘encouraging’ words.” He said that last part sarcastically and you couldn’t help but snigger just a little. Because if you knew your bestfriend you knew she would’ve given Tom hell for hurting you. “ Look, the reason I’ve been so desperate to take us to the next step is because I’m insecure. Insecure that I should’ve ‘settled down’ by now according to my dad. And-and well I’ve always been worried with the press and the paps that if things got too difficult we’d have to split. So I thought I’d taken it at your pace enough and I just got pissy.” 

That you had to agree with, he definitely had been acting like a 5 year old.

“I just always thought that you didn’t want to move in with me right? And looking back thats so incredibly fucking dim because you’d already told me why…. if I’m right that is. I know you told me about your mum leaving and then the situation with your dad… but I’d never realised how much it affected you now. I’ve always had such a supportive family so when you told me all that I was sympathetic but…. but I was also naive. If it still affects you then thats so normal and I should’ve noticed. So I’m so so sorry.” 

In response, you released the big breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. It really sounded like some divine intervention had got involved and slapped sense into him. Refreshing would be an understatement.

Except was it enough?

“Thankyou… I um, I appreciate that but…. but my parents.” You chewed you lip trying to conjure up the way to say this. “I-I thought you knew about what happened affects me, cos it does- everyday.”

“I didn-“

“No please Tom… this is my turn.” Shutting down his attempt to butt in, you picked your nails nervously - not expecting to be this confrontational. “You are the only person I’ve told everything to… and and I thought you had got it you know? I thought you got me… thats why I’m finding this so hard you know?”

Tom sighed, shifting uncomfortably on the opposite side of the sofa. All he wanted to do was give you a hug and try and ease your pain - except when he was the cause of it, that wasn’t going to work. 

“I honestly just don’t have an excuse - I just couldn’t even imagine…. and-and, well if i’m honest-“ He met your eyes, as if looking for consent - you nodded, even if a little scared of what he would say next. “ It was clear that you didn’t like to talk about it and so…well i never asked you more questions or at least, enough to understand properly right?” 

“So it’s my fault?” You really weren’t trying to jump to any conclusions, except he was making it very difficult to sound not stupid.

“ No! Nono not at all… but I was tiptoeing around because I didn’t want to upset you, which i guess made me only more thick and oblivious than normal.” Lightly laughing at the end, Tom then leant forward even more. “But I’m not making excuses I’m just here to apologise a hundred times over. I love you so much and I want to give you all the time in the world.” 

“Where do we go from here though?”

“We go…” He exhaled, shifting so his whole body was facing you, leaning forward and looking deeply in his eyes “…absolutely no where. We stay here or you here and me at mine. We watch all the series we’ve said we’ll get round to and never have. We order food every night unless you want to try that new recipe book you got. We eat ice cream and I beat you at chess. We do absolutely nothing and I do everything I can to try and help you forgive me.”

Who knows how long you sat there, immobile, locked in this fierce and intense eye contact with Tom as he waited - and silently pleaded for you to forgive him. 

“I’m still pissed. You acted like a toddler instead of just talking to me and then you ignored my issues. I’m not gonna forgive you like that.” Nodding, Tom still looked slightly disappointed at your harshness, slightly leaning away. 

“But I could really do with a hug right now. ” 

When I say the sappy grin that grew on his face was possibly the purest thing ever, I do indeed mean it. You literally watched as he got his sparkle back, as his eyes lit up and his whole body grew a few inches from its slightly slouched position. 

And then you held each other closer than ever before. Tom squeezing you tightly and pressing his face into your collarbone quite forcefully. And you… you did the same. 

Like it or not, you were it for him and vice versa. Having taken years for you to have your first argument, it probably wasn’t surprising it were so intense. 

Perhaps he wasn’t completely to blame too. Perhaps sometimes you have to realise he cant read your thoughts. Maybe sometimes you need to put in the effort to explain. 

You had to forgive him, even if it would take longer to forget… you’d get there. 

Because thats what this whole thing is, giving and taking and forcing each other to grow and better yourselves. Neither of you were perfect and nor would you ever be. But you’d get better for each other, with each other. 


probably my last tom holland thing, hyperfixation has switched well and truly to f1 - if there are any of u that’s be interested I’ve still kept writing just switched my obsession lol. sending all my love, t <3

tagging + people who asked to be(none of my taglist works cos its all so old so sorry!) : @sycamoregirl444@laehlaluvs @letsgotothemoonlight@runawayolives@wildxwidow@boiolay@tomhollandlol@hoony-parker@hiraethenthusiast@nocturnalms@harryhollandsgirlfriend@words-to-accomplish-something@allywthsr @alexander-hamilhoe @la-tua-vera-natura @lnmp89 @ynalouis@lukesrosetattoo@venomsvl@prancerrparkerr@hollandsmushroom@farfromharry@hollandlover19@dreamsarecloserwithyou@annathesillyfriend@ladykxxx08@lilacsandwhiske@crossyourpeter

✨Requests are open✨

Reminder of people I write for:

  • Chris Evans/Steve Rogers
  • Sebastian Stan/Bucky Barnes
  • Tom Holland/Peter Parker
  • Mcu Cast/ Avengers
  • Harry Styles

I know I usually do fics, but I’m totally down to do social media aus :))
